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Zelda game set in Link to the Past world coming to the 3DS, holiday 2013

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I just hope the overworld will be more like ALTTP and less MC. Basically, more open for exploration and packed with secrets to discover
e: oh wow, they actually use the same overworld. Not sure if I like the idea


This is simultaneously something I've been dreaming of for years and a rather bland re-imagining of what is, to my mind, the best Zelda game ever. So yeah, not sure how I feel. Would've thought a 'sequel to Link to the Past' had every chance to coerce me into buying a 3DS just for it, but seeing how they've approached this, I'm not so sure.


Aonuma via Miiverse:

"Hello everyone, Eji Aonuma here! In the latest Nintendo Direct, we announced an entirely new Zelda game for Nintendo 3DS that takes place in the world of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past! I'd like to introduce it to all of you in the Miiverse community, too. We announce it towards the end of this video.

I'm sure that those of you familiar with A Link to the Past could imagine what kind of game this would be- but I think that you'll be surprised at quite how different it is when you actually play it!

Still, that's quite a difficult sentiment to convey just through an announcement alone, so we're releasing a 3D video in Nintendo eShop for Nintendo 3DS as well.

Experience Hyrule reborn in a highly realistic three-dimensional world. A new story and new dungeon puzzles await you in this brand-new Zelda game! Development is progressing well, so look forward to hearing more about it soon!"


Aonuma via Miiverse:

"Hello everyone, Eji Aonuma here! In the latest Nintendo Direct, we announced an entirely new Zelda game for Nintendo 3DS that takes place in the world of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past! I'd like to introduce it to all of you in the Miiverse community, too. We announce it towards the end of this video.

I'm sure that those of you familiar with A Link to the Past could imagine what kind of game this would be- but I think that you'll be surprised at quite how different it is when you actually play it!

Still, that's quite a difficult sentiment to convey just through an announcement alone, so we're releasing a 3D video in Nintendo eShop for Nintendo 3DS as well.

Experience Hyrule reborn in a highly realistic three-dimensional world. A new story and new dungeon puzzles await you in this brand-new Zelda game! Development is progressing well, so look forward to hearing more about it soon!"

It's interesting that he highlights a new story and dungeons, but not any changes to the overworld.


It's interesting that he highlights a new story and dungeons, but not any changes to the overworld.

He says if you are familiar with ALttP you can imagine what it will be like, but you will be surprised at how different it is. Overworld changes could be included in that sentiment.

There's a Japanese post on Miiverse, too, but I don't know if it says anything different cuz I can't read Japanese.

He also announces that the Oracle games are coming to VC at the end of May.


Not a fan of the graphics. Has that dull, plastic toy look that a lot of low detail 3D has. Would have loved them to try Wind Waker or similarly stylised art instead.

But it's another Zelda, and the first new one for the 3DS, so yay to that.

everything looks blurry which hurts the look a lot. some of whats there looks like 3D alttp while the rest, like the characters, look like NSMB garbage. link himself looks weird kind of like they tried to make the old nes manual artwork style but failed.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
I'm sure I'm not the first to make this connection, but Paper Link (as I like to call him) looks extremely like the Link featured in the scrolls at the start of Wind Waker.


Given that WW is getting remade, it surely can't be coincidence.
Made a few edits:


I think the cliffs look a lot better. I changed the color a tad and added a few shadows. I wanted to change the grass texture, but I gave up...


I do think that the current overworld will only be a part of the full overworld.
I mean the amount of hours will be huger than the first one.
I'm sure I'm not the first to make this connection, but Paper Link (as I like to call him) looks extremely like the Link featured in the scrolls at the start of Wind Waker.


Given that WW is getting remade, it surely can't be coincidence.

Since he's walking along the walls, should we call him Graffiti Link?

And It's probably on purpose.
I say give the FF VII remake to Nintendo cause you can bet your ass if VII had come on the N64 we'd have a remake by now...

And that's not a negative to Nintendo, is to Square.

And people would be screaming about how much of a travesty it is just like with this game. Some folks can't be satisfied that easily


A new story and new dungeon puzzles await you in this brand-new Zelda game!
New dungeon.... puzzles?

Yet Fils-Aime said it featured "entirely new dungeons".

Gonna guess the foundation of each dungeon is the same, but how you proceed (eg, order of rooms, puzzles) is different.

And "brand-new Zelda game" is at least a little insincere.
I want to see the video on my 3DS T_T

Why does my isp has to be so shitty?

New dungeon.... puzzles?

Yet Fils-Aime said it featured "entirely new dungeons".

Gonna guess the foundation of each dungeon is the same, but how you proceed (eg, order of rooms, puzzles) is different.

And "brand-new Zelda game" is at least a little insincere.

Dungeons are basically huge puzzles with enemies. That can still mean all dungeons are new.


I hope the soundtrack is similar to Link to the Past. That game had some awesome tracks.

It seems to be. In the trailer, there's the classical overworld soundtrack of aLttP, but near the end it slightly changes, and it sounds awesome. Can't wait to hear more of the soundtrack!


I do think that the current overworld will only be a part of the full overworld.
I mean the amount of hours will be huger than the first one.

well, I hope so. I prefer going into uncharted territory to revisiting old locations. We already know the basic outline of the world, which makes exploring a little less exiting to me. I'd honestly rather just visit a different part of the ALTTP world


New dungeon.... puzzles?

Yet Fils-Aime said it featured "entirely new dungeons".

Gonna guess the foundation of each dungeon is the same, but how you proceed (eg, order of rooms, puzzles) is different.

And "brand-new Zelda game" is at least a little insincere.

The game has been in development since at least 2011. So there's no way we'll be getting the same overworld with dungeons in the same location.

I believe the original overworld to only be a part of the new overworld.


Man I really wish they would play with the camera angles, as seen in 3D Land. A hybrid of top down/3D for different situations. It looks great when the camera pans diagonally when Link turns into a drawing... I'd love to see the Lttp overworld from a new perspective rather than top down.
Man I really wish they would play with the camera angles, as seen in 3D Land. A hybrid of top down/3D for different situations. It looks great when the camera pans diagonally when Link turns into a drawing... I'd love to see the Lttp overworld from a new perspective rather than top down.

Glad I'm not the only one.


New dungeon.... puzzles?

Yet Fils-Aime said it featured "entirely new dungeons".

Gonna guess the foundation of each dungeon is the same, but how you proceed (eg, order of rooms, puzzles) is different.

And "brand-new Zelda game" is at least a little insincere.

I think you're reading too much into it. New dungeons would have new dungeon puzzles. The only dungeon we saw in the trailer today was a 13-floor new dungeon that used Bad Moles in a new way and incorporated chalk Link puzzlry.


The game has been in development since at least 2011. So there's no way we'll be getting the same overworld with dungeons in the same location.

I believe the original overworld to only be a part of the new overworld.
This seems optimistic.

E3 will tell all, I guess.
I'm sure I'm not the first to make this connection, but Paper Link (as I like to call him) looks extremely like the Link featured in the scrolls at the start of Wind Waker.


Given that WW is getting remade, it surely can't be coincidence.

Though I think it definitely looks very similar to artwork in TWW's intro, it also reminds me of the "chibi" Link artwork for Zelda 1 a bit.



Maturity, bitches.
If we were to assume the worst and the overworld is exactly the same but with new dungeons, then the locations they have left for more dungeons would be that water works in the southern field, lake Hylia and the Lost Woods, stretching it further, Kakariko Village and the other half of Death Mountain (think where Turtle Rock is in the Dark World). There's not much room with the original map so it almost seems for certain they are going to expand the border of the overworld (lucky for them it was mostly just cliffs making up the border rather than sea.) or there will be a new Dark World equivalent (the future as seen in the concept ideas for the original?)


I think you're reading too much into it. New dungeons would have new dungeon puzzles. The only dungeon we saw in the trailer today was a 13-floor new dungeon that used Bad Moles in a new way and incorporated chalk Link puzzlry.
I'm not reading too much into it. We just have different interpretations/guesses based on limited and cryptic information. I definitely think something might have been lost in translation, though, as I would be much more certain that the dungeons were 'foundationally' the same if Reggie had said it instead. But we can be certain that Nintendo, for now, wants to be ambiguous in their messaging as to what exactly this game is.
I think you're reading too much into it. New dungeons would have new dungeon puzzles. The only dungeon we saw in the trailer today was a 13-floor new dungeon that used Bad Moles in a new way and incorporated chalk Link puzzlry.

That dungeon could possibly be the Tower of Hera (or whatever they'll call it this time) which culminates with the Moldorm boss battle. The overworld area they showed off was right next to the entrance to Death Mountain and the path you take to reach the Tower of Hera. Except no dungeon in ALttP had 13 floors. Tower of Hera had 6 floors, Ganon's Tower had 7 floors and 1 basement, and the Ice Palace had 1 floor and 7 basements. The largest dungeon vertically was Hyrule Castle when you combined all its segments with 7 floors and 3 basements.


I'm not reading too much into it. We just have different interpretations/guesses based on limited and cryptic information. I definitely think something might have been lost in translation, though, as I would be much more certain that the dungeons were 'foundationally' the same if Reggie had said it instead. But we can be certain that Nintendo, for now, wants to be ambiguous in their messaging as to what exactly this game is.

I think you're placing too much importance on his specific wording, hence reading too much into it. Reading that and jumping to this conclusion: "Gonna guess the foundation of each dungeon is the same, but how you proceed (eg, order of rooms, puzzles) is different." is a bit of a leap considering that the only dungeon we've seen so far is a new 13-floor tower.

That dungeon could possibly be the Tower of Hera (or whatever they'll call it this time) which culminates with the Moldorm boss battle. The overworld area they showed off was right next to the entrance to Death Mountain and the path you take to reach the Tower of Hera. Except no dungeon in ALttP had 13 floors. Tower of Hera had 6 floors, Ganon's Tower had 7 floors and 1 basement, and the Ice Palace had 1 floor and 7 basements. The largest dungeon vertically was Hyrule Castle with 7 floors and 3 basements.

Right, but even if it is similar to Tower of Hera thematically, I don't think just switching room order is a logical conclusion based on what little info we have. The dungeon's mechanics were very new, for ALttP, at least. Tower of Hera also didn't have Mad Moles or the hammer, its gimmick was room warping tiles and crystal switches.
What's the verdict? Is this Zelda 3DS or some side project? Didn't Miyamoto say that be either wanted a LTTP remake or Majora remake? I know this isn't a remake, but is this the game mentioned in that interview?


I think you're placing too much importance on his specific wording, hence reading too much into it. Reading that and jumping to this conclusion: "Gonna guess the foundation of each dungeon is the same, but how you proceed (eg, order of rooms, puzzles) is different." is a bit of a leap considering that the only dungeon we've seen so far is a new 13-floor tower.
You've confirmed that because we saw '13th floor' that we've got an entirely new dungeon? Is that it? Can a foundation not add floors? Exactly how pedantic do you want this conversation to be? I'm curious. I said "Gonna guess" and you took that as "jumping to this conclusion"? Can you not be satisfied with "We just have different interpretations/guesses based on limited and cryptic information"? Best to you in your defense of an ambiguous video game.


Has the thread passed the "2/10 will not play" stage, It looks pretty good imho, I never expected a sequel to this one, would not mind if they end up remaking the whole game a la WWHD


I am Korean.
I just hope the overworld will be more like ALTTP and less MC. Basically, more open for exploration and packed with secrets to discover
e: oh wow, they actually use the same overworld. Not sure if I like the idea

No different than going from LoZ to ALTTP.

Has the thread passed the "2/10 will not play" stage, It looks pretty good imho, I never expected a sequel to this one, would not mind if they end up remaking the whole game a la WWHD
Nah. Meltzer checked out about 24 pages back. Most people have been rather positive.


I'll hope they do the same for super metroid. The atmosphere would be amazing in 3D.
Anyway because the zelda creator is working on this zelda, and the wind waker for wii u... could it be that retro is working on Zelda wii u?


You've confirmed that because we saw '13th floor' that we've got an entirely new dungeon? Is that it? Can a foundation not add floors? Exactly how pedantic do you want this conversation to be? I'm curious. I said "Gonna guess" and you took that as "jumping to this conclusion"? Can you not be satisfied with "We just have different interpretations/guesses based on limited and cryptic information"? Best to you in your defense of an ambiguous video game.

the game is obviously made straight from scratch so i don't know why you'd think they'd use the same dungeons at all


Anyway because the zelda creator is working on this zelda, and the wind waker for wii u... could it be that retro is working on Zelda wii u?
Wind Waker Wii U is probably outsourced like OOT 3D, ALTTP 3DS is most probably made by the handheld Zelda team and Zelda Wii U is developed by the main Zelda team.


Looks good, but mostly because of nostalgia. Movement and attacks look a bit slower than I remember.

Should be a nice game, but they obviously won't be able to top LttP by imitating it.



Honestly, I want to be excited, but I'm not really fond of the graphics (though, as long as the game is good, I can get past this very easily). Also, I like that it's set in the same world, but I really hope that the geography (the overworld) will change a little (read: a lot) and that we will be able to enter completly new aeras/regions.

Finally, there's one big question left-hanging: will the Dark World (or something similar) return?


Z is dead, baby.
Z is dead.

Game is slow as fuck.
Shadow move is gimmicky.
Art is so-so.

Nintendo had a gold mine with top-down "classic" Zelda revival.

Whether by the way of an e-shop exclusive MP game, or a WiiU-3DS dual release.

But no...Nintendo decided to strike while the iron is hot, and make an exclusive 3DS game for their not in the red anymore console.

WiiU-3DS dual release was the way to go Nintendo.
No 3D gimmick, clean aesthetics to match between consoles, no stylus control and thus faster speed and oh-so-better aiming.

Fuck me.
With 720 and PS4 releasing at the same time, I can't say yet if I'll bother getting a 3DS to play it.
But damn...Link to the past 2...I shouldn't be able to hesistate...
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