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Racism caught on tape (NSFW) for starting car : White woman +kids vs Black male

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i might be going by the rails here, but she said "i'm getting your daddy here" or something to that effect, and the kids go


so that means she's probably a gold digger that got divorced from the husband and the kids don't ever see their father around.

Now she digging for gold anywhere else. Awesome.


The dude in the red shirt that walks in at about 2:10 and shakes his head is exactly my reaction.

Don't bother with these kinds of people.
shes trollin hard now


Say what you want about her, but you have to admire someone that goes all in (verbally) on such a vile perspective. None of this fake apology for upsetting folks bs that you usually get in these situations.


To be clear, I didn't cherry-pick or even create that screenshot. I'm repeating it from the post that my post was in response to, because the context seemed to have been lost.

I find the binary opposition here strange. It's not ignoring the problem to say that we shouldn't put her face all over the internet and gloat in hatred at how ignorant she is. I agree that making an incident like this public can potentially be useful and edifying... but I'm not so sure that identifying her rather than blurring her face was a good idea, given that it opens the floodgates to all her social media being ganged up on in a way that will only elevate her and exacerbate her statements.

Likewise, explaining and justifying are not the same thing. Everyone is responsible for what comes out of their own mouth, so I agree that there is no justification, particularly when her words were so very racist and aggressive. But that doesn't mean it's pointless to try and explain or understand where that comes from in her upbringing or life. If you forbid explanation entirely and just focus on her being the scum of the earth, that does little but foster more hatefulness.

Nah, fuck that noise.

She brought this on herself and her kids. What isn't fair is to expect a guy who was just so blatantly disrespected on a fundamental level to go the extra mile and be considerate of her feelings. The guy has no responsibility to her or her fucking feelings OR her fucking kids. If she wants to show out, might as well do it for an audience.

You just get to a point where you're tired of feeling like you have to explain racism to people. Like, it's 2014, and people can let the most blatantly racist shit fly out their mouths and we're still supposed to sit back and entertain that shit? Use it as a teaching moment? Fuck that. She's old enough to know better. She wants to show her ass? Then she and her whole family can get got on this internet.


Going to be great when the news gets on her twitter feed and she states "I'm not racist" then her twitter is all cunty racistness.
To be clear, I didn't cherry-pick or even create that screenshot. I'm repeating it from the post that my post was in response to, because the context seemed to have been lost.

I find the binary opposition here strange. It's not ignoring the problem to say that we shouldn't put her face all over the internet and gloat in hatred at how ignorant she is. I agree that making an incident like this public can potentially be useful and edifying... but I'm not so sure that identifying her rather than blurring her face was a good idea, given that it opens the floodgates to all her social media being ganged up on in a way that will only elevate her and exacerbate her statements.

Likewise, explaining and justifying are not the same thing. Everyone is responsible for what comes out of their own mouth, so I agree that there is no justification, particularly when her words were so very racist and aggressive. But that doesn't mean it's pointless to try and explain or understand where that comes from in her upbringing or life. If you forbid explanation entirely and just focus on her being the scum of the earth, that does little but foster more hatefulness.

There was a documentary posted a few days ago about a mixed person in Germany asking a Neo-Nazi party why they hated blacks, face to face. It was insanely dangerous, but the answers she got were in the realm of ignorance. Some didn't know, or just didn't care to know, about other races.

The thing is, some people were legitimately confused as to why they hated those different than them, and had to make up bullshit excuses. You could almost see their beliefs creaking and cracking under simple questions.

Then you had the people who, at no level, believed they were wrong. That happens too - racism where, no matter what you say, they don't carry any remorse.

She gave an explanation on that TV channel posted above - there it is, clear as day. What more do you think needs to happen? Have a coffee with her and hash things out? You can't change the world, and doing something like this is better than letting it go. You talk of fostering hate, but I see a whole lotta unity between people slamming racism in the face.


erotic butter maelstrom
i just hope this doesnt lead to her getting a ton of paypal donations like george zimmerman.

I don't see it happening. She didn't even shoot him to death. Not much compares to a righteous gun-killing in the eyes of people like that.


This is going to follow her for the rest of her life. She doesn't care now, but she won't be able to get a proper job again. A quick google search for her name will reveal this shitstorm.


New York

At least it isn't the south this time.

Outside of NYC, NY State is quite conservative. We're never at the forefront of minority rights and progressive action. We always seem to follow long after others have paved the way (gay rights/marriage).

Dude asked what the demographic was, and I answered. There is a lot of racism in the small towns outside of NYC, I'm sorry you find that opinion offensive.

Well, that's the thing, and is the reason I made my original comment in this thread that got me in hot water with the WNY crew. I would wager that when most people - who are not from NY state - are asked to bring up a mental image when they think of New York, they probably think Empire State Building, Brooklyn Bridge, Central Park, World Trade Center/9-11, Rockefeller Center, Broadway (maybe Niagra Falls). That's all New York city (and even then it's specifically Manhattan), and they forget that there is a rest of the state, a rest of the state that is much more like anywhere else in America than some center of international culture.

Agreed. Don't know why he's getting angry over simple facts of life in America.

This post is so full of shit. And we are called Western New York. Upstate is something completely different.
She's pretty much hated by all the white people in the area for starting this shit. Trust me.

I'd wager at least some of those are angry because it's bringing negative attention to the town and little to do with the woman's conduct against the guy recording; and another crowd are angry because it's getting people to talk about race (the bane of all topics of discussion among white people) with their town in the spotlight.

Overall, I question the sheer amount of time and energy you're spending defending your town/part of the state, like you're in denial that racists could possibly live in your vicinity and like you care less about what transpired and more about the perception of you and those who live around you. No one is personally accusing you of being a racist shithead, although you seem to be reacting like that's exactly what happened. Last I checked, NYC proper is full of racism and racial segregation, and you don't see me getting extremely butthurt and going on the defense when it's pointed out.


God damn... I go to bed for one second and then this...


She deserves all the ridicule and disgust she gets, pathetic. She's gone full batshit. Ugh.
To be clear, I didn't cherry-pick or even create that screenshot. I'm repeating it from the post that my post was in response to, because the context seemed to have been lost.

I find the binary opposition here strange. It's not ignoring the problem to say that we shouldn't put her face all over the internet and gloat in hatred at how ignorant she is. I agree that making an incident like this public can potentially be useful and edifying... but I'm not so sure that identifying her rather than blurring her face was a good idea, given that it opens the floodgates to all her social media being ganged up on in a way that will only elevate her and exacerbate her statements.

Likewise, explaining and justifying are not the same thing. Everyone is responsible for what comes out of their own mouth, so I agree that there is no justification, particularly when her words were so very racist and aggressive. But that doesn't mean it's pointless to try and explain or understand where that comes from in her upbringing or life. If you forbid explanation entirely and just focus on her being the scum of the earth, that does little but foster more hatefulness.

I agree the internet pile-on on her Facebook and Twitter is not where I'd rather go, but the real problem here is hunting for the explanation. What did he do? What's her upbringing? Is she bipolar? Is she not racist and just falling back on saying "nigger" as a general insult?

It's obfuscation.

Her actions, outright, were racist. Full-stop. However she got there is of no concern in that man's specific situation. When people of color are threatened and killed all over America, the fact that the sympathy and search for understanding lies with the aggressor - and in this case she's the clear aggressor - is a very bitter pill to swallow.

Why did he have to leave? Did he not have as much right to sit in his car in a public parking lot as anyone else? This "both sides are in the wrong" shit is tiring.

To most of you, the day you saw that racism like this is strong in the world today it was one of the most important days of your lives. To me, a black person who plays games on the internet, it was Tuesday.

Yeah. I certainly don't go through that shit everyday. But there have been enough personal cases where I thought "maybe they might be racist" and enough where negative bias was confirmed (I live in the DC Metro area).


Calling back a TV reporter to apologise for her language and to the driver, but then continuing to double down on twitter and take on the internet?

This is not a story that ends well.
This Twitter meltdown (if real) is the funniest shit I've seen in a while.

But are they really racist tweets? I need more evidence.


I agree the internet pile-on on her Facebook and Twitter is not where I'd rather go, but the real problems here is hunting for the explanation. What did he do? What's her upbringing? Is she bipolar? Is she not racist and just falling back on saying "nigger" as a general insult?

It's obfuscation.

Her actions, outright, were racist. Full-stop. However she got there is of no concern in that man's specific situation. When people of color are threatened and killed all over America, the fact that the sympathy and search for understanding lies with the aggressor - and in this case she's the clear aggressor - is a very bitter pill to swallow.

Why did he have to leave? Did he not have as much right to sit in his car in a public parking lot as anyone else? This "both sides are in the wrong" shit is tiring.



To most of you, the day you saw that racism like this is strong in the world today it was one of the most important days of your lives. To me, a black person who plays games on the internet, it was Tuesday.

There's no clapping gif good enough for this post.


This is going to follow her for the rest of her life. She doesn't care now, but she won't be able to get a proper job again. A quick google search for her name will reveal this shitstorm.

Again? I don't think her prior career choice required much vetting.


Fuck this bitch for being racist, she has no excuse for being racist.

I fucking hate racism. I've always hated going to small towns with friends because all the people will stare at me like i'm some kind of different species.


I might get vilified for this, but why didn't he just drive off? What was the point in staying there and video taping/antagonizing the woman?

She called a police officer over (for whatever reason) to the area. He couldn't leave. She berated him with racial slurs and forced him to stay and waste his time.


When does one cross that line? Saying it more than once?
If someone is prone to calling black people niggers "in a heated moment" I don't see why any diplomacy or impartiality needs to be extended. There are so many other ways to demoralise someone or express your anger that don't involve slurs. Hurling slurs at someone as soon as you're emotional about something isn't normal and there's no context in which it should be understandable or acceptable.
Excellent post.


I might get vilified for this, but why didn't he just drive off? What was the point in staying there and video taping/antagonizing the woman?

My guess is that when you're vilified because of your race in the first place, you get a little careful about proving your case in front of police officers who might do the same thing.
God damn... I go to bed for one second and then this...


She deserves all the ridicule and disgust she gets, pathetic. She's gone full batshit. Ugh.
Startin' to get the feeling she's been dumped by more than a few black men.

I can also imagine some of them had the same reaction seeing her in a Skype call.

Maybe people should start using that as a defense bullet point, too.
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