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Xbox One Price To Go Back Up - Last Chance for $350

This shit can't be real. It's fucking underhanded. Wow. You know what, fuck you Microsoft. The anti consumerism just won't stop will it? Funnily enough I almost bought one....again....lol


The One and Done™;145278487 said:
This shit can't be real. It's fucking underhanded. Wow. You know what, fuck you Microsoft. The anti consumerism just won't stop will it? Funnily enough I almost bought one....again....lol

Oh god. Talk about overreacting here. FFS.


It seems like it could just be the Ass Creed bundle going back up to 399. After checking the link again, that's what it seems like. They'll probably keep the base model at 350. Wouldn't make sense otherwise, but hey, what do I know..


They will absolutely not drop the price to $299 in the next year. They're not failing, they're just in second place. The $349 was an extremely aggressive temporary fire sale. $299 would be insane.


The One and Done™;145278487 said:
This shit can't be real. It's fucking underhanded. Wow. You know what, fuck you Microsoft. The anti consumerism just won't stop will it? Funnily enough I almost bought one....again....lol

MS tells people Xbox One on limited time sale, reportedly losing money, and sends a reminder of the original statement about the limited time sale. MS is evil?

Must be a joke post.
The One and Done™;145278487 said:
This shit can't be real. It's fucking underhanded. Wow. You know what, fuck you Microsoft. The anti consumerism just won't stop will it? Funnily enough I almost bought one....again....lol

Underhanded? The company is literally giving you a heads up that the always said to be temporary price is going back up. What the hell is underhanded about that?


Seems absurd to me, 349$ without games was what was reasonable to expect and of course they know that at 399$ they'll be beaten handily so I'm no so sure what's their plan.
Maybe these deals have indeed costed a LOT to them to make and it was an emergency measure not to give up the race even in their main market.
But imo even if this is true and in January price goes back up (and I'm still not totally buying it until I see it, I wouldn't be surprised if this was a marketing stunt to make people ''cry'' and rush to buy it now just to announce later that based on huge request and feedback they're keeping the price lower.....it has happened before in different markets with other products) it won't last long, price will be lowered permanently as soon as they reduce their manufacturing costs, E3 at the latest.
i think the bundles will go up to $399 and the stand-alone system will be $349. they can't be too candid about it. the timed discount will get more sales in the short term


MS is gonna MS not surprising honestly. I picked one up for 350 with games and it was a good deal but surely people didn't expect them to keep taking a loss on every box sold forever right? And OT I think it's a mistake to raise the price.


I'm thinking MS will continue the ACU bundle for at least one month in 2015, then they'll replace it with Evolve bundle come February.
They're actually bumping the price back up? Like, for realz?


why are people surprised and angry?

seriously, you people thought it was gonna be 330-350 forever?

Some of us were thinking they'd still keep it at $350 but remove the games, gift cards and free XBL. Which would still get them wrecked, tbh.

Really curious about December NPD. I think both systems sold much closer to each other in December.

The One and Done™;145278487 said:
This shit can't be real. It's fucking underhanded. Wow. You know what, fuck you Microsoft. The anti consumerism just won't stop will it? Funnily enough I almost bought one....again....lol
I'm surprised to hear this coming from you xD


They've had a lot more success bundling single player games, so including Evolve would be a step back. Bundling games like Quantum Break and Tomb Raider 2 makes a lot more sense for many reasons.
Please people mark my words, I sold Surfaces and stuff in the past> This is all marketing bullshit. Yes the price will go back up.. but for maximum 1 month
Wow, I thought for sure they'd keep the system at $350 and just take out the bundled games.

Hopefully they'll do some more bundles in the spring, it's hard to imagine to them keeping it at $400 in March with The Order and Bloodborne coming out (not that The Order is going to move systems, but it looks amazing visually).
Unless MS is lying to their retailers partners, then no, the price will be back to normal starting Jan 4th.

Did I miss something about retail comments?

I mean, the Xbox Wire post clearly states is the AC bundle... I mean, it doesnt necessarily sound like will but they could easily be being specific because they something else planned

Edit: Saw The Shoguns post, well, perhaps they will go back up for a bit, either that or they're packing in at $399. They cant leave vanilla at $399, that would be stupid.
They've had a lot more success bundling single player games, so including Evolve would be a step back. Bundling games like Quantum Break and Tomb Raider 2 makes a lot more sense for many reasons.

Games need to be 'ready' (to an extent) for them to bundle it.

There's no new game within the next 3 months time-frame that MS could bundle without it feeling like it's an undervalued bundle except Evolve.

Witcher 3's delayed till June.


Did I miss something about retail comments?

I mean, the Xbox Wire post clearly states is the AC bundle... I mean, it doesnt necessarily sound like will but they could easily be being specific because they something else planned
I've certainly been wrong before. I guess we'll know for sure come January.

We have this
Will even the bare bones X1 be 399?
From everything I have seen internally yes. Now who knows MS can offer new deals / bundles at any time but this will be the pricing across all Xbone consoles as far as has been communicated in the retail chanel
The only thing that's actually making me want to get an Xbone before the price hike is the fact that BB and the Microsoft Store are offering $50 giftcards with the purchase.
Why is everybody so surprised? MS has a history of such temporary price cuts. See XBOX 360 holiday price cut in 2012. And they always went back to the original price point.

Yes, MS has been able to gain some significant momentum. And of course this momentum will be completely perished in the first months of 2015, at least. I am quite sure MS knows that, too. But I am also sure that MS` strategy people thought it would be a good idea anyhow.

I personally do not think so. And by that I do not mean going back to the old price tag. The temporary price cut itself was a bad idea, as they are usually pure venom to sustainable sales. As Bam Bam Baklava already explained all they accomplished so far was to pull future sales forward. (Clever) customers who value their money will now most likely just wait for either Halo 5 or the next price cut. And both may take quite a while...

I admire both games, but I don`t believe that either Bloodborne nor The Order will be able to move a significant number of systems.
It's really weird once you put it that way. MS is truly banking on those holiday months; short, explosive bursts of energy, but like you say it's an odd strategy and not something that's been done before cyclically. The only reason MS can manage it is b/c they have the money to take the punches in the Jan-Oct months, but that's still a large chunk of the year to get your ass handed to you.

And, like someone else said, they are going to see an even bigger drop than what happened early on this year, since people are going to expect the same strategy next fall. MS's only way of hoping this is sustainable is if they sell by the truckloads and outpace Sony by like 2 million + each holiday season, which won't ever happen, and they can't even count on next holidays being like this one b/c the software lineup (and the price, I'm hoping) on PS4's side is going to be much, much stronger.

I think it's a strategy that kind of underestimates Sony tbh, they're going to very likely pay for it eventually. But between that and other strategies, it's maybe their best one.

From everything I have seen internally yes. Now who knows MS can offer new deals / bundles at any time but this will be the pricing across all Xbone consoles as far as has been communicated in the retail chanel
GG, MS. Holy crap.
j/k, but hell of a risky strategy
Saw The Shoguns post, well, perhaps they will go back up for a bit, either that or they're packing in at $399. They cant leave vanilla at $399, that would be stupid.

Eh, chances are we'll see MS bring back their never-ending supply of Forza bundles either in February or a slightly later date of January.
Things will go back to normal for January and February , then March I predict we'll see a master chief collection bundle priced at 399.99$ with a permanent 349.99$ price tag for the "core" system that has no games or kinect.

At E3 I wouldn't be surprised by further permanent cuts - core system will go down to 329.99$ , bundle packs down to 349.99$ and DELUXE xbox ones with kinect will go down to 429.99 , stand alone kinect will go down to 129.99 (but come with 3 free games).

Potentially as early as september I can see the xbox one slim launching for 399.99$ , it will come in a couple shapes and sizes - 399.99$ will get you a digital copy of halo 5 with a 1TB hard drive OR come november a digital copy of Rise of the Tomb Raider with a 1TB hard drive. Any new console purchased from september 1st until december 31st will also include 3 months of xbox live gold with the option to upgrade to 12 months at 50% off. Other bundles might well include the 2015 assassins creed and call of duty games.

Any remaining standard size xbox ones will just get more free stuff next christmas but no further price cuts. This year the standard launch model came with forza 5 and titanfall depending on when you bought it , next year I can see it coming with both forza 5 and horizon 2 as well as kinect adventures 3 but it will still cost 429.99$.

Either way, while I believe there's a chance the price promotion ending this friday could result in it simply being a permanent price drop I don't think that will happen. The promotion did it's job, MS won november and december by a wide enough margin that XB1 and PS4 are about neck and neck in north america again , this means word of mouth on the xb1 will increase as more people own one and it could translate into a softer hit on sales in the next quarter even with the price going back up to 400$. The software promotion is where things really get screwy.
December is still a toss-up tho. PS4 had much better deals in Dec. Plus it's still sitting higher than XBO on Amazon's Best of 2014 chart, by quite a few spots. The gap's probably sub 100k between them in December.


Neither Sony or M.S. is going to drop their prices to $299 next year, no need, 2015 Game lineup is looking insane.
The PS2 dropped to $299 at the end of year 2. That's why it became "the" PS2 on top of having a great library and the hype rolling. The PS4 is likely to have a similar drop, or at the very least a $50 drop before summer. Not only was it built with rapid cost cutting in mind (cf Mark Cerny), but the $399 buyer market will be mostly tapped out by end of 2015. The mass market begins at $299 and both makers know it.
This has been one of the more entertaining threads in a while. At various times posters have said:

-MS is anti-consumer for offering a temporary price cut on their product
-MS will raise the price for a about a week or maybe even just one day, just so they could "say they did it" and drop it back down
-Bloodborne isn't a system seller
-Everyone who wants to play Bloodborne or The Order surely already owns a PS4 (reminds me of "everybody already owns Minecraft" posts we had for about, oh, the last three years)
-Both consoles could drop to $299 as early as E3 this year
-Sony should drop their price even though the PS4 is in the sales lead and demand hasn't significantly slowed yet
-MS is basically just giving up. Might as well sell your XB1now folks...

Love it. The only speculation here that's been anywhere close to reasonable is the guess about the a bare bones SKU staying at $350 while a one-game bundle goes back to $400.


MS tells people Xbox One on limited time sale, reportedly losing money, and sends a reminder of the original statement about the limited time sale. MS is evil?

Must be a joke post.
Most likely one, his username was changed to that for a reason :p
Talk me into buying one...

I can't, you will have to see it and play for yourself. *Brings you over to my house to play*

That's what I was just thinking. And even with a game bundle, the cost savings will still be $10 (+$50 for game which normally cost $60) I'm sure there will be some gift card deals as well, MS had always aggressively partnered with retail on those deals during the 360 days.

Yeah, that's what it looks like to me.

I don't see people who waited for it to drop to 350 to then recommend it to others at 400.

See first above post. All it takes is the experience. To a lot, $50 is hardly a deal breaker if they really like and want something. I mean, people were willing to buy 4-10 Xbox 360 when they RRoD. I think the mindshare works.


I think it's also not particularly bright for MS to do this because they keep forgetting Sony hasn't even dropped their price once yet. MS got this boost, what do you think PS4 is going to get when it does this shit with packed in games? Yeaaah.

This. People won't fall for the same thing twice.

Consumers will say, "Hey, didn't we see this at $350 before?", etc. The effect from it won't be as big because people have already experienced the console at $350 back in November & December. They would have to lower the console to $300 the next time at this point.

If Sony does a price cut within PS4 (especially if they lower it to $300), it'll be a lot bigger in consumer's minds, because Sony has yet to lower the price of the console.


This. People won't fall for the same thing twice. People will say, "Hey, didn't we see this at $350 before?", etc. The effect from it won't be as big because people have already experienced the console at $350 back in November & December. They would have to lower it to $300 at this point.

If Sony does a price cut within PS4 (especially if they lower it to $300), it'll be a lot bigger in consumer's minds, because Sony has yet to lower the price of the console.

Sony is in no hurry whatsoever to cut the Price of the PS4.
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