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Cop kills Dog. Owner just a tad more than slightly pissed off.

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Weird. Watching this I felt zero compassion for the owner.
I don't harbor any sort of irrational dislike toward animals (haven't touched meat for more than 4 years), but all I could think of was:
- "guys sounds like he's on antidepressants / has fallen back into puberty"
- "police officers seem pretty calm"
- "guess if the guy was black, he'd be dead / tazed / heavily beaten by now"

/ also "guess the guy could be known to be a weirdo in the neighborhood, hence Police checking out his premises for a missed child"


This is appalling. The guy entered someone's residence without permission, and then shot an innocent dog who was likely just defending its owner's property. That's breaking and entering + a case of animal cruelty. He didn't even have the decency to wait for the owner. That cop deserves to get fired and sued.

Props to the guy for remaining so damn calm, I would've started shouting from the get-go. You could tell the other two cops felt like shit, too, but what are they supposed to do? Heartbreaking video.

Dead Man

Weird. Watching this I felt zero compassion for the owner.
I don't harbor any sort of irrational dislike toward animals (haven't touched meat for more than 4 years), but all I could think of was:
- "guys sounds like he's on antidepressants / has fallen back into puberty"
- "police officers seem pretty calm"
- "guess if the guy was black, he'd be dead / tazed / heavily beaten by now"

/ also "guess the guy could be known to be a weirdo in the neighborhood, hence Police checking out his premises for a missed child"

Damn, standards are getting low these days.


News like this makes me wonder why are police officers in the USA so trigger happy? No offense to the two officers in the video, they remained calm and answered the questions without a problem. There wasn't much that they could do.


My dog is very aggressive to strangers, but she never gets out without a leash and the back yard is surrounded by brick walls. I always just assume my dog is perfectly safe, it's crazy to think that something like this can happen. You don't expect strangers to just enter your property. My dog would be a goner for sure in this situation, she's just defending her territory.

I know this is like a one in one million kind of thing, but I wonder if there is something more I can do? I probably should put up a sign at the very least.

Maybe keep her inside? I can't trust letting my dog on her own outside when no one is home. I just tend to think people could throw stuff over into my backyard at her or walk through there. So she's pretty much an inside dog unless she asks to go outside for the toilet or wishes to spend some time out there while I'm at home. Sleeps in the house at night when I'm at home though, as even though I'm at home I can't check on her whilst I'm asleep.


Maybe keep her inside? I can't trust letting my dog on her own outside when no one is home. I just tend to think people could throw stuff over into my backyard at her or walk through there. So she's pretty much an inside dog unless she asks to go outside for the toilet or wishes to spend some time out there while I'm at home. Sleeps in the house at night when I'm at home though, as even though I'm at home I can't check on her whilst I'm asleep.

When my wife lived in Uruguay thieves would throw poisoned meat over fences to kill the dogs protecting the property so they could rob the places. :(

They had to train their dogs not to eat anything in the yard.
News like this makes me wonder why are police officers in the USA so trigger happy? No offense to the two officers in the video, they remained calm and answered the questions without a problem. There wasn't much that they could do.
To be honest, how do you expect them to react to THIS combination?


Shit gets you killed around these parts..



This is appalling. The guy entered someone's residence without permission, and then shot an innocent dog who was likely just defending its owner's property. That's breaking and entering + a case of animal cruelty. He didn't even have the decency to wait for the owner. That cop deserves to get fired and sued.

Props to the guy for remaining so damn calm, I would've started shouting from the get-go. You could tell the other two cops felt like shit, too, but what are they supposed to do? Heartbreaking video.

Seriously, whoever did this needs to be fired at the very least.
I was just kidding. They do?

I didn't mean they carry guns while delivering mail, just own them and was referring to the postal shootings (many of which were done by USPS employees) have taken place over the last 30 years that brought about the term "going postal".


Sounds justified if there was a kid in danger in the backyard of the house or other exigent circumstance. Shooting your dog in your private property is allowed if an officer is attacked by said dog. If you open the door to answer the police and a dog rushes to the cop, it can be shot dead. If some a-hole happens to run into your fenced yard with an officer in hot pursuit, and the dog attacks the officer, the officer can kill the dog.

Let us not overstretch the hot pursuit exception in 4th Amendment law. That typically only applies literally in pursuits, meaning that the police did at least have probable cause/reasonable suspicion to believe that a crime was afoot. A lost child being somewhere is not reason to start invading private property without a warrant, unless they specifically believed the owner was withholding evidence/committing a crime/etc (which does not seem to be the case when considering none of the 3 officers could give a convincing answer to what probable cause they had in the first place). If the child was in immediate danger, that would be a different story too, but again, does not seem to be the case.


I kind of like how one person on the justice for geist fb page. Pointed out that if you kill a police dog, it's considered a member of law enforcement like a human being. Yet if a cop kills goes into your property and kills your dog than no fucks are given basically.
Just looking at the page, and you can tell that the dog was not vicious at all. There's no way that it charged the officer, it probably just barked at him, but some 180 lb man was scared to get bitten and had to put the dog down. I know I'm not the only one here who would rather get bitten by a dog and wrestle it off than have to kill it, it's not a fucking pitbull. Fucking pos and fuck the chief too.
How absurd. Walking onto someone elses property without permission(there wasn't even a good cause to enter the backyard), shooting an animal of the owner. I don't even think the dog attacked the owner. Dogs usually run towards people that come in. Running towards someone ≠ attacking someone.

Can they get away with that?

Amazing how calm and reasonable the owner stayed while talking to the cops.


You've got to ask yourself what sort of person wants to be a policeman, it's usually the sort of person who shouldn't be one.

News Bot

Why are so many cops the most evil people you'll ever meet? It doesn't help that 99% of all cases they truly are above the law. If you're a sociopath who wants to wreck people's lives and get off scott-free then being a cop might be your dream profession.

Sociopaths seek positions of authority.


Weird. Watching this I felt zero compassion for the owner.
I don't harbor any sort of irrational dislike toward animals (haven't touched meat for more than 4 years), but all I could think of was:
- "guys sounds like he's on antidepressants / has fallen back into puberty"
- "police officers seem pretty calm"
- "guess if the guy was black, he'd be dead / tazed / heavily beaten by now"

/ also "guess the guy could be known to be a weirdo in the neighborhood, hence Police checking out his premises for a missed child"

Nice Narcissism you've got there.
Really? All this for a dog? God some peoples priorities are all kinds of fucked up.


Not saying what the officer did wasn't terrible but people calling in death threats?
People burned jerseys and made the same damn comments when a grown ass man decided he was skipping town and playing for a sports team down south..are you really THAT surprised?


Weird. Watching this I felt zero compassion for the owner.
I don't harbor any sort of irrational dislike toward animals (haven't touched meat for more than 4 years), but all I could think of was:
- "guys sounds like he's on antidepressants / has fallen back into puberty"
- "police officers seem pretty calm"
- "guess if the guy was black, he'd be dead / tazed / heavily beaten by now"

/ also "guess the guy could be known to be a weirdo in the neighborhood, hence Police checking out his premises for a missed child"

Fuck this. I'm slinking back to gaming, don't want to be banned again.


Weird. Watching this I felt zero compassion for the owner.
I don't harbor any sort of irrational dislike toward animals (haven't touched meat for more than 4 years), but all I could think of was:
- "guys sounds like he's on antidepressants / has fallen back into puberty"
- "police officers seem pretty calm"
- "guess if the guy was black, he'd be dead / tazed / heavily beaten by now"

/ also "guess the guy could be known to be a weirdo in the neighborhood, hence Police checking out his premises for a missed child"

WTF. The guy has just had his dog killed. I would be in fucking pieces if that was me.
Yeah, like yours.

The cop should be fired...not killed. An animals life does not equal a human's, I don't care how much you feel that your pet is a member of the family. It's a fucked up situation and I hate the cops can seemingly do as they please and only get a slap on the wrist if that.


That's a goddamn shame. The owner was about as calm as a person who just learned their dog had been shot could possibly be.

I almost witnessed a cop shooting a dog once. There was a stray Rotweiller in my neighborhood, who I had just seen attacking a Pitbull, who was on a leash. Didn't attack the owner; just the other dog. My wife called the cops, who came pretty soon. The stray was just standing there when the officer got out of his car. He immediately pulled out his gun and chambered a round. The owner of the pit on the leash was still there, and we both told the officer not to shoot him.

Officer says "Well if he comes at me, I'm going to shoot him." Both the owner and I tried to tell the Rott to lie down, which amazingly enough, he did. Animal Control came and took him away. Chances are that he was put to sleep later, but I suppose that at least he was spared the pain of possibly being shot multiple times.


Really? All this for a dog? God some peoples priorities are all kinds of fucked up.


Not saying what the officer did wasn't terrible but people calling in death threats?

Obviously that behavior is extreme and shouldn't be condoned. Most people that are upset about this situation want this cop fired, and I personally think that's fair. It wasn't just a dog to that owner, it was his family member and friend. I know it's hard to comprehend for some people that don't feel this way towards animals, but it's real feelings people like us have towards our pets and in my case, my dog; especially those that don't have a lot of family or any children.


The cop should be fired...not killed. An animals life does not equal a human's, I don't care how much you feel that your pet is a member of the family. It's a fucked up situation and I hate the cops can seemingly do as they please and only get a slap on the wrist if that.
There are a few death threats over every scandal that gets media attention. That's neither unique nor especiably notable in this case. Just some nutcases enjoying anonymity.

But public outrage is more than justified, even more so when you pretty much can be certain that the repurcussions for this cop will be insufficent. If it was up to his superior and the owner hadn't taped everything, I doubt this would even be a story.

And gtfo of here with these different values of life. Any time you needlessly murder something it is wrong. Be it a human, a pet or a wild animal for "sport". It's fucked up.

The fact that it was the course of action of a "seasoned officer with tremendous experience" underlines even more how low the standards for law enforcement employees in the states are.


Un Rama
The smug way the officers smirk and ask for the owners details is what irks me. They essentially broke onto someones property with no real PC and used deadly force on an animal probably charged with defending the house.

Seems like a lot of American Police officers are trigger happy. I hope this guy sues the shit out of that department but you know they'll close rank and the officer himself will get no real punishment.

I know all of the american police aren't like this but the volume of these types of stories is alarming.


This same exact thing happen to my friend. So heartbreaking. Police should be held accountable and lose their job. You should not be allowed to enter someone's backyard and kill because you "feel" threatened. Pure bullshit.


My brother is a cop in one of the most crime riddled suburbs in South Australia.

I show him some of these stories that come out of the US and he just doesn't understand how the police there can seem so spineless. It bewilders him.
The cop should be fired...not killed. An animals life does not equal a human's, I don't care how much you feel that your pet is a member of the family. It's a fucked up situation and I hate the cops can seemingly do as they please and only get a slap on the wrist if that.

Humans are animals. Life is all equal. If a police dog is the same as human, then so is my dog. Fuck that police officer. I really hope he loses his job, house, and lives on the streets like the scum he is.


The cop should be fired...not killed. An animals life does not equal a human's, I don't care how much you feel that your pet is a member of the family. It's a fucked up situation and I hate the cops can seemingly do as they please and only get a slap on the wrist if that.

Why are you even commenting on these shitting internet "death threats"?

Also always cracks me up when people use the "animals are below humans" argument, guess what buddy we're animals too. In the grand scheme of things there's nothing that makes us any better than any of the other animals on the planet.


Why are you even commenting on these shitting internet "death threats"?

Also always cracks me up when people use the "animals are below humans" argument, guess what buddy we're animals too. In the grand scheme of things there's nothing that makes us any better than any of the other animals on the planet.
On the contrary, we got plenty that makes us worse.


Except in places where police departments are pushing to make it illegal to record an on duty cop.

Thankfully this will never happen in the US due to previous USSC rulings.

Local areas can make laws prohibiting it, but they'll get thrown out in court.

Never going to happen.

I rather shoot the dog than stand still and hope I somehow grab his throat as it tries to kill me. An officer is trained to avoid injury (not only death) and legally can shoot by the perceived danger alone.

A big part of the problem is that in many of these cases the officers responsible seem to always be "in fear of their life." Just because a dog is running towards you and barking doesn't mean it's attacking. 9/10 times it's saying hello and wants to play. And it's pretty easy to tell the difference if you've spent any amount of time with a dog.

Officers get compensated extremely well because they're expected to deal with some risk of injury on the job.

But when officers start thinking that every single thing is a deadly threat and the default reaction is "shoot to kill" then they're more of a danger to the public than a hindrance.

It all goes back to the example in my previous post. Except my GF isn't a trained police officer. If an officer had the same reaction, it would be appalling as officers are supposed to know the difference.

They don't need a search warrant. Police responded under supposed exigent circumstance that there was a possibility of a lost child being there.

Supposed being the key word.

1) Police didn't bother to search the house where the kid lived (and where he was the entire time).
2) No one could have possibly seen the kid wander into that yard.
3) The officer couldn't have possibly heard a child in distress in that yard.
4) If the officer LOOKED OVER THE FENCE before entering, he would have seen what was in the yard.

Finally here is a person that claims they can't fight a dog effectively and need to shoot the thing to save their life. Can we please examine you because in my entire fucking life i've never had an experience with a dog (and i was straight up attacked by a full grown huskey at age 13 - and lived to tell the tale! Must be a fuckin judo master eh??!!) where all i could think was "Good lord I need a gun or i'm going to die!"

It's utter nonsense. nevermind the throat.. grab the leg of ANY breed of dog besides say an irish wolfhound or something ridiculously huge and swing it as hard as humanly possible. The chances that you'll break the arm completely are pretty good. As a normal person walking the street that maybe has an irrational fear of dogs i can see being that terrified of an animal. As a fucking Police Officer?? If that's your stance you're a fucking weakling and a coward.


And that Jurassic Park T-Rex metaphor is fucking gold. Honestly an eerily perfect comparison. One more reason to show my daughter to movie when she's just a little older.
"Wasn't that awesome babe??!! Now... some life lessons..."

Police Chiefs reaction is astounding. Would love to talk to one of his K9 officers to see what their opinion on the matter is and how they think they would react if their service dog got shot in the fucking head.

Agree with this completely. Not sure how an officer, who is well paid and highly trained in taking down suspects (10 years experience on the force) couldn't deal with an average sized dog.

Most dogs are social animals. They're going to run up and bark because they want to say hello. Give them a friendly greeting and you're instant buddies. Those who don't want you near them are going to keep their distance and let you know. Dogs don't just randomly attack. They warn, they try to establish dominance and they'll attack if cornered.

From my point of view though I find it hard to trust a person who can't even handle a dog. Dogs to me are even easier to read and handle than humans and far more black and white. If you feel the need to just shoot and kill random dogs while on their turf then that seriously makes me question what you feel you need to do to other human beings for your own safety who are far more unpredictable than a dog.

I've never been attacked by a strange dog and I've encountered plenty over the years. I always find it amusing when I meet someone with a dog and ask to pet him/her. Seems like ~1/3 of the time I'll get a "you can try, but he/she doesn't really like people." Five minutes later I'm hearing "Wow, I've never seen him/her warm up to someone so quickly before." It's all a matter of reading the dog and responding in kind.
Either way, composure and self-control goes a long way. What good does it do me to whine, bitch, cuss, cry, etc.? Is it going to fix the problem? No. You deal with it, and try to find a solution (in this case move, get another dog or file a lawsuit, whatever the case).

Also, a dog is not a human. I love animals (I'm a vegetarian), but no animal can compare to a human being.
I'd take my cat over you, any day, buddy.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Not all police are bad but these types need to go away.
Individually, no. But it seems entire departments let shit like this slide so it goes beyond the individual cop.

I don't trust the police anymore.


Either way, composure and self-control goes a long way. What good does it do me to whine, bitch, cuss, cry, etc.? Is it going to fix the problem? No. You deal with it, and try to find a solution (in this case move, get another dog or file a lawsuit, whatever the case).

Also, a dog is not a human. I love animals (I'm a vegetarian), but no animal can compare to a human being.

You and my dog are unconscious in a burning building. I only have time to save one. Hope you have sunblock.

Tommy DJ

A big part of the problem is that in many of these cases the officers responsible seem to always be "in fear of their life." Just because a dog is running towards you and barking doesn't mean it's attacking. 9/10 times it's saying hello and wants to play. And it's pretty easy to tell the difference if you've spent any amount of time with a dog.

Exactly. Even if they are aggressive, most are easy to pacify if you have any sort of understanding of dog psychology. Most guard dogs are actually easy enough to pacify by pinning down the dog by the neck. Most actually just want you to go away because you're entering their personal space.

Granted, I've never seen any of those breeds (i.e. Pit Bulls, Dogo Argentino) that can get in that so-called "kill zone", since Victoria has banned just about all of them, but most aggressive dogs are easy to deal with by ignoring them or avoiding them. You don't just walk in, look at the dog, keep walking into the dog's territory and then responding to a very dog behavior with lethal force. Its like pacifying a nervous mentally unstable person by aiming a gun at them then filling them with lead when they respond "incorrectly". All of these incidents that keep happening tend to suggest a lack of police training and conditioning.
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