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Bloodborne's Chalice Dungeon explained (+Bundle)

It's similar to my compulsive reloading in shooters. Intellectually I know it's not an issue but I can't stand not having my weapons be at their full potential before a fight. Considering the added emphasis on offense in this game, I feel like it could bother me even more.

I would get over this if you want to enjoy any Souls game. Your weapon damage doesn't decrease until it is at 30% durability and it's pretty much impossible to get it that low in one level (or between bonfires in Dark Souls). I'm compulsive about repairing my weapons too, but it never got in the way of my enjoyment. Repair whenever you get the chance and it will be an issue 0% of the time.
I believe I read somewhere that was his thought process behind the idea. Where the health bar isn't really looked at like a health bar at all, but more of your current mental state. Something like that. Would have to scour around to find the actual wordage

No, what he apparently said was that the life bar isn't a measure of the character's health, but rather the player's "hope", the more they get hit the more hope they would lose but hitting back at the enemy regains back a little hope XD

At least that's what the Super Best Friends said in their podcast lol.


Ahh those Demon's Souls call outs. Warms the heart.



No, you get a sense of achievement from things like counter attacking and replenishing your health bar. The risk/reward system will give you a sense of achievement. All you get by just cranking up the difficulty is frustration. He made a point of differentiating between 'challenge' and 'achievement' for a good reason.

Sorry those things give me no sense of achievement.

I happen to get a sense of achievement after finally getting through a stage just barely or beating a boss with a sliver of health left. I don't mean the level of difficulty that is cheap or enemies have a ridiculous amount of health (does a Dark Souls 2 dragon come to mind anyone?) I like the type of difficulty I experienced when Demon's Souls first came out. Beating the levels and bosses in the game gave me a sense of achievement. Pushing it up to pure black gave me an even bigger sense of achievement. Why what changed in Pure Black? The difficulty.

I guess we will see once the game comes out.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
This game just looks incredibly rich and fun. I feel bad for never having played Demon's, but at least i made it through the other Souls games. Gonna watch an ENB Demon's Souls Walkthrough in anticipation and preperation I guess.


Dreams in Digital
I think the regain system is more about the struggle for survival in Miyazaki's eyes. If you are getting wrecked by an enemy and see your health getting low your will to survive grows and you get more desperate. So you begin fighting back and fighting for your life. Struggling to stay alive and keeping your will to live intact.

I believe I read somewhere that was his thought process behind the idea. Where the health bar isn't really looked at like a health bar at all, but more of your current mental state. Something like that. Would have to scour around to find the actual wordage

I recall that too, but it's still a risk/reward system. In Demon's Souls you are encouraged to block and avoid whilst in this game you are encouraged to attack and counter. Perhaps this game WILL be harder but his comments in the video I'm assuming you are referring to, has nothing to do with difficulty.
Well you're renting them from a very select number of titles, but essentially it's just pay-to-play online if the limited titles are of no interest to you.

Just bitter because it's going to be a very long time before I get a PS4 :(

If you can't find any game that is of interest to you in all those games they give you then you are one jaded gamer, or you are just trying too hard. It's $50 a year for christ's sake people. .769230 cents a day.


If you can't find any game that is of interest to you in all those games they give you then you are one jaded gamer, or you are just trying too hard. It's $50 a year for christ's sake people. .769230 cents a day.

Well they're 99% indies or old non-AAA PS3 games on the PS4 version so yeah, if you don't like indies you're paying for multiplayer. Luckily for Sony I think a moderate majority of PS4 owners also have PS+, so either they really really need that sweet multi or they see value in the games that are offered.


Well they're 99% indies or old non-AAA PS3 games on the PS4 version so yeah, if you don't like indies you're paying for multiplayer. Luckily for Sony I think a moderate majority of PS4 owners also have PS+, so either they really really need that sweet multi or they see value in the games that are offered.

"if you dont like indies"

Indie is not a genre.


I played on PC. The weapon degradation was never as bad as people made it out to be. Even if it broke, why wouldn't you carry a second weapon?


Sounds great but I hope the base world will be as expansive and intricate as Dark Souls. My time with the Alpha indicated it was but I'm surprised we've seen very little of the game. I remember with Dark Souls we had footage of Undead Burg/Parish/Church, Sen's Fortress, and Duke's Archives.

Sou Da

Sounds great but I hope the base world will be as expansive and intricate as Dark Souls. My time with the Alpha indicated it was but I'm surprised we've seen very little of the game. I remember with Dark Souls we had footage of Undead Burg/Parish/Church, Sen's Fortress, and Duke's Archives.

I suspect IGN First is responsible for that.


Sounds great but I hope the base world will be as expansive and intricate as Dark Souls. My time with the Alpha indicated it was but I'm surprised we've seen very little of the game. I remember with Dark Souls we had footage of Undead Burg/Parish/Church, Sen's Fortress, and Duke's Archives.

I'm glad they're keeping it a secret, personally. Sure, I can just go on blackout by myself without having to keep others from watching what they want, but in this age of gifs and webms, is it really possible to go on blackout without not visiting gaming related websites?


They did show of screens of snowy places and big interior areas around PSX. They will no doubt be some interesting places to visit.
Sounds great but I hope the base world will be as expansive and intricate as Dark Souls. My time with the Alpha indicated it was but I'm surprised we've seen very little of the game. I remember with Dark Souls we had footage of Undead Burg/Parish/Church, Sen's Fortress, and Duke's Archives.

Honesty, I'd rather know as little as possible about this game before going into it. Glad they aren't really showing off that much.


Gold Member
I'm glad that the procedural generation is limited to a dungeon rather than the entire game itself. My experience with it has been hit or miss. That said it's still a cool idea and I'll interested in seeing how it pans out.

I'm glad they're taking a lot of inspiration and ideas from Demon's Souls. While I liked Dark Souls 1 and 2, there's still something special about Demon's Souls those two game weren't able to capture.


I'm glad that the procedural generation is limited to a dungeon rather than the entire game itself. My experience with it has been hit or miss. That said it's still a cool idea and I'll interested in seeing how it pans out.

You mean you played the Chalice Dungeon? Amazing! /s
No but really i don't see why people were that worried that the entire game would be like that, considering who was making this game, and how integral the level design was to the story of demons and dark.
I am curious how fucked you can get in the chalice when the parameters are right though, people discovering truly outrageous levels literally not made by humans would make for a fun challenge for the community.


"if you dont like indies"

Indie is not a genre.

Okay, then low-price games that are already available on PC for the most part and that are not particularly demanding on the PS4 hardware, and generally do not display three-dimensional third-person or first-person perspectives. Those games.


That Valley of Defilement looking area.

Exactly what I thought as well, as though it's an intentional nod to Demon's.

Not sure that's the best example, considering so far the only area like that in Bloodborne is the Chalice Dungeon. The rest of the game is static.

Not a Souls game.

Demon's May Cry.


this game is mighty fine impressive, I can't wait for it to land on my lawn and whisk me off to GAME OF THE GENERATION cloud land, and snuggle up once again closely next to Demon and Dark Soul's. There is hot chocolate there and they have just the right amount of marshmallows as we cozy up to the fireplace. Bloodborne moves in to kiss me...
No, what he apparently said was that the life bar isn't a measure of the character's health, but rather the player's "hope", the more they get hit the more hope they would lose but hitting back at the enemy regains back a little hope XD

At least that's what the Super Best Friends said in their podcast lol.

yeah hope! thats what it was. Knew it was something like that just couldn't put my finger on it lol.

Ahah! Found the article


It was Masaaki Yamagiwa talking about the game at the Gamescom presentation

Miyazaki looks at the health gauge not as health. It’s your power of will to go on. And as that goes down you’re plunging into despair."
It's still a health bar though, regardless of what it's rebranded as.

yeh, its just describing his thought process about the regain system. Its that level of thought and care put into something simple like a health gauge that can suddenly create such a different gameplay mechanic like the regain system. He looked at the health gauge in Bloodborne not as a pure health gauge but symbolism for a fighters will to go on. When you get hit a bunch in a fight you start to lose your will, your hope, to continue ... until you counter and land a big hit. Then your hope rises and your will to carry on is strengthened. So he took that thought and implemented it into the gameplay of Bloodborne.

In Bloodborne the fights are supposed to be more like a street brawl. No shields to hide behind. Its just you and your weapon against whatever the other dude brings to the table. That street brawl, ruthless mentality can be seen down to the character animations in this game. Its brilliance!

It is that level of detail and thought that Miyazaki brings to each little detail of his Souls projects. Which makes them so damn good all around.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Oh gosh... could I really buy a new system just for one game?

Are there any other PS4 non-LTOU exclusives the help me justify getting Bloodborne?
This thread may help:
Personally, I'm looking forward to these (may or may not be 2015 though): Rime, Uncharted 4, new Ys game, Cosmic Star Heroine (I think an Xone port is planned though, not sure), Deep Down*, Dragon's Dogma Online*, Hellblade, Axiom Verge, Salt and Sanctuary, Viking Squad

* Maybe. Depends how they implement the F2P aspect basically.

Edit: getting derailed here, sorry. I wonder if we can invade this dungeon. It'd be interesting, as an invader, to invade in a place you won't be familiar with.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
The whole Chalice Dungeon deal sounds so much more intriguing than it should. I can imagine putting hours and hours into this feature alone, at this point.


this game is mighty fine impressive, I can't wait for it to land on my lawn and whisk me off to GAME OF THE GENERATION cloud land, and snuggle up once again closely next to Demon and Dark Soul's. There is hot chocolate there and they have just the right amount of marshmallows as we cozy up to the fireplace. Bloodborne moves in to kiss me...

And what a kiss I am sure it will have.



The only thing we need to know is how long the singleplayer campaign is. I can't shake a slight worry that the procedurally generated dungeons are there to compensate for a shorter singleplayer experience. I just want my mind put rest on this issue.

Exactly my thought.
Something like "randomly generated dungeon" take time and is huge (look at Deep Down), I hope single player is as long as Dark Souls.


The whole Chalice Dungeon deal sounds so much more intriguing than it should. I can imagine putting hours and hours into this feature alone, at this point.

If you're able to dive right into it I might just do that. Get a real grasp of the combat before tackling the main game.
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