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Xenoblade 2 official Japanese twitter account and website thread

I haven't played the previous Xenoblades but I loved the religious themes touched by Xenogears and Xenosaga. Is there any chance to find something of that in this game?

Others have already spoken on this but I want to add that I highly doubt they'll ever have so much upfront Christianity references ever again under Nintendo.


Neo Member

So I was thinking of buying this magnificient beast of a controller, but I've noticed that the pink handles looks a bit spongy.

I've never held a Pro controller, is that a texture? How does it fare against sweat and wear?
I keep forgetting this exists and is out this year, despite being very hyped for it.

I hope Nintendo give this a decent marketing push in the West.


Others have already spoken on this but I want to add that I highly doubt they'll ever have so much upfront Christianity references ever again under Nintendo.

I don't think Nintendo would stop that. Anyway, it's a JRPG so we will eventually fight God and if there's a church in it it will be evil.

Those are the rules.



because it's a classic high-res bullshot :D

Is there any news about dual audio? I am still debating whether to buy the JP or EN version and that may play a big role in it.

Safely assume there will not be dual audio. Please nobody bring up random nintendo booth attendees from conventions again.

From what I've been told in this thread, there won't be dual audio. I still hope they add it as dlc same way they did for Zelda though.

They didn't add anything to Zelda via dlc. The game always had multi audio.

Thatd just the guy repeating something that was only shown in the EU direct and have no relation to us and stuff because the game is being translated in multiple languages
"The guy" is telling you to ignore random booth people telling you otherwise undisclosed. The trailer thing was just another bullet point.

Others have already spoken on this but I want to add that I highly doubt they'll ever have so much upfront Christianity references ever again under Nintendo.

Hi! It's 2017, not 1990. :)


Xenoblade X had a church/cathedral in town. There was even a quest line with some using the donations for greedy purposes and tricking aliens and other people into their congregation. IIRC it ended in some suicide. I believe on of the recruitable characters in the game also works at the church too and she does her best to help everyone from giving them stuff or advice because she believes that's all she can do.

Pretty much set up like a Christian church with some greedy people trying to run it.


Looks more like an artwork, especially looking at those characters.

probably somewhere inbetween. the grass is their in-game grass for example. the general environmental layout and models (rocks) are too. just the characters look more like inserted art.


Xenoblade X had some references like that, Noas ark for example, been a long while so dont recall all of them but i think there was plenty of that.


Others have already spoken on this but I want to add that I highly doubt they'll ever have so much upfront Christianity references ever again under Nintendo.
YHVH is straight up the last boss of SMT IV: Apocalypse, and he couldn't be portrayed anymore negatively :p not to mention the throve of other christianity references in that game which are all but subtle and nuanced.

I'm sure Nintendo doesn't mind.


Xenoblade X had a church/cathedral in town. There was even a quest line with some using the donations for greedy purposes and tricking aliens and other people into their congregation. IIRC it ended in some suicide. I believe on of the recruitable characters in the game also works at the church too and she does her best to help everyone from giving them stuff or advice because she believes that's all she can do.

Pretty much set up like a Christian church with some greedy people trying to run it.

There's also a pretty big quest line involving religious fanaticism in NLA that involves one of the human characters trying to do a massive purge of the alien species that ends with one of the Ma-non questioning why anyone believes in religion in the first place (they're deeply atheist), along with a couple others throughout. Religious belief comes up a fair bit in other quests, not only with the Ma-non, but with the Orphe as well (not outright atheist as a species, but they're clearly not about believing in a supreme being).

It's funny to see people complain about Nintendo potentially curbing religious allusions in Monolith Soft's games since they bought them, because that sure hasn't been the case in practice.
From Milan games week's footage we know arts description can be turned off. So I checked some videos to see how arts icons tell their effects.

These four are the base art chain.




Front/Side/Back attack up is indicate by a dagger pointing up/left/down


HP potion is a potion pot




I think AOE arts will have those small square on the corners? Last one is "heal all", or "Full heal" from E3 footage.


Aquatic up, not sure if they'll use the same small icon for other enemy types.

Not sure how this chain attakc up work, since you only use specials during chain attack.


Topple up is a fist.



Aggro up and aggro down, same small icon?


High HP up, driver's HP or enemies' HP?


Critical recast, you recast the art if it's a critical hit?

These are all the icons with effects I can find from Nintendo Direct footage and official site, no new ones in Gamescon and Milan's footage. E3 footage are all old art icons.



Topple and low HP up


Launch up

So I guess you must memorize all the art effects if you want to turn off the description, since they use the same small icons for different effects(aggro up/down, high/low HP up, topple/launch up)


I think the name "Indoline Praetorium" is what sold me on this game. I like poetic-sounding names.

Kind of like how "Rom the Vacuous Spider" got me truly hyped about Bloodborne.


So I was thinking of buying this magnificient beast of a controller, but I've noticed that the pink handles looks a bit spongy.

I've never held a Pro controller, is that a texture? How does it fare against sweat and wear?

I don't own a Pro Con yet (have this one on pre-order from Amazon) but I believe the handles are hard plastic. No squish. Someone will hopefully correct me if I'm wrong.


So I was thinking of buying this magnificient beast of a controller, but I've noticed that the pink handles looks a bit spongy.

I've never held a Pro controller, is that a texture? How does it fare against sweat and wear?

I don't own a Pro Con yet (have this one on pre-order from Amazon) but I believe the handles are hard plastic. No squish. Someone will hopefully correct me if I'm wrong.

This is correct.
There's also a pretty big quest line involving religious fanaticism in NLA that involves one of the human characters trying to do a massive purge of the alien species that ends with one of the Ma-non questioning why anyone believes in religion in the first place (they're deeply atheist), along with a couple others throughout. Religious belief comes up a fair bit in other quests, not only with the Ma-non, but with the Orphe as well (not outright atheist as a species, but they're clearly not about believing in a supreme being).

It's funny to see people complain about Nintendo potentially curbing religious allusions in Monolith Soft's games since they bought them, because that sure hasn't been the case in practice.

I thought this scene outside the church was so strange with the Manon having deep philosophical discussions with that high pitched voice


From Milan games week's footage we know arts description can be turned off. So I checked some videos to see how arts icons tell their effects.

Nice compilation. An interesting thing to note is that it does appear we will be able to upgrade arts to have at least secondary abilities. Anchor shot, for example, starts off as just "HP Potion," but unlocks its "Topple" ability later on (Topple can be see listed in the GamesCom/Milan footage, but is not in either the original E3 or most recent Nintendo Direct footage).

However, the added upgrade to the art does NOT appear to change the icon, so we'll see if that changes in the final release.
Nice compilation. An interesting thing to note is that it does appear we will be able to upgrade arts to have at least secondary abilities. Anchor shot, for example, starts off as just "HP Potion," but unlocks its "Topple" ability later on (Topple can be see listed in the GamesCom/Milan footage, but is not in either the original E3 or most recent Nintendo Direct footage).

However, the added upgrade to the art does NOT appear to change the icon, so we'll see if that changes in the final release.

Anchor shot always has topple effect, English text is too long so they can't put both topple and HP potion in the description, Japanese description lists both.
Now I see it, but I still doubt that art will add new effect by upgrading. Since the icon always shows topple effect(the circled arrow).
Nice compilation. An interesting thing to note is that it does appear we will be able to upgrade arts to have at least secondary abilities. Anchor shot, for example, starts off as just "HP Potion," but unlocks its "Topple" ability later on (Topple can be see listed in the GamesCom/Milan footage, but is not in either the original E3 or most recent Nintendo Direct footage).

However, the added upgrade to the art does NOT appear to change the icon, so we'll see if that changes in the final release.

Now I see it, but I still doubt that art will add new effect by upgrading. Since the icon always shows topple effect(the circled arrow).

Well... Nintendo HK just announced Chinese localization for Xenoblade 2.

The video is E3 footage but they update the art icons.


Here the Anchor shot(first art) doesn't have topple effect and the topple icon. So maybe arts really gains new effects from upgrading.
Well... Nintendo HK just announced Chinese localization for Xenoblade 2.

The video is E3 footage but they update the art icons.


Here the Anchor shot(first art) doesn't have topple effect and the topple icon. So maybe arts really gains new effects from upgrading.

This will be great for fans of Nintendo games in China. When I lived in China a group of friends I knew always settled for the Japanese version of games, and bought Xenoblade X, they couldn't understand anything, and had to just go off gameplay.
Is that the same weird puppet + gun Blade we saw last week? Rex seems to be sporting a shield instead. Do the special blades come with random weapons as well?

There might be some slight randomization, I recall Finch having two different weapons but both were of a similar archetype.

Also, weapons have an "not in use state", for all we know this is that state for this Blade.
Is that the same weird puppet + gun Blade we saw last week? Rex seems to be sporting a shield instead. Do the special blades come with random weapons as well?

All Blades change your weapon, I would assume none of them are random (unless the common blades are randomized but that doesn't seem to be the case since we've seen the Ice-Axe Blade a lot)


I really, really hope there is dual audio. English VA sounds so bad compared to jpn in this game.
I haven't heard that much of the VA, but I haven't found it to be "so bad". There actually hasn't really been enough of it for me to form an overall opinion.

Now Fire Emblem Warriors on the other hand. That has been all bad, in every trailer that they've released.



New tweet talking about anchor shot. Interestingly it says "Rex equip sword" not "Rex with Pyra".

I think ultimately the Blades are power batteries, and the weapons something they're powering. Like Pyra can use the sword (as seen in the special attacks) and it doesn't count as "using herself"? Thusly Rex could use Anchor Shot with other sword-type weapons whose Blade knows Anchor Shot.
Maybe it means that anchor shot is a common sword art for Rex, and there are other sword-type blades in the game.

That's what I'm talking about. They haven't confirm it yet that arts are bind with driver and weapon type instead of blades. If so, outside of plots, what's the point of Pyra if there's other fire sword blades?


That's what I'm talking about. They haven't confirm it yet that arts are bind with driver and weapon type instead of blades. If so, outside of plots, what's the point of Pyra if there's other fire sword blades?

Maybe there's some exclusive arts for each blade. Or the specials vary from blade to blade. We haven't seen other blades in action so that's just a guess.
Maybe there's some exclusive arts for each blade. Or the specials vary from blade to blade. We haven't seen other blades in action so that's just a guess.

I forgot that blade will affect driver's status, so rare blade like Pyra may make Rex stronger than other fire sword blades.
That's what I'm talking about. They haven't confirm it yet that arts are bind with driver and weapon type instead of blades. If so, outside of plots, what's the point of Pyra if there's other fire sword blades?

Presumably Nia and other Drivers can equip the other Fire-Sword Blades, whereas Pyra is exclusive to Rex.


That's what I'm talking about. They haven't confirm it yet that arts are bind with driver and weapon type instead of blades. If so, outside of plots, what's the point of Pyra if there's other fire sword blades?

Its probably like a gatcha game where there are Tiers.

For Instance Pyra might be Xenoblade Chronicles 2's 5 star elite fire balde who happens to be Rex exclusive. Or if it were like Pokemon then Pyra would be Charizard while other fire blades are Charmander/Charmelions ect

Educated guess on plot.

Pyra is a special ultrapowerful doomsday weapon and will be stronger then every other fire blade.
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