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Xbox One supports Suspend/Resume at launch, PS4 doesn't

Mikey Jr.

Definitely a notch for Xbox in that regard. Still won't change my preorder though. For me, its not about what the console can do day 1, but what it will be year 1. Ps4 will have suspend functionality I'm sure soon. But more importantly, it has the games that I want to play.
PS4 isn't portable. There's no reason for it to have low power suspend. With the power of these consoles and the fact that games run off HDDs now makes the point moot.

Sure there is. Why wouldn't you prefer your system taking 2 seconds to wake up and resume your game exactly where you left off instead of waiting for the system to cold boot, loading the game and then loading the save, something that would take several minutes?

Because suspend and resume is almost instant where switching off game --> console then booting console and going into game watching all logos, loading level will take you a lot more.

Think something like PSP or Vita where you just hit button and you are back in game

It's also the difference between needing to find a save/check point before quitting a game or being able to leave off at any random point without the risk of losing progress.

It's unfortunate the feature is missing the PS4's launch. I think sleep/resume with game suspension is one of the biggest and most under-rated features of next gen. Once we have it people will wonder how we ever lived without such an obvious convenience.


PS4, Day One

You can :
1. suspend games in the background and multitask, while the console is active.
2. put the console in low-power mode.

You cannot:
1. put the console in low-power mode while a game is active without closing the game first.
2. resume immediately to game from low-power mode.



Well that one thread was the worst backfire I've seen all week... ANYHOO

this was fully expected; hitting the Black Friday/holiday shopping season or missing it to polish up the OS? That choice was made the moment they decided to release in 2013. I don't envy the programmers one bit.


I hope Sony can get this, chat via Bluetooth, and the HDCP removal in before 2014.

Of the three, this is the one that should have priority.

I'm actually not a fan of bluetooth headsets being on the network, but they need to get their first party ones up and running pronto.

HDCP isn't something that matters to me directly, but I would like all of the youtubers to be able to upload videos.

Dead Man

It's an incredible feature for people with busy lives like me. I like to dip in and out of games as I please, and as I get free time throughout a day. I don't want to have to save my game every time and then sit through load screens, boot-ups and splash screens each time too - even if they are reduced as in the case of KZSF. Nor do I want to leave my console turned fully on all throughout the day. I just want to instantly get back to exactly where I was before.

The suspend/resume feature is one of the absolute highlights of next-gen consoles for me, as it suits my lifestyle perfectly. I'll actually start to enjoy more bigger and deeper games again as a result, rather than always swaying towards the smaller XBLA/PSN stuff that's easier to jump in and out of.

It saves you a couple cents a week in power. That is the only difference between it and a pause button. The task switching is much more interesting and is there. I'm just not seeing the incredible nature of sleep for a home based device, sorry.


Junior Member
Of the three, this is the one that should have priority.

I'm actually not a fan of bluetooth headsets being on the network, but they need to get their first party ones up and running pronto.

HDCP isn't something that matters to me directly, but I would like all of the youtubers to be able to upload videos.

I mean, there are ways around the HDCP, but it's just costly and would make my setup look ugly. In addition to getting a new capture card (HD PVR doesn't support HDMI), I'd have to spend ~$40 on a splitter and extra HDMI cable.


MS's suspend and resume is just multitasking. I can't find it anywhere that the X1 can be shut off/standby and resume game.

So what you're saying then is that this entire thread is bullshit and that the PS4 can do precisely what the Xbone can do at launch.

...and will be able to do more later.


There is hibernation, what you do is pause the game and then turn off your tv. Come back later and turn the TV on! Such future! Omg!

But seriously, hibernation is probably the smallest feature being added.


Is it concerning for anyone else that we are only finding this out 3 weeks before launch?

no because this sort of stuff happens at every launch known to man.

Features are promised. Then, as we get closer to launch, we find out they are promised, but they won't necessarily be there at launch. Issues start to arise because people start to get hands on with actual hardware and software. People start to take the measure of what these systems can actually do versus all the pie-in-the-sky PR bullshit, and it always falls short.

It's just launch systems suck ass :/


I think a new thread is in order. And someone should reach out to Pennello for system standby/resume vs. basically this gen's version of ingame XMB.


I really dont understand why this is a big deal. It takes less than 30 seconds for a PS3/360 to boot up and another seconds to get into a game. Once the game is booted you can switch between Games and apps just like the Vita.

This and the crying over instant switching of games that xbox one defenders did just after the reversal make me wonder What level of OCD do you need to have for these things to be an issue?


It's a big issue imo. Just about all devices nowadays have suspend. That should be a standard feature. Imagine having to wait on your iPad/tablet to boot each time you wanted to use it.

Have you used the Vita's suspend feature? The system instantly comes on. No booting necessary. Additionally, you can get back into your last game in about two seconds. If the PS4 can't do this, I will be very disappointed.
Because suspend and resume is almost instant where switching off game --> console then booting console and going into game watching all logos, loading level will take you a lot more.

Think something like PSP or Vita where you just hit button and you are back in game

I have a vita.

This still doesnt bother me. I do not envision a scenario where I would put my console into suspend mode rather than simply pausing it. If im finished playing or im going out, im going to turn it off completely.

Honestly, the main reason I put my vita on suspend mode is to save the OLED from burn in. Second is to save battery life.

And as ive said, its not like its something you are not getting, its something you are not getting right now. Its less of a issue than the tears shed over instant switching that Xbox one owners will now never get and even that was needless belly aching.


no because this sort of stuff happens at every launch known to man.

Features are promised. Then, as we get closer to launch, we find out they are promised, but they won't necessarily be there at launch. Issues start to arise because people start to get hands on with actual hardware and software. People start to take the measure of what these systems can actually do versus all the pie-in-the-sky PR bullshit, and it always falls short.

It's just launch systems suck ass :/

You are probably right. I just saw all the concern with other delayed features (external hdd on XB1), and I am just hoping that Sony isn't waiting until the last minute to air their dirty laundry. Because at the moment, it seems like the best time to do so since there is almost nothing they could say that would make most people cancel their preorders. Their supporters are locked in and are in defence mode.
I don't know how I'll caryy on living my life. Xbox One wins the hearts and minds of gamers. pack it up, Soñy. The game is over.

Seriously though, patch it.


Standby will eliminate the boot up?

EDIT: what is the difference between standby and suspend?

Suspend means it saves everything into the RAM, so let's say you are in the middle of 'Level 5' in Killzone and suddenly you have to go, you can choose the 'suspend' option.
Console goes in a low-power mode.

When you come back and start the console, you immediately get back to where you was. So you'll return to 'Level 5' in the exact same place where you left it.

Better said: it's like hitting the pause button. (Except now, the console goes in an extremely low-power mode).
I really don't think this is a big deal at all. It was clear that both companies were trying to rush to make a holiday launch this year. Some things were going to have to wait until after the consoles are already out, hopefully this gets patched in quickly.
It's a big issue imo. Just about all devices nowadays have suspend. That should be a standard feature. Imagine having to wait on your iPad/tablet to boot each time you wanted to use it.

Have you used the Vita's suspend feature? The system instantly comes on. No booting necessary. Additionally, you can get back into your last game in about two seconds. If the PS4 can't do this, I will be very disappointed.

PS4 has suspend mode on day one.

What it lacks is the current PSP/Vita implementation, where you can put the console to suspend while playing a game, and resuming at any time.


I kind of get what the OP means about old Sony.. They do tend to announce features very early that often either turn up really late, or suddenly where just a 'vision' of where they wanted to go..

But still, it's not remotely pre-order cancel worthy.. suspend/resume is cool 'n' all , but we've managed this long without it..
So Old Sony is back because there is fear remote play might not work.

Or.. old sony never left, and is basically just the Obama. They talk the talk but can't walk the walk.

I don't care either way. I don't believe in companies having the best interests in the hearts of gamers.

ROFL. I was skimming through the pages, DID NOT expect this.... XD
Wow MS actually has something that will work on its console at launch or is this just a Gold feature???

I am disappointed that this isnt available on the PS4 at launch, but it is no biggy. I plan to be enjoying and using my PS4 for 6+ years. it will come soon enough when it is ready.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
I imagine such a feature is tricky to get running perfectly so it's not surprising. Based on the way Sony talked about it so long I'm guessing it was running fine but some new wrinkle popped up recently and they want to make sure it runs smoothly before rolling it out.

In the end it's a luxury not a necessity so I don't get why this is a big deal.


It says you can suspend the gameplay, which basically sounds like a pause button.

For instance, Ben Kilgore, corporate vice president of Microsoft's Interactive Entertainment Business said, a player could stop gaming for the day, and then come back the next day and say "Xbox on," and the console would "bring you right back to where you were in the game."

Everything that has been stated about it seems to have been stated months ago; A recent update about the feature (after the recent news) would be nice though.
It's going to be a bumpy road for the next couple of months while both these systems bed in.

I don't see the point in getting all bent out of shape about some rather minor feature that's going to be fixed sooner or later.
For instance, Ben Kilgore, corporate vice president of Microsoft's Interactive Entertainment Business said, a player could stop gaming for the day, and then come back the next day and say "Xbox on," and the console would "bring you right back to where you were in the game."

Everything that has been stated about it seems to have been stated months ago; A recent update about the feature (after the recent news) would be nice though.

Exactly. Why would MS advertise the feature if it was really just "pause"? You've been able to do that since the original NES. They've described what you can do already, so unless they've made an announcement about the feature being delayed/changed like Sony did then I'm not sure why people are thinking that the Xbox wont have it
Sure there is. Why wouldn't you prefer your system taking 2 seconds to wake up and resume your game exactly where you left off instead of waiting for the system to cold boot, loading the game and then loading the save, something that would take several minutes?

This is ridiculous. The whole process takes less than a minute. Even less if you put the disk in the drive while the console is in stand by.
This is concerning to me because it seems like a feature that would have a significant hardware aspect for it to work reliably. The fact that it's not there makes me wonder whether it's more of a hardware problem then failure to program this feature into the OS (not an overall "this hardware is faulty" problem, just not built to support this feature). I'm no console engineer so I don't know this by any means, it's just seems concerning to me. It's a bummer for sure, I was really looking forward to this feature.

Anyhow, I hope this ends up working because it really sounded convenient.


Yeah it's something that bugs me too. I really like that with vita I can suspend and pick up wherever without having to wait for booting up the system, loading the game, loading the save, etc etc. I like it just instantly being where I left off.

I REALLY hope it does not take them long to patch it in. Especially since it was something that they really talked about as what seemed like a core feature of the experience. (Even showing in that remote play video where the girl just picks up from knack at school and it resumes from the same spot she paused on earlier).
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