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Did Geoff just watch her walk off the set while that guy was talking to him?

He's like, biting his lip and everything

Even after the Colonial Marines fiasco, it's hard to completely hate Gearbox with all of the passion that Randy shows. I hope Battleborn ends up well, seems like a fun concept even if I don't currently completely understand it.


Ok Ok people The Treehouse.

it's funny though. When you for some reason are attracted to a personality and you forget why... well I think it's because I've watched her before and forgot about it. Probebly last year's Treehouse.

also when I meant presentation, I meant on the big stage like Sony, MS, EA, etc.


she was more like the confident older sister who when you're growing up flirts your friends into embarrassing themselves just because she can, then sashays away laughing. she rocks.

top entertainment. geoff unintentional comedy king.
Example one of Gamers and grudges...lol. Let it go bro.

He has also headed a company that brought us borderlands and, partially, halo online multiplayer.
I would have let it go if he didn't lie about it for years, show fake footage that wasn't even real, and take Sega's money from that game for whatever else they were doing. Not to mention the awfulness of that game likely did damaged to the interest in Isolation, which deserves more sales.

I wasn't even that big of a fan of Borderlands and while I love Halo multiplayer, that's not enough for me to give him and Gearbox any more passes. If people want to like Battleborn and Randy, then fine go right ahead, but I'll never buy a game from him or Gearbox again.
Zero²;168035913 said:
Yeah really reminded me of Dont Starve, looks cool.
What's the name?
EDIT: Flame in the Flood? ugh not feeling it

Flame in the Flood.

New Ratchet & Clank footage comin up! Honestly enjoying this more than conference format.
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