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IGN: "Maisie Williams 'Looking Like Yes' For The Last Of Us Movie"


Jake Gylenhaal for Joel

Dude is ripped.

The difficult part would be convincing Josh Brolin or Hugh Jackman to do a videogame movie because of the deserving bad reputation videogame movies have had.

Yes. If their agent tells them "THIS is the video game movie that's different", while maybe true, it probably wouldn't be the first time they've heard those claims.
It bothers me on many levels that they're trying to make a movie out of this game. There's nothing about the story that hasn't already been done in film. You just remove the interactivity and shorten the journey by making a movie. I love this game -- I just started playing TLoUR last night on my newly-arrived PS4 -- and it bothers me that the creators seem to have delusions of grandeur with regards to the tale. It wasn't the tale that made TLoU special -- it was the tale in the form of a journey you play that made it special. And of course how well-made it was. I don't think this movie will get similar treatment (I.E. best cast, best director, etc). It cheapens the TLoU brand.

Totally agree.

Two very different mediums and just because it worked so well (to masterful effect) in one doesn't mean it will have the same impact in the form of the other. Druckmann seems to think that he needs to bring the story to as wide of an audience as possible. Personally, I just don't see it working the same way as a movie.
So the best parts of TLOU are the parts where you don't actually play it?

That much is very obvious. TLOU is a game that is designed to tell a certain story, and its gameplay style reflects that story (though there are flaws)

Really, the best parts of TLOU are the parts where the game's interactivity is used to heighten the emotion of the scenes or further the storytelling, like in the ending. Those moments are few and far between, however, and the gameplay mostly becomes "ok it's time to fight dudes again until the next cutscene"


Unconfirmed Member
Dude is ripped.

And looks good with a beard.


And, for my money, is a better actor than Jackman or Brolin.


see my post. Classically "pretty" was the wrong way to put it. "classically cute" i should have said, and i stick with that.

that's not nice. Now I won't have any protective instincts towards you when the apocalypse comes, you know that, right?
I don't think Ellie is particularly cute, but I don't even think that matters. You become invested in her over time, because you're playing Joel, and Joel does. Initially Joel doesn't want to be with her at all, he's forced to by Tess, then by
Tess' sacrifice
. It's not until the first season change that Joel is clearly invested by attachment, not obligation.

I think the empathy is primarily with Joel, you don't want anything to happen to Ellie, because it'll destroy Joel. By Winter they are firmly father and daughter, but in a two hour film, you'll be an hour in by then, it's plenty for people to become attached to Ellie.

Moreover, this is completely redundant considering Arya is universally adored because Maisie is cute.


That much is very obvious. TLOU is a game that is designed to tell a certain story, and its gameplay style reflects that story (though there are flaws)

yes. While the game was fun and well-made mechanically, if it had an average video game story it wouldn't have been all that memorable or anywhere near my top 3 GOATs, much less #1.
you see, it's not about looking LIKE Ellie, it's looking like a precious vulnerable flower that needs protection. (regardless of that not being the case, as the story progresses, but you think TLOU would have the same impact if Ellie had looked like this:

Maisie Williams, sadly, isn't a flower. She's fierce, she's talented. But she doesn't fit the role of Ellie because she's not clasically pretty.

she's a classic british beauty


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I don't know her and I can't even see why people thought of her now I've seen her.
Chloe Moretz is a better fit for Elle even if she's in her late teens, if Ellen Page is too old now.


that's the exact opposite of what i'm saying.

i am saying that Maisie williams does not have the Cuteness needed to evoke protective paternal instincts of the mostly grown-up moviegoers.
If you want the audience to be emotionally involved, you'll have to cast an actress that has the respective facial features.

i don't think Maisie Williams posesses said cuteness. I'm not saying she's ugly, i'm just saying she doesn't have a "cute" very "child-like" face.
Do you think they unintentionally designed Ellie the way she's portrayed in the game? She's textbook cuteness.

If someone thinks Maisie Williams offers this "cuteness", that's fine, she doesn't to me, and i don't think there's anything we can do to convince one another.

I hope i got my point across.

She provokes those paternal instincts in millions of viewers every week in Game of Thrones though. She has shown that she's capable of portraying a young girl in a terrible environment who becomes attached to gruff, and morally grey, men very well. And, audiences seem to enjoy her portrayal in GoT.


She is a fantastic actress to the point that the character might be too little for her, I hope she can make it more compelling than in the game.


But, suffice it to say, I do, from a certain point of view, understand where he's coming from. If you look at Ellie's design, it's as if she was developed in a lab by our best scientists to have the most archetypal "cute" babyface possible.

I won't agree that you must have a character look this way in order to fit the role or be an empathetic character. I am not saying that at all. And I'm not comfortable dissecting or criticizing the appearance of real people. But, suffice it to say, Ellie's in game model was designed quite deliberately to be "maximum cute", for lack of better words.

I don't even know what that means, again. I don't think she is 'cute', or more accurately I don't think her design was purposed for "maximizing cuteness." I think she looks like a regular (stylized) teenager who has an extremely strong personality. She neither requires an actress who is particularly cute (seriously what) or someone who looks like a "vulnerable flower who needs protection" (seriously what x2).

You're not arguing for that so after that it's all just extremely random and awkward and borderline offensive analysis of how cute we think this teenage girl is vs. Maisie.


I don't think her design was purposed for "maximizing cuteness."

I do. I'm an illustrator, and I know what the ingredients are to make a character look like a man, or look like a woman, or be "cute". It's not by accident.

This is merely academic at this point, though, I'm not arguing the actress must meet some perceived "cute" threshhold.
You guys know they have whole crews of makeup artists to make Maisie Williams look like Ellie, right?

Some of you guys are acting like she's six feet tall and 250 pounds. Acting comes first, then looks, and you can manipulate looks greatly with proper makeup and costumes.


Perfect. She portrays Arya really well and Ellie as a character is surely something she could pull off.

I just wonder who they get to do the role of Joel.

She's also not a great actress.


I disagree, she's a very talented actor, but with a limited range. When she is in her element she does a fine job.


I do. I'm an illustrator, and I know what the ingredients are to make a character look like a man, or look like a woman, or be "cute". It's not by accident.

This is merely academic at this point, though, I'm not arguing the actress must meet some perceived "cute" threshhold.
Like what? She has little eyes, and that scar on her eyebrow isn't very cute, people hate scars. Her face is a little rounder than it probably realistically would be considering her build, that makes people look a little cuter. Freckles are cute too.


I do. I'm an illustrator, and I know what the ingredients are to make a character look like a man, or look like a woman, or be "cute". It's not by accident.

This is merely academic at this point, though, I'm not arguing the actress must meet some perceived "cute" threshhold.

You being an illustrator means nothing to this determination, and I really don't know why you thought it would. The value for what a person thinks is "cute" varies massively from culture to culture, and there is no distinct subset of 'cute features' that can be thrown into a bucket to actually maximize it in the way you're talking (not like a video where you throw unicorns and pink butterflies and a kawaii character with giant eyes and sparkling hair).

Did you go to school for illustrating where you learned the TRUE FORMULA for cuteness? Eyes this size + hair this style + girl this age = SO CUTEZ?

Of course not. Cute is a wildly subjective term that is completely dependent on the social and cultural environment from which people were born. Ellie doesn't seem "designed" to be cute to me, and I did not take that way from her design. You did. Neither of us are wrong. But there is nothing that screams 'cute design by comittee', and not a single comment I've ever seen referenced by Naughty Dog, Neil Druckmann or anyone else ever mentions being cute - always her determination, her strength, her father-daughter relationship with Joel, her revulsion and the same things that disgust players. Never did 'cute' come into it.


Like what? She has little eyes, and that scar on her eyebrow isn't very cute, people hate scars. Her face is a little rounder than it probably realistically would be considering her build, that makes people look a little cuter. Freckles are cute too.

compacted facial features, round face shape, large forehead, button nose, large reflective eyes, pouty mouth, freckles. If you assigned me to design the cutest kid possible the result would share things in common with Ellie. I didn't realize this was even up for debate.

Again, I don't really want to get caught up in some silly "cute" discussion. I've said my piece.

Ran rp

If Ellen Page still had the rounder face from when she did Hard Candy she would have been perfect. I think she was around Ellie's age when she did that film.




Her head is more squarish now.



People who think Ellie looks like Ellen Page need to compare Ellie to her voice actress Ashley Johnson. She looks just like a younger Ashley Johnson.

As for the movie, I'm fine with Maisie. Plus she has a passion for the role which many actors don't care a bit about who they are playing and don't usually care to look up the source material for movies based on games.

And plus Ashley approves and wants Maisie for the role. And I would think the "real" Ellie would know who would portray her best.


Its true.

Ellen Page would be a perfect cast for this even if they end up portraying Ellie as a bit older in the movie.It would be just a slight deviation from the game anyway.


Left Behind spoiler, and potentially inflammatory comment below.

ND seemed pissed about the Ellie/Page comparisons, probably made worse by Page's casting in Beyond. I wonder what the reaction internally was when Left Behind revealed Ellie was gay the same day Page came out. I'm not suggesting they'd be irritated by Page, but the continued comparison after they'd changed the design, and already put the base game out. Seemed like unfortunate timing.


Awesone news. Love Maisie, and think she'd be wonderful.

Now I wish they could gruff up Troy baker a bit and have him just play Joel...
If Neil thinks Maisie is the best choice, then that's all that really matters. He knows what's best for the series. I doubt the people wanting Ellen would've chose Ashley to play Ellie, and she did a perfect job in the role.


Lol at people saying Maisie can't play Ellie because she isn't attractive or doesn't look enough like her video game counterpart. Having an actress look like Ellie is the least of their problems. Maisie already plays a similar character in GoT and is easily one of the highlights of the series. And if we're talking about typecasting, she has a far better "tough tomboy"-ish look than Ellie in the game.

I also agree and think Jake Gyllenhaal would be fuckin ACE in the role of Joel, and that's because i think he's a damn amazing actor.


If Neil thinks Maisie is the best choice, then that's all that really matters. He knows what's best for the series. I doubt the people wanting Ellen would've chose Ashley to play Ellie, and she did a perfect job in the role.

I'm not sure of this. I think he has kind of retreated up his own ass as a result of the endless stream of praise and commendation and "genius" talk.

My basis for believing this is that he's now making a movie based on his video game.

That's not to say it can't or won't be good, but I don't think he's infallible, and if anything he does is going to be disappointing, it'll be this.


I'm not sure of this. I think he has kind of retreated up his own ass as a result of the endless stream of praise and commendation and "genius" talk.

My basis for believing this is that he's now making a movie based on his video game.

That's not to say it can't or won't be good, but I don't think he's infallible, and if anything he does is going to be disappointing, it'll be this.
He's only writing it, not directing.

And the logic is sound, every film adaptation of a game is offensively bad, and they're almost never handled by the creatives behind the game.


I'm not sure how I feel about this GoT girl as Ellie. I never watch the show or anything that she was in. So no comment on her acting ability. But she doesn't really look like Ellie..

But I didn't think Jared Leto can be the Joker but I guess we'll see.

Someone suggested Mackenzie Foy from interstellar. She's only 14. So if they plan on making the movie in 1-2 years. I can see her as Ellie. But honestly I have no real suggestion.

Ellen Page would have been great, but too old and won't be interested. She has the look and the personality of Ellie too.

For those that saying Hugh Jackman is a bad actor Lol. Obviously dont know what good acting is. Also I'm pretty sure everyone that have seen Prisoner, the moment they saw Jackman on screen, they were like. Holy shit that's Joel from the Last of Us.


The only issue I can see now is that Maisie is already 17 so her look could start maturing pretty rapidly. This is where looks may actually matter since the role is apparently still portraying a 14/15 year old. If they don't get around to shooting the film in the next couple years, they may have to pass.


Left Behind spoiler, and potentially inflammatory comment below.

ND seemed pissed about the Ellie/Page comparisons, probably made worse by Page's casting in Beyond. I wonder what the reaction internally was when Left Behind revealed Ellie was gay the same day Page came out. I'm not suggesting they'd be irritated by Page, but the continued comparison after they'd changed the design, and already put the base game out. Seemed like unfortunate timing.

Ellen page came out? Whaaat? And that one cutscenes means that Ellie is definitely gay? I didn't think that after playing it


Ellen page came out? Whaaat? And that one cutscenes means that Ellie is definitely gay? I didn't think that after playing it

I did, I thought it before the scene, too. they drop heavier and heavier hints about the nature of the relationship, up until the photobooth when they hit you over the head with a hammer.
Ellen page came out? Whaaat? And that one cutscenes means that Ellie is definitely gay? I didn't think that after playing it


Not to get into a debate. But who, as a straight person, kissed their "best friend" like that? People know they are gay at a pretty young age

Also, Neil said he wrote Ellie as a gay character for Left Behind.


It bothers me on many levels that they're trying to make a movie out of this game. There's nothing about the story that hasn't already been done in film. You just remove the interactivity and shorten the journey by making a movie. I love this game -- I just started playing TLoUR last night on my newly-arrived PS4 -- and it bothers me that the creators seem to have delusions of grandeur with regards to the tale. It wasn't the tale that made TLoU special -- it was the tale in the form of a journey you play that made it special. And of course how well-made it was. I don't think this movie will get similar treatment (I.E. best cast, best director, etc). It cheapens the TLoU brand.

Here's a link to the comic-con panel with Neil Druckmann and Sam Rami, very interesting and it'll answer a lot of questions you may have. http://youtu.be/xtgZhL8nays?t=7s

Neil talks about how they were approached and that they initially didn't want to do it but that they got a great offer by Sam Raimi (great director and producer) and that he/they have creative control and freedom with the film. So they went ahead with it because it was such a great opportunity. They also pretty much say they are very aware that a straight film-adaption of TLOU will be watered down because of the gameplay, length and immersion that is lost. But that they'll adapt the story differently because it's another medium and have even more focus on Joel and Ellie etc. All in all, so it can reach another audience that can't or would never pick up a controller and play the game.
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