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Zelda game set in Link to the Past world coming to the 3DS, holiday 2013

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Master of the Google Search
The art style does look... off. But we haven't seen much of it either. I wouldn't be too surprised if it turns out to be based upon something really weird like wooden dolls. I'm sure there is some weird logic behind it, even if it doesn't turn out too well.


Looks great in 3D on the 3DS !!!

You can see his face, sword and shield that you couldn't in 2D

Very exciting to see in action !

What the "Hieroglyphic" Link is based on, probably.


Master of the Google Search
Reggie might not have said sequel, but the Japanese title of the game is basically LoZ:LttP2. I suspect this is something similar to Luigi's Mansion 2, where they'll drop the number in the US and give it a different subtitle.

Yeah, there is a 100% chance it'll get a pun-filled subtitle and forgo the numbering.

A shame they already wasted "A Link to the Past". Not sure anything can match that.


I think before people criticize the overworld, they really need to confirm;

1) Whether it's exactly the same overworld without any new additions (or subtractions, as it were)
2) Whether we'll have an alternate world, i.e. the Dark World (or the Golden Realm if this takes place post LttP)

Forget the Golden Realm. Give Link a Sleeping Bag item, and every time you use that you enter the Dream World in Link's Awakening. IT WILL ALWAYS EXIST IN MY HEART!!!!!!!

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
Is Takashi Tezuka working/supervising on this project? Don't give a fuck if either Miyamoto or Eiji Aonuma is involved.

Aonuma is producing, his group is developing, someone in the group is directing.

I'm sure Miyamoto and Tezuka are both "supervising". If that means anything.

Nintendo confirmed EAD.


This is why I find it kinda odd if it was a stamina meter:

Though it using up stamina isn't necessarily wrong, but this seems like a magic thing.

Hmmm, that's a good observation. I think the green bar is likely going to be a catch all "special meter", which drains when you use any sub-weapon, and maybe even if you use stuff like dashing, the charge sword attack, etc. I really, really, really hope this doesn't mean they're going to streamline items into infinite quantities because that's definitely a concern.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Is Takashi Tezuka working/supervising on this project? Don't give a fuck if either Miyamoto or Eiji Aonuma is involved.

We have absolutely no idea who's even doing the grunt labor of developing it, if it's EAD or a subsidiary, etc.

However I'm sure if there's a single flower that a group of Zelda fans dislike, they will say it is because Miyamoto, Aonuma, or another villain walked into the room and insisted that flower be placed there, haha.

Edit: If Aonuma is producing after all, sell your 3DS it's over.

After sleeping on it, game looks great.


Maturity, bitches.
Forget the Golden Realm. Give Link a Sleeping Bag item, and every time you use that you enter the Dream World in Link's Awakening. IT WILL ALWAYS EXIST IN MY HEART!!!!!!!
Maybe this game is actually set after Link's Awakening. I mean the last time we saw poor Link he was sitting on a lump of wood in the middle of the ocean. Would be nice to know he actually made it home.
Hmmm, that's a good observation. I think the green bar is likely going to be a catch all "special meter", which drains when you use any sub-weapon, and maybe even if you use stuff like dashing, the charge sword attack, etc. I really, really, really hope this doesn't mean they're going to streamline items into infinite quantities because that's definitely a concern.

What difference does it make? When do you ever not have 99 bombs/arrows in your pouch? Every blade of grass and every enemy drops ammo. What gameplay difference would that make (except that making them infinite but based on stamina actually in shorter supply)?


Most logical developer is the handheld Zelda team, it's been over 3 years since Spirit Tracks came out.

Are there really entirely separate teams though? Didn't most of the Spirit Tracks design staff work on Skyward Sword too? :p

What difference does it make? When do you ever not have 99 bombs/arrows in your pouch? Every blade of grass and every enemy drops ammo. What gameplay difference would that make (except that making them infinite but based on stamina actually in shorter supply)?

Resource management makes a pretty big difference in Zelda especially the progression throughout the game. That is why there are larger bomb bags, larger arrow quivers, etc. It allows the player to weigh the options between riskier skill based usage of limited items (especially on bosses), or reducing the risk by paying rupees to carry more. This is like the regenerating health argument all over again really.


Most logical developer is the handheld Zelda team, it's been over 3 years since Spirit Tracks came out.

Plus people would probably flip their shit if it's anyone but them.

Are there really entirely separate teams though? Didn't most of the Spirit Tracks design staff work on Skyward Sword too? :p

Pretty sure that was just to speed up the process. Happens with every Zelda, as far as I'm aware.


Are there really entirely separate teams though? Didn't most of the Spirit Tracks design staff work on Skyward Sword too? :p
No, they're not entirely separate and some of the staff definitely switches off between home console and handheld development. They're still two different teams though. It's understantable some moved to Skyward Sword after Spirit Tracks was completed because there's no work for the whole team when the next project (Zelda 3DS) was still in concept stage. They probably moved back once its development kicked into full gear.


I'm just not really a fan of Nintendo's new default art style.

We're so hardcore we played LttP over 20 years ago and we don't necessarily want Nintendo devoting its resources to basically remaking it for no good reason.
It's not their "new default art style" (wtf does that even mean?), it's ALttP's art style. The only real difference is they tried to make Link look like the NES/SNES character art.

We don't know exactly how much of the overworld is unchanged from ALttP1. Reexploring and finding out the differences should be fun, and the story and dungeons are completely new. I think a brand new 2D Zelda is plenty good reason.


Pretty sure that was just to speed up the process. Happens with every Zelda, as far as I'm aware.

No, they're not entirely separate and some of the staff definitely switches off between home console and handheld development. They're still two different teams though. It's understantable some moved to Skyward Sword after Spirit Tracks was completed because there's no work for the whole team when the next project (Zelda 3DS) was still in concept stage. They probably moved back once its development kicked into full gear.

Not really to this extend though. Previously there was a distinct handheld Zelda team starting from the Oracle titles because of the Capcom collaboration. This continued when the director and some staff who worked on those games actually joined Nintendo, and they made Phantom Hourglass. At this point, the console Zeldas (Wind Waker, Twilight Princess) still did not share much design staff at all with the portable entries.

Skyward Sword seemed to be a huge change in that direction, because the director was Hidemaro Fujibayashi - the very director of all the portable Zeldas from Oracle up to Phantom Hourglass. Many of the designers and lead designers on the game were also taken right from the Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks team, including the director of Spirit Tracks Daiki Iwamoto.

I don't think this is the normal "speed up the process" development cycle, but rather Aonuma actually letting the portable staff "step up" and handle a major console Zelda game. If so, then the distinction between the "handheld team" and the "console team" might no long really exist.


Not really to this extend though. Previously there was a distinct handheld Zelda team starting from the Oracle titles because of the Capcom collaboration. This continued when the director and some staff who worked on those games actually joined Nintendo, and they made Phantom Hourglass. At this point, the console Zeldas (Wind Waker, Twilight Princess) still did not share much design staff at all with the portable entries.

Skyward Sword seemed to be a huge change in that direction, because the director was Hidemaro Fujibayashi - the very director of all the portable Zeldas from Oracle up to Phantom Hourglass. Many of the designers and lead designers on the game were also taken right from the Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks team, including the director of Spirit Tracks Daiki Iwamoto.

I don't think this is the normal "speed up the process" development cycle, but rather Aonuma actually letting the portable staff "step up" and handle a major console Zelda game. If so, then the distinction between the "handheld team" and the "console team" might no long really exist.
The "handheld Zelda team" as we know it was formed for Phantom Hourglass and at least in the beginning consisted of about 10 people (some from Flagship and some from Nintendo). The staff has changed and evolved a lot over the years (and like you said, some have moved to the console team) but I still see no signs that the lines between the teams would've completely blurred. Of course it's possible though.

Anyway it's all just speculation, maybe Iwata Asks or something will shed some light on it.
Hopefully they remix the classic Zelda music and add in the wah wahs.

You... how could you... D: All kidding aside duckroll made me think of something, what if this Zelda actually has three overworlds? :eek: The first would be the regular one, the second the golden realm and the third the Island Koholint which you can freely travel between, much like Pokémon Gold and Silver had Kanto to visit. I doubt it will happen but it could make for some interesting development.


Was a bit worried about the art style of this when watching Nintendo Direct yesterday.

Loaded up the trailer from eshop for my 3DS XL and it looks soooo good. It's a shame that almost every 3DS game looks like shit compared to the real deal running it. I'm sure most people would be amazed how good the games actually look on 3DS when compared to screenshots and yt-videos.


You know, when I first saw this I was kind of disappointing. Dont get me wrong, I love Link to the past, but I was kinda thinking of something...different...

but after watching the trailer on 3ds and sleeping on it, it has really grown on me. The art style has become mildly attractive too, even though crisp 2d sprites may have been better.


You... how could you... D: All kidding aside duckroll made me think of something, what if this Zelda actually has three overworlds? :eek: The first would be the regular one, the second the golden realm and the third the Island Koholint which you can freely travel between, much like Pokémon Gold and Silver had Kanto to visit. I doubt it will happen but it could make for some interesting development.

I love it when people start developing hypotheticals in their head when it's literally been a day since the game was announced. I'm not sure why I like it, but it might be all of that faux hype over non-realities rising into the air over time and forming hypothetical clouds. Filling, filling, filling, they eventually get to a point where they cannot contain more non-realities.

Several months later - possibly even years - the release date is near. The clouds are getting so very heavy with the hopes and dreams of an avid fanbase awaiting the next game in their beloved franchise. The rate at which non-realities of these fans are rising into the atmosphere is becoming alarming.

They finally play the game and, to their absolute horror, they realise what they wanted isn't there. Their expectations have created a sourness within them. As a collective entity, every fan who fuelled themselves on faux hype starts to emit fumes of frustration and angst. If enough of these fumes reach the hypothetical clouds of non-realities, the clouds will finally give in and start to rain down onto the fans. Painful, burning, searing acid rain. Will it teach them a lesson? No, it won't. If it taught them a lesson, it wouldn't keep happening. It's the hype cycle.

I love it.


not tag worthy
I watched the demo video on my 3ds ok I want this, (i need to complete OoT) then try four swords, its the kind of game I want but never complete lol
The people of Koholint are dead. Marin is never coming back. Get over it.

But Animal Crossing and Luigi and Mario RPg 4.x Bro Team Dream (which looks exacltly the same as all those other Mairo games) taught me that dreams are going to a big part of the next wave of 3DS releases...

Which means they'll live on...in our dreams which we can visit.


One or two UK journos went hands-on with it today for an embargo later tonight, apparently. I wasn't there, but...


Nintendo had press events today/yesterday all over the world. You can expect every major website to have a preview in the upcoming days in every language you can possible imagine. ;D
Are there really entirely separate teams though? Didn't most of the Spirit Tracks design staff work on Skyward Sword too? :p

Resource management makes a pretty big difference in Zelda especially the progression throughout the game. That is why there are larger bomb bags, larger arrow quivers, etc. It allows the player to weigh the options between riskier skill based usage of limited items (especially on bosses), or reducing the risk by paying rupees to carry more. This is like the regenerating health argument all over again really.

Except that in every Zelda since the first one (when arrows were Rupees and ammo drops kinda sparse), quantified ammo (bombs/arrows) and even magic power have been functionally unlimited. You are never in fear of running out, and every room is filled with grass and pots to chop and break for refills.

The designers have to design it this way because of the puzzle nature of the series. If you ran out of bombs and couldn't easily and readily replace them, you'd get stuck at a puzzle and have to backtrack to a shop.

What's the difference between de jure infinite ammo and de facto infinite ammo?


Saw this on my 3DS last night. Looks beast like. I've also never played ALTTP, so when it comes out on Wii U VC I'll get that too. 3DS has got me as a happy gamer from this point to the end of the year. :)


Zelda news = always good news, but I'm a bit cautious since Wind Waker set the "Zelda standards" too high for me, so much that I didn't enjoy the following Zelda games properly. Also Link to the Past in 3D... not sure, but I'm here with my wallet ready just in case.
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