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Xbox Series X pre order page.


This was plenty the answer I'm looking for, I'm just making sure there's not something more I'm missing.

And I don't mean to troll or slander, but it seems pretty idiotic anybody picking Microsoft over Sony with what the last decade in gaming has shown us as far as exclusives go. Is there a logical reason to pick Microsoft versus Sony aside from personal aesthetic or brand loyalty? Just asking fairly dumb/obvious questions...

Your asking why we are not the same person? Because we have different biological matter and life experience. Therefore we probably enjoy different movies, food, music... etc etc. Yes, it is a dumb question.
Guessing that's why you can't pre-order AC: Valhalla yet either. Probably will show up for pre-order (only says Redeem code currently on the Xbox store) same time the Series X does I'd imagine.


Microsoft has been so bullish, that I think they don't mind going first. They'll say $449 or $499, and will announce this during their June event. Not sure if it matters to them to play this game of chicken
So true. I think this supposed "game of chicken" is more click bait for the media than anything else. I highly doubt MS waits until August for pricing, that's likely just too late for them.
Yeah, you're probably right. Though, Phil has mentioned a few times they want to be agile on price. And he's commented in the past that he doesn't want to be on stage with a weaker box and a higher price point again. That translates to me that Microsoft want to either match Sony or undercut them. It might all be for show, who knows. Sony's seen the magic of the $399.00 sweet spot with the PS4 - they couldn't keep the thing on shelves - so it makes sense they'd just hit that again. That was a reaction the PS3, but it's shown an amazing value point that consumers clearly accept. But, the hardware they launched with aged quickly, and we've seen the Xbox One X sell consistently with the $499.00 price point. Sony may target a $499.00 to ensure the base console is as meaty as possible. If Microsoft really want to be agile on price, they might go $449. Curious to see how it all shakes out.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
It happening....

Just purchased a side table to my entertainment center mainly for this beast. Placing this bad boy vertically.

Look out. We got a bad ass over here.

I plan on putting that thing in it's full ugly horizontal glory.
Why would anybody buy an Xbox at this point? Blind Microsoft faith? Commitment to missing the best games of next generation? Money burning a hole in your pocket?

Is there an actual reason at this point to even want to preorder an xbox or ps5? We've seen no legit next gen games, why not have a reason to waste your money first?
Duuurrrrrr wHy WoUlD tHeSe GaMiNg EnThUsIaStS oN tHiS gAmInG fOrUm WaNt a NeW cOnSoLe To PlAy NeW gAmEs???!?
Why would anybody _______________?


Because they want to.

And I don't mean to troll or slander, but it seems pretty idiotic anybody picking Microsoft over Sony with what the last decade in gaming has shown us as far as exclusives go.

I don't mean to troll or slander, but it seems pretty idiotic to hop into Xbox related threads, especially something like a pre-order thread, then post something so outright biased against the fanbase the thread is targeting.

I thought I was asking honest questions based on history and facts for the most part horse shit. I guess corporate fanboyism goes both ways as I'm still waiting for a GOOD reason aside from what Lawrence 'Chunk' Cohen said which is the only excuse I can validate, you just like Microsoft to like Microsoft, and that's okay.

I'm a PC guy at the end of the day I don't give a hot shit which console wins I just know for the past decade Microsoft has been a big fucking loser in the console race, unless of course your corporate fanboyism clouds your eyes from sound judgement, either way enjoy your xbox.

First off, that's not even close to what JareBear: Remastered JareBear: Remastered said.

"Some people like the MS hardware, are invested in the MS ecosystem."

What he said is exactly how it is written. How did you manage to twist that so badly in your mind? I have 20 years of friends, acheivements, digital games and I use their controllers.

I'll add to his reason. Games. I prefer Xbox exclusives to PlayStation exclusives. I put more hours into Forza Horizon games alone than every PlayStation exclusive I own on my PS3 combined. Now add the rest of the MGS lineup and it's a pretty skewed scale. The games Xbox studios releases have been and will continue to be very different than what Sony releases and some people gravitate to the play style they find in Xbox exclusives. For me having both Brian Fargo and Chris Avalone in their catalogue is more exciting than anything I've seen on the other side, especially since their stuff will come out on PC day one.

Also if you're a "PC guy", Xbox studios is releasing every game going forward on PC on their Xbox PC platform and on Steam. You want them to do well you nitwit, they're making games for your expensive box.

How did you find your way into a pre-order thread for a console you've already decided you don't want even though you "don't give a hot shit"?
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