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Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana |OT| Two Systems, Two Heroes, One BIG HOLE


Just found out Nia offers a side quest, but I've recruited her too late (at chapter 4 right now). Guess I missed it :/.

Edit: Or maybe not!


Hmm quick question regarding a castaway. Apparently you can find
in chapter 2 but I did not find this person until the start of chapter 3. Have I missed out on a potential quest? Not sure what is and isn't missable as far as quests go.


Damn just got to the Chapter 2 boss
Giant Aligator like boss whose name I forget

And wow, that fight was the hardest challenge I've had yet. He just did so much damage to my party. Think I might need to do a little grinding.


Hmm quick question regarding a castaway. Apparently you can find
in chapter 2 but I did not find this person until the start of chapter 3. Have I missed out on a potential quest? Not sure what is and isn't missable as far as quests go.

I feel like I'm pretty far through chapter 2 and she hasn't offered me any quests yet. So probably not.


That boss on Gendarme has three lifebars. Dios mio.
It's currently whooping my ass

Edit: Gave it a few shots to scope out his move set, gonna eat dinner then stream my repeated failures :D

If I die for like an hour or so I'll probably see about grinding a level out but it's hp was melting pretty fast already so I just gotta git gud


I like the look of this game even tho it clearly suffers from also being a Vita game. I hope their next game is PC/PS4 only.

I know they won't make a Ni No Kuni, but it will look much better.


I like the look of this game even tho it clearly suffers from also being a Vita game. I hope their next game is PC/PS4 only.

I know they won't make a Ni No Kuni, but it will look much better.

You can see what a PS4-only Falcom title is if you compare Cold Steel II to III. The third one is so much better looking.



If you look at CSIII it should be a good clue to how a PS4 only Ys would look, except maybe even better.


Ok, a few gripes with Falcom's general storytelling here. I'm feeling like I've seen Laxia before in Trails of Cold Steel. Young woman from rich family, introduces herself after eye-willingly cliched moment of protagonist accused of being a pervert by accident. Turns out to have very useful practical skill set and servants. Initially distrustful of main character. Soon realises they are competent in the situation and generally decent, and falls into line as a follower. Are there only so many character backgrounds for women or something now? She just feels a bit generic and a big step down from the calm competence of the Wind Sage of Ys VII, or the halberdier of Celceta.

Also, priorities, people. There are children that may have washed up on an island full of predators, with no survival skills, two days ago. Whats Laxia's priority? I should skin wolves for curtains and a door frame for the cave. So the two women can get changed. In our huge camp with six people in it. Just seems a bit odd for someone whose mantra is 'I can look after myself' as otherwise she's quite practical and focused on finding people.

We also have a parrot that can identify people and communicate between them at range. Why isn't it flying up and down the coastline, looking for survivors and guiding us to them?

The captain seems like a nice guy, but has no idea who any of the people on his ship actually were, shows little concern at none of his crew being amongst the initial survivors, and then willingly hands over control of the camp to Dogi despite presumably actually having years of experience as a leader of people in a permanent survival situation (at sea) and as a line manager of professional carpenters. They've made him so passive to be likeable, but it seems unrealistic for a competent ship's captain.

I like the optimism of Ys but nobody seems to have even considered the idea that a shipwreck like that seems likely to have had a sky-high fatality rate without lifeboats, if the only method of survival was unconsciously washing up on a beach. That's a highly unlikely, very lucky start for a seasoned adventurer, let alone the entire crew of a ship. Feels like they created all these characters and didn't want to have any killed off at the start or introduce any fodder despite the dramatic opening.

There's a bit of sexism when it's always referred to as 'women and children' being in danger, which feels a bit odd when women in Ys seem just as likely to be highly competent and powerful knights, soldiers, wizards, adventurers etc. Maybe Laxia's arc addresses that in time.

Some things I do love- people conceding that Adol is pretty good at what he does. That's quite nice in an rpg sequel. Making breakfast before adventuring. Very important :D


I like fishing in this game. It's a masterpiece after doing it in FFXII lol(what a fucking mess that was)

You can see what a PS4-only Falcom title is if you compare Cold Steel II to III. The third one is so much better looking.

If you look at CSIII it should be a good clue to how a PS4 only Ys would look, except maybe even better.

Totally forgot about this. Is it coming next year?
I like fishing in this game. It's a masterpiece after doing it in FFXII lol(what a fucking mess that was)

Totally forgot about this. Is it coming next year?

september 28 in japan, no announcment for the west yet! Really hope that Xseed will still do it, fuck off NIS!


Looking for some help, I've 100% explored the Eroded Valley and I'm missing a chest. I have the full map explored. Anybody ran into this as well ?
Looking for some help, I've 100% explored the Eroded Valley and I'm missing a chest. I have the full map explored. Anybody ran into this as well ?

Check out behind those frogs, If I don't remember incorrectly, there is one behind them.
Just be careful, they can eat alive your party members


Check out behind those frogs, If I don't remember incorrectly, there is one behind them.
Just be careful, they can eat alive your party members

If it's not too much work can you take a screenshot of your map so I can see what chest I'm missing, I grabbed those guarded by the big blue frog.

Edit: Finally found my missing chest, yay !


I think I like almost every character in Celceta more than the "counterpart" here.

Still love VIII of course, but the characters this time aren't as interesting to me. Could be the writing, who knows?
If it's not too much work can you take a screenshot of your map so I can see what chest I'm missing, I grabbed those guarded by the big blue frog.

Sorry, I don't have access to the game right now, but I will be playing in two hours or so. If by then you haven't find it I will post a screenshot.

I think I like almost every character in Celceta more than the "counterpart" here.

Still love VIII of course, but the characters this time aren't as interesting to me. Could be the writing, who knows?

Can't say I agree, I don't dislike the characters in Celteta but they were utterly forgettable to me. I like the ones in VIII a bit more so far; Laxia is growing on me as I progress through the game, Sahad has had two or three good moments though he doesn't really need a proper development and that makes him a little boring, and the rest have been more or less good from my point of view.

The thing I noticed so far and could explain the way you feel is that the game is taking its time with these characters, instead of giving a proper background and motives to some of them from the beggining. It really depends on how much they will contribute to the plot of the game and how they will develop in order to properly judge them.


Damn, some curveballs happening in the story in a cool way. (Chapter 5 spoilers)

Just got
Dana *in* the party. I was expecting her role in the story to just be in the past with this Dual Conciousness mechanic. I did not expect to just find her in stasis in the present and actually get her in the present. That's pretty cool.

Also, I didn't expect her story in the past to be quite so involved with her own quests, Virtue mechanic, and a neat dungeon to explore.


Doing my first night time mission there's a chest I can't jump high enough to reach. Is there a jump upgrade at some point ?


Chapter 3 was a bit shorter than 2, but hey found some castaways I missed earlier.

The sense of scale is great, when at the end of the chapter
you defeat that giant buffed chickendragon and think you well that's that. Only to find out a few moments later that there are dozens of them flying around the other side.

Good stuff. That music on mountain path was muy bueno.


Hmm am I supposed to get that chest then ? Can you repeat night time mission ? Even sprint jumping I can't make it up there.

Yes, you can repeat night night missions, as well as Interceptions and Suppressions. As far as I can tell, nothing is missable in this game (so far).


Hmm am I supposed to get that chest then ? Can you repeat night time mission ? Even sprint jumping I can't make it up there.
I was able to get to the chest by spamming one of Adol's rising attacks (I forget what it's called). I may've even been hit by a monster at the same time which knocked me up there.


Hmm am I supposed to get that chest then ? Can you repeat night time mission ? Even sprint jumping I can't make it up there.

You can get all the chest with out any upgrades, for the one in the water area drop down, for the one next to the crab swap to sahad he jumps higher


Yes, you can repeat night night missions, as well as Interceptions and Suppressions. As far as I can tell, nothing is missable in this game (so far).

I was able to get to the chest by spamming one of Adol's rising attacks (I forget what it's called). I may've even been hit by a monster at the same time which knocked me up there.

You can get all the chest with out any upgrades, for the one in the water area drop down, for the one next to the crab swap to sahad he jumps higher

Thanks guys, I finally managed to make it. Not sure what they though by putting a chest in such a hard to reach place with a crappy item in it.


I have to do the Pirate Booty quest and find some weird food for Sir Charlton but I have no idea how to progress. I'm in Chapter 2.Help?

You have to find the recipe for Meuniere in a chest. It's in the jungle area blocked by the insects. If you don't have repellant you can't pass yet.
I have to do the Pirate Booty quest and find some weird food for Sir Charlton but I have no idea how to progress. I'm in Chapter 2.Help?

The food recipe is pretty easy to find (chapter 2 spoilers)
left path in the jungle first area
, the other one is almost impossible to miss. Also, one advice, drop some hints to know what you are labeling as spoilers, it could be dangerous eitherwise.


I think I like almost every character in Celceta more than the "counterpart" here.

Still love VIII of course, but the characters this time aren't as interesting to me. Could be the writing, who knows?
Celceta's problem wasn't that it didn't have interesting characters, it was that it did nothing with them nor did resolve any of their central conflict.

I have to do the Pirate Booty quest and find some weird food for Sir Charlton but I have no idea how to progress. I'm in Chapter 2.Help?
You find it through exploring.
Actual answer:
You'll go to a jungle/swamp area as part of the storyline. Somewhere near the start of that you'll find a climbable vine wall and there's a treasure chest with the recipe


Thanks guys, I finally managed to make it. Not sure what they though by putting a chest in such a hard to reach place with a crappy item in it.

Oh make a small effort to get 9 glow stones total while you are there for some accessories that will last a while 1 or 2 trips through should net that
Goddammit I'm never going to build that boat for dogi.

Lateka Rasin just refuses to drop. Been grinding for so long now :-\

Can you miss quests btw? Because that one has 'expiration: short'


Goddammit I'm never going to build that boat for dogi.

Lateka Rasin just refuses to drop. Been grinding for so long now :-

Can you miss quests btw? Because that one has 'expiration: short'

Yeah I failed the this one, just could not get the resin. Only one I missed besides
making the meal for Sir Carlan, because fuck him.


Also I'll have to echo the camera placement stuff being great. That mixed with the mobility and exploration aspects has this game as my favorite Ys game to just travel around places and explore
Between a screw up with my limited edition, Hurricane Irma, and traveling up to Minnesota for my father's cancer surgery. I can finally start on Ys VIII. I'd planned on Day one, but what are ya gonna do.

I've kept pretty far away from any plot details, and have just started, still in the prologue but a couple of quick notes:

Adol and Dogi, still the OTP of Ys.

Dogi's new look is really kinda off-putting though. I don't mind the beard, but his light blue hair that is no longer curly at all is just odd. If you didn't actively tell me that was Dogi I wouldn't have believed it. In fact every time I saw a screen with him i assumed it was a new character.

Even early on, the translation is stilted. No life to it at all. Hope it gets better.

Also didn't realize that this takes place before Ys 6. That's an odd placement IMO, as Ys 6 seemed to fit in more or less directly after 5, wasn't Adol hanging with Terra and her father because of the events of Kefin? Or am I misremembering?

Anyhow, back to the game.
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