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Xbox One Price To Go Back Up - Last Chance for $350


Even with the good holiday season the X1 is likely still 500k or so behind in the US.

With the coming of the order and Bloodborne and the stacked 2015 lineup throughout the year I'm guessing the Ps4 sees 4-5 months with big spikes. And this time around Sony has major exclusives ready for the holiday season of 2015 like Uncharted and No Mans Sky and Persona 5.. Japan sales should be better this year and well pretty much everything will be better.

Then you have the E3 299 price point incoming or the drop to 299 before the Holidays. Not going to be the same story next year as this one.

PS4 will pretty much just run away with the whole thing in 2015 building a 20 million unit lead at the very least. Weird MS would make this move.

Nintendo needs to make the Wii U $199 or something soon

Neither Sony or M.S. is going to drop their prices to $299 next year, no need, 2015 Game lineup is looking insane.
Why is everybody so surprised? MS has a history of such temporary price cuts. See XBOX 360 holiday price cut in 2012. And they always went back to the original price point.

Yes, MS has been able to gain some significant momentum. And of course this momentum will be completely perished in the first months of 2015, at least. I am quite sure MS knows that, too. But I am also sure that MS` strategy people thought it would be a good idea anyhow.

I personally do not think so. And by that I do not mean going back to the old price tag. The temporary price cut itself was a bad idea, as they are usually pure venom to sustainable sales. As Bam Bam Baklava already explained all they accomplished so far was to pull future sales forward. (Clever) customers who value their money will now most likely just wait for either Halo 5 or the next price cut. And both may take quite a while...

With the coming of the order and Bloodborne and the stacked 2015 lineup throughout the year I'm guessing the Ps4 sees 4-5 months with big spikes.

I admire both games, but I don`t believe that either Bloodborne nor The Order will be able to move a significant number of systems.


What. Thought the price was permanent.

It did not sell well at the base price, it sold went the price got cut and now they are increasing the price? What.


Nah this price is going to stay one way or another. My guess is $349.99 for the base console with no pack-ins. That AC bundle will probably be $399.99 though.

I just need a $249.99 or $199.99 after selling whatever is packed in and I'm jumping in!
I'm not sure why you'd want to kill your momentum so abruptly.

If the XB1 goes back to $399 without any games (after the AC bundles run out), almost nobody is going to buy the system.

People will still want the PS4 more and people know the price was much cheaper and will just hold out.

Getting people to hold out isn't ideal.
If they wait even 3-5 months, that's less Live subscriptions and likely less games sold and less revenue from those games, too.

If someone buys a console during the spring and buys 7 games from then until the end of the year, they may only sell 4-5 games if the person waits until November to buy the system.

The crawl -> sprint -> crawl strategy is not ideal.


Microsoft may be prepping for an even larger price cut.

The holiday $50 price cut will expire, and the price of the console will go back up to $399. Then, at the Windows event at the end of January, Microsoft could make a permanent cut to the system to $299.

This would put an immense amount of pressure on Sony.

On Demand

How many arguments did I have with people that were SURE this would not happen. It's like people don't understand basic business or economics at all. Advertising something as temporary doesn't somehow magically create more sales, it just pulls future sales forward. There was zero business sense in faking a temp price cut.

I was actually thinking about that when i saw this thread. Haha. Didn't remember your name though. Only the beard. =0
Microsoft may be prepping for an even larger price cut.

The holiday $50 price cut will expire, and the price of the console will go back up to $399. Then, at the Windows event at the end of January, Microsoft could make a permanent cut to the system to $299.

This would put an immense amount of pressure on Sony.

I seriously doubt this is preparation to implement another, larger price cut.


Microsoft may be prepping for an even larger price cut.

The holiday $50 price cut will expire, and the price of the console will go back up to $399. Then, at the Windows event at the end of January, Microsoft could make a permanent cut to the system to $299.

This would put an immense amount of pressure on Sony.

Not Jan, more likely Feb - Mar after tax returns.


dat 7k win really counts even if it cost them an arm and a leg.

Just seems like any headway they made in Nov/Dec will be entirely nullified.

Because not only will early 2015 be bad sales-wise, but they'll be raising the price. Maybe it worked for them? They won November/possibly December, positive press, more mindshare?

Maybe that's all they wanted.


Microsoft may be prepping for an even larger price cut.

The holiday $50 price cut will expire, and the price of the console will go back up to $399. Then, at the Windows event at the end of January, Microsoft could make a permanent cut to the system to $299.

This would put an immense amount of pressure on Sony.
If they do something as silly as drop the price of their system that much by February, just imagine how cheap it will be next November
Have you heard of a concept called 'historical evidence'?

I know what happened in the past. Just isn't saying much for product if price parity with its main competitor is seen as such a tragic mistake. The explicitly said it was a limited time offer so why is this such a huge deal? We knew they were taking a bath with a loss-leader strategy that neither company wants to embrace this generation.


If they do something as silly as drop the price of their system that much by February, just imagine how cheap it will be next November

That's the point. I feel MS has kind of snapped, like Captain Ahab chasing the white whale that is the PS4.

They were smart enough to know they had to pull out the stops this holiday season with the fire sales. If they gave up that strategy next year it would be a clear signal that they threw in the towel and are unwilling to lose more money. I don't think that will be the case. They're all in like a gambler on tilt.


That's the point. I feel MS has kind of snapped, like Captain Ahab chasing the white whale that is the PS4.

They were smart enough to know they had to pull out the stops this holiday season with the fire sales. If they gave up that strategy next year it would be a clear signal that they threw in the towel and are unwilling to lose more money. I don't think that will be the case. They're all in like a gambler on tilt.
It still looks desperate, for two systems that are similar on paper (almost) the cheaper one just makes you wonder 'what's wrong with it'

If I was a stranger to forums/news ect and sat down with both systems, I would notice ps4 has truck loads of more games available to buy/rent
The indie game on ps4 is unreal, visually it's nice to see
That's the point. I feel MS has kind of snapped, like Captain Ahab chasing the white whale that is the PS4.

They were smart enough to know they had to pull out the stops this holiday season with the fire sales. If they gave up that strategy next year it would be a clear signal that they threw in the towel and are unwilling to lose more money. I don't think that will be the case. They're all in like a gambler on tilt.

I don't think they will go THAT far, but I think they are bringing the price back up so that they can do a price cut at E3 to $299/$399 (and euros) that will serve as their first official price cut for all territories.

I think they will need to do this because I think Sony will be cutting the PS4 price to $349/$449 either at E3, or Gamescom.

If they made this pricecut official, and then did another one at E3 to drop it $50, then it would just look really bad/desperate for them.
this strikes me as terribly boneheaded

I would imagine that they sort of have to do it now as they have been advertising $349 as a 'limited' deal all season, so if they just didn't raise it back up for at least a little while, then people would get upset over being duped, and they might could get sued for false advertising.

I'm no lawyer, but this is just my gut feeling on it.


Somewhat expected. I have also expected, and still do, a permanent price drop from the middle of february when Sony starts dropping exclusives.


Nah this price is going to stay one way or another. My guess is $349.99 for the base console with no pack-ins. That AC bundle will probably be $399.99 though.

I just need a $249.99 or $199.99 after selling whatever is packed in and I'm jumping in!

I already have a PS4 which hugely diminishes the value XB1 can offer. Would need to be $150 or so.


I had a pretty good chuckle today, when I realized Microsoft's holiday plans was basically the plot to a movie called, "The Core". The story is they had to jump start the earth's core by drilling to the center of earth and dropping a series of nuclear bombs at the earth's core.


It still looks desperate, for two systems that are similar on paper (almost) the cheaper one just makes you wonder 'what's wrong with it'

If I was a stranger to forums/news ect and sat down with both systems, I would notice ps4 has truck loads of more games available to buy/rent
The indie game on ps4 is unreal, visually it's nice to see

Well all of us on here are in the know behind the reasons of these price cuts, but I'm not sure the average joe cares all that much. They want CoD, they want Ass, they want cheap, and they want to play with their friends. A strategy like this would never hook many people in Germany or other countries in Europe, but in the US it works.

I don't think they will go THAT far, but I think they are bringing the price back up so that they can do a price cut at E3 to $299/$399 (and euros) that will serve as their first official price cut for all territories.

I think they will need to do this because I think Sony will be cutting the PS4 price to $349/$449 either at E3, or Gamescom.

If they made this pricecut official, and then did another one at E3 to drop it $50, then it would just look really bad/desperate for them.

It's in MS best interests to try and steal the thunder behind PS4's inevitable price cut next year, to keep themselves in the limelight.

I think Sony needs $329 if not $299, post E3. I feel a $50 cut won't make much waves anymore now that MS has set the stage with insane fire sales. And I think MS will try to jump the gun by going $299 sometime before E3.

Even if the public at large smells the desperation, they won't care. It's the same idea behind rock bottom TV prices and the willingness to accept at-par quality.


What I gather from this topic is people don't think Microsoft can really compete on even footing? Not seeing much confidence in the product.
To be blunt, of course it can't. For the general purchaser with no interest in media or exclusives the PS4 is perceived as being "better" at playing games due to the general perception built up due to the specification advantage it has. In general people don't pay the same for a weaker product. Therefore the XB1 has to be cheaper than the PS4 unless MS can generate enough belief it has other advantages that outweigh the straight power difference.

Obviously those who prefer Xbox exclusives or are interested in the media side will see more value in XB1 but as has been proven at retail that demographic represents a minority next to the majority picking up what they believe is the more game friendly console.

Hence to match PS4 or exceed it MS had to provide lower price point which they did November/December.

Now they may have generated enough momentum in US to allow them to be closer in price (although I still doubt they haveyself) but globally it's obvious they need their device to be cheaper option.

It's not lack of confidence it's simply a - no doubt unwelcome for MS - market reality.


I don't see why some of you are surprised by this news, Microsoft said from the start that it was temporary.

They'll still have the two game bundles available and I wouldn't be surprised to see the $50 savings get swapped by a free game at some point. Next price drop will probably be when the cheaper chipset revision is being produced, my guess is e3.


I don't see why some of you are surprised by this news, Microsoft said from the start that it was temporary.

They'll still have the two game bundles available and I wouldn't be surprised to see the $50 savings get swapped by a free game at some point. Next price drop will probably be when the cheaper chipset revision is being produced, my guess is e3.

Exactly, but I doubt Either Sony or M.S. Will get there hands on 20nm APUs until late next year, maybe early 2016.



Exactly, but I doubt Either Sony or M.S. Will get there hands on 20nm APUs until late next year, maybe early 2016.


Microsoft chipset revision info got out a while back, its supposed to be ready in 2015. I don't remember if it mentioned when in 2015 though.
Microsoft chipset revision info got out a while back, its supposed to be ready in 2015. I don't remember if it mentioned when in 2015 though.

Do you how this transition works? Like when they move to the new 20nm APU , will AMD use the first batch then their biggest client and so on?


I just can't see them sticking to a flat $400. Sales are going to plummet incredibly hard. If they do indeed raise it back up in price I see them waiting a month or two and then dropping the price of the system back down to $350, and then offering another bundle with a game or two at $400.
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