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Xbox Series S confirmed? (alleged leaked controller packaging says yes!)


At retail, MS will have:
- Old 1080p console
- New 1080p console
- Old 4K console
- New 4K console
All with the same naming conventions, same design language, even the same box for games (it's just XBOX).
You have to be willfully obtuse to pretend this is easy to understand for anyone but you and me.

Just a simple example.
Is the Series S going to play games at X1X settings? It's got a better CPU, but a sligthly worse GPU (even accounting IPC gains), and less RAM overall. This is the kind of confusion that MS has done nothing to clear up, yet it will fall on overworked, overstressed retail workers, often trying to just clear out stock, to solve. Yet you expect no problems to arise

Why Would Ms have 4 skus in the wild at the same time? You're acting like nobody else has brain enough to follow you WHILE IGNORING THE FACT THE 1X HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED and the 1S will be as soon as the SS is announced.

You don't know enough about these consoles, about the retail environment or just about people to say the things you're saying, but you're saying them with such confidence. That's why you're getting called out.

That people are going to be confused is the wishful thinking of a fanboy. Because I'm sure if I was to say there will be a lot of disappointed children this Christmas finding they can't run their discs on a digital only PS5, you'd come up with 50 reasons why that won't happen.
Just a simple example.
Is the Series S going to play games at X1X settings? It's got a better CPU, but a sligthly worse GPU (even accounting IPC gains), and less RAM overall. This is the kind of confusion that MS has done nothing to clear up, yet it will fall on overworked, overstressed retail workers, often trying to just clear out stock, to solve. Yet you expect no problems to arise
The console hasn't been officially announced, ffs.


Why Would Ms have 4 skus in the wild at the same time? You're acting like nobody else has brain enough to follow you WHILE IGNORING THE FACT THE 1X HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED and the 1S will be as soon as the SS is announced.

You don't know enough about these consoles, about the retail environment or just about people to say the things you're saying, but you're saying them with such confidence. That's why you're getting called out.

That people are going to be confused is the wishful thinking of a fanboy. Because I'm sure if I was to say there will be a lot of disappointed children this Christmas finding they can't run their discs on a digital only PS5, you'd come up with 50 reasons why that won't happen.
The thing with discontinuing, is you can't get rid of excess stock, stores have to do it. This will result, as we've seen, in X1X going for $200 or less, a price the Series S can't hope to match. Stores running such sales would obviously push the console they want to get rid of.

I specifically wrote:
This confusion is not exclusive to MS, ofc. People will get a PS5DE and discs in the same store, because you can only do so much. Some people aren't as involved as us, and will be ignorant of very obvious stuff.
So I don't know where you're getting this idea that MS is somehow uniquely affected. Retail works the same for everyone, you have to try and minimize confusion.
If Sony called it the PS Series Pro you bet it'd be called confusing.

It's really not that hard to see confusion coming:
- Wii/WiiU: similar naming convention, similar design language; different game boxes, performance target, and exclusive titles => Clusterfuck
- WiiU/Switch (or PS4/PS5, or 360/X1): different naming convention, design language, game boxes, performance target and exclusive titles => No mass confusion afaik
Here we have:
- X1/XSS: similar naming convention, design language, game boxes, no exclusive titles; same performance target (1080p), while other XBoxes aim higher

The console hasn't been officially announced, ffs.
Cool, so you don't know. This console is launching in 3 months
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The thing with discontinuing, is you can't get rid of excess stock, stores have to do it. This will result, as we've seen, in X1X going for $200 or less, a price the Series S can't hope to match. Stores running such sales would obviously push the console they want to get rid of.
This is peak concern trolling ta this point.

You can't possibly think this is a longterm problem? I'm amazed you think it's a problem at all, considering the the SS is a next-gen console thatll play next-gen only games, and the 1x won't. If you don't think that will be made obvious by marketing once this thing officially exists, I don't know what to tell you.

But it's confusing as well, because you're simultaneously concerned people will be forced to buy the 1x because stores have excess stock to get rid of, and that stores will just push the most expensive version because of commission. Which is it?

Just admit you don't know. None of us know for certain, but most of us aren't coming up with ridiculous reasons for it to fail. Reasons, by the way, that could be instantly proven wrong when this thing hits shelves.


You're already trying to avoid the fact the Switch will likely outsell the Series S handily, despite them being closer in price and an obvious power advantage.

I'm not avoiding it, I'm accepting it. Switch will likely outsell the Series S and Series X. I just think it's a different demographic.

The PS4 shares most of the Series S's library, is also at 1080p, will be much cheaper come year end, and has 7 years of titles.

1. Again, the Series S will have all the games that the PS4 has (minus exclusives obviously) and more.
2. Being 1080p in itself means nothing, it's just a resolution. You're acting as if two imagines in 1080p will loo Series S is a much more capable machine. If you put a PS3 game in 1080p next to a PS4 game in 1080p, you'll easily tell which one is PS3 and which one is PS4.

For people not looking for the improvements of next-gen, chief among which is 4K, the choice is far from clear.

People genereally don't look for specific next-gen improvements . The Series S is a generation ahead of PS4 and is better in every way. That's the most important metric and the easiest to answer: which one is better. The Series S is better, no question.

Again, the issue we're having here is that MS has refused to market the Series S at all, so we don't know which customers it might be going for.
Still, if the aim seems to be for people whose primary concern is money, then those people don't buy next-gen systems for quite a while, especially if they don't have any new games.
If you just want to play Halo, then you are fine with any XBox, and won't buy a Series S. By the time XBox starts getting exclusives then:
1) 4K adoption will be even higher (it's already over 50% as of last year)
2) The XSX/PS5 will be lower in price still, making a worse box an odd decision

To be frank, the thing needs to be way cheaper than MS seems to want to spend on it for it to be relevant in the 1080p space, and hopelessly outmatched by the proper next-gen systems.

Yes, pricing will be a deciding factor. And still, the proposition of Series S isn't that hard to understand. It's an entry level next-gen system.
Depending on the price I'm most likely getting one, mostly because I don't give a crap about native 4K gaming.


Looks like XSX gamepad is actually smaller. I've also thought it is bigger slightly. Probably because the angle.

I think this is new.

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If it doesn't have new games, then what's the point in buying a new box? Somebody with an X1S or X1X will be able to play the same games, possibly better on X1X.
It's a product of XBox's cross-gen approach, but a Series S will offer basically nothing over a X1. The CPU/SSD(?) are not an easy sell to the hypothetical parent people were bringing up.

You'd be surprised, but still there's plenty of 1080p devices that will have more marketing, more games, and be cheaper than the Series S by launch. Again, no exclusives kill the concept dead on arrival.
Cheaper variants routinely sell worse, because nobody buying a new console goes for the worse model.
It's why the Switch Lite sold worse, and even the 20GB PS3, despite the latter being correctly lambasted for its cost.

You're again considering a perfect retail setup. It's very likely that to clear out stock a certain box would be pushed over another. For example, very easily, stores having to clear out unsold X1SADs and X1Xs, which would be rapidly depreciating and be on massive sales. Really, a scenario where both costumer and worker are on the same page as you proposed is very unlikely.
Plus, in most countries the more popular boxes (Switch and PS5) will obviously get more push.

The phone market is massively different from the console market, from pricing, to marketing, no naming conventions, to audience, down to how you even purchase one.
Phones are a necessity, and their feature set reflects that. My high-end phone would be unsuitable for people that need a smaller phone, or older folks that want an easier experience. The variety of the customer base is reflected in the device.
The console market is far more enthusiastic, and better performance at a reasonable price point is always the goal.

By phone standards still, the XBox offering is pathetic.
They have:
- The newest and best, but with no exclusive features to boast
- An objectively far worse version of the above, with 0 marketing
- The decrepit old model, still cheaper and plays the same stuff
- A better version of the old model, which might be better and cheaper for 4K than the new cheap one, but I guess it's discontinued?
It's like if Apple offered the Iphone 11 Pro Max, a butchered version of the same, or the IPhone 5. Actually, at least Apple uses numbers so you can tell which is newer.

I'm glad you agree with me that MS's marketing is needlessly confusing. In your ideal scenario the wrong console is bought and has to be returned because even the kid hates it.

The Switch and PS4 are both going to be cheaper, have way more titles and established reputation, and also operate at 1080p.
A next-gen system lacking most next-gen features isn't going to appeal to the PS5/XSX demographic, but it just looks like a shittier option when far more competent and cheaper systems are already on the market.
You do realise there has been more games shown by Xbox than sony so far?
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At retail, MS will have:
- Old 1080p console
- New 1080p console
- Old 4K console
- New 4K console
All with the same naming conventions, same design language, even the same box for games (it's just XBOX).
You have to be willfully obtuse to pretend this is easy to understand for anyone but you and me.

Just a simple example.
Is the Series S going to play games at X1X settings? It's got a better CPU, but a sligthly worse GPU (even accounting IPC gains), and less RAM overall. This is the kind of confusion that MS has done nothing to clear up, yet it will fall on overworked, overstressed retail workers, often trying to just clear out stock, to solve. Yet you expect no problems to arise

and Sony will have

an old 1080p console
A checkerboard 4k console
A new 4k console


Unconfirmed Member
At retail, MS will have:
- Old 1080p console
- New 1080p console
- Old 4K console
- New 4K console
All with the same naming conventions, same design language, even the same box for games (it's just XBOX).
You have to be willfully obtuse to pretend this is easy to understand for anyone but you and me.

Just a simple example.
Is the Series S going to play games at X1X settings? It's got a better CPU, but a sligthly worse GPU (even accounting IPC gains), and less RAM overall. This is the kind of confusion that MS has done nothing to clear up, yet it will fall on overworked, overstressed retail workers, often trying to just clear out stock, to solve. Yet you expect no problems to arise
The Xbox One X has been discontinued since Cyberpunk's LE came out what are you on about?


This is peak concern trolling ta this point.

You can't possibly think this is a longterm problem? I'm amazed you think it's a problem at all, considering the the SS is a next-gen console thatll play next-gen only games, and the 1x won't. If you don't think that will be made obvious by marketing once this thing officially exists, I don't know what to tell you.

But it's confusing as well, because you're simultaneously concerned people will be forced to buy the 1x because stores have excess stock to get rid of, and that stores will just push the most expensive version because of commission. Which is it?

Just admit you don't know. None of us know for certain, but most of us aren't coming up with ridiculous reasons for it to fail. Reasons, by the way, that could be instantly proven wrong when this thing hits shelves.
I never claimed anything about commissions? You just seem to be skimming through the thread and getting very angry.

The X1X is an obvious problem at launch, which is critical when selling a box primarily on its low price point. If there's a cheaper 4K alternative right there, why go for Series S? Long-term, as XSX comes down in price, the XSS is less relevant.
This isn't even about ignorance: buying a $200 X1X, playing on it until exclusives come, seems a smarter option (bar loading times) than $300 on Lockhart, if you plan on a future, cheaper XSX. Especially if you plan on buying some discs.

You're pretending that retail will heavily favor the Series S, and it will be easily understood by costumers, but that seems fairly unlikely, for a number of reasons both within and outside the store.
- No marketing whatsoever from MS. Really it should have been shown since TGAs alongside the XSX
- No exclusive games means little incentive to transition quickly
- It can only be compared negatively to PS5/XSX, so it needs the low price to even survive.
- Stores might push other stuff. The PS5/Switch are obviously more popular worldwide, but cheaper X1Xs to clear stock, or more expensive XSX (for a higher commision) might both be favored over it
- The success of Switch and PS4Pro clearly showcases that people don't buy systems based on target resolution, but on games. The X1X is straight up better than the Pro, and often cheaper, but that didn't help it

What you're envisioning from my argument is a situation where little Timmy gets the wrong console on Christmas Day, which is silly. The real issue is MS making a poor case for this box, not distinguishing it from its own or the competition's offerings, and it selling poorly as a result.


Unconfirmed Member
I never claimed anything about commissions? You just seem to be skimming through the thread and getting very angry.

The X1X is an obvious problem at launch, which is critical when selling a box primarily on its low price point. If there's a cheaper 4K alternative right there, why go for Series S? Long-term, as XSX comes down in price, the XSS is less relevant.
This isn't even about ignorance: buying a $200 X1X, playing on it until exclusives come, seems a smarter option (bar loading times) than $300 on Lockhart, if you plan on a future, cheaper XSX. Especially if you plan on buying some discs.

You're pretending that retail will heavily favor the Series S, and it will be easily understood by costumers, but that seems fairly unlikely, for a number of reasons both within and outside the store.
- No marketing whatsoever from MS. Really it should have been shown since TGAs alongside the XSX
- No exclusive games means little incentive to transition quickly
- It can only be compared negatively to PS5/XSX, so it needs the low price to even survive.
- Stores might push other stuff. The PS5/Switch are obviously more popular worldwide, but cheaper X1Xs to clear stock, or more expensive XSX (for a higher commision) might both be favored over it
- The success of Switch and PS4Pro clearly showcases that people don't buy systems based on target resolution, but on games. The X1X is straight up better than the Pro, and often cheaper, but that didn't help it

What you're envisioning from my argument is a situation where little Timmy gets the wrong console on Christmas Day, which is silly. The real issue is MS making a poor case for this box, not distinguishing it from its own or the competition's offerings, and it selling poorly as a result.
Christ man.


and Sony will have

an old 1080p console
A checkerboard 4k console
A new 4k console
The difference, as I highlighted, is that those are numbered and easily distinct. Even listed unnamed, you can easily do 1080p<c4K<4K.
By contrast, we still don't know whether and how XBox's new 1080p device is better than their old 4K one.

Christ man.
This is exactly the point. Since the console is discontinued stores are going to run massive sales on their old stock, by which point a $200 X1X looks more attractive than a $300 XSS.
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The difference, as I highlighted, is that those are numbered and easily distinct. Even listed unnamed, you can easily do 1080p<c4K<4K.
By contrast, we still don't know whether and how XBox's new 1080p device is better than their old 4K one.
The old 4k one has been discontinued so it ain’t a problem. The xbox x is no more.


Unconfirmed Member
The difference, as I highlighted, is that those are numbered and easily distinct. Even listed unnamed, you can easily do 1080p<c4K<4K.
By contrast, we still don't know whether and how XBox's new 1080p device is better than their old 4K one.

This is exactly the point. Since the console is discontinued stores are going to run massive sales on their old stock, by which point a $200 X1X looks more attractive than a $300 XSS.
There is literally no stock since they stopped making the console after corona chan. (One X) The last X were the Cyberpunk ones and those sold out instantly.


The difference, as I highlighted, is that those are numbered and easily distinct. Even listed unnamed, you can easily do 1080p<c4K<4K.
By contrast, we still don't know whether and how XBox's new 1080p device is better than their old 4K one.

This is exactly the point. Since the console is discontinued stores are going to run massive sales on their old stock, by which point a $200 X1X looks more attractive than a $300 XSS.
You also haven’t seen any specs of series s to date. A new cpu and next gen gpu will separate it.

when you look at the market and the saturation of 1080p vs 4k tv’s this could be a good move tbh.

how many will be buying a 4k ps5 but still playing on a 1080p tv still?


The old 4k one has been discontinued so it ain’t a problem. The xbox x is no more.
Discontinuing a system doesn't mean it's gone from existence. Stores have to get rid of old stock for cheap. It actually creates a problem, having $200 X1Xs vs more expensive XSSs at launch.


I never claimed anything about commissions? You just seem to be skimming through the thread and getting very angry.

The X1X is an obvious problem at launch, which is critical when selling a box primarily on its low price point. If there's a cheaper 4K alternative right there, why go for Series S? Long-term, as XSX comes down in price, the XSS is less relevant.
This isn't even about ignorance: buying a $200 X1X, playing on it until exclusives come, seems a smarter option (bar loading times) than $300 on Lockhart, if you plan on a future, cheaper XSX. Especially if you plan on buying some discs.

You're pretending that retail will heavily favor the Series S, and it will be easily understood by costumers, but that seems fairly unlikely, for a number of reasons both within and outside the store.
- No marketing whatsoever from MS. Really it should have been shown since TGAs alongside the XSX
- No exclusive games means little incentive to transition quickly
- It can only be compared negatively to PS5/XSX, so it needs the low price to even survive.
- Stores might push other stuff. The PS5/Switch are obviously more popular worldwide, but cheaper X1Xs to clear stock, or more expensive XSX (for a higher commision) might both be favored over it
- The success of Switch and PS4Pro clearly showcases that people don't buy systems based on target resolution, but on games. The X1X is straight up better than the Pro, and often cheaper, but that didn't help it

What you're envisioning from my argument is a situation where little Timmy gets the wrong console on Christmas Day, which is silly. The real issue is MS making a poor case for this box, not distinguishing it from its own or the competition's offerings, and it selling poorly as a result.
Getting angry? See, this is the problem with text. I'm not angry. I'm bemused by how someone can fail to grasp a few very easy facts, and then spend a morning writing essays based on what I'll kindly call wilful confusion.

The 1x has been discontinued.

The Series S hasn't been officially announced yet.

The Series S will be hundreds of pounds cheaper than Sony' flagship console, and significantly cheaper than their digital entry, potentially with a disc drive. How aren't you seeing the position this gives to the market?

Ive never said the Series S will sell more than any other console. I've never said it'll be pushed by stores. All I've said is people aren't stupid and will be able to work out that the Series S is a cheaper alternative to the Series X. How will they be able to do that? Price will be a good point to start them off.


Discontinuing a system doesn't mean it's gone from existence. Stores have to get rid of old stock for cheap. It actually creates a problem, having $200 X1Xs vs more expensive XSSs at launch.
So your telling me that you would have a problem distinguishing the consoles apart yourself?


Go Go Neo Rangers!
Ah, the master of concern trolling of Microsoft threads Daniels M, shit sorry I mean Tulipanzo, has returned.

On today's presentation we have:
-Series S has less power than One X.
-A discontinued console will somehow make the series S worse and harder to sell.
-The mass marketing campaign for series S, which hasn't started, is a problem for consumers.
-Retail workers are stressed and won't want to explain to consumers the differences when asked.

What's next? Tune in next time to find out!
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There is literally no stock since they stopped making the console after corona chan. (One X) The last X were the Cyberpunk ones and those sold out instantly.
There's plenty of leftover stock actually, the X1X wasn't moving that great. The $200 price is actually from the official MS store, so I expect stores to go lower. It's actually at that price right now on Ebay.
Ultimately discontinuing it was the right move to avoid confusion, it just came late and it will affect launch.

You also haven’t seen any specs of series s to date. A new cpu and next gen gpu will separate it.

when you look at the market and the saturation of 1080p vs 4k tv’s this could be a good move tbh.

how many will be buying a 4k ps5 but still playing on a 1080p tv still?
We've actually had pretty detailed specs for ages. DF first reported on them in April 2019, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.

4K TVs have already overtaken 1080p TV sales, meaning people buying a device for the whole next-gen won't go for a lower res one. Still, plenty of people own 4K devices on non-4K TVs, because they are (correctly) perceived as better. Resolution is a pretty low-rung concern for most people: it's why Switch and Pro sold so well despite higher res competition.


So your telling me that you would have a problem distinguishing the consoles apart yourself?
Emm, no? Nothing in my post suggested that?
We're lacking details on how they compare, but as somebody who buys discs, playing 4K 360/X1 stuff for a couple years, at a lower price seems pretty attractive over a more expensive 1080p discless console.

I'm seeing it at 190 with three CODs, I think it seems fine if you aren't that bothered by longer loading. You know, until exclusives start releasing proper.


There's plenty of leftover stock actually, the X1X wasn't moving that great. The $200 price is actually from the official MS store, so I expect stores to go lower. It's actually at that price right now on Ebay.
Ultimately discontinuing it was the right move to avoid confusion, it just came late and it will affect launch.

We've actually had pretty detailed specs for ages. DF first reported on them in April 2019, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.

4K TVs have already overtaken 1080p TV sales, meaning people buying a device for the whole next-gen won't go for a lower res one. Still, plenty of people own 4K devices on non-4K TVs, because they are (correctly) perceived as better. Resolution is a pretty low-rung concern for most people: it's why Switch and Pro sold so well despite higher res competition.
Yes sales have now overtaken 1080p sets because virtually every new TV set is 4K. That doesn’t mean every single console is going to be played on them, we have had 1080p set on sale for years and it will still taste a long time for a 4K set to be the average set in the average home.

also have to think a lot of consoles are still played in bedrooms by kids. Factor that in to


Emm, no? Nothing in my post suggested that?
We're lacking details on how they compare, but as somebody who buys discs, playing 4K 360/X1 stuff for a couple years, at a lower price seems pretty attractive over a more expensive 1080p discless console.

I'm seeing it at 190 with three CODs, I think it seems fine if you aren't that bothered by longer loading. You know, until exclusives start releasing proper.
Do we know its discless? And again your looking at playing a currant gen 4K console with limited cpu and Gpu compared to a next gen 1080p console with next gen cpu and Gpu. There will be a world of difference.

if your playing on a 4K tv then the series x is for you, if your still playing on a 1080p tv then the series s is for you


Yes sales have now overtaken 1080p sets because virtually every new TV set is 4K. That doesn’t mean every single console is going to be played on them, we have had 1080p set on sale for years and it will still taste a long time for a 4K set to be the average set in the average home.

also have to think a lot of consoles are still played in bedrooms by kids. Factor that in to
If you're buying a device for the next 6-7 years, you're almost guaranteed not to want the worse of the two XBoxes. Again, people don't care about resolution THAT much, I know plenty of people with PS4 Pros and utterly embarrassing setups.

Being played in bedrooms means that you're getting the weaker system? At launch?
Seems more likely people will just hold off on next-gen tbh, rather than jump in when there's not much there. Especially when XBox will have no exclusives for two years.


If you're buying a device for the next 6-7 years, you're almost guaranteed not to want the worse of the two XBoxes. Again, people don't care about resolution THAT much, I know plenty of people with PS4 Pros and utterly embarrassing setups.

Being played in bedrooms means that you're getting the weaker system? At launch?
Seems more likely people will just hold off on next-gen tbh, rather than jump in when there's not much there. Especially when XBox will have no exclusives for two years.
Again nobody has seen what the series s is capable of and your writing it off already


Unconfirmed Member
There's scalpers for it? I'm seeing it for $200 average online and the Cyberpunk one is 300ish. Even my Gamestop is selling it for less than 300.
What state?


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Go Go Neo Rangers!
There's scalpers for it? I'm seeing it for $200 average online and the Cyberpunk one is 300ish. Even my Gamestop is selling it for less than 300.
There's plenty of leftover stock actually, the X1X wasn't moving that great. The $200 price is actually from the official MS store, so I expect stores to go lower. It's actually at that price right now on Ebay.
Ultimately discontinuing it was the right move to avoid confusion, it just came late and it will affect launch.








Do we know its discless? And again your looking at playing a currant gen 4K console with limited cpu and Gpu compared to a next gen 1080p console with next gen cpu and Gpu. There will be a world of difference.

if your playing on a 4K tv then the series x is for you, if your still playing on a 1080p tv then the series s is for you
The GPU is actually slightly worse than the X1X, even accounting for IPC gains, and it has less RAM. It's why, since X1X is now way cheaper, it can create issues at retail.

Again, people don't really bother that much with resolution, but still, why would you buy a device for the next 7 years that can only do 1080p?
Unless you're telling me people on 1080p sets and no intention to ever upgrade are the kinds to get consoles at launch..


The GPU is actually slightly worse than the X1X, even accounting for IPC gains, and it has less RAM. It's why, since X1X is now way cheaper, it can create issues at retail.

Again, people don't really bother that much with resolution, but still, why would you buy a device for the next 7 years that can only do 1080p?
Unless you're telling me people on 1080p sets and no intention to ever upgrade are the kinds to get consoles at launch..

Again its not for me but there is an option and a cheaper option at that for people who want it.

you can still buy a blu ray player but you can also buy a 4K blu ray player. It’s about giving people options


Unconfirmed Member
Access denied?

The X1X famously didn't sell that great, MS was running the same offer a few months back. If MS themselves has had to get rid of stock, so will other retailers, though I don't know your state.
There are no NEW xbox one x in any website across the US as far as I know/have checked. Outside ofc scalpers across all big store electronic chains. The last new xbox one x was the cyberpunk one. That sold out. Which is why I called you out on the "4 skus is confusing" thing.

Cool, the discussion is actually about retail? The point is stores have leftover stock that goes really cheap.
I don't know which links you used, but it's available on my local Gamestop and Amazon pages, for example.
Link us these new xbox one x's and cyberpunk then. Or better yet just give me what state you are from so I can check for myself. Maybe I missed something.


Again its not for me but there is an option and a cheaper option at that for people who want it.

you can still buy a blu ray player but you can also buy a 4K blu ray player. It’s about giving people options
The problem is that it's quite unprecedented as a tactic, just launching a worse version of your main console, and MS has done 0 marketing for it.
People with little interest in next-gen advances (i.e. 1080p users) are not the people that buy consoles at launch.
Were I MS, I would have pushed for exclusives for it, and showcased alongside the XSX from the start.

Ultimately, if you don't need a new box for the new Halo, that new box is not as interesting. If it's not even that technically impressive, it's not going to be popular. Guesses I'm seeing is that it's good as a secondary console, but personally I'm actually more inclined towards the X1X at $200, since I'm more likely to upgrade later and it reads discs.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
Cool, the discussion is actually about retail? The point is stores have leftover stock that goes really cheap.
I don't know which links you used, but it's available on my local Gamestop and Amazon pages, for example.

Amazon for ya







The problem is that it's quite unprecedented as a tactic, just launching a worse version of your main console, and MS has done 0 marketing for it.
People with little interest in next-gen advances (i.e. 1080p users) are not the people that buy consoles at launch.
Were I MS, I would have pushed for exclusives for it, and showcased alongside the XSX from the start.

Ultimately, if you don't need a new box for the new Halo, that new box is not as interesting. If it's not even that technically impressive, it's not going to be popular. Guesses I'm seeing is that it's good as a secondary console, but personally I'm actually more inclined towards the X1X at $200, since I'm more likely to upgrade later and it reads discs.

Again that’s great for you and your own needs but everybody is different. Go snap up your one x console befor they are gone.

i have a 1x and never used the disc driver ever, have over 500 games for it to. Have a PS4 and loads of games for it to and the only game to use the drive is Spider-Man.

all about what people want and giving people choices is never a bad thing


There are no NEW xbox one x in any website across the US as far as I know/have checked. Outside ofc scalpers across all big store electronic chains. The last new xbox one x was the cyberpunk one. That sold out. Which is why I called you out on the "4 skus is confusing" thing.

Link us these new xbox one x's and cyberpunk then. Or better yet just give me what state you are from so I can check for myself. Maybe I missed something.
It's in my info, but your issue there is you're checking retail links through chains, while the leftover stock would be in local stores (which is why my own country's GP and Amazon still have them).
I'm guessing it's not as big a deal in the US, but clearly it is abroad (it's basically all 200 here).


you don't NEED batteries, you have the OPTION to use them.
and there is literally no negative about this.

want to use AA batteries? you can!
want to use AA rechargeable batteries? you can!
want to use the official rechargeable battery pack? you can!
want to use the vast array of third party battery packs? you can!

as opposed to:
want to use AA batteries? NOPE you can't!
want to use AA rechargeable batteries? NOPE!
want to use the official rechargeable battery pack? you can! but you will never be able to replace it without killing you warranty!
want to use the vast array of third party battery packs? NOPE!

if you can criticize anything about how Microsoft is handling this it is maybe the pricing of the controller in combination with a play and charge kit, that's maybe a bit too high, but the concept is absolutely perfect.
The negative is that you don't get a rechargable battery. If only they weren't charging more for it then. Include the rechargeable kit with the controller then. It's fucking ridiculous to charge $60 for a controller then have to pay $35 to get something that brings it in line with every other controller.
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Go Go Neo Rangers!
It's in my info, but your issue there is you're checking retail links through chains, while the leftover stock would be in local stores (which is why my own country's GP and Amazon still have them).
I'm guessing it's not as big a deal in the US, but clearly it is abroad (it's basically all 200 here).

Lets say even this is true and its in your country, but since you have once again provided zero evidence to your claims I find that hard to believe (you also said the Microsoft store has them for $200 which is not true), America which is Xbox's biggesst market does not have Xbox One X's anywhere.
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Amazon for ya





Yeah, the US is a hellhole. It's legit all $200 here. I saw 190 with the last three CODs and a headset.
Still, the problem was local retail stores running sales come year end. Even if it keeps at that price, that doesn't change that here it's markedly cheaper, which is a problem in markets MS is trying to make a dent in.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
Yeah, the US is a hellhole. It's legit all $200 here. I saw 190 with the last three CODs and a headset.
Still, the problem was local retail stores running sales come year end. Even if it keeps at that price, that doesn't change that here it's markedly cheaper, which is a problem in markets MS is trying to make a dent in.

Provide any proof. Any.


Unconfirmed Member
It's in my info, but your issue there is you're checking retail links through chains, while the leftover stock would be in local stores (which is why my own country's GP and Amazon still have them).
I'm guessing it's not as big a deal in the US, but clearly it is abroad (it's basically all 200 here).

Italy has it at 399 Euro new. Interesting. ANYWAY here in the US it is gone.


Lets say even this is true and its in your country, but since you have once again provided zero evidence to your claims I find that hard to believe (you also said the Microsoft store has them for $200 which is not true), America which is Xbox's biggesst market does not have Xbox One X's anywhere.
HAD them ().
You see it's temp sales, and I highlighted it's mainly a problem at launch, as local stores get rid of leftover stock by heavily discounting it.

It's at 399.98 with a new game on GameStop.it, but really it's not that wild to say the X1X sold poorly over here. Ebay and the used market are swarming with far cheaper systems (https://www.ebay.it/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2380057.m570.l1313&_nkw=xbox+one+x&_sacat=0).
I don't get why I would be lying about the X1X going cheap, it's rather obvious.
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Go Go Neo Rangers!
HAD them ().
You see it's temp sales, and I highlighted it's mainly a problem at launch, as local stores get rid of leftover stock by heavily discounting it.

It's at 399.98 with a new game on GameStop.it, but really it's not that wild to say the X1X sold poorly over here. Ebay and the used market are swarming with far cheaper systems (https://www.ebay.it/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2380057.m570.l1313&_nkw=xbox+one+x&_sacat=0).
I don't get why I would be lying about the X1X going cheap, it's rather obvious.

I don't see a single listing on eBay that shows it going for $199/$200.

So first it was there's an abundance of them at retail and they go for $200.

But now it's there on eBay for $200. Which they aren't.

Got it.



Italy has it at 399 Euro new. Interesting. ANYWAY here in the US it is gone.
Yeah, but most of everywhere else it's not. The X1X was not quite a bestseller, so it'd be no surprise for heavy discounts to pop-in closer to the holidays even there.
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