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Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana |OT| Two Systems, Two Heroes, One BIG HOLE


At last, the post dungeon boss has fallen. I've got 3 more trophies to get for the platinum which are easy enough but no more bosses at last!

Unless I try that extra Interception mission.

Final count of how many times I died on bosses: 2651 times

When I finally play it in English, I'll probably smack it onto Nightmare instead of Inferno. but no more Solo Adol, No healing, no extra guage shenanigans. Still need to upload the last fight but I'll have my playlist to prove i did it last time.
How do you guys recommend I remap in order to de-couple Flash Guard from the Special Move button? I want to put Special Moves on R2 and keep Flash Guard on R1, but it doesn't seem to let me remap L2 or R2.

edit: Nevermind, I looked back through the thread and saw the recommendations from earlier.

Can you share your current button layout, please? About to start and interested in how people are optimising the controls!


I kept parry and skills on the same buttton, Not a fan of burning meter unless Im getting crits off for the most part

Yeah, this is me too. There weren't enough times I'd want to do one without the other (at least during bosses) that it merited removing either from the button that was most comfortable for both.


I used L3 for item screen, R3 for lock on and triangle for dash.

Played quite a bunch today. Feels good to make a lot of progress.

I got saved by a location discovery that despawned the monster I fished up.

Really hated
Franz' sidequest
. That limited amount of space and the roars urgh.
Can you share your current button layout, please? About to start and interested in how people are optimising the controls!
I have Attack on Square, Jump on X, Evade and Dash on L1, Switch on Triangle, Flash Guard on R1, Lock-on on Circle (kind of weird but I'm used to it now), Skill on R2, EXTRA on R2+L2, Item Screen on L3, and Adventure Gear is not mapped.

I'm 9.5hrs in, and it seems to be working for me OK.
Can we nuke Hall of Vision from orbit, please? That one
treasure chest in room of cubes (the one which, I am assuming, is high up)
is absolutely doing my head in. I've even delayed seeing the next cut scene reveal to try and get at it. *sigh*


Can we nuke Hall of Vision from orbit, please? That one
treasure chest in room of cubes (the one which, I am assuming, is high up)
is absolutely doing my head in. I've even delayed seeing the next cut scene reveal to try and get at it. *sigh*

After a few minutes, I decided to just proceed and ignore that chest :p.


Valley of The Kings
Question about the Japanese voice of Adol.
When i play with adol and he screams / shouts while attacking, I thought "wait, that sounds like Trunks!".

Looking it up on Google, Adol was in fact voiced by Takeshi Kusao, who also did Trunks. But that was for the previous games. For Ys 8 it's Yuki Kaji.

Makes me wonder why I'm still hearing Trunks in this game. Maybe he sounds very similar?
My other idea is this: They used a new voice actor for the short sentences he says in the game, but the screams are still voiced by Takeshi Kusao.


Question about the Japanese voice of Adol.
When i play with adol and he screams / shouts while attacking, I thought "wait, that sounds like Trunks!".

Looking it up on Google, Adol was in fact voiced by Takeshi Kusao, who also did Trunks. But that was for the previous games. For Ys 8 it's Yuki Kaji.

Makes me wonder why I'm still hearing Trunks in this game. Maybe he sounds very similar?
My other idea is this: They used a new voice actor for the short sentences he says in the game, but the screams are still voiced by Takeshi Kusao.
Nah, Takeshi Kusao would've been credited otherwise. Yuki Kaji already voiced Adol in Memories of Celceta and in the anime Minna Atsumare! Falcom Gakuen.

In the very same anime Takeshi Kusao voiced this guy.


"Medical student?"
"That's a student who studies medicine."

You don't say? lol

Chapter 2 spoilers (mid? late? I honestly don't know, this chapter has gone on for a while)
I'm calling it. Kiergaard is the Nameless Killer. He totally had the crazed look and shifty eyes when we talked to him after Carlan disappeared, and now we find out Licht is a doctor. There's only enough room for 1 doctor in this here small village.
Soo anyone else use those infinite spawning insect nest to just max out all their skills? Cuz I spent an hour last night just spamming skills to do that lol.


I got the Ancient Abyss fish in Ys 8 last night. FUCK those button prompts. I just kept rotating my analog stick in one direction and it worked out fine :p
Just finished up last night. Probably going to end up being my game of the year. It’s just a shame NIS did the localization; it was passable, but very literal and a little incoherent towards the end. I spent a lot of time wondering how much more I would’ve enjoyed some of the plot reveals had XSeed written them.
So, I just progressed in a strange way in a dungeon. Feels like I was not supposed to do it that way. I think I am missing an item / ability to glide or jump even further. Instead I did it this way, lol

(mild late party member spoiler)


I know I can destroy 3 rocks before the door closes after the fourth. But it looked like I still need something to make higher or longer jumps.
Finished up the game and jumped back in to knock off some of the low hanging fruit achievements that I wanted to wrap up. While not everything worked I will give these folks credit for not being afraid to change from game-to-game in the series. The main quest line had some really nice moments in it, although the wheels kinda fell off in the last chapter. I liked the main party characters, though I'd much rather have my boy Dogi with me instead of Sahad. Also, Shoe-Bill should have been a playable character. Official Lord Radik score is 7/10.
I LACRAMOSTLY enjoyed it.


Now that people are finally finishing I can finally share my terrible (but slightly spoilery) joke I've had since I finished the Vita version last year. You'd probably have to have hit the final chapter for this to work.

I'll put in a spoiler box and you need to remove the square brackets from ".com"



Also finished up a little while ago. Outside of missing a few monsters I got absolutely everything done. I'm putting the game down for now but I'll probably return at some point in the future for whatever the postgame dungeon is and to do a nightmare mode run for the final trophy.

I had a really enjoyable time but I wish Falcom remembered how to be concise. The effort they put into crafting their characters is commendable but at times it feels like you're just going back for another block of text justifying how the character is exactly the same character they were the last time you spoke to them. Every character has their trope and outside of defined points of significant character development they act according to it at all times.

The story wasn't bad, but it didn't earn the amount of time they dedicated to it with the amount of interruptions only worsening the issue. Outside of the gameplay, the game felt more like a Trails game than an Ys title which annoyed me since I've always treated Ys as more of replayable action game rather than a long-winded RPG, probably because I started with Oath in Felghana.

Despite how negative this all probably sounds, it still ranks as one of my favourite games of the year just because they continue to nail combat mechanics, music and sense of adventure which are the three things that keep Ys as one of my favourites. Hopefully the next entry will trim some of the fat and move towards the series roots slightly rather than just homogenising with the Trails series even more. I'd love an Ys Origin-style game with this combat, a higher difficulty level and just Adol, but even if Ys keeps following this style I don't see myself dropping it anytime soon so long as the quality stays the same.


Now that people are finally finishing I can finally share my terrible (but slightly spoilery) joke I've had since I finished the Vita version last year. You'd probably have to have hit the final chapter for this to work.

I'll put in a spoiler box and you need to remove the square brackets from ".com"


A+ multi level joke
Regarding the CE, is anyone else’s bottom loose? I’m talking specifically about the bottom box that attaches to the box that holds the game. Mine is quite wiggly.
So is the defend the town/intercepts just the monster kill score attack thing? I thought I read it was more tower defense-ish in nature or does that have something to do with the watch tower I'm working on?


So is the defend the town/intercepts just the monster kill score attack thing? I thought I read it was more tower defense-ish in nature or does that have something to do with the watch tower I'm working on?

Nope it's basically a short simple score attack, the stuff you build and upgrade eventually will give stuff more value for more points as well for you to protect and have it last longer


Just noticed I'm missing Hummel second people memo (I have the third, and don't have the fourth still). Anybody with it remember where they got it ? I have no idea if those are missables, I'm guessing so.


Finally not feeling totally sick so off to the final dungeons directon I go

Chapter 6 story spoilers
So adol is basically the peak of human life.... that makes seven make a bit more sense in the long run LOL
Just noticed I'm missing Hummel second people memo (I have the third, and don't have the fourth still). Anybody with it remember where they got it ? I have no idea if those are missables, I'm guessing so.

You obtain the second meno for Hummel giving him a gift. If you just got the third one, there's still time untill you can get said gift.


The gameplay continues to be awesome and fresh, it just doesn't get old for me, but man the story is overstaying its welcome by a vast amount. Just gimme a goal to work towards and let me at it. Let me play this awesome game, don't let me watch this awful anime. The constant interruptions are really starting to grind my gears. I'm well into chapter 5 now (close to finishing it I think) at about 35 hours of play, so I'm definitely getting my money's worth, but please for the love of god, drop this incessant need to focus on story and rote, paper-thin characters and just focus on gameplay for future Ys games. This is never gonna happen is it? Such a shame because I could gush endlessly about the core gameplay, but this dumb-ass story is really dragging it down.
I'm on chapter 6, and while I can say I enjoyed the story and the characters so far, there have been few times when I actually cared for what was happening on screen. If I were to keep it short, I think the story had potencial but It didn't really raise the stakes whenever It could.

I don't know If that will change for what's left of the game (I hope so) but the last few hours I've been more interested in playing the game (that is amazing) than going throught the story.

Also, I had to shout "Are they serious"? when (early chapter 6 sidestuff spoilers)
they brought back Carlan. I knew they didn't have what It takes to kill him yet I was disappointed anyway. Nobody is going to care for that man at this point of the game, just let him stay dead. I do not want to see him going through some kind of redemption arc. Don't make me waste time this way, Falcom.
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