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Report: Xbox owners are deserting Microsoft consoles for the PlayStation 4

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ADD New Gen Gamer
Ps4 being another Ps2 is a HUGE compliment, actually.

X1 definitely isn't a X360-2, imo. Gone is the cheaper price, gone are the superior multiplatform games and Japanese support will probably be nihil this time around.

I'm going to get both consoles eventually. But as a gamer, the Ps4 is currently far more appealing to me. The rpice is perfect, the games are good, Sony has one of the best dev teams out there. The multiplatform games are superior as well. PS+ is a bit meh at this point for the Ps4, but I'm sure it's going to change soon.

I am surprised they are even giving free games for the PS4 so early in the cycle. I was expecting PS+ to purely be a subscription for online (and PS3 and vita freebies) until next year when the library builds up.


I am dead serious. I look at my library of console games, and there are very few multiplats. If I had to estimate, I would say that over 85 percent of my library is comprised of console exclusives.

Never player COD / Mass effect / Borderlands / Skyrim as they aren't my cup of tea. Might pick up Tales From The Borderlands though. In all honesty, as much as I like my 360, I've never played Halo or Fable, and only got the first 2 Gears games recently (but haven't played them, want to though, just need time)..

So what the hell are you playing then? It's not like MS has a ton of exclusives besides 3 franchises?


I chose to stay with Xbox mainly because I thought it would be better online but I also preferred their IP. I made the right choice for me.

In a few months I'll still be able to play Titanfall, that's more important to me than slight graphical improvements.

Turn your beanie back in at the door.

I was a 360 owner then jumped back to Playstation with Ps4. Cheaper, more powerful and def not full of crap like what with Microsoft was trying to sell us. All three of my friends did the same.
It won't help. MS has already lost this gens console war.


It's like Microsoft is afraid of admitting that they made a mistake by requiring Kinect.

If anyone at Microsoft is reading this, let me make a direct statement to you:

"Microsoft if you remove the Kinect we aren't going to point and laugh at you. We won't rub it in that you made a bonehead mistake. Honestly everyone here and all your fans will applaud you for being smart about this and trying to win your fanbase back. However, if you continue to force Kinect down user's throat's then we will in fact continue to point and laugh while you struggle with your own arrogance for the remainder of this gen. Right the ship now, or else this gen will be longggg and painful."


I am dead serious. I look at my library of console games, and there are very few multiplats. If I had to estimate, I would say that over 85 percent of my library is comprised of console exclusives.

The way I see it is that paying for online sucks, and I'm not much of an online player anyways. If I can only afford to pay for one box, might as well make it the Xbox because of free games (at least for the time being, which I feel is awesome) and the fact that now, I might be able to get some added value of some of those 360 games I've never played online before. Again, it's all a matter of personal preference.

So what games do you play then

Some added value
- are you for real ?


To be honest I never found paying charge for online a problem. Get a one year subscription for good price.

Of course you don't. But you also already said that you are one of those people where costs don't matter. You buy everything. In your words "gaming at best level" or whatever.

Its fine that you can and do. but not everyone has that luxury, the time, or cares about every single exclusive title. So they compromise and pick one based on what console they perceive to have the best value.
Since multiplatform games are the majority of each system's library,it's natural for people to buy the system that is both cheaper and run those games better.


The way I see it is that paying for online sucks, and I'm not much of an online player anyways. If I can only afford to pay for one box, might as well make it the Xbox because of free games (at least for the time being, which I feel is awesome) and the fact that now, I might be able to get some added value of some of those 360 games I've never played online before. Again, it's all a matter of personal preference.

??? You know that PS+ gives free games, right? And PS+ had free games way before XBLG started giving free games.


-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
From reading around, you'd think the Xbox one isn't selling at all.
How's the Xbox one doing in comparison to the PS4?
What's the LTD so far?


"I don't play multiplatform games. Don't like Halo, Fable and I haven't played Gears yet. I don't like paying for online. But I still prefer Xbox over Playstation because of the exclusives"



Why? Why doesn't everybody just enjoy every console exclusive games? People are wasting a lot of good experiences due to fanboyism. I wont "switch" im keeping them all.

Well, you gotta consider some things...
-online ecosystems(digital purchases, subscriptions, friends, trophies/achievements)
-one being both cheaper and being more powerful(thus having better multiplats)
-there being very few console exclusives.
- and costing atleast $900 to own both.
I'd say, this generation especially, there's not as much of an incentive to get both consoles.


"I don't play multiplatform games. Don't like Halo, Fable and I haven't played Gears yet. And I don't like paying for online. But I still prefer Xbox over Playstation because of the exclusives"


I'm enjoying his posts, people are bamboozled.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4

It's like Microsoft is afraid of admitting that they made a mistake by requiring Kinect.

Kinect is not the issue. The issue is that they release underpowered hardware. A mistake that they will never recover from during this gen.


They've already took the first step with lots of 180s. The second step was ensuring plenty of quality game content in the future, which they seemingly have (I've got a bunch of XBO games I want already of what has been announced). The third step is getting the system down to a price that is acceptable for the level of tech inside. A bonus would be if they remove Kinect, but as long as it's $299.99, I'll just toss the thing myself since that's my entry point either way.

They should also make their console available to the "tier 3/4" EU countries...this was a big mistake IMO.

Now back to the topic 360 was and still is my primary system, I am not a big fan of of the PS3 (most of the exclusives aren't my cup of tea) and I'm building a new PC rig next week. I'll end up getting both systems sometime in the future but I'm leaning towards getting a Xbone first since it's exclusive line-up looks much more interesting to me plus I don't care for better multiplatforms now since I'll play them on my PC. That being said I'll get a Xbone when/if it will be available here and at 400e.
Bit silly as very few multiconsole owners buy them both within a few months of each other.

If these people arent picking up Xbox ones a year from now, then we can talk.


Honestly, I was a 360 owner and the ps4 appealed to me more than the Xbox one (and still does, I don't use Kinect at all) but I ended up getting an Xbox one due to the current exclusives and what I knew was coming out.

very happy with my purchase and I'll definitely pick a ps4 up on special in the future when a few more games I want come out.

yeah Microsoft fucked up with the unveiling and all their bullshit policies, but since then they've done well to turn it around. Obviously we can attribute that to Sony and the ps4, but still.


I'm in the UK and most people I know just had a 360 only last gen with only a select few also owning a PS3. So far quite a few have jumped to PS4 and I know of nobody that has bought an Xbox One or even plans on buying one. Those that haven't switched yet plan on buying a PS4 when there are more games out later in the year.

So in my circle of family and friends every Xbox owner I know are deserting Microsoft consoles for the PS4. I don't think the price has anything to do with it either as nobody cares about it now even with the price drop and Titanfall included. I think MS would have to beat Sony on price to really have a chance of changing their minds.


Kinect is not the issue. The issue is that they release underpowered hardware. A mistake that they will never recover from during this gen.

Kinect is absolutely an issue when it adds $100 onto the price tag of the system and doesn't seem to be extensively utilized by any games. :p
I blame Kinect and the HDMI in TV nonsense, Did the Xbox division spend 400 million dollars on stupid American football?.

Millions of us in Europe have a Xbox 360 show us more support. I am huge xbox 360 fan but am disappointed by the xbox one, It's too expensive, Far too American centric. But saying that it has the games i want DR3, Peggle 2, Crimson dragon, Loco cycle, killer instinct and KI classic, Halo, Gears of War, Ryse, Sunset overdrive, Titanfall, Quantum break, Project spark, Powerstar golf, Fable, D4 and all the multi platform games.

I want a 1TB with a game £50 cheaper then the playstation 4. With a focus on getting great exclusive games did they say they had a billion dollars to spend.
Kinect is not the issue. The issue is that they release underpowered hardware. A mistake that they will never recover from during this gen.

I honestly don't think that they can't recover. I agree that releasing significantly underpowered hardware (Wii U) is hard to recover from, but the XBO isn't a huge downgrade in raw performance.

The huge price increase directly caused by the Kinect, along with the Kinect sucking up some processing power, is the biggest problem.


Why? Why doesn't everybody just enjoy every console exclusive games? People are wasting a lot of good experiences due to fanboyism. I wont "switch" im keeping them all.

Sorry, but I can't justify spending $500 for something that's less powerful and doesn't really have any games I'm interesting in. Does that make me a fanboy?


The OP describes me to a tee, primarily a 360 gamer last gen (only picked a PS3 after the PS4 reveal) now a PS4 owner and love it.

Thing is were seeing many 360/now PS4 players but what were not seeing much of is PS3 last gen XBone this gen.

I loved the XBL ecosystem & if/when MS make the XBOne more appealing (£300+game) I'll probably jump back in but ATM its still too expensive for what it is, plus with the TV functionality not supported in the UK it feels like I'm paying a premium but only getting 2/3's of the system.

MS need to be more competitive with the price across the board not just cherry picking certain markets for price drops.
I wonder what percent went the other way. PS3 to Xbox One. Probably not many.

In the long run (at least in the US) I think Xbox will be ok because the price will inevitably drop to an acceptable level, and they will eventually have enough exclusives to get people to buy it.

I personally can't stand Microsoft right now with all the bullshit they wanted to pull/have pulled/are currently pulling, but I'll still probably buy an Xbox One eventually once the price is $300-$350 or so and they have a few good exclusives.

You just can't release an inferior console at a higher price and expect it to do well. It isn't going to happen. I don't know what they were thinking but it surely wasn't about what I as a potential customer wanted.
Online. People don't want to pay for two online ecosystems per year so they'll only choose one now that both major systems (sorry Nintendo) charge for online.

Plus, buying a system just for the exclusives and ignoring the rest of the library on that system isn't a win for that company.

This gets ignored so much. Observers talk about consoles sold, PS4 vs XBone figures. If every game bought both consoles, they'll still be a "losing company" who aren't making money. What really matters is where those dual console owners are putting their money; what system they're buying the multiplatform titles on (which account for what, 90% of software sold?), and are they only paying for one online service [which would likely match where their multiplatform purchases].

I think this is what's going to hurt MS this generation far more than total consoles sold. People may say it doesn't matter to MS if Sony sell more consoles, and that may be correct, but if they're losing last gens XBL Gold money, and all that multiplatform title licensing fee.... that will hurt them.

And like many many people in this thread, I've moved from 90% of my last gen purchases on the 360, to 100% on the PS4 this gen.

On the plus side, MS did give me a refund for the 2+ years of XBL Gold I had on my account :)


The OP describes me to a tee, primarily a 360 gamer last gen (only picked a PS3 after the PS4 reveal) now a PS4 owner and love it.

Thing is were seeing many 360/now PS4 players but what were not seeing much of is PS3 last gen XBone this gen.

I loved the XBL ecosystem & if/when MS make the XBOne more appealing (£300+game) I'll probably jump back in but ATM its still too expensive for what it is, plus with the TV functionality not supported in the UK it feels like I'm paying a premium but only getting 2/3's of the system.

MS need to be more competitive with the price across the board not just cherry picking certain markets for price drops.

I've said this since the beginning. MS has set themselves up to make it a struggle just to hold on to the marketshare they had last gen while Sony has set themselves up to not lose any marketshare, only to gain marketshare. Because people will bail on 360 to get a PS4 but there's hardly anyone who's going to bail on PS3 to get an XBO. And the lack of BC on Microsoft's part ensures there are even less reasons to stick with their brand.
As things stand, the PS4 has almost twice as many games (including coming and announced titles) compared to the Xbox One, including a larger number of exclusive games. Out of the Xbox One exclusives I was interested in, some of the reviewed poorly (like Crimson Dragon), while I don't rule out Dead Rising 3 being ported to PC sometime in the future.

The rest of the Xbox One's games are inferior versions of multiplatform games. Because of this, it will have to be exclusives that will deliver me on the system, and Microsoft seem to have the inverse problem of Nintendo in terms of games that interest me; they have a healthy amount of 3rd-party support, but seem to have gotten worse with delivering good (or more accurately, varied) 1st-party exclusives beyond Halo.
Right now, Microsoft is beating the crap out of Sony in the exclusives department, with a stronger launch line up, a stronger selection of developers (nobody at Sony can touch Remedy or Insomniac--nobody), and more announced games, with more to come.

Sony, weirdly, is completely failing to deliver.

And heck, it's actually performing better on a few multiplatform games (wtf).

I was 360 only all last gen. I loved it for party chat alone, which me and my friends used all the time. It's crazy how much that system changed how I game compared to the PS2. Despite those good memories, I have no loyalty to the brand. I hate the direction of the Xbox One. As much as I didn't like the DRM debacle, I was actually more put off by the Kinect integration. I have never understood the argument that forcing it will lead to awesome uses in game integration down the road when every use of it so far has been either garbage or unwanted (for me, of course). I also enjoyed knowing that the 360 was usually the best place to play multiplatform games, and obviously Microsoft didn't prioritize maintaining that advantage.

It was easy for me to 'switch,' though, because I don't care for Gears or Halo and won't miss those games one bit. My favorite exclusives from last gen were Alan Wake and Iron Brigade. I've always enjoyed Sony's library more and now that they have caught up somewhat with online stuff (PS Plus and now party chat), I feel like I actually have a choice.


I blame Kinect and the HDMI in TV nonsense, Did the Xbox division spend 400 million dollars on stupid American football?.

Millions of us in Europe have a Xbox 360 show us more support. I am huge xbox 360 fan but am disappointed by the xbox one, It's too expensive, Far too American centric. But saying that it has the games i want DR3, Peggle 2, Crimson dragon, Loco cycle, killer instinct and KI classic, Halo, Gears of War, Ryse, Sunset overdrive, Titanfall, Quantum break, Project spark, Powerstar golf, Fable, D4 and all the multi platform games.

I want a 1TB with a game £50 cheaper then the playstation 4. With a focus on getting great exclusive games did they say they had a billion dollars to spend.

Problem is they produced it more as a home entertainment system for the living room. "Something for the whole family" unfortunately something had to be compromised. That is the actual gaming side eg weaker system
The crazy thing is that MS could've taken this generation easily if they:

1) More or equal specs as PS4.

2) Kinect not required

3) Lower price as PS4

4) Had backwards compatibility.
I wouldn't say "easily", and I don't particularly care about 3 and 4, but the first two would have kept me on board. Also if I'd enjoyed Halo 4 more, they could have twisted my arm with that franchise.

Instead I'm a PC-only gamer who's waiting for a PS4 deal maybe some time this year.
Why? Why doesn't everybody just enjoy every console exclusive games? People are wasting a lot of good experiences due to fanboyism. I wont "switch" im keeping them all.

PS4 - 400$
Xbone- 500$
Wii U - 300$

at least 1 additional gamepad for each of them 180$

1380$ not counting storage upgrades and other accessories


The 360 was my most-used home console for most of last-gen, and I have a PS4 and no Xbox One, but I'm playing my PS3 more than any of the other consoles right now. PS4's current lineup really doesn't appeal to me at all, I pretty much bought it solely out of hype and because I knew I'd get one eventually.
Thread title really needs some fixing for accuracy.

"Report: PS360 owners are leaning towards PlayStation 4 this gen"

And really, the first paragraph doesn't match the content of the second very well either. The opening paragraph suggests it's talking about 360-only owners. Then in the second paragraph it reveals it's actually about people who own both consoles. It's really poorly written.


Underpowered is not an issue when you compare the fun you get from Titanfall VS Killzone/Knack.

I'd rather play a fun game than a showcase game with no fun.

The issue is the price of the bundle. Xone has better games than PS4 for now : PVZ /Titanfall/ DR3 / Forza .

When I play Xone I see the gap between it and X360. But not a 250 $. MS has gone mad on price. But for now it seems to fit them as they don't do the same thing they ve done with original XBOX.

I think XBOX division needs someone with a vision, they have people that don't take any risks, they play it safe and they will die if they continue top drop the ball.

Kinect is a problem when you have no games for it and is only used to make skype calls ...

Sledge Hammer

Neo Member
Going 360 only to Ps4 only. For me the tide turned when 360 became the kinect kinect halo gears forza console for years, and then the X1 reveal of TV and sports galore. Nobody seems to be going from ps3 to xbone, but i see tons of people doing the opposite.
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