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Xbox Project Scorpio Announced - 6TFlops, 320GB/s - Fall 2017

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Halo 1 5.5M
Halo 2 8M
Halo 3 12.1M
Halo 4 9.75M
Halo 5 5M

He's actually not wrong tbh and that doesn't include the spin offs and remasters. Halo reached its peak with Bungie and 343i is killing the franchise.

Halo 5 had the record of fastest selling Halo game and then word of mouth on how shit it was killed the rest of the sales imo.
Exactly a good halo game would sell but halo 5 isn't that. If they keep it up I wouldn't be surprised if halo 6 sells less than 5.

It's a shame because I love the halo franchise but I don't like what 343 has done with it.
Oh wow you guys just try and win arguements by repeating the same thing over and over... It's in serious decline. It's clearly dying. It's list over 6 Million fans. Are you guys insane?

The data is there haha. Your favourite franchise will die after Halo 6 only sells 3M. Accept this fact of life and move on lol. Hey at least Destiny is bigger and Better and had over 30 |OT|'s to post in 😀.

Exactly a good halo game would sell but halo 5 isn't that. If they keep it up I wouldn't be surprised if halo 6 sells less than 5.

It's a shame because I love the halo franchise but I don't like what 343 has done with it.
Exactly. It's a shame and MS should have done something to stop it. I've just accepted its fate at this point though and moved on.
Oh wow you guys just try and win arguements by repeating the same thing over and over... It's in serious decline. It's clearly dying. It's list over 6 Million fans. Are you guys insane?

The data is there haha. Your favourite franchise will die after Halo 6 only sells 3M. Accept this fact of life and move on lol. Hey at least Destiny is bigger and Better and had over 30 |OT|'s to post in 😀.

I mean, your own 'proof' is directly contradictory to your actual position. Surely you can see why we're looking at you a little sideways right? Or are you similarly incapacitated?

Exactly. It's a shame and MS should have done something to stop it. I've just accepted its fate at this point though and moved on.

'Bye Felicia'


Oh wow you guys just try and win arguements by repeating the same thing over and over... It's in serious decline. It's clearly dying. It's list over 6 Million fans. Are you guys insane?

The data is there haha. Your favourite franchise will die after Halo 6 only sells 3M. Accept this fact of life and move on lol. Hey at least Destiny is bigger and Better and had over 30 |OT|'s to post in ��.

Exactly. It's a shame and MS should have done something to stop it. I've just accepted its fate at this point though and moved on.

Thats is not the discussion. The discussion was "nobody gives a fuck about Halo anymore'
Oh wow you guys just try and win arguements by repeating the same thing over and over... It's in serious decline. It's clearly dying. It's list over 6 Million fans. Are you guys insane?

The data is there haha. Your favourite franchise will die after Halo 6 only sells 3M. Accept this fact of life and move on lol. Hey at least Destiny is bigger and Better and had over 30 |OT|'s to post in 😀.

Exactly. It's a shame and MS should have done something to stop it. I've just accepted its fate at this point though and moved on.

Where did you park the Tardis? Mind if I take it for a spin? I need to pick up some Non-pasturized Triceratops milk.


Oh wow you guys just try and win arguements by repeating the same thing over and over... It's in serious decline. It's clearly dying. It's list over 6 Million fans. Are you guys insane?

The data is there haha. Your favourite franchise will die after Halo 6 only sells 3M. Accept this fact of life and move on lol. Hey at least Destiny is bigger and Better and had over 30 |OT|'s to post in 😀.

Halo isn't even close to being my favourite franchise. Hell, my favourite IPs are exactly the kind of series' that if someone said "nobody gives a shit about them", despite that being obvious hyperbole, I could pretty must see their point (Virtua Fighter, Quake, WipEout, etc). A series being in decline isn't the same as nobody giving a shit about it, and 5m in ~3 months is a bar most single platform IP can only dream of. If Halo 6 declined to 3m... it'd still be above Bloodborne, that was used in the article as a game people do give a shit about.


Oh wow you guys just try and win arguements by repeating the same thing over and over... It's in serious decline. It's clearly dying. It's list over 6 Million fans. Are you guys insane?

The data is there haha. Your favourite franchise will die after Halo 6 only sells 3M. Accept this fact of life and move on lol. Hey at least Destiny is bigger and Better and had over 30 |OT|'s to post in ��.

Exactly. It's a shame and MS should have done something to stop it. I've just accepted its fate at this point though and moved on.

It makes zero sense from a business perspective to drop an IP when just from 6 months of microtransactions, Halo 5 produced more money than all previous Halo game's DLC combined. In addition, the player base is still relatively consistent with the free DLC model.



Halo Aint shit anymore

According to the numbers of course

I don’t see how that proves Halo is relevant. Look at the sample period. Nearly all of the games were released in that period. Halo is one of the oldest games on the list.


Exactly a good halo game would sell but halo 5 isn't that. If they keep it up I wouldn't be surprised if halo 6 sells less than 5.

It's a shame because I love the halo franchise but I don't like what 343 has done with it.

Halo 5 multiplayer has never been better.
Oh wow you guys just try and win arguements by repeating the same thing over and over... It's in serious decline. It's clearly dying. It's list over 6 Million fans. Are you guys insane?

The data is there haha. Your favourite franchise will die after Halo 6 only sells 3M. Accept this fact of life and move on lol. Hey at least Destiny is bigger and Better and had over 30 |OT|'s to post in 😀.

It's sad to see how many fanboys wishes for a beloved franchise to die 😂 oh well what ever helps you sleep at night
I mean, your own 'proof' is directly contradictory to your actual position. Surely you can see why we're looking at you a little sideways right? Or are you similarly incapacitated?

'Bye Felicia'
What? Going from a peak of over 12M to 5M means the series is in a seriously sharp decline. That isn't contradictory. What's happening is you guys don't see the truth. And I'm telling you, if the series sells under 5M in Halo 6, the series will be "shelved" just like Mass Effect. Why do people have to explain like you're 5? Come on man. It's truly funny to see the insults. Though, wtf is that about? I'm not trying to upset you, simply explaining that the series is close to dead.

It's sad to see how many fanboys wishes for a beloved franchise to die 😂 oh well what ever helps you sleep at night
Wtf? I actually wish Halo wasn't in decline tbh, it's a staple of Xbox and in a time where Xbox needs strong franchises to help sell Scorpio, it's pretty depressing to see.

Edit: That's the last on this anyway, we are highly off topic and could be facing a ban for detailing the thread.
Halo is relevant, full stop. And because i said full stop obviously no one can disagree with me because i declared it as fact
Anyone excited for Scorpio and the inevitable Halo 5 patch? Maybe the background people won't look like a Wallace and Grommet animations with the extra powerful GPU. I'm mostly looking forward to Anthem, Sea of Thieves and Crackdowns destruction tech.

Edit: I wonder whether MS will show off the custom cooling solution. I see Scorpio as Paving the way for the next gen consoles and heat concerns if their custom solution does the job better than a purely air solution.


5 Million is a very old number. That was just 2015 sales. Halo 5 is probably ~7M by now thanks to those XB1S bundles. Very much still relevant. Halo 4 most likely sold around 9M or 10M units so going from that game's terrible reception and MCC, Halo 5 hasn't done too bad. Will probably end with a LTD of ~8M which I believe is where Reach is at.

LTD sales probably look like this right now.

Halo CE: 6M
Halo 2: 8M
Halo 3: ~12M
Halo Reach: ~8M
Halo 4: ~9M
Halo 5: ~7M

Pretty consistent performance since H2, with H3 bring the clear peak of the franchise.
Exactly a good halo game would sell but halo 5 isn't that. If they keep it up I wouldn't be surprised if halo 6 sells less than 5.

It's a shame because I love the halo franchise but I don't like what 343 has done with it.

You are taking it out of context. Those other games had a larger install base to sell to, and far less competition. There have been an amazing run of great shooters, and Halo 5 is one of them.

But it also gets blasted because, well, everything Microsoft gets blasted now.

If Scorpio rights Microsoft's ship, Halo 6 will be fine.


Anyone excited for Scorpio and the inevitable Halo 5 patch? Maybe the background people won't look like a Wallace and Grommet animations with the extra powerful GPU. I'm mostly looking forward to Anthem, Sea of Thieves and Crackdowns destruction tech.

Edit: I wonder whether MS will show off the custom cooling solution. I see Scorpio as Paving the way for the next gen consoles and heat concerns if their custom solution does the job better than a purely air solution.

Im not excited for a patch for a game no one gives a shit anymore and its clearly dying.
You are taking it out of context. Those other games had a larger install base to sell to, and far less competition. There have been an amazing run of great shooters, and Halo 5 is one of them.

But it also gets blasted because, well, everything Microsoft gets blasted now.

If Scorpio rights Microsoft's ship, Halo 6 will be fine.

It gets blasted because the game released barebones/unfinished, and was missing basic features.
5 Million is an very old number. That was just 2015 sales. Halo 5 is probably ~7M by now thanks to those XB1S bundles. Very much still relevant. Halo 4 most likely sold around 9M or 10M units so going from that game's terrible reception and MCC, Halo 5 hasn't done too bad. Will probably end with a LTD of ~8M which I believe is where Reach is at.

LTD sales probably look like this right now.

Halo CE: 6M
Halo 2: 8M
Halo 3: ~12M
Halo Reach: ~8M
Halo 4: ~9M
Halo 5: ~7M

Pretty consistent performance since H2, with H3 bring the clear peak of the franchise.

i hope we get new franchise sales for Halo at E3
maybe over 75m or even close to 80m
i find it pretty hard to guess lifetime sales today with all the digital backlog and bundle copy unit sales

That 5 million was at least 9 months ago. It's well over that now.

And sales are just the beginning. It's not a SP game where it's one and done. It still makes money past the point of sale.
i know
That 5 million was 17 months ago ;)
as of December 2015
Im not excited for a patch for a game no one gives a shit anymore and its clearly dying.
It was a joke to try and lighten the mood a bit lol. I am truly intrigued by Scorpio though I think it'll probably outpace the Pro by a good margin. People seem very excited for it and I know I am.


Compared to sales numbers of previous Halo's, 5 Million isn't too high. And sales for Halo 6 probably aren't going to be any higher.

I get that it's not as high as previous entries but still since when is 5 million in sales considered "dead"? The market has changed significantly since Halo 3. Pointing to that game and saying the series is dead is being naive to say the least.

Also I'm still confused what the series or sales have to do with Scorpio specs. If people want to shit on Halo, there are Halo threads for that.


Im not excited for a patch for a game no one gives a shit anymore and its clearly dying.

I'm not even a huge Halo fan but the hyperbole around it's "death" is ridiculous. Wildlands was one of the top selling games this year and Halo 5 is hanging with it and ESO for most played at the time of this post.

It's on the most played list most of the time since release. Not to mention I have a feeling most gamers on forums like these wouldn't get excited about a lot of the games on the top 5 (GTA, Minecraft, Rainbow Six, Roblox, and NBA2K).
Can we cut it with the Halo talk in here now? Fuck. We all know Halo is Dad.

Back to specs.

Is Zen going to be in Scorpio?
I'm glad it didn't have Zen, save Zen for PS5 and Xbox Next. It'll make their reveals that much more special. You know how it gets when Devs cry out for new hardware and BAM! Fucking Zen hits them in their face. It leaves everyone hyped and happy.

Edit: Top of the page. Unfortunate.
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