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Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana |OT| Two Systems, Two Heroes, One BIG HOLE


I don't get this and it annoys me greatly. Have they given any indication of adding it to the PS4 version?
I am going to say no since the PS4 version has been out in Japan for almost four months.

I'd like to know this as well. The lack of details on this is weird.
Edit: Ignore the PS Plus thing and the two items on the bottom of the Vita list (themes)

I'll post the DLCs I have for both versions and let you and other judge. :p
The Silver Armor for the Vita version was included with the Japanese Premium Box. The Silver Armor for the PS4 version is pre-order bonus from Amazon Japan, retailer Geo, Falcom Online Shop and PS store. The ダブル購入者特典セット is for those who double dipped on the games. It just an extra set of the accessories that let you change attack attributes (slash, strike, pierce) for your party members.

At least Japan got the Ys VIII avatar pack for free while NISA/Falcom/Sony/whoever are charging $6.99 for it!
Huh, intro video was kind of underwhelming. The music didn't really go anywhere or match the visuals. It's strange because Ys-openers are usually awesome. Looking at you, Origin.


Neo Member
Huh, intro video was kind of underwhelming. The music didn't really go anywhere or match the visuals. It's strange because Ys-openers are usually awesome. Looking at you, Origin.

Agreed. Seven's was life. I also really liked Felghana's (it immediately got me in tune with the game, all those years ago..)

Heck, Celceta's wasn't bad either.
Ayyyy, i paused last night after the hype and redid my controls. Mine are exactly the same except Dash & Evade, and Lock-on & Switch are swapped.

You know what they say about great minds...

Now then, does anyone know if KO'd party members receive EXP from bosses? No idea if i am wasting time and resources by reviving them right before a boss goes down.

On Vita at least, I found mapping camera re-centre to the same as whatever button you have used for lock-on works a treat too. Great for when you want to turn around 180 degrees and immediately need to see ahead of you without swinging the camera round.
I am going to say no since the PS4 version has been out in Japan for almost four months.

Edit: Ignore the PS Plus thing and the two items on the bottom of the Vita list (themes)

I'll post the DLCs I have for both versions and let you and other judge. :p

At least Japan got the Ys VIII avatar pack for free while NISA/Falcom/Sony/whoever are charging $6.99 for it!
Sucks. I hope they do ultimately break away from this exclusive nonsense since I don't plan to get the Vita version (maybe if it goes on sale in the future... maybe). I've been having a good time playing the game so it's a shame to have to nitpick on something so silly but I'm a sucker for cosmetic DLC.

Thanks for the breakdown. :)


There's no way that the exclusive vita dlc is as it is because you can get it ingame in ps4 version, doesn't it?
I have the Item Collector trophy (100% Item Collection Rate) on my playthrough and didn't get any of those swimsuits or pirate costumes. I wouldn't get my hopes up on the DLC costumes being unlockable in the PS4 version unless those are some super duper well-hidden secret in NG+ and don't count towards the item collection rate (DLC stuffs don't).
Just bought but can't start yet - power from Irma JUST restored and letting the little guy play Lego something or other for a while in celebration...


What's the consensus on the best difficulty if you've played YS games before?

Honestly, Inferno if you want a challenge. It will not be THAT bad if you use healing items. I refuse to use them and am doing fairly well despite getting rekt on bosses.

Anything below Nightmare will be a cake walk for any Ys veteran.


I highly recommend putting flash guard and skills on different buttons. Otherwise you're triggering guard every time you use a skill, entering the cooldown state which prevents you from flash guarding until it's done.
I highly recommend putting flash guard and skills on different buttons. You're triggering guard every time you use a skill, entering the cooldown state which prevents you from flash guarding until it's done.

Fair points but in practice I haven't really run into any issues yet. On the field I don't think it matters at all and in boss fights the only time I really use skills is after a successful flash guard anyways. The CD period isn't really that long in this game and there doesn't seem to be a counter hit state this time around so the risk I feel is minimal.

Same thing with dash/ roll.

That said I'm playing on Normal currently. Harder difficulties it may matter more.


The final boss of Chapter 2 is insanely cheap on a no item run.

Haha, I've been there. It's not too bad though, but it definitely is a step up in difficulty from anything before, especially the first few attempts where you're getting used to it.

That said... I'm going to spoil these cause I want people to be surprised about as much as they can, but tips:

It's very, very easy to abuse Flash Move with this boss. I'm not sure if you caught up to it by now, but you can usually Flash Move on an attack after you've already Flash Moved it once. When he uses his close range thread attack on you, for instance, you can Flash Move it, hit him a lot, then go back into range of the threads when he's about to send his second and third 'combos' and Flash Move it AGAIN, allowing you to deal a ton of damage each time. It's also the best possible time to hit him, I'd advise you to focus on dodging throughout the rest of the fight, don't be too greedy when the threads are covering the entire screen and stuff.

Anyway, I love this boss. It's the closest thing to a YsF/YsO boss in the party system that I can imagine, and I think it's a blast. Good luck!
Anyone from Europe who ordered the CE from Nisa Europe and gotten any confirmation on the shipment yet? I haven't heard anything and tomorrow it should arrive...


Anyone from Europe who ordered the CE from Nisa Europe and gotten any confirmation on the shipment yet? I haven't heard anything and tomorrow it should arrive...

UK here. Ordered PS4 collector's edition from NISA Europe and got shipping confirmation email today. Should have the game some time tomorrow.


Holy shit I actually managed to perfect the end boss of Chapter 2 lol (Inferno, no item run).

God damn that was a good feeling.


Holy shit I actually managed to perfect the end boss of Chapter 2 lol (Inferno, no item run).

God damn that was a good feeling.
It's so satisfying when you manage it huh? Look forward to some more fun bosses later!

I just finished the last boss myself just now, rounding of my Solo Adol, Inferno, no healing run. Of course now I have a couple of post game bosses to deal with....


I got the Day One edition yesterday and was only able to play 2 hours so far. Enjoyed the game a lot and looking forward to playing more later today. How many chapters are there in the game?


Here's hoping area variety picks up a bit. I feel like i've traversed the same cave, field, forest about 10 times each now.


Seems to be a limited physical release? My closest Gamestop didnt have it, but one close by did where i went to get my copy and the one i bought was the only one they got in.

My Amazon copy got here release day, and I only ordered it last week. Niche japanese games are like that at GS. I remember my local GS only got 1 copy of Shadows of the Damned when it came out, and it was X360. No PS3 copies in 25 miles.

Anywho, really loving this game so far. My first Ys, and I really like the visual style, combat, and music. There's been a lot of story, which is fine, but I wish more of it was voice-acted.

What're the other must-plays of the series? Oath and Memories?


My Amazon copy got here release day, and I only ordered it last week. Niche japanese games are like that at GS. I remember my local GS only got 1 copy of Shadows of the Damned when it came out, and it was X360. No PS3 copies in 25 miles.

Anywho, really loving this game so far. My first Ys, and I really like the visual style, combat, and music. There's been a lot of story, which is fine, but I wish more of it was voice-acted.

What're the other must-plays of the series? Oath and Memories?

7 is really good, though it might seem outdated compared to 8. Celceta is okay, but not a must play. Oath is probably the best non-party Ys game, and Origin is similar. For something even more different, look up Chronicles on Youtube and see if it interests you.


My Amazon copy got here release day, and I only ordered it last week. Niche japanese games are like that at GS. I remember my local GS only got 1 copy of Shadows of the Damned when it came out, and it was X360. No PS3 copies in 25 miles.

Anywho, really loving this game so far. My first Ys, and I really like the visual style, combat, and music. There's been a lot of story, which is fine, but I wish more of it was voice-acted.

What're the other must-plays of the series? Oath and Memories?

Oath in Felghana and Origin are widely regarded as the other two best games in the series. All of the games on Steam/GOG, as well as Memories of Celceta, are worth playing. I'd probably recommend playing I and II, then VI (Ark of Napishtim), then the others in any order. (Certainly play I and II before Origin at least.) There's also V on SNES, the only older game in the series to still lack a modern remake, although the original verson has a fan translation, and a remake's been teased.

My personal series ranking is:

Oath in Felghana


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I like this game a lot. I'm still in chapter 2 but I'm hooked. Glad by doubts have been erased.

I like this a lot more than Celceta.

Plus I love the town building mechanic in this game.


This game has a lot of buttons. I'm fumbling with the controls right now, died several times already on Nightmare.

Adol is such a player he has the girls disrobing in the first hour of the game already!


I haven't played VIII or V yet but otherwise your ranking similar to mine.

Some days I like Oath better, some days I like Origin etc.

I feel like Felghana might beat out Origin for bosses, but I think Origin's got better music and far better story, and the level design is about equal.


I like origin more just for the 3 different characters and approaches to things plus I feel the 3rd character was them perfecting combat in that engine


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Also is the Vita version $20 cheaper for you guys? I chose the Vita version coz well... It's $40 compared to the PS4 version worth $60 in my local stores.
Been glued to this every moment I can pull out my Vita. Some of the dialogue does break up the exploration a bit too often and the script is evidently a too-on-the-nose to the original Japanese, but everything else is delivering.

With a shift to current gen I hope Falcom focuses on improved collision detection, physics and animation in the next game. That would be amazing.
Just curious, are there actual full costume changes available within the game without purchased DLC later on? The first sets I got from the Tailor were all just recolors, and I was a bit bummed by that. I tend to enjoy when stuff like that is included in the game, though I don't personally want to spend money on DLC to have access to actual model changes versus just color palette swaps.
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