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Capcom representative : Street Fighter V would never ship on Xbox One

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Wait till Hyper Duper Turbo Edition comes out. They said the same thing about RE4, they will never be forgiven.

Handy Fake

Nah just nah, you can't tell me with a straight face Capcom wouldn't have made SF V without Sony's funding. The it's predecessor received 3 revisions, 3. and you could even buy them at retail. Capcom did and continues to milk that franchise dry, there's no way in hell they wouldn't have released a SF V considering how big the franchise is.

Would it have come a few years later like it was originally implied yes but it would have still come out.

You may be inadvertently reinforcing the poster's point here. ;)


Saint Titanfall
You may be inadvertently reinforcing the poster's point here. ;)

I'll accept that loss sure we may not see 3 different versions of the same game in a single generation. Franchise isn't completely dry though otherwise Sony wouldn't have paid for a cheap port of that milked out version. There's still some milk left in a cash cow,


Now, when you look at all of that, does that speak to you of a company that's in good shape?

No, that doesn't look a good picture. I'm just saying it's very easy for people to be skeptical. When a company money hats a game in any fashion, it tends to annoy people and a nice PR line to smooth this over is a common occurrence. It's really, really easy to assume that such a line is bullshit, even if it equally may not be.
Nah just nah, you can't tell me with a straight face Capcom wouldn't have made SF V without Sony's funding. Itt's predecessor received 3 revisions, 3. and you could even buy them at retail. Capcom did and continues to milk that franchise dry, there's no way in hell they wouldn't have released a SF V considering how big the franchise is.

Would it have come a few years later like it was originally implied yes but it would have still come out.It's not even like it's the expensive game in the world to produce. Rise of the Tomb Raider itself is a likely a much bigger monetary risk, than SF V. It imply Capcom couldn't have made it themselves is to admit that Capcom, is basically broke and on it's last legs. Despite MH still selling 3-4 million every year/other year.

Since when a TPS game is bigger risk than a fighting game

Handy Fake

I'll accept that loss sure we may not see 3 different versions of the same game in a single generation.

More along the lines of they were only revisions. We're hardly talking an entire new game.
I think you're correct in assuming it would have come out eventually, by the by. I can also understand Sony wanting to add a fighting game to their roster. I think it's win/win for all parties involved.

To clarify, I don't think XBox is "missing out" on this game, I think it's more of an "extra" game in the series that Sony paid to be developed. No Sony, no game.
The SF5 that would finally have come out without Sony's intervention will probably come out at the same time as it would without, but now it'll be SF6. ;)

So that being said, I can understand it not coming to XBox One if it's Sony funded, but I also suspect MS's stance on cross-platform play would have had something to do with it too - as I recall the social and community aspect of the game was lingered over during the announcement presentation.
No, that doesn't look a good picture. I'm just saying it's very easy for people to be skeptical. When a company money hats a game in any fashion, it tends to annoy people and a nice PR line to smooth this over is a common occurrence. It's really, really easy to assume that such a line is bullshit, even if it equally may not be.

I can understand the skepticism for sure. I just think that given the state of Capcom at the moment, it's pretty easy to see that this isn't simply a 'we'll pay you good coin to keep this off of Xbox', especially when it's coming to PC.


Gold Member
I don't get it...

If you care so much about one game buy one of the platforms its on and play it.

That's what people have done since the beginning of gaming.

Why all the bickering?


Hopefully Microsoft gets revenge by funding Marvel Vs Capcom 4.

The most important thing in my eyes (even more important than the quality of the game, its features, fun factor, etc...) is that it is made abundantly clear that Marvel Vs Capcom 4 would not exist without Microsoft opening up its war chest.

*crosses fingers*
It was announced as a PS4/PC exclusive almost a year ago. How is this a 17 page thread?

Hopefully Microsoft gets revenge by funding Marvel Vs Capcom 4.

The most important thing in my eyes (even more important than the quality of the game, its features, fun factor, etc...) is that it is made abundantly clear that Marvel Vs Capcom 4 would not exist without Microsoft opening up its war chest.

*crosses fingers*

Has nothing to do with anything aside from Disney owning the Marvel license.


I'm sorry I can't contribute to your delusion.

The timeline was sped up, but the idea that Capcom would have stopped using the Street Fighter franchise moving forward is something that goes against every discernible business and creative motivation. A budget shortcoming doesn't stop one of a company's top performers from being the product of choice, especially in a genre as easy to scale up/down as fighting games.

Sorry, but I'll believe Yoshinori Ono over you. I think his word means a little bit more.


I don't get it...

If you care so much about one game buy one of the platforms its on and play it.

That's what people have done since the beginning of gaming.

Why all the bickering?

tbh I thought the vast majority of fighting game players were on Playstation anyway but I guess I could be wrong?
Street Fighter V was not happening without Sony's involvement. I'm not sure why people don't understand this.

How you see it is wrong.

Street fighter 5 as it is right now would not be happening without Sony, that's not debatable based on what Ono himself has said. He had to go to Sony to ask them to fund the title because Capcom would not.

That is basically the same as Bayonetta, as Sega could have 'technically' picked up Bayonetta, the same way you say Capcom would have 'eventually' picked up SF, although the second is more likely, its the same scenario. Sony just stepped in.

TR was already funded as CD said and would have come to every platform, it IS coming to every platform, but MS paid to delay the others because they didn't have a UC competitor for the holidays(according to Phil spencer), thus threw in a wad of cash and publishing rights for XB platforms or whatever bullshit.

Its not even in the same stratosphere. Its the same for Titanfall which they got off the ground, which would have been fine if it was a permanent exclusive, but they intentionally went behind Respawns back and paid off EA to get it permanently, which is what i see as absolutely scummy. That's why i don't support Xbox anymore, i dont like how MS does business with this type of thing.

How is it closer to TR when TR sequel was already in development even after SE's disappointment of the first ones shipments. This is closer to DR3 with the expectation it might have come out but at a much later date.

SFV wouldn't have happened in 2016 without the partnership.

I think we can all agree that SFV is a much larger franchise than Bayonetta. Bayonetta was probably dead without Nintendo whereas SFV would have come out in 2017 or later, but it would still exist at some point no doubt. That's why it's hard to compare the two. Tomb Raider is not the closest example either I suppose, so let's say it's somewhere in between.


Its every time. Every. single. damn. time. it doesn't fail, its like clockwork. Anytime a piece of information saying how SFV is going to be exclusive to PC and PlayStation 4 you have people coming in saying;

I wonder how much Sony paid Capcom to keep SFV away from the Xbox One. I guess we will never know.

It's okay when Sony does it.
Pretty sure you got banned the last time for the same kind of shit posting.

And people saying "Its the same as Tomb raider" or "its closer to tomb raider than *instert bayo/Titanfall/DR3*"

Heres the thing…
…its not

Tomb Raider was Multiplatform until MS bought time exclusivity and then were so dodgy about.I don't know much about the details on Titanfall, I remember hearing in the guys from GameSpot E3 stream saying it was multiplatform then Yusuf mehdi saying "sorry PlayStation fans, titanfall exclusive" yada yada yada. And lastly Bayo and DR3(which is owned by capcom) games that wouldnt have happened unless someone funded them.



Felium Defensor
Salty ass fools that just can't let it go and refuse to even comprehend the development situation for this specific title. Sad and a tiny bit entertaining at the same time.


You're ignoring the state of Capcom at the moment. Towards the end of last generation most of their console titles save for Resident Evil 6 underperformed both critically and commercially. Let's look at the facts:

- In Japan, they made bank on the vanilla release on Monster Hunter 4 and poured all of those profits into their mobile division. The following year, 2014, they announced a 50% reduction in profits, mostly off the back of their mobile titles underperforming.

- In that same year, Ono went on record to say that the higher ups at Capcom weren't giving him the financial backing he needed to port USFIV to next generation systems. We'd then go on to find out that USFIV would be coming to PS4, but only because Sony foot the bill.

- Capcom's flagship engine for next generation, Panta Rhei, is being built with assistance from SCE. Nearly 2 years since it was announced, we have yet to see a single AAA title announced that utilises the engine, and Deep Down is nowhere to be seen.

- Not to mention, a Capcom exec mentioned that it was unlikely the company would be able to get a Street Fighter V out before 2018.

- Of the titles we've received from Capcom outside of Monster Hunter and Ace Attorney as of recently, everything has either been a HD remaster or a port. Yes, they released Resident Evil Revelations 2, but it was released on a budget and episodically as a hedge bet.

- Dead Rising 3, one of Capcom's only ground up next generation games so far was financed by Microsoft.

- Itsuno just recently has said that he's not quite sure if he'd be able to make a Devil May Cry 5, despite the fact that Devil May Cry 4 sold as well as it did.

Now, when you look at all of that, does that speak to you of a company that's in good shape? It sure doesn't look like it to me. If Capcom still hasn't got their next generation engine out, 2 years into the gen, and are relying on HD remasters to prop them up, then I don't see how its farfetched to imagine they'd need financial assistance to Street Fighter 5 started, developed, and released in a timely fashion.

I can add links/sources for each of my points if it please you too.

Good post. Most people don't realize that simillar to Sega and Konami, Capcom is not interested in making HD full price games anymore unless someone will step in like MS did with DR 3 and Sony with SF V.

I think we can all agree that SFV is a much larger franchise than Bayonetta. Bayonetta was probably dead without Nintendo whereas SFV would have come out in 2017 or later, but it would still exist at some point no doubt. That's why it's hard to compare the two. Tomb Raider is not the closest example either I suppose, so let's say it's somewhere in between.

It's more about the state of the company, its politics and Japanese game market rather than strength of franchises and Capcom like many other Japanese companies are jumping on mobile bandwagon.
There is no point, I feel, in blaming either Sony and Microsoft for hunting third party exclusives. The topic has been discussed to death already. They are companies that want to push their platform, they will do whatever it takes. They wouldn't be doing it if it wasn't effective. Gamers, as always, are the ones with the power to change things if they don't like them. As long as they endorse such practices through their buying habits and public approval, nothing will change.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
There is no point, I feel, in blaming either Sony and Microsoft for hunting third party exclusives. The topic has been discussed to death already. They are companies that want to push their platform, they will do whatever it takes. They wouldn't be doing it if it wasn't effective. Gamers, as always, are the ones with the power to change things if they don't like them. As long as they endorse such practices through their buying habits and public approval, nothing will change.

The thing is Alex, is that third party exclusives are fine, i have no issue with them at all. My issue is the specific circumstances. I think funding something is a much bigger difference than actively stopping an in progress project. Its just a different implication personally speaking.
The thing is Alex, is that third party exclusives are fine, i have no issue with them at all. My issue is the specific circumstances. I think funding something is a much bigger difference than actively stopping an in progress project. Its just a different implication personally speaking.

Fair enough. I think you have to acknowledge though that timed exclusiviy (Tomb Raider) is at least preferable to full exclusivity (SFV).
If you care so much about one game buy one of the platforms its on and play it.

This is how I feel. I know some people can't afford to buy whatever console they sort of want. But for me, I would do whatever I could to be able to play a game really I care about.
Fair enough. I think you have to acknowledge though that timed exclusiviy (Tomb Raider) is at least preferable to full exclusivity (SFV).
No. Timed exclusivity of a game that would normally have come out on day 0 that has now been pushed back by X is worse than full exclusivity of a game that has now been brought forward by over a year (2, according to the dev). Completely different situations. You're obviously grasping at straws here to make Sony the bad guy, here, but by oversimplifying you're completely misrepresenting what is happening.
No. Timed exclusivity of a game that would normally have come out on day 0 that has now been pushed back by X is worse than full exclusivity of a game that has now been brought forward by over a year (2, according to the dev). Completely different situations. You're obviously grasping at straws here to make Sony the bad guy, here, but by oversimplifying you're completely misrepresenting what is happening.

Ok then.
People on this forum are sad and delusional. Anyone who believes that SFV could not possibly exist without Sony is dumb as fuck. Of course Capcom was always gonna make a new game in one of their most recognizable franchises for the new gen of consoles. This game would have been made with or without sony's money. It would be bad business not to. And anyone who thinks this is still coming to Xbox after this announcement needs to get out of their dream world. It's not. Get over it. Stop making a fool of yourself.

Console wars are the worst.
People on this forum are sad and delusional. Anyone who believes that SFV could not possibly exist without Sony is dumb as fuck. Of course Capcom was always gonna make a new game in one of their most recognizable franchises for the new gen of consoles. This game would have been made with or without sony's money. It would be bad business not to. And anyone who thinks this is still coming to Xbox after this announcement needs to get out of their dream world. It's not. Get over it. Stop making a fool of yourself.

Console wars are the worst.
It's a good thing no one is arguing that, then, isn't it?

Try reading, I've heard it helps.


People on this forum are sad and delusional. Anyone who believes that SFV could not possibly exist without Sony is dumb as fuck. Of course Capcom was always gonna make a new game in one of their most recognizable franchises for the new gen of consoles. This game would have been made with or without sony's money. It would be bad business not to. And anyone who thinks this is still coming to Xbox after this announcement needs to get out of their dream world. It's not. Get over it. Stop making a fool of yourself.

Console wars are the worst.

Why on earth are you so angry about this? Lighten up.
I don't get how people aren't comprehending this. This is a blatant attempt by Sony to ruin the Xbox by keeping popular games off of it. It's such bullshit. That's not how business is done. Proper businesses help each other out, so that their rivals might succeed in place of themselves.

And I don't give a shit what Ono said about the state of Capcom. I know he's lying. I know more about their business than he does, because I know people on NeoGAF who say their company isn't in trouble. Also, I have friends who have bought Capcom games, so that's like $600 right there. What are you doing with their money, Capcom???

And there's no way you can compare this to Tomb Raider and Dead Rising 3. Tomb Raider is coming to PS4 later, so Microsoft only paid to keep it off PS4 for a little while. And Dead Rising 3 is different than Street Fighter V because Dead Rising has zombies. Does Street Fighter have zombies? Nope! So MS was justified for those and other reasons.

Quit being stupid liars, Sony/Capcom! We can see through your lies! Give Phil Spencer a call and let's make this right!
Nah, here there is a salt mine and some mighty delusion as side dish too.

I don't get how people aren't comprehending this. This is a blatant attempt by Sony to ruin the Xbox by keeping popular games off of it. It's such bullshit. That's not how business is done. Proper businesses help each other out, so that their rivals might succeed in place of themselves.

And I don't give a shit what Ono said about the state of Capcom. I know he's lying. I know more about their business than he does, because I know people on NeoGAF who say their business isn't in trouble. Also, I have friends who have bought Capcom games, so that's like $600 right there. What are you doing with their money, Capcom???

And there's no way you can compare this to Tomb Raider and Dead Rising 3. Tomb Raider is coming to PS4 later, so Microsoft only paid to keep it off PS4 for a little while. And Dead Rising 3 is different than Street Fighter V because Dead Rising has zombies. Does Street Fighter have zombies? Nope! So MS was justified for those and other reasons.

Quit being stupid liars, Sony/Capcom! We can see through your lies! Give Phil Spencer a call and let's make this right!

Mmmm.... eh, 6 out of 10 at best.

You can do better, I've seen it. Maybe try a poem.
I don't get how people aren't comprehending this. This is a blatant attempt by Sony to ruin the Xbox by keeping popular games off of it. It's such bullshit. That's not how business is done. Proper businesses help each other out, so that their rivals might succeed in place of themselves.

And I don't give a shit what Ono said about the state of Capcom. I know he's lying. I know more about their business than he does, because I know people on NeoGAF who say their company isn't in trouble. Also, I have friends who have bought Capcom games, so that's like $600 right there. What are you doing with their money, Capcom???

And there's no way you can compare this to Tomb Raider and Dead Rising 3. Tomb Raider is coming to PS4 later, so Microsoft only paid to keep it off PS4 for a little while. And Dead Rising 3 is different than Street Fighter V because Dead Rising has zombies. Does Street Fighter have zombies? Nope! So MS was justified for those and other reasons.

Quit being stupid liars, Sony/Capcom! We can see through your lies! Give Phil Spencer a call and let's make this right!
Fake outrage I've seen better, please try again.


If u wanna play sf5 cop a ps4 bruhbruhs.

Why u think I copped a one and a ps4 for the price of an xbox one at launch. Bruuuuhhhssss.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Fair enough. I think you have to acknowledge though that timed exclusiviy (Tomb Raider) is at least preferable to full exclusivity (SFV).

Not in the case of funding as i said. I don't have an issue with MS funding DR3 as long as it came out, nor do i have an issue with Sony funding The Order or Bayonetta with Nintendo or something like that by a third party dev. They have the money, they are getting it done for the fans and because they think it'll pay off.

But if the development team/publisher in question is fully prepared to bring a game to all platforms, its fully funded, secured and everything, and then a publisher comes in and says "no, we get preferential treatment cause money and deals", i don't think that's right.

If Capcom was not willing to fund SF5, Ono's project, Sony went ahead and got it done, and i think that's perfectly fine. People can go on about hypotheticals all they want in the case of what Capcom may have done in the future, but at that point, there was no game.

If they could do it for Darkstalkers, i'd appreciate that too.
Not in the case of funding as i said. I don't have an issue with MS funding DR3 as long as it came out, nor do i have an issue with Sony funding The Order or Bayonetta with Nintendo or something like that by a third party dev. They have the money, they are getting it done for the fans and because they think it'll pay off.

But if the development team/publisher in question is fully prepared to bring a game to all platforms, its fully funded, secured and everything, and then a publisher comes in and says "no, we get preferential treatment cause money and deals", i don't think that's right.

I hear you but I'm grateful the game is out sooner instead of having to wait until 2018, at the end of the day morals in business practices don't matter money dictates how the monkey dances.


ITT: Gamers with no vested interest in sf or the fgc argue that Yoshinori Ono was lying when he said capcom didn't have funds for sfv.


Why do people keep arguing about this.....

Street Fighter 5 was going to happen.

Street Fighter 5 in 2016 was not going to happen without Sony's involvement.

Capcom is not in the best financial state right now. If Sony didn't come in , they would have likely played it safe for a few more years until they had enough money to fund SF5.

It is nowhere near the similar situation as Sega and Bayonetta 2 , Sega has enough money to fund whatever the fuck they want. But would it have given them as much profit as investing it in Sonic/CA/Mobile? NO. Hence they just gave up on it and Nintendo picked it up.
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