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Xbox Series X pre order page.

Infamy v1

This was plenty the answer I'm looking for, I'm just making sure there's not something more I'm missing.

And I don't mean to troll or slander, but it seems pretty idiotic anybody picking Microsoft over Sony with what the last decade in gaming has shown us as far as exclusives go. Is there a logical reason to pick Microsoft versus Sony aside from personal aesthetic or brand loyalty? Just asking fairly dumb/obvious questions because my peen doesn't get hard in a war between which processor has higher #'s I just know Sony wins when it comes to games, seems like a fairly easy answer for most video game enthusiasts to make and by that I mean Sony.

(and the reason I keep looking for a better answer is because all I'm hearing is it's to make existing games look more pretty.....so are people really just spending 500$ for a visual enhancement to Halo)

Is this what it's like to have the mindset of a corporate fanboy? Like, you actually believe what you're spouting and nowhere in the back of your brain exists even the slightest understanding that you are brainwashed? How sad, if true.

Or are you just trolling?
This was plenty the answer I'm looking for, I'm just making sure there's not something more I'm missing.

And I don't mean to troll or slander, but it seems pretty idiotic anybody picking Microsoft over Sony with what the last decade in gaming has shown us as far as exclusives go. Is there a logical reason to pick Microsoft versus Sony aside from personal aesthetic or brand loyalty? Just asking fairly dumb/obvious questions because my peen doesn't get hard in a war between which processor has higher #'s I just know Sony wins when it comes to games, seems like a fairly easy answer for most video game enthusiasts to make and by that I mean Sony.

(and the reason I keep looking for a better answer is because all I'm hearing is it's to make existing games look more pretty.....so are people really just spending 500$ for a visual enhancement to Halo)

Some people like the MS hardware, are invested in the MS ecosystem.


Is this what it's like to have the mindset of a corporate fanboy? Like, you actually believe what you're spouting and nowhere in the back of your brain exists even the slightest understanding that you are brainwashed? How sad, if true.

Or are you just trolling?

I thought I was asking honest questions based on history and facts for the most part. I guess corporate fanboyism goes both ways as I'm still waiting for a GOOD reason aside from what Lawrence 'Chunk' Cohen said which is the only excuse I can validate, you just like Microsoft to like Microsoft, and that's okay.

I'm a PC guy at the end of the day I don't give a hot shit which console wins I just know for the past decade Microsoft has been a big fucking loser in the console race, unless of course your corporate fanboyism clouds your eyes from sound judgement, either way enjoy your xbox.


Has a voluptuous plastic labia
Honest question. Did they fix the thumbsticks for this version? My X1 thumbsticks don't have enough resistance. They feel so weird. I much prefer the 360 controller.

Hmm... I don't think they have talked about that. But I'm curious now... you think X1 thumbsticks have little resistance? I hadn't thought about that for years because I got used to the controller quickly... but yeah... I remember thinking when I first held an X1 controller that the tops of the thumbsticks are smaller and that they do have less resistance than a 360 controller. BUT... they are significantly tighter in their housing so they don't feel as squishy and loose as a 360 thumbstick.

Rossco EZ

This was plenty the answer I'm looking for, I'm just making sure there's not something more I'm missing.

And I don't mean to troll or slander, but it seems pretty idiotic anybody picking Microsoft over Sony with what the last decade in gaming has shown us as far as exclusives go. Is there a logical reason to pick Microsoft versus Sony aside from personal aesthetic or brand loyalty? Just asking fairly dumb/obvious questions because my peen doesn't get hard in a war between which processor has higher #'s I just know Sony wins when it comes to games, seems like a fairly easy answer for most video game enthusiasts to make and by that I mean Sony.

(and the reason I keep looking for a better answer is because all I'm hearing is it's to make existing games look more pretty.....so are people really just spending 500$ for a visual enhancement to Halo)
i guess it just depends on what you want to play, i got a one x about a week ago and have been enjoying some of the exclusives and the game pass offerings. i do feel that sony have the better story driven games though that’s for sure.


Hmm... I don't think they have talked about that. But I'm curious now... you think X1 thumbsticks have little resistance? I hadn't thought about that for years because I got used to the controller quickly... but yeah... I remember thinking when I first held an X1 controller that the tops of the thumbsticks are smaller and that they do have less resistance than a 360 controller. BUT... they are significantly tighter in their housing so they don't feel as squishy and loose as a 360 thumbstick.
Yeah. I also have a PS4, and the dualshock 4 has the same level of resistance as a 360 controller. It's so noticeable when I go back and forth between consoles.
Who has the best store warranty these days? Just in case either system breaks in the first year, I’m not to knowledgeable on Sony and Microsoft store warranties.


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
I thought I was asking honest questions based on history and facts for the most part. I guess corporate fanboyism goes both ways as I'm still waiting for a GOOD reason aside from what Lawrence 'Chunk' Cohen said which is the only excuse I can validate, you just like Microsoft to like Microsoft, and that's okay.

I'm a PC guy at the end of the day I don't give a hot shit which console wins I just know for the past decade Microsoft has been a big fucking loser in the console race, unless of course your corporate fanboyism clouds your eyes from sound judgement, either way enjoy your xbox.

Honest questions? No, you're just trolling.

Because YOU don't like Xbox games that means nobody else could possibly like them either?
How so is it not the fastest?
CPU? faster
RAM? faster

The only thing that's faster in the PS5 is the SSD, that's it...

Technically the PS5 GPU is clocked higher as well, at peak, so that qualifies as "faster," right? Though, looking at the big picture, I think it is clear the XsX GPU is more powerful. But if clock speeds are all that count for "fastest," the PS5's goes higher (for GPU)

Fastest and Powerful seem to have become slippery slopes this next-gen, with seemingly different interpretations now
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Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I'd like to order directly from MS Store if possible. Seems most likely to be fulfilled if there are shortages.

Will Gamestop be able to eke out one more holiday shopping season before it goes belly up?


How much of a loss are we expecting MS to eat per box? Just coming out and going as low as 349 bucks right off the jump? For an XsX?

It depends on Microsoft's end goal. If they legitimately want to sell the most consoles they will have to take a massive loss on each console sold.

I think their focus is (and should be) on expanding Gamepass. That is the future of Xbox. Selling consoles at a loss is a legitimate way to expand their reach.
And will also add to Sony management incompetence at handling this console launch.

I don't get this narrative at all. Sony STILL has TWO huge AAA games to be released why on earth would they take any hype or sales away from them launches? MS literally has nothing left in the tank for this generation they have to keep their fans engaged somehow and talking about next gen is all they got. Its not incompetence its business strategy. This is the privilege you get when you're the sales leader.
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Deleted member 775630

Unconfirmed Member
If one component isn't the fastest (ssd) then it cannot be considered the fastest 🤷‍♂️
Sure, and when I'm first at the finish line during a triathlon but I wasn't the fastest at swimming I'm also not the winner
Sure, and when I'm first at the finish line during a triathlon but I wasn't the fastest at swimming I'm also not the winner
Your the winner yes just not the overall fastest. Like is this that hard for you guys to understand? You can't make a claim you are the fastest console if every part of your machine isn't faster than another machine.




Correct. If its the "FASTEST MOST POWERFUL" console its also Microsofts FASTEST MOST POWERFUL console.

Except, it's not the Fastest. And while I agree it's likely the most powerful, that term can be subjective.
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If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
They also say "FASTEST. MOST POWERFUL." without the "our" on the main landing page.

MS can spin this and use it since its technically correct (just like Sony used similar wording when they launched the PS4 and PS4 Pro)

PS4 Pro - https://i.ytimg.com/vi/IVYf6p-A158/maxresdefault.jpg

PS4 - https://assets.gamepur.com/files/images/2012/ps4-ad-for-europe-launch.jpg
Well it is just PR for sure.
I mean, you can't just come out and say you are the best at something without naming a metric, and then be taken seriously, but as PR it works.
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If it's 399 I will shit bricks (in happiness and pleasant surprise). Seems really hard to fit all the power and utility either of these consoles offer in a box for less than 450 bucks but lets see!

It's fun to have new toys? I can't tell if the bolded lines are meant to be serious, honestly

Let's not forget that 1 TB, fast SSD. I've stated before that if MS releases an exclusive title like KotoR remake for the XSX, I would be buying the XSX as well as the PS5 Day-1. I can't see how MS can absorb $200 BOM to launch the XSX at $399. But if they do that, I'll pick that up day-1 even if it launches with no exclusives. :messenger_tears_of_joy:


I'm getting pre-orders in for both the moment they're announced. And I'm talking about finding the closet brick and mortar location to me that will take a pre-order no matter where I am the moment pre-orders become available.

I don't know how you guys that pre-order online wait for shipping. That shit is pure torture.


Couldnt 1 of these play abit of rope a dope ? For eg there waiting on each other, buy say for eg Microsoft come out and say 500, Sony then come out and say 460, whats stopping Microsoft from then changing there price to undercut Sony ?


Couldnt 1 of these play abit of rope a dope ? For eg there waiting on each other, buy say for eg Microsoft come out and say 500, Sony then come out and say 460, whats stopping Microsoft from then changing there price to undercut Sony ?

Nothing really. The N64 was announced at $249 but launched at $199 (to match PS1 & Saturn).


lol. You do know they get the money no matter where you buy it right? Their website actually has pretty good shipping and packaging. I mean your alternative is every other scumbag retailer
Who cares if they get the money who said anything about that wtf?
Terrible customer service in my experience with MS.
I want to buy from a more reliable place.


Got to wonder how Covid is going to influence the pricing and shortage amounts at launch. On one hand the lack of inventory should raise prices, on the other the lack of consumer spending power in the later half of this year and next do to the job losses have to have an impact on the market and pricing choices.
We know Sony will make about 5 million PS5's.
MS needs to make enough XSX's to grab those parents who couldn't get the PS5 for little Jimmy to play the new COD.
Much potential if MS plays there cards right.


I really cant see the price above $399, its not my hopes but I know damn well microsoft is gonna be very competitive this time

Roronoa Zoro

Gold Member
The not getting beat on power or price quip, the early sharing of news, and the hiding of price for so long has me starting to believe MS only strategy is same price or less than PS5 come hell of hi water.

I hope someone is queuing up some good Jim Ross memes for whenever the prices get announced.

Ba Ghawd its 399. Phil just hit Sony with the 399. Bah Ghawd.
Eh that's about what I'd expect. Theyre clearly willing to take the hit. They've cut the onex to $299 (now that hasn't helped but who knows)
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