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Yakuza 0. 1/24/17 Less than a month to go. Let's make a difference.


I don't actually disagree with what you are saying man, at least not in the general sense. But this is not the thread nor the game for these kind of discussion. Pre-orders or actual sales, honestly none of us care about how people buy this game. The point is that this is an amazing series and it sales extremely bad. You wouldn't even believe the numbers.

All we are trying to do is to get people interested and hopefully get a few more sales. Cause as I've said, this is genuinely good series and this game in particular is known quality. That's all there is to it.

Again, I don't disagree with you about not pre-ordering games, but this really isn't the time or place.

This. Especially the bold part.

The single reason we are not pushing sales is because the game isn't out yet and, trust me, the fans will probably keep pushing even after it's launched.
I don't actually disagree with what you are saying man, at least not in the general sense. But this is not the thread nor the game for these kind of discussion. Pre-orders or actual sales, honestly none of us care about how people buy this game. The point is that this is an amazing series and it sales extremely bad. You wouldn't even believe the numbers.

All we are trying to do is to get people interested and hopefully get a few more sales. Cause as I've said, this is genuinely good series and this game in particular is known quality. That's all there is to it.

Again, I don't disagree with you about not pre-ordering games, but this really isn't the time or place.
No, stupid practices don't become less stupid because you like the game. The 5 extra sales from this thread isn't saving the series. You can not like it but doesn't make it less awkward.


No, stupid practices don't become less stupid because you like the game. The 5 extra sales from this thread isn't saving the series. You can not like it but doesn't make it less awkward.

Sorry, is your problem now pre-ordering or trying to get people into the series? Like he said, the pre-ordering part is just because that's the only option right now.
Im probably going to do a physical giveaway for this. Will have more details soon. Got 2 copies preordered for myself to support. I'm playing my review copy now.
No, stupid practices don't become less stupid because you like the game. The 5 extra sales from this thread isn't saving the series. You can not like it but doesn't make it less awkward.

The game still isn't out. If you have any other suggestions as to how we can push the sales right now at this moment, please don't hold back. We are all ears.

And as for the number of sales this thread might generate? I would even take 1 extra sale as an accomplishment let alone 5.

As I've said before, this really isn't the kind of game for these discussions. Next time Capcom, Ubi, EA, Activision etc, announced their pre-order plans for their million seller titles, I'll be there right next to you telling people that they shouldn't pre-order games blindly until they actually come out and we know about their quality. (which again, we actually do know about the quality in this case)


No, stupid practices don't become less stupid because you like the game. The 5 extra sales from this thread isn't saving the series. You can not like it but doesn't make it less awkward.

Might as well put it back up lol.


No, still super awkward and saying it will do fuck all to "make a difference" is so severely understating it's impact it's not even funny. It's awkward as hell, especially pushing preorders instead of just pushing sales. Preorders are wildly unnecessary for mass produced games.

Well more sales would be GREAT for the series. I honestly feel the games have been released at inopportune times or mistakes made either with censoring or taking too long with localization. This is the best shot at decent sales the series has ever had. Nagoshi said there's 100k players in the west. If it can do half of what Japan does say 300k that would be fantastic news. It's a great series that doesn't deserve to disappear. At 6 titles, I feel like the series hasn't reached its peak yet. The games get better with every iteration.

Preordering is really just so the gamer doesn't miss out if you want the physical. By all means get the digital version if you want. But I think with the increase in media and word of mouth, Yakuza 0 is going to do better than Yakuza 5 and physical is going to run out if they print Yakuza 4 number of copies.
I've never played a Yakuza game. Watched some videos of it that is about it but if gaf likes I'll probably buy it but damn it's coming out the same as RE7 and I think KH remix. Also the week after is gravity rush 2...end of month is packed!


I don't think I have the time (or the money) for this but I just gotta show support for Yakuza.

Buying a copy.


Neo Member
I am so hyped for this game. Will be my first Yakuza game. This being a prequel i think it should be a good entry into the series. Can´t wait.


Here's when reviews will start dropping


I messaged John Hardin on Twitter about this thread. He is certainly aware of us and reading it. I asked him to join us and say hi but he said it's probably not the best idea as he might be seen as shilling or astroturfing which is totally fair enough.

Regardless he said he sent the thread to everyone in the office.
I think this thread may have convinced me to grab this on day one instead of waiting. Both RE7 and Yakuza 0 on the same day. Pretty excited.
Pretty much.

"I see people preordering after a youtuber told me not to preorder!!!11 I must stop them!"

Stop who? I said no and I have six people trying to reason with me about how this game is special and I should prouder it whether I want to or not. But sure, we all mindlessly follow some YouTuber that you're referencing.

Zaraki has convinced me to preorder. Digital too
:lol so much salt in me responding to a thread with my opinion like everyone else but I'm the crybaby. Can't wait to see the sales figures for this bad boy.


I'll get this when it's out, even though I most probably won't be having access to my PS4 for quite sometime lol


Oh Im so sad Im completely broke for this game release :(
Played all the 5 mainline games, Yakuza 5 was my PS3 last breath.
I hope I can still grab it this year.


Stop who? I said no and I have six people trying to reason with me about how this game is special and I should prouder it whether I want to or not. But sure, we all mindlessly follow some YouTuber that you're referencing.

:lol so much salt in me responding to a thread with my opinion like everyone else but I'm the crybaby. Can't wait to see the sales figures for this bad boy.

You don't seem to actually want to discuss your 'opinion', you seem to mostly just want to shit on the idea of buying the game at all (as pointed out, it's not really about preordering). We get it, you don't want to preorder or buy the game. Why even post here anymore? Go away?
please read this out loud and tell me you are not a crybaby
You're right, your personal attacks are more mature.
You don't seem to actually want to discuss your 'opinion', you seem to mostly just want to shit on the idea of buying the game at all (as pointed out, it's not really about preordering). We get it, you don't want to preorder or buy the game. Why even post here anymore? Go away?
Discuss what? It's been a page of needless personal attacks over a single post of mine stating my opinion. Yeah you've really been itching to "discuss". WHY even post but not why keep attacking someone because they started their opinion. Like I said enjoy the sales, the game has a great community as this thread has proven.


The long cutscenes kind of put me off, but the GIFS in the "sell a game with a gif" thread make me want to buy it.

This thread needs more yakuza gifs


Hey whats going on here folks? This thread is special, its amazing to see 12 pages of Yakuza fans trying to make a difference !
This guy dont wanna pre order or buy or whatever ok, lets not derail the thread because of this.
Bring on some gifs to make things cooler around here !


You're right, your personal attacks are more mature.

Discuss what? It's been a page of needless personal attacks over a single post of mine stating my opinion. Yeah you've really been itching to "discuss". WHY even post but not why keep attacking someone because they started their opinion. Like I said enjoy the sales, the game has a great community as this thread has proven.

One person posted a crying picture, and that's a page of needless personal attacks? You're really reading into things.

People have been saying it's a good game, now is a good time as a player to jump in and it's good for the series too. You came in saying "don't preorder, I'm not going to preorder!", and people rightfully pointed out it's not really about preordering it's just about supporting the series and that's currently the only way to do so. You continued to complain, I asked if it was about preordering or just the idea of supporting games in general and you didn't answer. You haven't discussed anything except your persecution complex since then (not at an attack, stating an obvious trend). You're not actually discussing the sales at all, so yes, "discuss what?" indeed. It's not about the game at this point for you, so again, why not just leave the thread? Feel free to not reply.
This is one of my favorite QTEs from Yakuza 3. What better time than now to GIF it.


Wow, I've forgotten how cool that boss fight looked in Yakuza 3. Not a fan of that particular character but that QTE rocks (though I did like it when they brought back his character for Ishin).

Really wish the Japanese version of 6 would let me capture some footage, I just finished off chapter 7 and there are some awesome moments/QTE's at the end of the chapter with the boss battle...


You're right, your personal attacks are more mature.

Discuss what? It's been a page of needless personal attacks over a single post of mine stating my opinion. Yeah you've really been itching to "discuss". WHY even post but not why keep attacking someone because they started their opinion. Like I said enjoy the sales, the game has a great community as this thread has proven.

You have got to be trolling lol
Ya'll convinced me, I went ahead and pre-ordered. It'll be on the backburner for a bit for RE7 (sorry), but I'll go ahead and get it, fuck it.


Not a fan of that particular character but that QTE rocks (though I did like it when they brought back his character for Ishin).

His character wasn't great, but it was pretty funny how they clearly just got the first voice actor who spoke English they found and had no idea how poorly and unnatural it sounded.
His character wasn't great, but it was pretty funny how they clearly just got the first voice actor who spoke English they found and had no idea how poorly and unnatural it sounded.

Totally. I remember when I played through 3 back in the day and found it weird that he was speaking that Resident Evil grade English dub. So weird to have all the characters speaking fluent Japanese in cutscenes and then you have that guy who came out speaking bad English.
The long cutscenes kind of put me off, but the GIFS in the "sell a game with a gif" thread make me want to buy it.

This thread needs more yakuza gifs
I wanna post some gifs but they might be spoilery for newcomers so I'm not sure if I should do it. Especially that hype moment in Yakuza 4...


Really nice to see this thread and all the Yakuza love on GAF right now.

I already bought and played the Japanese version, but you all convinced me to double-dip :)


Always wanted to try out the series based on what I have read and from what others have said about it kind of being an evolution or continuation of aspects of Shenmue. I'll be there Day 1 for this game.
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