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Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana |OT| Two Systems, Two Heroes, One BIG HOLE


I would've had this game right now, but Hurricane Irma delayed the delivery. I'm getting the PS4 day one edition, and the Vita CE.
Referring to Vita. There's varying impressions for performance on Vita, but it targets 30 FPS and drops mainly in crowded battles and when the camera's right in front of particles.

Anyone here playing the Vita version? I have a PS4 and a Vita and I was considering getting the Vita version due to the lower price. Would I be a fool to not just pony up the extra $15 for the PS4 version?


Anyone here playing the Vita version? I have a PS4 and a Vita and I was considering getting the Vita version due to the lower price. Would I be a fool to not just pony up the extra $15 for the PS4 version?

It's 30 fps with a lot of drops vs 60 fps and a lot more content. Unless you are dead set having it portable the logical choice imo is the PS4 version
Anyone here playing the Vita version? I have a PS4 and a Vita and I was considering getting the Vita version due to the lower price. Would I be a fool to not just pony up the extra $15 for the PS4 version?
I am, though I do plan to pick up the PS4 version later for a replay. Overall the performance is fine but it does drop occasionally. I think it's more stable than Memories of Celceta, but that's not exactly a high bar. Unless you are a Vita fanatic like me, or you really want it portably, go for PS4 probably


The speed of Ys is seriously crack. Enjoying my replay a ton so far.

Is it just me or is this game somehow better looking that the last tales?

Iunno, I think Berseria is the better looking game, but Tales is due a huge visual jump with the next installment since they'll be dropping PS3 (though I wonder if Switch will kinda hold it back similarly).
Is it just me or is this game somehow better looking that the last tales?
I mean its clearly a vita game at its core but at no point have gone - damn that ugly, like i did for berseria several times.
As in it works and gels really well for what its aiming for, almost feels like a cleaned up medieval xenoblade chronicles at times
A few bosses in and I almost regret stsrting on hard. Almost. Worm and spider bosses were painful, but then there's no way I'm playing optimally.


A few bosses in and I almost regret stsrting on hard. Almost. Worm and spider bosses were painful, but then there's no way I'm playing optimally.

This is a game where you can go the whole thing without being hit a single time. Just gotta get used to dodging and flash guard
This is a game where you can go the whole thing without being hit a single time. Just gotta get used to dodging and flash guard
Yeah, the timing feels different then Celceta and I'm more used to the, you know, jump out of bad instead of dodge/block. I'm basically going blind, didn't play the demo, and picking it up as i go.
There's an interview from a magazine around September 2016 where Kondo said he'd like to do TX2 after Sen III. Can't link to scans here though, obviously.

Got the PS4 LE version on pre-order.

I saw the first hour or so on youtube, and I thought that this track was amazing. Gave me those "big adventure is just starting" feelings. I'm sure I will end up loving the OST.

Yeah, I love the music already and I've only just been able to start since I haven't had much time.
Not a game but loving Falcom's music was probably one of the things that made me love the Fairy Tail anime's music right off the bat. The fast-paced themes and rock action music would be right at home.


Not a game but loving Falcom's music was probably one of the things that made me love the Fairy Tail anime's music right off the bat. The fast-paced themes and rock action music would be right at home.

Always funny to read this, because you're more right than you think, lol. The composer for Fairy Tail, Yasuharu Takanashi, actually was part of the original line-up of Falcom JDK Band. He played keyboard there, and can even be seen in the original PV they released for TO MAKE THE END OF BATTLE, Ys II's OP theme.

He's not responsible for actually composing any of the songs, but, well, Falcom's music definitely was a part of his history, and certainly influenced him in some way.


Yeah, the timing feels different then Celceta and I'm more used to the, you know, jump out of bad instead of dodge/block. I'm basically going blind, didn't play the demo, and picking it up as i go.

If you have been waiting to do either thing the second its going to hit you it's safe to do it a little bit earlier in this version


Got it from Best Buy today (there were only two copies shipped to a single Best Buy in this entire region of my state lol). Played about two hours so far.

Loving it so far, a lot more than Celceta and Seven. The 60fps makes the combat system sing. Flash Guard/Move seemed to have been fine-tuned and feel a lot more natural to pull off. I did have to adjust the default button scheme though, I like mapping the skill trigger to the attack button, rather than to the guard button.

Music is excellent so far. At this rate, it seems Falcom turned in another stunner in the sound department.

I like the concept of being marooned on an island and searching for the shipmates that you saw during your patrol on the ship at the beginning. Gives a nice sense of logic and organization to the plot structure. The island itself is also a more interesting setting than the forest from Celceta imo.

Not sure how Dana fits into the plot yet, but it seems like it could end up being a more interesting story than the last few entries.

Overall I'm really enjoying it so far, which is a big deal because I wasn't sure I could get onboard with the direction the series has been going in. That would've been a shame, because at its core the Ys combat system is probably the best Action RPG combat system period. At times it can feel like a borderline character action game.

EDIT: I'm playing on Hard. Seems to be working out well so far. Don't usually do Inferno on a first playthrough, but I might depending on how the next few bosses go.
Bought this based on a really positive demo playthrough.

I didn't really bother to ask around to learn about some of the game's more intricate systems, like the various types of damage and the types of enemies that tend to be weaker to them. Learning about that stuff layered on what already felt like a pretty speedy, fun action combat system is really making the game stand out more with the full release in hand.

Just like the demo, however, game for me does suffer from use of some JRPG tropes I've personally gotten a bit exhausted of over the years, and the Vita-originating presentation kinda stands out in a negative way from time to time, but neither of those things are really dissuading me from the fun I'm having exploring and fighting around. Vibrant color palette is much appreciated, too.

I really dig it overall.


I am VERY glad that you can change difficulty, as I'd stick with Normal to err on the side of caution, but I pumped it up to Hard as it felt a bit too easy thus far. And I feel it's good enough if I have to be careful around regular enemies sometimes or get wrecked!

Also giving me a Dreamcast vibe, I guess it's the fact it's (relatively) low end while reminding me of... uhh, the first stage in Sonic Adventure, though I think some of the visuals remind me of (rose tinted glasses) memories of Phantasy Star Online too. Also that it's sharp and 60 FPS at the same time, ironically the Vita would probably be closer to genuinely DC level but since it wouldn't be as smooth it probably wouldn't have given off those vibes.
Finished ch1.
Love the premise and the whole adventure vibe. Still cant guard for shit.
Monster design for bosses seems super impressive. Dont like that ex skills are unlocked from the get go. Theyre supposed to be the strongest ones and it kinda makes learning newer ones less impressive.

And this is a small thing but i fkn love it devs do stuff like the prologue just to establish the setting. They coulve covered it in a small cutscene but let us run around as a sailor at the risk of turning off the audience any way.
Are there non dlc costumes and attachments unlockable btw?
I've read some comments about not being able to download the dlc, I got two armours (silver armour and another one) for adol free after purchasing the preload and a pack of useful items, the later I think they were free to being with.
I have seen a ton of dlc in the store, most of it are set of items you can buy, though there's an extra armour for laxia. Don't know if there's supposed to be more.


Anyone here playing the Vita version? I have a PS4 and a Vita and I was considering getting the Vita version due to the lower price. Would I be a fool to not just pony up the extra $15 for the PS4 version?
Even aside from the low frame rate, the loading times should be enough to discourage anyone. There's loading screens everywhere which would be at least 5 seconds and at most 10.

The homebase is split into 4 sections on vita compared to inside/outside on PS4 so even having to wander round there can be a massive chore.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Despite having volunteered to make this OT and being a huge fan of the series, I haven't actually been able to pick this up yet. I simply have too many other games to play and things to do.

However, I'm loving the mostly positive reception to the game. I can't wait to pick this up somewhere down the line. Maybe during a release drought or a holiday.

Keep the good vibes coming, really glad to hear people are loving this title.
I've read some comments about not being able to download the dlc, I got two armours (silver armour and another one) for adol free after purchasing the preload and a pack of useful items, the later I think they were free to being with.
I have seen a ton of dlc in the store, most of it are set of items you can buy, though there's an extra armour for laxia. Don't know if there's supposed to be more.

Which version?

I have the physical PS4 version and I can't download the 3 free ones that show up on the home screen under the game info. The 2 Adol armor/clothes you mentioned, and the survival kit. They all say 'not available for purchase' and when I click the 'more info' option it says I can't download them because I don't own the game.

There are 2 more free smaller item packs in the PSN store that I could download with no problem, but the 3 mentioned above won't work from the home screen or the store. Also, there are a total of 27 add-ons available for the PS4 version. Almost all of them are item sets, the only other costume is a scholar one for Laxia that's $1.99.
Which version?

I have the physical PS4 version and I can't download the 3 free ones that show up on the home screen under the game info. The 2 Adol armor/clothes you mentioned, and the survival kit. They all say 'not available for purchase' and when I click the 'more info' option it says I can't download them because I don't own the game.

There are 2 more free smaller item packs in the PSN store that I could download with no problem, but the 3 mentioned above won't work from the home screen or the store. Also, there are a total of 27 add-ons available for the PS4 version. Almost all of them are item sets, the only other costume is a scholar one for Laxia that's $1.99.

Ps4 digital here. I don't know if the problem for those 3 dlcs could be the fact that they came free if you preordered the game on the store, if I am not remembering wrong.

Ironically I haven't seen those 2 free dlcs you mention of, I would look up for them when I get to play the game today.

For the people that played/beated the game, do you get to unlock many costumes ingame or we can expect a ton of dlc in that regard?


Unconfirmed Member
On the gameplay side of things I find the combat and fast paced gameplay to be quite nice. I played N:A earlier this year, and found the combat to be just adequate, and definitely the least in depth major platinum game. This game seems to have more enemy variety, and making it more about juggling which character you are using rather than depth on the individual characters, which I think is a fine design.

The main thing that makes me want to play is the town-building aspect though, if it expands and allows for some customization a-la dark cloud I would be incredibly pleased.

I like the town. Although you're not really building anything, it just develops. But it's nice to see how things grow.

Nier just feels more grounded in its world. The attacks actually feel like they matter, like the connect. In Ys I could just as well be hitting air since there's not actual impact. Add to that big heavy enemies that bounce around like basketballs at times, and the unbelievable annoyance of fighting fast moving flyers with no real good anti-air attack, and I'm less than impressed.

lol, In what world does this resemble Sakuraba boss themes?

Yeah yeah, whatever. I'm not saying this is precicesly the same sub genre of a sub genre that Sakuraba does, but the feel of a lot of the themes is very similar to what he does in his boss battles. The whole over reliance on power riffs and lead guitars is just getting really annoying.

I don't know much about these composers, so you can name all the names you want. It sounds badly arranged to me. The guitar sounds precicesly like the Slayer synth guitar in FL Studio before you've added any processing to it, and it's very grating to me since I used that as a demoing tool more than 10 years ago. It also doesn't sound like there's any automation or quantizing going on either, which makes things worse. For me. If you like it, great. Good for you. But to my ears it's annoying, it sounds bad.

In several aears there is basically no down time, so I have to disagree there. It often sounds like the same 30 second interval lopping for however long you're in said area.

Especially funny when I think you mentioned NieR Automata in a previous post and for all intents and purposes 2B is basically guilty of that, and to a much worse extent than Dana is.

I'll take grown women in latex any day over a girl who looks like she's 12 and has udnerboob. Sorry mac. I like skin, but these designs are just ridiculous.

Maybe you're on easy? (not a jab or anything, but that could change the whole flow of the game)

Nope. Been switching between normal and hard, and frankly, hard just makes things take longer, which makes it more boring to me.


Nier just feels more grounded in its world. The attacks actually feel like they matter, like the connect. In Ys I could just as well be hitting air since there's not actual impact. Add to that big heavy enemies that bounce around like basketballs at times, and the unbelievable annoyance of fighting fast moving flyers with no real good anti-air attack, and I'm less than impressed.
I really can't follow you there. I didn't see any difference between fighting grounded and aerial enemies.
Switch to Laxia, since her attacks are effective against aerial enemes -> lock-on -> use a skill -> thing dies
Just make sure that your skill has either a faster wind-up than the enemy attack or you Flash Guard/Dodge the attack before firing off your attack.

I personally also think Hard doesn't really make fights take any longer, it just makes you die faster if you're careless.
Flash Guard not only blocks all damage, it also makes your attacks stronger for a little time and it lets you stay right in the heat of the battle.
What I'm saying is, Flash Guard is powerful :)

In any case, the difference between this and Nier a tomato is that the latter has such bad balancing that the combat never really shines, even though it's much more complex in theory.
I much prefer Ys' difficulty.
Earlier I posted about two blue dots on my steelbook and someone from NISA sent me a PM here and they are replacing it. So that's pretty cool!


I really can't follow you there. I didn't see any difference between fighting grounded and aerial enemies.
Switch to Laxia, since her attacks are effective against aerial enemes -> lock-on -> use a skill -> thing dies
Just make sure that your skill has either a faster wind-up than the enemy attack or you Flash Guard/Dodge the attack before firing off your attack.

I personally also think Hard doesn't really make fights take any longer, it just makes you die faster if you're careless.
Flash Guard not only blocks all damage, it also makes your attacks stronger for a little time and it lets you stay right in the heat of the battle.
What I'm saying is, Flash Guard is powerful :)

In any case, the difference between this and Nier a tomato is that the latter has such bad balancing that the combat never really shines, even though it's much more complex in theory.
I much prefer Ys' difficulty.

I'm playing on nightmare, and if anything, I think monsters die pretty quickly. Of course, this also applies to me as well, since everything can kill you in two hits, but so far I feel like every enemy moves at half the speed in comparison with your characters. I'm the type that puts himself in danger trying to get a flash guard/move when the matter could be resolved faster if I put some distance or make use of the mobility of my characters.


I'll take grown women in latex any day over a girl who looks like she's 12 and has udnerboob. Sorry mac. I like skin, but these designs are just ridiculous.

I thought the issue was that you couldn't take her seriously because of showing off so much skin? But now it's because she looks young? Cool moving goalposts, there. And terrific job ignoring the entire context behind Dana's outfit, which I'm sure makes more sense than "hot robot in latex suit that you can even take off and show off her entire butt because mature game for mature people who are into skin, mac".

Still, cheers. Not everything is for everyone, so... whatever, really. Shame you couldn't enjoy the game, but, alas...


Unconfirmed Member
I thought the issue was that you couldn't take her seriously because of showing off so much skin? But now it's because she looks young? Cool moving goalposts, there. And terrific job ignoring the entire context behind Dana's outfit, which I'm sure makes more sense than "hot robot in latex suit that you can even take off and show off her entire butt because mature game for mature people who are into skin, mac".

Still, cheers. Not everything is for everyone, so... whatever, really. Shame you couldn't enjoy the game, but, alas...

Lol, come on now. How are those two mutually exclusive? Yes, the ladies of Nier are sexy for the sake of sex appeal, but I'll admit I think they look cool. They're designed by a character designer who really understands what he's doing.

The ladies in Danas world look just stupid to me. The outfits are ridiculous, makes little to no anatomical and physical sense, and is also even more ridiculous when worn by someone who looks like a child. So yes, it's the amount of skin, more specifically how the skin is shown, but also that so much skin is shown by, well, what looks like a child. I don't know what context you referred to. I quit close to 30 hours in, and I didn't notice anything. Maybe I missed that, but oh well.

I'm not outraged or offended, I just think it's dumb. I want more from my entertainment. I can take skin when it makes sense. No issue with the outfits in Avatar (the movie), they make sense when you look at indigenous people around the world. In this game? Not so much.

But it's not just the skin, I think pretty much all of the character designs are terrible, although I do like Catherine. She makes sense, looks good, and isn't overdesigned with seams and colors and lines in every direction.

I'm gonna stop posting here now. I understand many people really love this game, and I don't want to shit on that. By all means. Carry on and enjoy.

Filament Star

Neo Member
I'll take grown women in latex any day over a girl who looks like she's 12 and has udnerboob. Sorry mac. I like skin, but these designs are just ridiculous.

I love Dana's design, personally.

Anyone here playing the Vita version? I have a PS4 and a Vita and I was considering getting the Vita version due to the lower price. Would I be a fool to not just pony up the extra $15 for the PS4 version?

It depends how much you like to play things portable obviously but I have to point out that the Vita version is super impressive for the system and if you don't care too much about framerate it's a great option.
For Dutch people, Nedgame now has the game in stock. I just bought it, should arrive tomorrow I hope. One day earlier than expected, whoo!


Just ordered this from Amazon. If I've never played an Ys game before what difficulty do you recomend?

I like a little challenge but I'm not a glutton for punishment Dark Souls fan either ;)


Just ordered this from Amazon. If I've never played an Ys game before what difficulty do you recomend?

I like a little challenge but I'm not a glutton for punishment Dark Souls fan either ;)

You can start on normal and switch to hard if it's too easy, the difficulty is adjustable whenever except for Inferno.
So maybe somebody could help clarify because I've been really confused by it... does the Vita version have exclusive DLC? If so, what exactly is it (and why would Falcom think this is a good idea)?

Just ordered this from Amazon. If I've never played an Ys game before what difficulty do you recomend?

I like a little challenge but I'm not a glutton for punishment Dark Souls fan either ;)
Start on Normal and adjust the difficulty from there if you find it too easy/hard, I'd say. You can change it on the fly in the options menu.


Neo Member
Typical Ys game:

Mediocre story.
S tier music.
S tier combat.

Thank god for button mapping. Jumping is only really good for speed bunnyhopping around, though.

For people who don't like the OST, just go listen to Demetori, one of the lead composer's doujin side project. The ramped up chiptunes direction is intentional, for better or worse.


Just beat the fourth boss. Every single boss has gotten more mechanically intensive in succession. Some amazing stuff is coming if this trend continues. Pretty fun when you combine the fact that i'm refusing to use healing items (Inferno Difficulty).

I can't play Sahad for shit. Literally used him as a meat shield to take attacks inbetween mechanically intensive moments.
Always funny to read this, because you're more right than you think, lol. The composer for Fairy Tail, Yasuharu Takanashi, actually was part of the original line-up of Falcom JDK Band. He played keyboard there, and can even be seen in the original PV they released for TO MAKE THE END OF BATTLE, Ys II's OP theme.

He's not responsible for actually composing any of the songs, but, well, Falcom's music definitely was a part of his history, and certainly influenced him in some way.

Sweet! :)
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