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Yakuza 0. 1/24/17 Less than a month to go. Let's make a difference.


I've bought every title in the series at release. This is gaming comfort food for me. You know I'm there day one. I even took back Pokémon Sun and Ocarina of Time I got for Christmas to Best Buy to fund this preorder.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
Ah I see. How much have the games improved since the first? I've enjoyed what I've played of the first a lot, but it's definitely clunky in some ways. Searching for things on in the city sections can be a chore.

Less clunky, no more fixed camera angles
but mostly the same IMO. I think Yakuza 1 is hella good


Yeah I have the platinum for all the games in the series that have them and 100% in game completion for those that don't.


But I don't consider myself the biggest Yakuza fan or anything, just a humble person who, loves the series since the first game.

Also from the Hong Kong PS show from last year showed Yakuza 0 along with Yakuza 6 that was gonna get Pro Support.



Ah I see. How much have the games improved since the first? I've enjoyed what I've played of the first a lot, but it's definitely clunky in some ways. Searching for things on in the city sections can be a chore.

It got gradually better with each entry, more polished, better looking, new mechacnis, enhanced older mechanics, but mostly similar in gameplay, which is why after all those instalments it's still good and has a cult following.


so this game has been out for a while in Japan right? received well? I tried to get into Yakuza games on PS2 way back in the day but got distracted. I'm interested in diving in again
so this game has been out for a while in Japan right? received well? I tried to get into Yakuza games on PS2 way back in the day but got distracted. I'm interested in diving in again

I think 0 was indeed received well. 6 seemed to be quite problematic however :/

I've recently got around to playing my Japanese copy of 0 and I'm having a ton of fun.


so this game has been out for a while in Japan right? received well? I tried to get into Yakuza games on PS2 way back in the day but got distracted. I'm interested in diving in again

Very well received and probably one of the best in the entire series.


I preordered it, I've never played a Yakuza game before too. It'll probably be the only game I get for PS4 this year too (I'll be moving in March and will sell it. I'm not expecting to get another one in the near future). I'm hoping to have a good time with it.
I bit the bullet and bought Yakuza 4 at $40 to try the series out, saw it has cutscenes for the past games, nice touch, but Ill probably watch them after I beat the game.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
I bit the bullet and bought Yakuza 4 at $40 to try the series out, saw it has cutscenes for the past games, nice touch, but Ill probably watch them after I beat the game.

Yakuza 4 is a terrific place to start and one of the best games in the series. Have fun!
I have my amazon one on pre order for my physical Yakuza collection and you know I'm getting the digital version to play right away at midnight.


Pre ordered today alongside Horizon, for some reason they won´t let me pre order Mass Effect: Andromeda but whatever.



I've always wanted to try this series out, but I didn't own a PS3. I'll get Yakuza 0 sometime this year, just not at release because Q1 2017 is packed with games.


I've always wanted to try this series out, but I didn't own a PS3. I'll get Yakuza 0 sometime this year, just not at release because Q1 2017 is packed with games.

I guess you meant PS4. In the west, only the PS4 version is being released.

If you got a PS4, buy it. Q1 is packed but this is one of the best games.
So I'm doing my part. I won't say how but I met Yasuhiro Noguchi a few months ago and talked with him about his time at Namco and Sega. After talking with him about his issues getting Yakuza not only localized, but dewesternized it shined a light at how much of a passion project it was for him to get it over here I pretty much felt even though he's not at Sega anymore (Yakuza being the main reason) I should at least give it a try finally seeing as how much he fought to bring 4 and Dead Souls over for the dedicated folks who love this series.


I guess you meant PS4. In the west, only the PS4 version is being released.

If you got a PS4, buy it. Q1 is packed but this is one of the best games.

I never owned a PS3 so I never could try the the series. Now that one comes to the PS4 I can. This thread reminded me that Yakuza 0 comes out soon, so kudos OP

The Ummah

I'll give it a go, for sure. I'm all for these titles coming to the West.

I have one title, but it was the PS+ freebie and I don't have a PS3 anymore. I'd rather start with the prequel before jumping into 6, if anything.


I never owned a PS3 so I never could try the the series. Now that one comes to the PS4 I can. This thread reminded me that Yakuza 0 comes out soon, so kudos OP

Sorry, I was the one who read your post wrong. I somehow thought you were saying you couldn't get Y0 because it was on the PS3.

Regardless, join us. Trust me on this and get this. Q1 is stacked but this is an amazing game and the OT for this game is probably going to be amazing with the sheer amount of newcomers.
Well I'm at the quandary I sorta expected I would face. Review code came in, but I really do want to buy the game both to have it in my collection physically (Outside of Steam and PSN+, 90% of my digital games are just review codes) and to help support the game. While it will hurt my wallet a bit, I have a feeling I will cave in and order a physical copy.


Since the second half of 2016 I adopted the policy of waiting for discounts, but some of you are making a good case for buying Y0 at launch.

I have 4 and 5 because of PS Plus, but I never played them because I find it hard to go back to the PS3.


Well I'm at the quandary I sorta expected I would face. Review code came in, but I really do want to buy the game both to have it in my collection physically (Outside of Steam and PSN+, 90% of my digital games are just review codes) and to help support the game. While it will hurt my wallet a bit, I have a feeling I will cave in and order a physical copy.

Don't forget how much you need a new business card holder
source? 39/40 from famitsu

one of the reviewers was bunbunmaru :D

Haha. But isn't most Famitsu reviews 35+? :p

With that being said, looking at Amazon reviews may not have been the most accurate choice either since the majority of ratings on that site seem to be 3 stars :p That being said, a lot of people are seem to be pretty disappointed with the story. Especially considering it's
Kiryu's final chapter
(According to the synopsis on Amazon JP. Spoiler-ing just in case).


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Finished Yakuza 5 last night. Might be one of the craziest games I've ever played, but not at the expense of fun factor. Does Yakuza 0 take place before or after all of the 80's flashback scenes from Yakuza 2?


Since the second half of 2016 I adopted the policy of waiting for discounts, but some of you are making a good case for buying Y0 at launch.

I have 4 and 5 because of PS Plus, but I never played them because I find it hard to go back to the PS3.

Then do it. Buy it and play with everyone.

If you want to play what you already have, Yakuza 4 is another great point to start the series

Finished Yakuza 5 last night. Might be one of the craziest games I've ever played, but not at the expense of fun factor. Does Yakuza 0 take place before or after all of the 80's flashback scenes from Yakuza 2?

It's been years since I played Yakuza 2, but I believe Yakuza 0 is after those flashbacks. IIRC, Kiryu was still a teenager in those flashbacks.

No thanks... Thread is weird as hell trying to convince people to preorder games.

This game has been out in Japan for quite some time and it's quality is well known.
It is a great game, no doubt about it.

Now join us and buy it too.
Sorry, I was the one who read your post wrong. I somehow thought you were saying you couldn't get Y0 because it was on the PS3.

Regardless, join us. Trust me on this and get this. Q1 is stacked but this is an amazing game and the OT for this game is probably going to be amazing with the sheer amount of newcomers.

Yeah, I'm actually very looking forward to OT. With this many newcomers it should be very fun and active thread.
Well it's already out in Japan and has received positive feed back so not weird at all.

No, still super awkward and saying it will do fuck all to "make a difference" is so severely understating it's impact it's not even funny. It's awkward as hell, especially pushing preorders instead of just pushing sales. Preorders are wildly unnecessary for mass produced games.


No, still super awkward and saying it will do fuck all to "make a difference" is so severely understating it's impact it's not even funny. It's awkward as hell, especially pushing preorders instead of just pushing sales. Preorders are wildly unnecessary for mass produced games.

I wouldn't say physically preordering will be necessary for this title, but it'll almost certainly have a really small production run. I wouldn't sleep on a physical copy if I wanted one. But digital? If you want a theme and a preload I suppose. Reviews come out a few days before release if you want to wait on those anyway.

That said in terms of keeping the franchise alive, yeah, they only care about actual sales. Preorders don't mean much.
No, still super awkward and saying it will do fuck all to "make a difference" is so severely understating it's impact it's not even funny. It's awkward as hell, especially pushing preorders instead of just pushing sales. Preorders are wildly unnecessary for mass produced games.

I don't actually disagree with what you are saying man, at least not in the general sense. But this is not the thread nor the game for these kind of discussion. Pre-orders or actual sales, honestly none of us care about how people buy this game. The point is that this is an amazing series and it sales extremely bad. You wouldn't even believe the numbers.

All we are trying to do is to get people interested and hopefully get a few more sales. Cause as I've said, this is genuinely good series and this game in particular is known quality. That's all there is to it.

Again, I don't disagree with you about not pre-ordering games, but this really isn't the time or place.
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