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The Witcher 3 gameplay video - "Precious Cargo"


It is like some of you have never played an open world game before. Where was all of this when Skyrim and DAI was being praised up and down?

Breh this game doesn't animate half as well as Dead or Alive therefore the entire game is ass.

Haha exactly. And the Souls games don't animate nearly as well as the Ninja Gaiden games, so they just suck.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Wrong bloody thread.


Does it bother anyone else that the pommel of his sword reflects the moonlight in the shade? Game looks fun though. And visually good. I don't think it's as amazing looking as some people seem to think, but it looks good.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Does it bother anyone else that the pommel of his sword reflects the moonlight in the shade? Game looks fun though. And visually good. I don't think it's as amazing looking as some people seem to think, but it looks good.

It's not the most perfect game visually. I'm interested to see how the weather effects come together (if they'll use heavy DOF, which I loved, from TW2 for rain). If there's thunder storm and how they'll handle the lighting. I've criticised the foliage transparency maps and pop in. But I think I think it comes down to this for me:

This reminds me, the dismemberment animations were pretty cool. I wonder how it will work for non-human enemies...

The wind, the blood, the beard... The Witcher 3's gonna be a really cool looking game.

I just can't think of other open world games that look this good. I guarantee Wild Hunt will be usurped because it is, in many ways, the very first open world game specifically for current gen hardware. Every open world game in existence takes a hit visually and in production consistency (eg: quality of lip syncing) compared to smaller, linear games. The only exception to the rule is Rockstar's game, but arguably nobody else in the industry has decades of experience with the genre like them, along with the manpower and money.

For a game with two massive open world maps (totally much larger than Skyrim apparently), variety of locations, heaps of narrative/dialogue driven quests, and all the stuff you can do in the game, Wild Hunt looks very, very good. Technically and artistically.


It's not the most perfect game visually. I'm interested to see how the weather effects come together (if they'll use heavy DOF, which I loved, from TW2 for rain). If there's thunder storm and how they'll handle the lighting. I've criticised the foliage transparency maps and pop in. But I think I think it comes down to this for me:

I just can't think of other open world games that look this good. I guarantee Wild Hunt will be usurped because it is, in many ways, the very first open world game specifically for current gen hardware. Every open world game in existence takes a hit visually and in production consistency (eg: quality of lip syncing) compared to smaller, linear games. The only exception to the rule is Rockstar's game, but arguably nobody else in the industry has decades of experience with the genre like them, along with the manpower and money.

For a game with two massive open world maps (totally much larger than Skyrim apparently), variety of locations, heaps of narrative/dialogue driven quests, and all the stuff you can do in the game, Wild Hunt looks very, very good. Technically and artistically.
If they do manage to become THE critical darling of 2015, with the low size,money, and experience in open-world play, they would be truly considered gods and goddesses among men and women.


This looks better than Unity.

Okay let's go back to that "judge when it's out truce" because I cannot take the refusals
I must be missing a whole bunch of massive, open world RPGs with top-tier graphics, animation and NPC interaction. Please enlighten me so I can play those instead of this.

Breh this game doesn't animate half as well as Dead or Alive therefore the entire game is ass.

Oh, and don't forget to compare a linear single player shooters/stealth games graphics to this one as well.


Does it bother anyone else that the pommel of his sword reflects the moonlight in the shade? Game looks fun though. And visually good. I don't think it's as amazing looking as some people seem to think, but it looks good.

I am more concerned about his belt buckle being slightly off.


Come on, get real...



Okay let's go back to that "judge when it's out truce" because I cannot take the refusals

Fair enough. I'm just judging off what I've seen so far (and owning & maxing AC Unity on PC). I know that there will be a certain small contingent of gamers that will continue to cling to their downgrade claims no matter how good the game actually turns out to look. I expect that. I think the majority of gamers, though, will judge the game fairly.

The God

Do you unlock new melee attacks as you level up? I guess I should be asking if there are different attack combos. I've been noticing the same animations during melee attacks.


It's what they chose to show, so it isn't like a random 8 minutes. I'm sure there were some time considerations, but it seems representative of the game.

It's one of the first side quests in the prologue area. I wouldn't judge a 200 hours game on it's tutorial.
Do you unlock new melee attacks as you level up? I guess I should be asking if there are different attack combos. I've been noticing the same animations during melee attacks.

what is the general consensus when it comes to the combat of these games

witcher 3 will be my first witcher game

Combat in Witcher 1 is totally different with Witcher 2, and it looks like we're going to have another changes in Witcher 3.
In Witcher 1, there are some different fighting styles, each specialized for different kinds of enemies. Fighting styles is absent in Witcher 2, no idea about this one.
I wanted to love Dragon Age: Inquisition, but hated the combat. The side quests were brutal too, but I could've overlooked that if I actually enjoyed encounters. How does The Witcher's combat compare? DA:I was my first Dragon Age, and this will be my first Witcher game. I found Dragon Age's combat really boring and slow. It also just didn't feel good to me.


Game looks really great but I'm still worried about the combat. I tried the Witcher 2 and gave up on it because I could not stand the combat. It looks like it has been changed some, but I can't really get a good grasp on how much it's been changed and if I will like it or not. It's a shame too because I love everything else I've seen about the game so far, but I'm just not ready to throw down $60 for this game yet. I'll probably wait until people get it to hear more impressions about how the combat is.
I wanted to love Dragon Age: Inquisition, but hated the combat. The side quests were brutal too, but I could've overlooked that if I actually enjoyed encounters. How does The Witcher's combat compare? DA:I was my first Dragon Age, and this will be my first Witcher game. I found Dragon Age's combat really boring and slow. It also just didn't feel good to me.

Here's a shitty IGN video with shitty compression which shows the combat fairly well..


It looks better than DAI by a long shot, but the combat still leaves a lot to be desired. Most notably... weight and feedback. It's a bit too flashy and floaty I think. But who knows. Might feel different actually controlling it rather than watching it.


Unconfirmed Member
what is the general consensus when it comes to the combat of these games

witcher 3 will be my first witcher game

Combat in Witcher 1 is totally different with Witcher 2, and it looks like we're going to have another changes in Witcher 3.
In Witcher 1, there are some different fighting styles, each specialized for different kinds of enemies. Fighting styles is absent in Witcher 2, no idea about this one.

Witcher 1 combat is sort of like QTE, you have to press the button at the right time to make more and stronger attacks, each fighting style has a different timing.
Looking at the gameplay footage of Witcher 3, the combat looks much more polished and improved than the combat of Witcher 2 which is basically a prototype version of W3 - Wild Hun.
Here's a shitty IGN video with shitty compression which shows the combat fairly well..


It looks better than DAI by a long shot, but the combat still leaves a lot to be desired. Most notably... weight and feedback. It's a bit too flashy and floaty I think. But who knows. Might feel different actually controlling it rather than watching it.

Thanks. I appreciate the link. I also agree with your assessment. Looks a lot better than DA:I, at least.


There's really no point in comparing the witcher and DA:I combat wise. One is a party RPG with a Real time with Pause system and the other is an action RPG with a single character and, apart from some specialisation, a single class.


Tad off-topic, but I wonder how much development of Witcher 3 has cost CDPR. I found some old figure of 15M USD, but that was pre-delays figure.

Hard to believe that Witcher 2 cost them "only" 10M USD to develope.

Welcome to Poland :)
15M USD = 55M PLN (polish złotych). That's a shit-ton of money here.
Just my opinion here, but I had to quit playing after 4-5 hours. The combat is abysmal. I literally couldn't find the fun.

I lasted 12 hours:p

It's a crying shame because I liked witcher 1 (super simple combat but it didn't get in the way) for its story and dialog and art style.

I enjoyed them in tw2 too but the janky looting and bad combat put me off completely. A game should not be a chore but the gameplay made it one.

I was very entertained watching this 8 minute bit, but if the combat is not more servicable than in tw2 I won't make it 10 hours into the game.
Definitely waiting for a demo or a 20 euro steam sale before I buy this.


It's a crying shame because I liked witcher 1 (super simple combat but it didn't get in the way) for its story and dialog and art style.

I enjoyed them in tw2 too but the janky looting and bad combat put me off completely. A game should not be a chore but the gameplay made it one.

That's too bad, because IMO the story and dialogue in 2 only improved from 1. It's one of those rare exceptions in gaming where I'd actually say, "Just put the game on easy and mash your way through encounters". If you found TW1's combat simple enough to just breeze through, you could just plop 2 on easy and it wouldn't really "get in the way" either, and it's definitely well worth it for everything else in the game.

That said for you folk I completely understand scepticism of TW3. If I held your opinions I would be doing exactly the same thing. I had huge doubts about DA:I, borrowed it, and boy am I glad I did. Worst thing is spending full price on a game and you really can't even complain because you foolishly bought the thing even though you had those doubts.


Welcome to Poland :)
15M USD = 55M PLN (polish złotych). That's a shit-ton of money here.

But CDP are like the European Valve, seeing as they own GoG

Pretty funny how companies what own distribution platforms for other devs and publishers make the best games


5000PLN is actually around $1300 and game programmers earn more than twice that.

I read that silly argument about low salaries in Poland on gaf and it makes me laugh. Those ex-Ubisoft, ex-Crytek, ex-Bioware etc employees didn't move to Poland to earn pennies.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Recent videos make me optimistic for the combat as the feedback of hit detection and dodging, in animation and hitboxes, looks more than serviceable for a 3D action game. Same goes for the camera. All of these were massive problems with The Witcher 2's bizarre combat system, but Wild Hunt looks a lot more traditional.

I can get the concern that it looks floaty, but I've been under the impression this is kinda how Witchers are supposed to fight. That is to say it's not like 'Souls or realistic military, but like they're super human fast and accurate, the sword cutting through shit almost like a lightsaber.

That's how it looks in the vids, Geralt rapidly dashing between targets and landing blows almost effortlessly, while also quickly dodging out the way of attacks. Like in terms of athleticism, speed, and precision, there's no one who can match a Witcher.


Why are you and others getting so defensive over this?

Because people labelling the NPC animations, facial expressions and lip-syncing as "Atrocious" or "Cringe-worthy" are just talking hyperbolic nonsense.
This is top level stuff for a game in this genre, with this kind of scope. Even ignoring that, comparing it with the best of the best, it's STILL top level stuff. Not quite on the same level, but falling not very far behind either.

Go back to 2004-2005, Half-Life 2 comes out, has the most advanced facial expressions, lip-syncing system of the time. Did people then start ragging on KOTOR II when it released a month later, saying how the lip-syncing and animations were atrocious and it hampered their enjoyment of the game? Did even similarly linear games like God of War or Perfect Dark Zero receive such treatment? No, because people were fucking sensible about this kind of shit.
It's the kind of sensibility that tends to completely fall to the wayside at this present point in time. THAT is why people are getting so defensive, because it's so completely and utterly ridiculous.


Recent videos make me optimistic for the combat as the feedback of hit detection and dodging, in animation and hitboxes, looks more than serviceable for a 3D action game. Same goes for the camera. All of these were massive problems with The Witcher 2's bizarre combat system, but Wild Hunt looks a lot more traditional.

I can get the concern that it looks floaty, but I've been under the impression this is kinda how Witchers are supposed to fight. That is to say it's not like 'Souls or realistic military, but like they're super human fast and accurate, the sword cutting through shit almost like a lightsaber.

That's how it looks in the vids, Geralt rapidly dashing between targets and landing blows almost effortlessly, while also quickly dodging out the way of attacks. Like in terms of athleticism, speed, and precision, there's no one who can match a Witcher.

Jep. According to lore Witchers aren't just strong. The mutagens enhance all their senses and they make them quick and agile too.

Getting in and out quickly is also important against monsters since you ususally want to avoid getting hit at all.


How can you possibly collaborate with the Nilfgardians?!

He helped Emhyr in the books, and even in The Witcher 2 you can help Cynthia in Chapter 3.
Geralt doesn't share some kind of "Northern pride", he's a monster slayer for hire and has his own moral compass by which he (And by extension the player, in the games) chooses to abide by, which can even mean helping Nilfgaardian's when he deems it necessary.
The Temerian shot down that transport, and tried to hide the full story from Geralt. He's most certainly not an innocent little butterfly. Not to mention the medicine isn't even saving the Nilfgaardian's (Like he claimed/assumed), but just easing their passing, is that really such a terrible thing to support?

I'm not saying I would have picked the same options the person in the Demo did, but once again it comes back to the fact that almost any decision in The Witcher games can be justified from a certain stand-point, and it's something that makes the writing in the series so fucking excellent... And this was just some random, minor side-quest you could completely ignore...


I'm not saying I would have picked the same options the person in the Demo did, but once again it comes back to the fact that almost any decision in The Witcher games can be justified from a certain stand-point, and it's something that makes the writing in the series so fucking excellent... And this was just some random, minor side-quest you could completely ignore...

Hey I know - read every book, and love the lore. Its just for me personally, I would rather help the Temerian guerilla, than the Nilfgardians.
But as you said, its the sign of an extremely engaging RPG script, that every player will be able to make choices that suit him/her best.


Hey I know - read every book, and love the lore. Its just for me personally, I would rather help the Temerian guerilla, than the Nilfgardians.
But as you said, its the sign of an extremely engaging RPG script, that every player will be able to make choices that suit him/her best.


I'm still not sure what I'll pick when I do the quest myself. I prefer to just let myself get swept up in the moment, and there might be other factors, events happening in the Prologue that create a bias towards one certain option.
Man, I'm just so pumped to get my hands on the game, and what we've seen across Gameplay Demos is still just such a small fraction of the whole thing.


Just went through Witcher and Witcher 2 for the first time, beating the latter tonight. I'm so in love with the world, characters and story that I ordered all the books that have been released in English on Amazon. A month ago this was a neat looking game that I was somewhat interested in. Now my hype levels are off the fucking charts.
Just went through Witcher and Witcher 2 for the first time, beating the latter tonight. I'm so in love with the world, characters and story that I ordered all the books that have been released in English on Amazon. A month ago this was a neat looking game that I was somewhat interested in. Now my hype levels are off the fucking charts.
Welcome to the club my friend, same thing happend to me.
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