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YouTube Live @ E3 Monday Guest Schedule Released [Live at Noon ET / 9 AM PT]


Ok Ok people The Treehouse.

it's funny though. When you for some reason are attracted to a personality and you forget why... well I think it's because I've watched her before and forgot about it. Probebly last year's Treehouse.

I don't remember her being there. If she was, she certainly didn't talk like a brain amputated brat with constipation. I would have remembered that and I'll never say anything against Audrey again. I swear.


Gamers hold insane grudges for some reason though...
I wonder why...

He catches heat for Aliens and Duke Nukem to some extent which I admit is justified.

I wonder how the Platinum Transformer games is going to be. I know it'll be action-packed and probably lots of fun, but I hope it's a larger budget/scale game rather than a tiny one like Korra was.

Is there any chance platinums announcement won't be transformers?
Maybe a sliver, but I'm pretty sure it is Transformers. Especially with Geoff just now saying that "we may have already gotten hints about it over the weekend". That basically confirms to me that it was the leaked game we saw.


I got a question about streaming on youtube

Im trying to rewind to a certain point (right before the mgs v trailer) but there is no sound!

watching live there is sound, but on rewind there is no sound. Is this just waiting to process and if i check back later it will have sound?

Evo X

I got a question about streaming on youtube

Im trying to rewind to a certain point (right before the mgs v trailer) but there is no sound!

watching live there is sound, but on rewind there is no sound. Is this just waiting to process and if i check back later it will have sound?

I'm having issues rewinding on firefox, but it seems to work fine using IE10.


I got a question about streaming on youtube

Im trying to rewind to a certain point (right before the mgs v trailer) but there is no sound!

watching live there is sound, but on rewind there is no sound. Is this just waiting to process and if i check back later it will have sound?

Working great for me on Chrome, both live and on rewind. Try refreshing the page and check once again.


Loving the Youtube coverage.

HTML5 Check

1080p@60fps Check

Geoff Check

R.I.P Twitch.

It started dying during the conference and HD has only recently come back. I'd say far from perfect, but off hours coverage has been solid from Geoff. Plus, everyone love Geoff.


I got a question about streaming on youtube

Im trying to rewind to a certain point (right before the mgs v trailer) but there is no sound!

watching live there is sound, but on rewind there is no sound. Is this just waiting to process and if i check back later it will have sound?

Yeah I'm watchin live and he sound is ahead of the picture by about 1-1.5 seconds. Kind of irritating. Not sure if it's just me, the stream, or what.


oh man the yarn yoshi presenter with the tatts was on point. insta crush.

geoff seems comfortable today; maybe popped a benzo

Evo X

Thanks i was on firefox and switched to IE and sound is working on rewind :)

I just downloaded Chrome, and the stream works even better.

Smooth 1080/60, whereas firefox and IE were having stuttering and loading issues with it.

Hope it stays stable during the upcoming conferences.
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