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PES 2015 : 1080P 60 FPS on PS4 - 720P 60 FPS on X1


No chance, especially as time goes on. PES is competing with the juggernaut known as FIFA, their game needs to look as good as possible and they won't downgrade it for the Xbone. That's the beauty of competition.

And if somebody has an XB1 they are going to buy FIFA. It's lost sales, but I don't think it's many.


I don't think the general public give a shit about resolution, or even graphics in general. Fifa is obviously going to slaughter PES, but I don't think 1080p is doing anything.


It wasn't intended to be. My point is that most AAA games will go for parity. This doesn't mean that they are intentionally gimping one system, but putting the extra effort to make sure everyone is happy.

PES is a soccer game that's not relevant when compared to FIFA, that's what I meant.

The fuck am i reading? That's exactly the opposite of what happens.
By not using the full power one system you are intentionally gimping it in order to make it look like the worse version


Fifa looks good in closeups/replays when the game is running at 30fps. PES runs at 60fps ALL the time. I also think it looks better than Fifa, the lighting is specially impressive.
The fuck am i reading? That's exactly the opposite of what happens.
By not using the full power one system you are intentionally gimping it in order to make it look like the worse version

Why would they do that? That doesn't help them sell more games.

A more believable scenario was that they were struggling with the hardware limitations and didn't feel the need to invest more time and effort into optimizing it further.

Which is a shame considering it is using the FOX engine.. I sure hope MGS5 will not fit this mold.
To be honest, I'm not a fan of PES using fox. Ever since last years demo it just felt bleh, such a shame as I quite enjoyed PES 13.

I hated how slow and sluggish 14 felt, the PS3 version was almost painful to watch it chugging along. Replays were all so slow and lethargic. I remember trying to find out how to fast forward only to discover that was as fast as it could go... Just bizarre. The PS2 gen Pro Evo games feel like a life time ago.. So sad.


To be honest, I'm not a fan of PES using fox. Ever since last years demo it just felt bleh, such a shame as I quite enjoyed PES 13.

I hated how slow and sluggish 14 felt, the PS3 version was almost painful to watch it chugging along. Replays were all so slow and lethargic. I remember trying to find out how to fast forward only to discover that was as fast as it could go... Just bizarre. The PS2 gen Pro Evo games feel like a life time ago.. So sad.

Then play the new demo. There's a reason a bunch of us in the thread are calling it PES7.


It's funny how the most irrelevant games have the biggest differences.

It will be pretty damn relevant when tPP and Silent Hills hit. It will be a shitstorm of relevant if FOX engine games can't perform up to par on XB1. MS better get dat crack strike force of engineers on the ground in Japan stat.


The fuck am i reading? That's exactly the opposite of what happens.
By not using the full power one system you are intentionally gimping it in order to make it look like the worse version

I had someone telling me, in another thread, that if a ps4 game isn't 1080p they arent developing their games right and they are pushing the system too much :/

IMO if resolution is that important they should be able to drop effects etc on the Xbox One to get it to 1080p
Then play the new demo. There's a reason a bunch of us in the thread are calling it PES7.

I have. PES7 it ain't.

Maybe I'm just cynical, or I've got so annoyed with it that I'm out of 'the cycle' now. Usually I'm at the 'hope' part of the PES cycle between the demo and full release.


I downloaded the demo's for both games, so I look forward to seeing if PES is indeed visually superior.

Just downloaded and tried it, looks really blurry. Nothing particularly impressive about it. It may have more going on technically but Fifa looks much better imo.
my point is Sony isn't in any need to improve their SDK as MS is, they screwed it up at launch, the XB1 SDK was shitty and they had to work hard to fix it, that's why we heard about it getting improved, because it was necessary. on the other hand, if we don't know anything about any upcoming improvement over the current PS4 SDK is likely to be because it didn't have any significant upgrade, otherwise I'm pretty confident we would've known by now

Bullshit. SDK improvement normally happens without us, customers, knowing about it, because frankly, it's not something that should be transparent to the general public. They neither care, nor understand the intricacies of it. The only reason we've been hearing of that miraculous Xbox One SDK evolution, is because it has served as a PR tool to counter all the negativity surrounding the console's launch...and because some developers were asked the question.


Nice to know MS cheque books aren't in every devs pockets, nothing worse than forced parity. I lol'd at the lazy devs comments. This gen being a complete role reversal has really brought out the hypocrites and I'm glad. Where were you guys last gen with titles like Bayonetta and COD.

Mocking PS3 owners.
I'd be interested to see a digital foundry analysis of both Fifa versus pES rendering tech, and ps4 vs Xbox differences in each game. PES has to be doing something that simply doesn't fit esram or bandwidth heavy (lighting?)


I know probably the xbone will have better textures but still, the gap is wider.

Not only better textures. More polygons, better lighting, better shaders. So no it's not XBONE = PS3 just because of resolution and number of FPS.

FIFA 15 has significantly better lighting, stadiums and crowds.

Really? I've seen no evidence of this, especially when it comes to lighting.


I wish MS would send their engineers to Konami to fix the FOX Engine on XB1 like they did for Diablo 3. I'd like for MGS:V and Silent Hills to reach at least 900p. 720p for early titles was one thing, but the console has been out for almost a year now.

Mr E.

Two gens ago PES was king, since then they've fucked up one way or another. At least PS4 owners should get a decent version.


I wish MS would send their engineers to Konami to fix the FOX Engine on XB1 like they did for Diablo 3. I'd like for MGS:V and Silent Hills to reach at least 900p. 720p for early titles was one thing, but the console has been out for almost a year now.

Then we wouldn't have threads like this doe.


I wish MS would send their engineers to Konami to fix the FOX Engine on XB1 like they did for Diablo 3. I'd like for MGS:V and Silent Hills to reach at least 900p. 720p for early titles was one thing, but the console has been out for almost a year now.
SH is only 30fps, so it won't be 720p.


It's not actually more powerful - it's the very same CPU but 100MHz higher on XB1.

Thing is, XB1 actually runs multiple OSs at the same time with a hypervisor - and uses DirectX 11 which hogs CPU a lot when making draw calls. Diminishing the horrible impact of DX11 on CPU perf is the "secret sauce" DirectX 12 is supposed to bring.

The funny thing about DX12. It's not really bringing improvements to Xbox, it's bringing them to PC. The big one is better CPU utilization which is already in effect on Xbox One.
Bullshit. SDK improvement normally happens without us, customers, knowing about it, because frankly, it's not something that should be transparent to the general public. They neither care, nor understand the intricacies of it. The only reason we've been hearing of that miraculous Xbox One SDK evolution, is because it has served as a PR tool to counter all the negativity surrounding the console's launch...and because some developers were asked the question.

So Digital Foundry's reporting about the XB1 SDK being a mess at launch, and making huge improvements since then was bullshit? The devs they spoke to were lying? Tell us how deep the consistency goes.

The kinect reservation giving back 10% of the GPU to developers. Also bullshit?
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