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Rise of the Tomb Raider - 15 min 'Siberian Wilderness' [1080p] Gameplay Demo


Gold Member
Haven't heard anything about MP yet. Kind of hope they ditch it and maybe do co-op tomb raiding instead. Buddy moves, opening up routes for the other person, etc... You could even make that competitive - have them start on opposite cliffs and have a race to the treasure or something.

That would be crazy fun if done properly.
It's bad when it's all smoke and mirrors imo. Lots of exciting and dangerous stuff happening on your screen visually, but as a player your controls are limited and real danger is almost nonexistent.

But that's not always the case at all. Even in Tomb Raider 2013, there were lots of really cool scripted moments where you had absolute control over all of her actions. The same will be true in this game. It won't always be a case where the only thing you can do is slide down a mountain or keep running and jumping across stuff.

Sometimes you're in the middle of combat or exploration, and you see something incredible happen off in the distance, or right in front of you which forces you to find an alternate means of getting to your destination. Take a look at that huge APC in the Uncharted footage and the way it came crashing into the market. It will always happen that way because it's scripted, but it adds tremendously to the scene.

How about the scripted crowd that adds to the overall believability of the scene in the opening moments? Hell, look at Drake being dragged by that vehicle, surely also a scripted moment, as well as when he dives onto the jeep and smashes that guy's face in. Then there's the part when he's grabbed from behind and is being attacked by another guy in front, and his friend comes to back him up. Scripted moments, but they add so much to the experience. People have to realize that so far Tomb Raider has BARELY scratched the surface as far as showing us what its new action heavy set pieces are like. We've seen some mountain climbing, some tree climbing, some stealth sneaking around and targeting of enemies, but we haven't seen what it's like when shit really hits the fan in that game yet. And obviously judging from how insane things got in the previous game, we likely have some awesome stuff to look forward to.


That would be crazy fun if done properly.

I wonder if they could keep it competitive by opening shortcuts for the opposing player if you hit checkpoints with a big lead. Running too fast down a path starts a rockslide that gives the second player a landbridge between obstacles, something like that. Otherwise it might be a bit of a waste for a whole lot of players.


Junior Member
I wonder is weather will have a significant impact on gameplay apart from crafting and visibility . Eg if you swim too much in the cold or stay out a lot you'll need to make more fires ... Or in deserts exertion = need more water ... I think tr is incorporating ac and tlou elements ... So systems like that could add an extra later of complexity


Xbox One gameplay? Looks fantastic. Never played the one before this, might give it a playthrough one of these days and get this.


I wonder is weather will have a significant impact on gameplay apart from crafting and visibility . Eg if you swim too much in the cold or stay out a lot you'll need to make more fires ... Or in deserts exertion = need more water ... I think tr is incorporating ac and tlou elements ... So systems like that could add an extra later of complexity

That would be cool, though not something I'd expect. Their entire survival theme has been a lot more for show than gameplay implementation so far. Quick crafting with rather abundant salvage seems to be their survival answer without slowing down action pacing.
But that's not always the case at all. Even in Tomb Raider 2013, there were lots of really cool scripted moments where you had absolute control over all of her actions. The same will be true in this game. It won't always be a case where the only thing you can do is slide down a mountain or keep running and jumping across stuff.

Sometimes you're in the middle of combat or exploration, and you see something incredible happen off in the distance, or right in front of you which forces you to find an alternate means of getting to your destination. Take a look at that huge APC in the Uncharted footage and the way it came crashing into the market. It will always happen that way because it's scripted, but it adds tremendously to the scene.

How about the scripted crowd that adds to the overall believability of the scene in the opening moments? Hell, look at Drake being dragged by that vehicle, surely also a scripted moment, as well as when he dives onto the jeep and smashes that guy's face in. Then there's the part when he's grabbed from behind and is being attacked by another guy in front, and his friend comes to back him up. Scripted moments, but they add so much to the experience. People have to realize that so far Tomb Raider has BARELY scratched the surface as far as showing us what its new action heavy set pieces are like. We've seen some mountain climbing, some tree climbing, some stealth sneaking around and targeting of enemies, but we haven't seen what it's like when shit really hits the fan in that game yet. And obviously judging from how insane things got in the previous game, we likely have some awesome stuff to look forward to.

We'll have to see on that point for sure. I remain unconvinced as I can't for the life of me remember much about the TR 2013 scripted sequences aside from sliding down shit and the burning building near the end. It was all so generic and uninspired.

The less the better I say, I think it was by far the weakest part of the 2013 game and added nothing to the experience except to break up the gameplay loop to remind you that "cool" shit happens.

A focus is survival and tombs, along with highlighting Lara's character without any of the nonsensical characters or story that plagued the first would do this game wonders.

I'm excited. This is on PC, right?

Timed exclusive on X1 and 360. You gotta wait.


That last narration part at the end really drives home the shittiness of Lara's VA.
"I FINALLY FEEEEEAL asenseapurpose again".

Game looks like it's gonna be fun, just like the first one. I hope we get more temples/tombs action and less winter stuff, though.
You don't understand the finer mechanics of shooters do you? You hold right and press the jump button in Mario and Rayman games but no one would say they have the same jumping mechanics. Just stop, it's embarrassing.

Whats embarasing is people saying UC has terrible or "Nightmarish" gunplay, because they want to push a narrative


Junior Member
That last narration part at the end really drives home the shittiness of Lara's VA.
"I FINALLY FEEEEEAL asenseapurpose again".

Game looks like it's gonna be fun, just like the first one. I hope we get more temples/tombs action and less winter stuff, though.

Yeah not feeling those parts ... "Don't look for me I wanna do this myself" "feel
Purpose again " zzz .i only
Played parts of tr2013 (friend was playing thru it and I would reply certain sections when she wasn't playing ... Is the story there also iffy ?
UC2 is close because of the great overall package but not in the gameplay department (remember all the hate the stealth section in the museum got?). The other two don't stand a chance, one was a serviceable first try, the other a bloated, slow mess which even needed patches to fix the controls but still feels wrong.

Yeah, I meant 3 with that. Afair GAF noticed first and started campaigning for a fix.

LOL at vanquish being over rated and UC being grossly underplayed in your post. Vanquish is average at best, has good combat, but one day you'll wake up and realise if the rest of a game is mediocre it doesn't matter. UC2 and 3 (post patch) are very good TPS shooters they happen to be good an many other things as well, vanquish and no other TPS games are close. Platinum continues to be grossly overrated on gaf.

I ask again, what's specifically so bad about Uncharted's gunplay? Because -and let me rephrase it this time for you- I had just as much fun with U2/U3's combat as I did with the other games mentioned.

No-one here thinks they have the exact same combat, don't create strawmen. Just that Uncharted's combat is just as mechanically sound as any other.

They won't be able to tell, you........ Odd that.

UC and TR are completely different beasts these days. TR shares more with TLoU because of its more developed stealth and crafting.

LOL what? TR is nothing like tlou at all.

Looks pretty damn good, and I don't get UC4 hype it looks like UC 3.5 to me not that impressive.

Oh my god...yeah, credibility gone. It looks a heck of a lot better then this, or any other action adventure game around right now.

Looks pretty damn good, and I don't get UC4 hype it looks like UC 3.5 to me not that impressive.

Oh my god...yeah, credibility gone. It looks a heck of a lot better then this, or any other action adventure game around right now.
I don't have any interest in Uncharted, but I'm still surprised to see how many people are so impressed by this series in general.

Graphics look nice, but at face value, not significantly better than the last game.

Also, they are sticking with this ridiculous concept of Lara suffering grotesquely significant wounds but recovering from them faster than Wolverine.


Junior Member
I don't have any interest in Uncharted, but I'm still surprised to see how many people are so impressed by this series in general.

Graphics look nice, but at face value, not significantly better than the last game.

Also, they are sticking with this ridiculous concept of Lara suffering grotesquely significant wounds but recovering from them faster than Wolverine.

Wolverlara ! And well video games :)


That last narration part at the end really drives home the shittiness of Lara's VA.
"I FINALLY FEEEEEAL asenseapurpose again".

Game looks like it's gonna be fun, just like the first one. I hope we get more temples/tombs action and less winter stuff, though.

Honestly, it's the writing that is bad more than anything. Who the hell spits out a thought like that? A whole string of empowerment book prologue?
That open ended combat demo a while ago certainly makes it seem as though they're attempting to, and that looked more open and sanboxy than anything TR has done so far if that's your jam.

also there are quite a few fights and areas in the latter half of TR that are just as open and "sandboxy" if not more than that UC4 demo you speak of. so not only do I disagree, but you're wrong. and this is coming from someone who owns all the sony and ms systems and all the uncharted games whom also primarily plays pc games. leave your bias at the door next time.


Uncharted bashing in this thread is embarrassing and transparent.

I love both. I actually thought the reboot did some things better than UC. And I say that lovingly of UC. People need to be mindful that not everyone loved the reboot and hated the writing. There was the PR blunders. Then the writing itself was IMO pretty awful. But I think the game had great gameplay and level design. Especially the hub world and how it connected everything.

I actually enjoyed the reboot a lot purely in terms of entertainment. But a lot of people I know couldn't get past the writing and the shooting sections. It sucks being such a big fan of both series to see the back and forth. I personally saw room for TR to borrow the best elements of UC, and take off and become it's own thing by adding its own material. Just like Saints Row etc.

I just think both can exist in the same space. *shrugs*
also there are quite a few fights and areas in the latter half of TR that are just as open and "sandboxy" if not more than that UC4 demo you speak of. so not only do I disagree, but you're wrong. and this is coming from someone who owns all the sony and ms systems and all the uncharted games whom also primarily plays pc games. leave your bias at the door next time.

Gonna need reciepts for that one. The scale of TR was always pretty comparable to UC2/3 if not just slightly less but is nowhere close to what we've seen in UC4.


Gonna need reciepts for that one. The scale of TR was always pretty comparable to UC2/3 if not just slightly less but is nowhere close to what we've seen in UC4.

I'm a big TR fan and I'm struggling to think of any open Sand Box(y) areas. You have linear branches that open up to wider areas. But you pretty much kill and move forward to advance. You might have slight lee way to go around one area as opposed to going straight at them. But eh.

There is one area in TR where there is trees. It's apart of the hub world at the very beginning. That is the ONLY section where you can climb and go around the area to attack enemies. But that area is pretty flat.

Trying to think of the latter half having any like that. Hmmm. I don't think either TR or UC had that kind of freedom. Both Rise of the Tomb Raider and UC4 will prob be a big leap forward. Maybe UC4 might have an edge seeing as it's next gen only and Sonys hardware is technically stronger and will prob be tapped more. I guess we will have to see. I suspect each game will have its own unique strengths. And that is great.

Edit: some of the mountain areas are layered and you descend down. But those are still kind of linear.
well, I just wasn't expecting that and it was really cool to me. And it's just something rotr has that Uc4 seemingly doesn't.

yeah. not digging her voice in tomb raider so far.

hey its you! i think we had a heated debate about north koreans once.

anyways, you coulda just used his own argument against him. he was arguing how in UC4 being able to use the level design more greatly improved the gameplay in UC4. well being able to climb trees in Rotr is basically the same concept. yet he is contradicting himself by saying that aspect in rotr has limited impact.
Gonna need reciepts for that one. The scale of TR was always pretty comparable to UC2/3 if not just slightly less but is nowhere close to what we've seen in UC4.

lol seriously? what kinda receipts? pictures of all my consoles and gaming library and a picture of my steam account with over 200 games and access to my HOTS profile detailing how many hours Ive spent playing that?

get outta here
I'm a big TR fan and I'm struggling to think of any open Sand Box(y) areas. You have linear branches that open up to wider areas. But you pretty much kill and move forward to advance. You might have slight lee way to go around one area as opposed to going straight at them. But eh.

There is one area in TR where there is trees. It's apart of the hub world at the very beginning. That is the ONLY section where you can climb and go around the area to attack enemies. But that area is pretty flat.

Edit: some of the mountain areas are layered and you descend down. But those are still kind of linear.

you know its really not worth arguing. I really think either people never really played thru the game or they just use selective memory for their argument. its not really worth spending alot of energy arguing cause at the end of the day its not a big enough deal for me to argue as I will be able to own and play both games day one. so /shrug.
lol seriously? what kinda receipts? pictures of all my consoles and gaming library and a picture of my steam account with over 200 games and access to my HOTS profile detailing how many hours Ive spent playing that?

get outta here
No, in regards to evidence for the contention that TR 2013 is more open then UC4. I've played the game and it's scale was much more similar to UC2/3 if not less and the UC4 claim seems heavily far fetched unless your using some weird definition of sandbox.
No, in regards to evidence for the contention that TR 2013 is more open then UC4. I've played the game and it's scale was much more similar to UC2/3 if not less and the UC4 claim seems heavily far fetched unless your using some weird definition of sandbox.

so what area in uc2/3 that was anything like shanty town or the last island in tr 2013. there literally wasnt one. thats my last statement on this argument cause I said it wasnt worth it in my edit anyways

also I never said it is definitively "more open"

reread that.


also there are quite a few fights and areas in the latter half of TR that are just as open and "sandboxy" if not more than that UC4 demo you speak of. so not only do I disagree, but you're wrong. and this is coming from someone who owns all the sony and ms systems and all the uncharted games whom also primarily plays pc games. leave your bias at the door next time.

There's nothing in TR 2013 that comes even close to that video in terms of sandbox options of traversal and interlinking pathways in the environment, not to mention the use of verticality.

If you disagree, please find a video to show what you mean.
There's nothing in TR 2013 that comes even close to that video in terms of sandbox options of traversal and interlinking pathways in the environment, not to mention the use of verticality.

If you disagree, please find a video to show what you mean.

dude just stop it. your relentless attack on rotr and defense and propaganda for Uc is unbelievable. you come in here trying to regulate peoples excitement about the game the very thread is about, and then post an Uncharted video 6 - 7 times.... like seriously!? how is this dude not banned. smh.

<edit> make that 8 times.
so what area in uc2/3 that was anything like shanty town or the last island in tr 2013. there literally wasnt one. thats my last statement on this argument cause I said it wasnt worth it in my edit anyways

also I never said it is definitively "more open"

reread that.

Those are the areas you choose? UC2/3 have similar if not bigger areas. The village in UC2 comes immediately to mind. In fact, the entire middle and latter half of UC2 and 3 consist of levels with similar or larger scale.

Edit: To not completely divert off topic, I hope we get footage of the tombs soon. The GIFs make them look excellent visually.


lol seriously? what kinda receipts? pictures of all my consoles and gaming library and a picture of my steam account with over 200 games and access to my HOTS profile detailing how many hours Ive spent playing that?

get outta here

you know its really not worth arguing. I really think either people never really played thru the game or they just use selective memory for their argument. its not really worth spending alot of energy arguing cause at the end of the day its not a big enough deal for me to argue as I will be able to own and play both games day one. so /shrug.

Sorry I didn't mean to argue. I apologize. Me and you both love TR reboot, and that's what matters. Didn't mean for my post to come off as trying to argue or prove you wrong. Just couldn't remember any sections like the UC4 demo. But I mean, that's why I'm excited. Because I think both Rise of the Tomb Raider and UC4 will take big leaps forward.

Like I said, I love both franchises. And while I don't remember there being any sand box(y) in TR areas per se, I thought the world Hub and exploration elements were an improvement from what was borrowed from UC. Because UC is more of a "journey" that jumps from one location to the next, I can't see UC ever adopting that. And I think that is where TR can shine. Even if the new game changes locations, they can still do the hub world areas.
also there are quite a few fights and areas in the latter half of TR that are just as open and "sandboxy" if not more than that UC4 demo you speak of. so not only do I disagree, but you're wrong. and this is coming from someone who owns all the sony and ms systems and all the uncharted games whom also primarily plays pc games. leave your bias at the door next time.

At no point in TR2013 is the combat anything like seen in the UC4 demo. Even combat in the hubs was focused into small sections of it.
I don't have any interest in Uncharted, but I'm still surprised to see how many people are so impressed by this series in general.

Graphics look nice, but at face value, not significantly better than the last game.

Also, they are sticking with this ridiculous concept of Lara suffering grotesquely significant wounds but recovering from them faster than Wolverine.

How is that any different than any other videogame? This isn't a torture simulator. In TLOU you bandaged your arm and everything was groovy again. Same shit. None cares, it's a game.


How is that any different than any other videogame? This isn't a torture simulator. In TLOU you bandaged your arm and everything was groovy again. Same shit. None cares, it's a game.

The Lara suffering was pretty melodramatic though. TLOU was a gritty/dangerous world, and the violence blended in nicely. The Lara suffering was really over the top. I think people were hoping by the end of TR, she would become toughened (especially since she had to kill and had been through so much).

I guess Lara could have a lot of mental anguish as a result of that. Which ties into that first reveal trailer. And who knows, maybe the suffering aspect isn't as prevalent in Rise of the Tomb Raider (or maybe it's more nuanced, and more mental as opposed to physical). Suffering is fine in multiple games/stories. You are right, characters suffer and deal with pain. I just think some don't want it to be as defining of the character this time around. And I can understand that.

I don't agree that we can tell from what we've seen that it will be 1:1 the same in this game. But maybe I missed what they were talking about *shrugs*


Those are the areas you choose? UC2/3 have similar if not bigger areas. The village in UC2 comes immediately to mind. In fact, the entire middle and latter half of UC2 and 3 consist of levels with similar or larger scale.

Edit: To not completely divert off topic, I hope we get footage of the tombs soon. The GIFs make them look excellent visually.

Here is someone collecting all the collectibles in Shanty Town, there really isn't anything of this scale in UC2/3.


Not that I find the TR/Uncharted arguments to be productive in any way, but either my memory serves me wrong or I simply can't think of an area in UC 2/3 comparable to the Shanty Town "hub" in TR 2013. I've played all 3 games a number of times, but maybe my memory is foggy.


pissed off bear should of took lara out at the end of that video on that first swipe..
must be playing on easy mode.


dude just stop it. your relentless attack on rotr and defense and propaganda for Uc is unbelievable. you come in here trying to regulate peoples excitement about the game the very thread is about, and then post an Uncharted video 6 - 7 times.... like seriously!? how is this dude not banned. smh.

<edit> make that 8 times.

I guess you can't back up the claim then if you're going to resort to making accusations and calling to have me banned?

No bias here man, like you I own multiple systems and primarily game on PC. I enjoyed TR2013, it surprised me how much actually (especially the excellent combat and atmosphere). I actually enjoyed the gameplay more than UC2's.

Right now, it looks like UC4's gameplay is a bigger step forward than RotTR's in terms of what the previous games in each series offered, and I tend to not enjoy playing games that feel too familiar. Big reason why I prefer Far Cry 3 to 4 even though 4 is pretty much better at everything.

So yeh, no bias dude. Calm down.

Maybe you meant Shanty Town? This is a massive area. I forgot how big this place was. Although you do move through it kind of linear.

Fixed2bebroken said:
so what area in uc2/3 that was anything like shanty town or the last island in tr 2013. there literally wasnt one. thats my last statement on this argument cause I said it wasnt worth it in my edit anyways

also I never said it is definitively "more open"

reread that.

How is that any different than any other videogame? This isn't a torture simulator. In TLOU you bandaged your arm and everything was groovy again. Same shit. None cares, it's a game.

Gameplay injury not the same as cutscene injury.

When Drake or Joel take cutscene injuries the story makes them pay for it. Lara never did, in fact that hole in her gut was forgot about for mostly of the game until suddenly the writers seem to remember it for 5 minutes, then it was fixed and good as gold again.

Here is someone collecting all the collectibles in Shanty Town, there really isn't anything of this scale in UC2/3.

This is exploring the area after the story/combat in this area is over and returned there when have equipement to reach further spots. When you go through it as part of story you do not have such freedom.
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