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New The Witcher 3 Gameplay

How do they got to this level? This far surpasses every RPG i've seen from the last few years. Maybe Bethesda new project might compete on a technical level.

And the prices the PC keys had been selling in some places are just insane.

Hopefully it will be as good as the first game but with more polished presentation, gameplay and way bigger production values. Really respect The Witcher 2 but i consider it took a step back in the world building and atmosphere, even if it's gameplay was a bit more competent.

Did you see Geralt swiming?


No! CDPR! You were one of the only AAA-level developers left that produced compelling RPGs. Bethesda and Bioware have betrayed us for the lowest common denominator. Trading deep mechanics and skill builds for mundane choices and simple quests.

I'm sad.

Granted, I didn't play Witcher 1, but deep mechanics and skill builds, what?! I didn't find Witcher's game mechanics to be that deep nor the skill builds all that important. In fact, it felt like all you had to do was mash buttons to get through the game.

And where you getting this simple quests from? I expect they'll have similar quests except now in a more open world. There wasn't anything about the quests that made them hard to do in a more "bethesda" style game.

How do they got to this level? This far surpasses every RPG i've seen from the last few years. Maybe Bethesda new project might compete on a technical level.

I mean I love Bethesda games (and ones based on their engine, *cough* Fallout New Vegas *cough*) but... hahahahhaahaaaa... Bethesda actually have a smooth running game? I'll believe it when they scrap their engine entirely (But I hope that doesn't mean the new engine isn't as flexible in what you can do in game. Or, even though I don't play PC, the mods it allows people to do cause i will fully admit mods for bethesda games are the one thing I'm really jealous of PC players for).
Yeah, I love the series but its never really been mechanically deep. Alchemy system in W1 is about the only thing I can think of and they tossed that out in W2.

W1 mechanics felt like they were unnecessarily cumbersome. About 20 hours in, the combat kinda grew on me...well more like I understood what they were trying to accomplish. They wanted a rhythm in combat sorta like a back and forth dance but the way they went about it didn't properly convey it.

Honey Bunny

Perfect Dark Zero had better walls than this.


Preorder cancelled.
BTW confirmed in the other thread this is PC on high not Ultra. They confirmed ultra will have better post processing effects, better hair, improved physics, and tessellation. They haven't shown Ultra yet.
If you look at the title of the video it clearly states PC version. If PC looks like that then we can expect a lot of disappointed console only gamers.


Considering how massive the game is, it's a wonder that it looks as good as it does. Which is pretty damn good from what I can see.
If you look at the title of the video it clearly states PC version. If PC looks like that then we can expect a lot of disappointed console only gamers.

I highly doubt it. You rarely get console gamers complaining about graphics. In 99.9% of the cases I have seen it is usually PC gamer overreacting.


If folks don't like to pre order games, that's cool. It's their money. What I don't get is all the bashing of folks who chose to pre order games? I really don't get it? The game will cost the same on release day. If you're someone who likes collector's editions, the only way to guarantee getting one (at retail price) is to pre order. sorry for slightly veering off topic, but I feel this needed to be said.

The idea is that if you pre order (especially digitally) and it turns out the developer lied or put out a much worse game then they lead people to believe, you won't know it until the game is out and it's too late, you already gave the developer the money. This is why developers like pre orders though, because it's a gaurentee you'll buy it regardless of if reviews are bad.

But... honestly, not all pre orders are the same. I have pre ordered the game through target so I can get the effectively four dollar discount (hey, every bit counts and I already have store credit I plan on using with Target to buy it). But.. I only lose a dollar if I find out the game is not what it seemed so it still lets me back out (I'd never put down 60 dollars on an unknown game. I'm too poor to lose that money in case it turns out to be bad. Only game I could possibly see me doing that is Fallout 4 and even then I think I'd still not actually do that as much as I have it dead set in my mind I'm getting it. As much as I love the series they can always f*** it up).

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
As an animator I have no idea why people are saying that the animations are bad, aside from maybe the sprinting animation it looks fantastic for a game of this size. They're not the best in the industry but they're certainly not bad by any stretch of the word.


I highly doubt it. You rarely get console gamers complaining about graphics. In 99.9% of the cases I have seen it is usually PC gamer overreacting.

Digital Foundry would not exist in this case. Console gamers care a great deal about graphics and the capabilities/specs of their platform.
As an animator I have no idea why people are saying that the animations are bad, aside from maybe the sprinting animation it looks fantastic for a game of this size. They're not the best in the industry but they're certainly not bad by any stretch of the word.

Yeah, in particular the conversation animations are much better than recent RPGS like DA:I and light-years beyond Skyrim.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
Looks pretty good, though I wasn't super impressed with the combat at the beginning, but by the time the harpy things rolled around it looked fine. Character models look great.
It's true that neither Witcher 1 nor 2 are very complex games when it comes to combat and skill development. On the contrary, both aspects are quite simple and streamlined (a lot of it due to the fact that you're not creating your character from scratch but playing a set type).

The perceived complexity of both games mostly stems from the fact that they are set in a universe that is morally very, very gray, where almost every sidequest, let alone the main quest, tends to reflect this (no straightforward collect-and-kill-a-thons here), and where you are often presented with difficult choices with unpredictable outcomes. It's basically this that sets the Witcher games off from Bethesda's bland trekking simulators and Bioware's straightforward power-fantasies-meets-dating-sims.

So if they can keep these elements in place, then I'm not worried.


That underwater combat tease. Game looks great and beautiful, I've got a week booked off just for this and I can't bloody wait!


the quote is not vague at all, witcher 1 and 2 are pretty much the opposite of the latest bethesda RPGs. I dont like them at all, but loved the old witcher games.
when CDPR now say the take a completely different approach for witcher 3 and take the same path bethesda took, how is that vague?

You know, after playing Witcher 2, I"m not sure why people compare the games or think that you have to love either one or the other. You are right they are different games. But, they are different games with different focus's on what they are aiming for.

Witcher is trying to tell you a story and give you choices on what is the best option that you think Geralt should do but with the idea that Geralt wants to do good (or what is the best option you would think Geralt would do given his personality). It's a game where you are playing a certain story and a certain character and you are given the character you are playing and his goals.

Elder Scrolls is more about creating your own story with a given backstory that it's being written in. Be the bad guy, be the good guy. Your choices aren't about trying to figure out what is best, but what you want your character to be.

Sure, some people have preference towards one or the other, but i'm not sure you can say that either makes the other better. Personally, I kinda prefer more Elder Scrolls (it's more immersive to me to be able to play how I want to play. First I usually play as how I think I would be like in that game, I like to pretend I'm there, oh, and that I'm not a coward ;) . That's harder to do in Witcher since I'm playing some one else's choices. But I do also like to try to roleplay a character different than me too).

Neither's combat is great but also, to be honest, I'll probably get yelled at, but I prefer Skyrim's. Mainly cause not being forced to target something before I try to hit it. I much prefer just trying to aim for myself and hit rather than having to tell the computer where to aim and then hit (I really really hated that in Witcher 2). Both are button mashers though really (as in that is all you really need to do). Skyrim does have the problem that it gets really easy once you get high level (Even more dismaying in Fallout since part of hte fun of Fallout is feeling you are in an area where resources are very few).

Honestly, there is no reason one has to choose one or the other. They are different games and can be enjoyed for what they are. Yeah, Bethesda sucks at stories (and being an open world/choose your own character is no excuse, they could do better. Look at Fallout New vegas). And I do like the choose which option has the least bad and most good in your opinion. But still, it's a different aim of how you want to play.

They're both good games in their own rights (and they both have *gasp* flaws. I will say I really disliked the try to pretend it's open world feel of Witcher 2 while still not being. All it did was make it more immersive breaking when you noticed the walls/linear stuff. I prefer a game to either just admit what it is, be linear and very story oriented, or be fully open world. This is why I'm super excited for Witcher 3 cause I will admit while I like either, I prefer open world. And I'll just say as much as I adored and had total fun with Skyrim, there are few complaints I disagree with that I think it could have been better with. Just I loved the game despite the flaws, it still was fun and very immersive to me and let me pretend I was in that setting. And in the end that's the most important part, if I overall liked the game).

As an animator I have no idea why people are saying that the animations are bad, aside from maybe the sprinting animation it looks fantastic for a game of this size. They're not the best in the industry but they're certainly not bad by any stretch of the word.

People are being nitpicky. And also, probably built up in their mind how good this game will be (part of the problem of being a developer that people believe is the "good guy" and expect more out of).

Personally, I think it looks gorgeous *shrug*.
It's going to be hilarious by the time the next Bethesda game comes out. Maybe that's why they're afraid of jumping back in right now. After seeing all of the improvements the modding community made to Skyrim, and how much everybody cares about bugs and unimpressive visuals, they've got their work cut out for them.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Snake's running animation doesn't change for different types of elevation, I would actually argue that MGSV has stiffer animation than Witcher 3 when it comes to movement specific animations, like jumping and landing.

Yeah, in particular the conversation animations are much better than recent RPGS like DA:I and light-years beyond Skyrim.
This too, right now the only two games that I would say are comparable in terms of scale and overall world size, (while also being seamless instead of segmented off like DAI and MGSV), would be FFXV, which definitely doesn't seem like it's coming out in 2015, and and ZeldaU, where we've only seen in an unfinished state with animations that may be changed to look much smoother by the time it's shown again at e3. Or in terms of released games, Skyrim, DayZ, etc.
Yeah, in particular the conversation animations are much better than recent RPGS like DA:I and light-years beyond Skyrim.
Just wanted to comment that DAI is a cross-gen game compared to The Witcher 3 and from personal conversations I've had, animation took a big hit overall in order to support last-gen systems. Bioware is implementing new animation systems and techniques in their new-gen only games going forward. Expect them to look much better than their previous endeavors.


I'm expecting to be blown out of my mind when this releases. Witcher 2 looked crazy and I don't expect any less.
Just wanted to comment that DAI is a cross-gen game compared to The Witcher 3 and from personal conversations I've had, animation took a big hit overall in order to support last-gen systems. Bioware is implementing new animation systems and techniques in their new-gen only games going forward. Expect them to look much better than their previous endeavors.

Hope so. The game looks beautiful on PC but the cutscene animations (between the 30 FPS animations and just the poor quality of them in general) look like they haven't evolved past Mass Effect 1. Hoping Mass Effect 4 is a big improvement in this area.


Damn. I started watching the footage in the OP thinking it was the Xbox One version and thought it looked really good. Knowing that is PC footage, I really want to see the PS4 version. I hope it is as good as that. :(
I highly doubt it. You rarely get console gamers complaining about graphics. In 99.9% of the cases I have seen it is usually PC gamer overreacting.
It actually isn't that odd. I mean, even the latest graphics cards have trouble utilising more than 4GB GDDR5 RAM like the GTX 970, nevermind featuring 8GB GDDR5 RAM like the PS4 so it is natural that it will still be a while til high end PC graphics catch up to the 8GB consoles especially the PS4 so I'm not too sure why PC gamers are upset about a game that is leading on PC featuring lackluster graphical capabilities. I'm sure that a few years from now that PC titles will begin to easily eclipse PS4 exclusives but until the hardware gets there, there is no point in blaming devs like some people are doing in this thread.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Hope so. The game looks beautiful on PC but the cutscene animations (between the 30 FPS animations and just the poor quality of them in general) look like they haven't evolved past Mass Effect 1. Hoping Mass Effect 4 is a big improvement in this area.

I am sure they will be.

Assuming DA:I has the same animations on last gen and current gen..

Remember when ME3 had to remove the holstering animation because of lack of memory?

On their current gen only titles, this should be alleviated.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Just wanted to comment that DAI is a cross-gen game compared to The Witcher 3 and from personal conversations I've had, animation took a big hit overall in order to support last-gen systems. Bioware is implementing new animation systems and techniques in their new-gen only games going forward. Expect them to look much better than their previous endeavors.
This makes me excited to see what they pull off with ME4.
Hope so. The game looks beautiful on PC but the cutscene animations (between the 30 FPS animations and just the poor quality of them in general) look like they haven't evolved past Mass Effect 1. Hoping Mass Effect 4 is a big improvement in this area.
That's true, most of the animation rigging is the same throughout their gen 7 games, even though DAI was on PS4/XBO/PC. Like I said, they're doing a lot of new things in that arena for the new Mass Effect for example. Can't wait :)


Snake's running animation doesn't change for different types of elevation, I would actually argue that MGSV has stiffer animation than Witcher 3 when it comes to movement.

Neither does Geralt's in Witcher 3. Regardless, the actual running animation itself is considerably less fluid than MGSV's running animation.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
That underwater combat tease. Game looks great and beautiful, I've got a week booked off just for this and I can't bloody wait!

When he went into the water I shivered cause I thought a big scary sea monster was gonna drag him down.

Who the fuck would go swimming in the world of the witcher????


The detail on armor and clothing materials in closeups is glorious. It was already pretty fantastic in WItcher 2 but it's on another level here.

As an animator I have no idea why people are saying that the animations are bad, aside from maybe the sprinting animation it looks fantastic for a game of this size. They're not the best in the industry but they're certainly not bad by any stretch of the word.
I agree, and they are certainly better than any RPG ever. And that's really the relevant comparison to make.

RPGs (especially open world RPGs) have very different constraints from lesser other genres.
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