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Cop kills Dog. Owner just a tad more than slightly pissed off.

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There was a case in Seattle where a dog was in his own yard, cowering under a bush or something like that.

They have the cops on audio recording having a casual conversation about what they should do about the dog.. all kinds of disturbing crap.



The dog was doing.. nothing.

It had gotten out of it's back yard and was just sitting in it's own front yard/driveway when the cops decided to taser the dog, taser it again, chase it down the street, and then shoot it in someone's back yard.

IIRC they also have a recording of the one cop saying he'd like to try out his new gun. Was part of their motivation for wanting to kill a harmless pet.

WTF!!!!! I would have killed these cops if I heard such words coming from them after they killed my pet.


I see cop hate force is full full effect today. I was hoping for an actual video of what happened but good thing I don't need that since Neogaf has already painted it's picture via assumptions.


Owner asks for probable cause, officer goes on to explain probable cause doesn't exist, lol fucking idiot. You know what the owner is trying to say you stupid fuck. We'll give you a case number though so calm down, that case number will bring you peace.

Law suit man, shake that fucking tree

I see cop hate force is full full effect today. I was hoping for an actual video of what happened but good thing I don't need that since Neogaf has already painted it's picture via assumptions.

Cop went into the dudes yard looking for a child. Dog came after cop, cop shoots dog. Pretty well explained by another officer in the video. Let me say it another way.

Cop trespasses on private property, shoots owners dog.

Coming from prior law enforcement, I hope the owner sues the city.

Also, trespassing signs and beware of dog signs are not required. I'm pretty sure the cop knows it wasn't his property or the city's property, so therefore it's private. Seriously


I see cop hate force is full full effect today. I was hoping for an actual video of what happened but good thing I don't need that since Neogaf has already painted it's picture via assumptions.
So dogs now need video evidence to prove the were unlawfully gunned down by an armed idiot? Incredible.
I see cop hate force is full full effect today. I was hoping for an actual video of what happened but good thing I don't need that since Neogaf has already painted it's picture via assumptions.


seems about right.


what would make me even more pissed is the smirk on the lady officer and the officer with the sun glasses faces. This was not a laughing matter and nothing was funny about the situation so why was they smirking?

The cop who does most of the talking doesn't seem to be smirking to me. I think he's wincing and upset about the situation, but without being able to see his eyes, his mouth position could be interpreted as a smirk. The woman to the right seems oddly amused by it all, though, I agree.

I have to respect the owner's ability to remain as composed as he did. I don't think I'd be even half that coherent.


I see cop hate force is full full effect today. I was hoping for an actual video of what happened but good thing I don't need that since Neogaf has already painted it's picture via assumptions.
Fuck the police. They've long since passed the threshold of getting any benefit of the doubt. As long as they continue to get away with this shit I've no problem whatsoever saying they should be put down like the animals they are. (Yes, that's an over reaction. That post about them stalking and killing a dog for no reason was RAGE inducing. If that happened to my dog they'll have to shoot me as well because I'll for damn sure be trying to kill them.)


They should have shot the owner for owning a dog that they had to shoot. What if he tries to get another dog? You can't be too careful with potentially violent owners of potentially violent dogs.

I guess if that's too harsh they could taze his balls first to see whether or not he responds aggressively. If he makes a sudden movement or shows his teeth, then they could shoot him.
There was a case in Seattle where a dog was in his own yard, cowering under a bush or something like that.

They have the cops on audio recording having a casual conversation about what they should do about the dog.. all kinds of disturbing crap.



The dog was doing.. nothing.

It had gotten out of it's back yard and was just sitting in it's own front yard/driveway when the cops decided to taser the dog, taser it again, chase it down the street, and then shoot it in someone's back yard.

IIRC they also have a recording of the one cop saying he'd like to try out his new gun. Was part of their motivation for wanting to kill a harmless pet.

What the fuck! This thread is pissing me off! Who are these sick fucks that we are supposed to trust to protect us? Fuck!


Fuck the police. They've long since passed the threshold of getting any benefit of the doubt. As long as they continue to get away with this shit I've no problem whatsoever saying they should be put down like the animals they are. (Yes, that's an over reaction. That post about them stalking and killing a dog for no reason was RAGE inducing. If that happened to my dog they'll have to shoot me as well because I'll for damn sure be trying to kill them.)

What, so you think a human life equal to a dog life.


if a cop shoot my dog, I would shot him. I love my dogs and I would go fucking berserk if a fucking idiot shot my dogs.
I see cop hate force is full full effect today. I was hoping for an actual video of what happened but good thing I don't need that since Neogaf has already painted it's picture via assumptions.

What exactly can the scenario be wherein shooting the dog is fine? "I might get bit." is not sufficient IMHO.

And anytime you discharge a gun a residential area, it is dangerous. Stray bullets & ricochets can kill.


What exactly can the scenario be wherein shooting the dog is fine? "I might get bit." is not sufficient IMHO.

And anytime you discharge a gun a residential area, it is dangerous. Stray bullets & ricochets can kill.

Nothing I say will change the pure hatred of cops on this forum. This is obviously a sad story but likely the officer had exigent circumstances to enter the property if he has reason to believe the missing child was back there. And a dog can definitely permanently disfigured and end the career of an officer by biting him. Not saying shooting was necessarily the best option, but I wasn't there in that moment and neither were you.

But nah forgot all the, fuck these pigs they all deserve to die. Trigger happy monsters. They were probably bullied in high school too.


Weird. Watching this I felt zero compassion for the owner.
I don't harbor any sort of irrational dislike toward animals (haven't touched meat for more than 4 years), but all I could think of was:
- "guys sounds like he's on antidepressants / has fallen back into puberty"
- "police officers seem pretty calm"
- "guess if the guy was black, he'd be dead / tazed / heavily beaten by now"

/ also "guess the guy could be known to be a weirdo in the neighborhood, hence Police checking out his premises for a missed child"

Came into this thread and read the first few posts and then...this. You are either a cop or someone close to you is a PO. Automatically looking for issues within the victim, shameful. I know everyone is entitled to their opinion, but smh, this is turrible as Charles Barkley would say. My condolences to the victim in this event, PO was in the wrong 100%.


Unconfirmed Member
That cop should be fired, sued and whatever else can be done. But wow don't fuck with GAF's pets cause they will murder you. No joke.(Honestly some of you sound mental.)


Fucking asshole.

Yet another reason why patrol cops need to lose access to lethal firearms. You're totally right, dude. Something has to change.


He was just standing his ground.

...on private property he had no business being on.

Also, I could barely make it out from the video but the dog looked like a Beagle I think? Hardly known to be 'aggressive', as his colleague put it. And even so, it's a fucking dog. Absolutely no reason in hell to shoot it with a lethal firearm.

edit: it's a weimaraner:



Nothing I say will change the pure hatred of cops on this forum. This is obviously a sad story but likely the officer had exigent circumstances to enter the property if he has reason to believe the missing child was back there. And a dog can definitely permanently disfigured and end the career of an officer by biting him. Not saying shooting was necessarily the best option, but I wasn't there in that moment and neither were you.

But nah forgot all the, fuck these pigs they all deserve to die. Trigger happy monsters. They were probably bullied in high school too.
Fucking hell. Police officers in the rest of the developed world seem to do fine against potentially dangerous dogs without shooting them on sight.


I am not Max
Weird. Watching this I felt zero compassion for the owner.
I don't harbor any sort of irrational dislike toward animals (haven't touched meat for more than 4 years), but all I could think of was:
- "guys sounds like he's on antidepressants / has fallen back into puberty"
- "police officers seem pretty calm"
- "guess if the guy was black, he'd be dead / tazed / heavily beaten by now"

/ also "guess the guy could be known to be a weirdo in the neighborhood, hence Police checking out his premises for a missed child"
fun at parties ^


Nothing I say will change the pure hatred of cops on this forum. This is obviously a sad story but likely the officer had exigent circumstances to enter the property if he has reason to believe the missing child was back there. And a dog can definitely permanently disfigured and end the career of an officer by biting him. Not saying shooting was necessarily the best option, but I wasn't there in that moment and neither were you.

But nah forgot all the, fuck these pigs they all deserve to die. Trigger happy monsters. They were probably bullied in high school too.
So you complain about assumptions by ... making assumptions? Okay.
Nothing I say will change the pure hatred of cops on this forum. This is obviously a sad story but likely the officer had exigent circumstances to enter the property if he has reason to believe the missing child was back there. And a dog can definitely permanently disfigured and end the career of an officer by biting him. Not saying shooting was necessarily the best option, but I wasn't there in that moment and neither were you.

But nah forgot all the, fuck these pigs they all deserve to die. Trigger happy monsters. They were probably bullied in high school too.

Did they have a warrant to search his property?



seems about right.


Thing is, we all agree that the current system is broken. Too many cops are being hired that have no business being peace officers. Their training and process for letting people in is flawed. Their union/system of covering up for their own is also a major problem. However, the only way to fix this is, is for communities to be active.

Perpetuating an anti-cop (all cops are pigs hur dur) mentality pretty much just pushes out people that want to be a police officer for good reasons. Why would any sane person want to be a police officer, when so many people hate them and our view on cops is so negative. And this kind of negative mentality and attitude also weighs down on the police officers that actually are good and who do their job (it becomes draining). It then becomes a never ending cycle, where this just fuels it. So yes, the mature thing is to separate crooked cops from other police officers that do their job right. I'm by no means saying that we shouldn't be angry and complain about crooked cops.

These people should lose their job and be put in jail. They definitely deserve to be called out and brought to justice (even if we know it's a system that will just protect them). But my point, I don't see how pushing the whole "all cops are pigs" thing really helps anything. In fact, I see it as pretty counter-productive.
Nothing I say will change the pure hatred of cops on this forum. This is obviously a sad story but likely the officer had exigent circumstances to enter the property if he has reason to believe the missing child was back there. And a dog can definitely permanently disfigured and end the career of an officer by biting him. Not saying shooting was necessarily the best option, but I wasn't there in that moment and neither were you.

But nah forgot all the, fuck these pigs they all deserve to die. Trigger happy monsters. They were probably bullied in high school too.

With two people and one dog? No. A dog bite is not going to end your career. Especially when you can shoot the dog after it bites. Which it most likely won't

Postal workers have deal with dogs all the time. And they do get bit. A lot. But we don't let them just shoot dogs.

And stop with you bullshit strawman victim-complex crap.


With two people and one dog? No. A dog bite is not going to end your career. Especially when you can shoot the dog after it bites. Which it most likely won't

Postal workers have deal with dogs all the time. And they do get bit. A lot. But we don't let them just shoot dogs.

And stop with you bullshit strawman victim-complex crap.

Maybe it's time to give postal workers guns too.
I don't try to rationalize the fact that police shot his dog. Just felt like I should share my feelings since they were so diametrically opposed to rest.

Most of the time when people have feelings that make them sound like a sociopathic jerk, they have the sense to keep them to themselves?

Nothing I say will change the pure hatred of cops on this forum.

Well, posting stuff like this certainly isn't going to make people go "Oh man, I was wrong! Cops who violate the law and all boundaries of ethical behavior are totally rad!" Five seconds' effort would have established for you that the officer is in the wrong here. Running to their defense here just establishes that you're more interested in supporting police actions regardless of context than in actually considering the specific events that have occurred.


I can see why the guy's is pissed about his dog. I have a dog myself, and I would be pissed if someone injured my dog.

However, the guy on video is overreacting. It could be genuinely or it could be him looking for blue money.

Nevertheless, we don't know the details of the case, or what exigent circumstance the officer had for him to shoot the dog. I doubt the officer woke up and said "I feel like shooting a dog today..."; not to mention that firing the service weapon while on duty holds tremendous liability and accountability. It sucks that a dog had to die, but if the officer felt threatened (assuming he had legal justification to be in the property), he is justified in putting that dog down.


My brother in law is a cop and he's a good guy, proper Lawful Good type, like a huge, calm teddy bear. Then again, he's not an American cop. Your law enforcement there is seriously fooked up.


I can see why the guy's is pissed about his dog. I have a dog myself, and I would be pissed if someone injured my dog.

However, the guy on video is overreacting. It could be genuinely or it could be him looking for blue money.

Nevertheless, we don't know the details of the case, or what exigent circumstance the officer had for him to shoot the dog. I doubt the officer woke up and said "I feel like shooting a dog today..."; not to mention that firing the service weapon while on duty holds tremendous liability and accountability. It sucks that a dog had to die, but if the officer felt threatened (assuming he had legal justification to be in the property), he is justified in putting that dog down.

I don't understand what you mean. His pet was just killed.


I can see why the guy's is pissed about his dog. I have a dog myself, and I would be pissed if someone injured my dog.

However, the guy on video is overreacting. It could be genuinely or it could be him looking for blue money.

Nevertheless, we don't know the details of the case, or what exigent circumstance the officer had for him to shoot the dog. I doubt the officer woke up and said "I feel like shooting a dog today..."; not to mention that firing the service weapon while on duty holds tremendous liability and accountability. It sucks that a dog had to die, but if the officer felt threatened (assuming he had legal justification to be in the property), he is justified in putting that dog down.
Again with the victim shaming. WTF is wrong with you people?!?
I can see why the guy's is pissed about his dog. I have a dog myself, and I would be pissed if someone injured my dog.

However, the guy on video is overreacting. It could be genuinely or it could be him looking for blue money.

Nevertheless, we don't know the details of the case, or what exigent circumstance the officer had for him to shoot the dog. I doubt the officer woke up and said "I feel like shooting a dog today..."; not to mention that firing the service weapon while on duty holds tremendous liability and accountability. It sucks that a dog had to die, but if the officer felt threatened (assuming he had legal justification to be in the property), he is justified in putting that dog down.

If you think this guy is overreacting then there isn't a word for how I would have reacted. This guy was calm and as friendly as you could possibly be in this situation.
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