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Star Wars The Force Awakens Trailer

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A True Star Wars Fan: Someone who really likes Star Wars. That's it. There is no further qualifier. No need to read the EU stuff, no need to have seen all the movies. A little kid who's only seen AotC and doesn't really understand it can firmy call themselves a Stars Fan.

I can agree with this, as there is a ton of EU stuff and only a small portion of it is actually any good. The biggest thing to ever come from EU which it seems Lucas never understood was that the Empire was massive and that killing off the Emperor and Vader wasn't going to instantly mean the rebels won. Glad to see the new movies at least going in that direction.
LucasArts and JJ Abrams just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Jedi culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in conventional culture where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in the Jedi world, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is Star Wars fans, after hearing about the light sabre hilt in the new trailer, are not going to want to purchase movie tickets for The Force Awakens, nor will they purchase any tickets for future Star Wars movies. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but LucasArts and JJ Abrams have alienated an entire market with this move.

LucasArts and JJ Abrams, publicly apologize and cancel The Force Awakens or you can kiss your business goodbye.

This post deserves to be seen more.


Best thing about this trailer is that they don't show the old dudes and the only old reference is the Falcon.

If they have a major role on the film I'm going to be disappointed.

I want new stories and people, not a ton of nostalgic callbacks.


I swear the internet will 'logic' the fun out of anything. The lightsaber looked cool. Who cares how practical it is?

There are plenty of things that 'looked cool' in the prequel trilogy, it didn't help make them good movies. You and I have different definitions of what's cool. Restrained functional looking design would be cool, adhering to well established aesthetic convention would be cool. That thing looks like its been designed by a committee of children who assess how cool something is proportionally to the amount of blades and weapony bits something has. Its the kind of thing Square Enix would shit out in a final fantasy game.

IF its got some functional reasoning and the bad guy uses it in some meaningful way, then its fine, otherwise its just been dreampt up as something ordained to be padding shop shelves in toy stores next Christmas. Something they use to give the bad guy some unique USP because they can't dream up a visual character as immediate or iconic as Maul or Vader.

We'll see.

lol... all you have to do is show a few rebel ships and the nostalgia factor will have people saying "GREATEST EVER" "I CAME" etc.

Agreed. Its only the descriptions and stories from people who've been on the set that have me optimistic. The sight of a few CG ships and music is no longer enough.

Sou Da

If we want to get nitpicky the original template for stormtroopers was a dude who's Polynesian looking. Someone hand that girl a cross-hilt saber please.

Jango troopers were replaced as the empire got bigger, also why would they still be around 30 years later?


Also, everyone is bugging out on this teaser right now...

...and you didn't see a SECOND of Han, Luke, or Leia.

Because they aren't what makes Star Wars, Star Wars. The people who were expecting people to go into a rage because they weren't featured were delusional.
Why people keeps getting confused about this?

because I've only watched the movies and I thought that was what lucas was going for, palatine makes an army out of clones for the republic and then uses them when he creates the empire. I thought lucas even did some stuff on the blu rays or something to make them sound like the clones.

I don't know any of the EU stuff or stuff not in the movies

From the star wars wiki

The Imperial stormtroopers were the evolution of the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic. By the end of the Clone Wars in 19 BBY, the Galactic Republic was reorganized into the first Galactic Empire. As a result, the Grand Army was reformed into the Stormtrooper Corps and the clones were renamed "stormtroopers." Under the Empire, stormtroopers operated alongside Imperial Army and Navy units, and some were stationed on Naval ships where they served as marines. Although the Corps was overseen by Stormtrooper Command, a military agency that was independent from Imperial High Command, all stormtroopers ultimately answered to Emperor Palpatine with unconditional loyalty and subservience.

It later says what some of your guys are saying but that's all EU stuff.


That was great for a teaser. I was expecting a lot less footage from the movie. Maybe that beam hilt plays along with the
role. He could be perceived as a crusader.


lol... all you have to do is show a few rebel ships and the nostalgia factor will have people saying "GREATEST EVER" "I CAME" etc.


MAN this looks so good! I disliked the prequels so much even as a kid and this is just pushing all the right buttons for me. LOVE that new lightsaber and if people are upset at the logistics and science of A LASER SWORD then lol.

Also, anyone notice the new lightsaber effects? I love the look of the blade. It has a bit of a burning fire feel.
I can agree with this, as there is a ton of EU stuff and only a small portion of it is actually any good. The biggest thing to ever come from EU which it seems Lucas never understood was that the Empire was massive and that killing off the Emperor and Vader wasn't going to instantly mean the rebels won. Glad to see the new movies at least going in that direction.

Isn't it Lucas that wrote the general outline for this trilogy, seems like he is on board with that.I understand what you mean with the ending to Jedi though, the thing is we never really get to see what happens after, just that the people rise up once they hear the emperor is dead.


The shot of those X-wings flying over the lake is the most insane thing ever. Someone hold me...

Also, did anyone else laugh when Boyega's head popped up? Was that supposed to be funny?
I think the new lightsaber is interesting, but the implementation of this idea seems strange. Why isn't the handguard just light? Or can this material deflect a lightsaber attack? Here is a picture to show what I mean:



It seems like there are already tons of spoilers in here.

I'm out then. It seems like discussing this movie without avoiding that shit it's going to be hard.

Oh well.
Showed my kids. 7 and 5. Girls.

Laughed at the rolling robot, worried for Bodega since he looks scared, very excited to see a girl (had to point her out), scared at the stormtroopers, thought the Falcon bit was "cool". Nothing said about my favorite part, the Xwings.


I'm really happy that John Boyega is in it, that slipped my mind completely. Didn't see anything of Domhnall Gleeson, though :(
-That Millennium and X-Wing shot is the most interesting Star Wars has been visually in years.
-No opinion on the lightsaber until I see it in the movie. I do like the the 'surging' aspect of it.
-I really like the cinematography as a whole. Feels like a good director is actually filming the movie.

My man
The shot of those X-wings flying over the lake is the most insane thing ever. Someone hold me...

Also, did anyone else laugh when Boyega's head popped up? Was that supposed to be funny?

I found it funny and I definitely think so. The prequels took themselves too seriously, I miss some of the humour from the original trilogy.

"uhhhh no everythings ok down here everythings fine"
No Luke, Leia, or Han actually made me happy, especially since the trailer didn't need them to get me excited. I don't want to see them over a year before the movie's out. I wouldn't even be mad if they didn't show them until the actual movie.


Gemüsepizza;140756440 said:
I think the new lightsaber is interesting, but the implementation of this idea seems strange. Why isn't the handguard just light? Or can this material deflect a lightsaber attack?


again, who's saying the light is only formed outside the hilt. maybe it starts within the hilt and then splits up into either 1 long beam or 1 long beam and 2 crossguard beams.
(meaning that within the "stubs" of the crossguard you have a narrow beam that will block incoming attacks.
i imagine the framing is just to protect the wielder's hands. ... the right sword in your drawing would be impossible to use with both hands without burning your hands on the crossguard beams.
There are plenty of things that 'looked cool' in the prequel trilogy, it didn't help make them good movies. You and I have different definitions of what's cool. Restrained functional looking design would be cool, adhering to well established aesthetic convention would be cool. That thing looks like its been designed by a committee of children who assess how cool something is proportionally to the amount of blades and weapony bits something has. Its the kind of thing Square Enix would shit out in a final fantasy game.

IF its got some functional reasoning and the bad guy uses it in some meaningful way, then its fine, otherwise its just been dreampt up as something ordained to be padding shop shelves in toy stores next Christmas. Something they use to give the bad guy some unique USP because they can't dream up a visual character as immediate or iconic as Maul or Vader.

We'll see.
Well we already know the bad guy looks like from the front. There was leaked art work
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