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Rise of the Tomb Raider - 15 min 'Siberian Wilderness' [1080p] Gameplay Demo


Actively hates charity
Jesus every TR thread, and you have people nitpicking and talking shit about it or comparing to n different types of games. Can we please stop UC mentions?


Vanquish needed better level design and encounter design to come in the conversation of greatness. Otherwise it was mostly mechanically fine. Anyways I hope I am proved wrong and TR turns out to be absolutely amazing.


The primary difference is that we literally have no media of GT7 to compare Forza with. If we did, forget about it. Warzones, craters everywhere.

You think some posters are not holding back bringing up Driveclub? I mean the temptation given the praise to graphics and weather that Forza 6 is currently getting is huge bait. I've been reading that thread and you can just feel it...just like you can feel certain posters ready to address it to attempt to shut it down and dismiss it.

Anyway, a few casualties later, this thread went ham. The tombs will make or break this game for a large portion of the hardcore crowd. I don't think CD will get away unscathed with a game too similar to Tomb Reboot. I know they are aware.
Jesus every TR thread, and you have people nitpicking and talking shit about it or comparing to n different types of games. Can we please stop UC mentions?
Good luck - TR is taking its inspiration from the Uncharted series and was set up to go head to head against it for the Holidays until UC4 got delayed. Those comparisons are natural.

Have they mentioned any big new feature for this outing? Everything looks like its been expanded, but whats the focus on this time around? Anything in particular?


Good luck - TR is taking its inspiration from the Uncharted series and was set up to go head to head against it for the Holidays until UC4 got delayed. Those comparisons are natural.

Have they mentioned any big new feature for this outing? Everything looks like its been expanded, but whats the focus on this time around? Anything in particular?

I wrote this to another poster earlier who said nothing new was added (not because I think this game looks good or anything, mind. you know how i feel about the new TR series) -->


We know, based on developer interviews and gameplay, that the following are some of the changes within the game...

● Developers have said they will be focusing on implementing much more actual, full-sized tombs as designing more elaborate, multi-part puzzles more similar to previous games in the series, albeit these puzzles will attempt to stay more tethered to reality

● The crafting system has been greatly expanded, and you can make all sorts of useful tools and weapons that were absent from the previous game, such as the grapple lines. This also includes things like the poison arrow. I do not know exactly how the poison arrows function, but I can foresee for example an enemy getting poisoned and beginning to wander off and starting to choke, causing other enemies to investigate. Then you blow them all up together with a trap. How "easy" something is does not actually eliminate a usefulness of something else. For example, sometimes difficulty is not the primary way someone gets enjoyment, but in the variety and flexibility of the types of approaches you can take people out with. Mixing up those options makes it fun and useful as well as makes your character look cool.

● "Weather and the environment will affect gameplay in several ways. For example, some gear upgrades require components that can only be obtained at certain times of day or during certain weather conditions."¹ And because there are multiple huge hub locations this time, including the Syrian desert, there are different types of weather conditions and environmental issues you will have to deal with that were not even present in the last game.

● Lara can now climb trees. She can also swim underwater like the games previous to TR2013, which adds whole layers of gameplay possibilities. She can also use this to modify her combat opportunities, such as diving underwater to hide or swimming close to an enemy by the shore and surprising them out of the water.

These are just a small sample of the improvements made, alongside all the type "sequel" stuff like new enemy types, new story and the obvious visual enhancements. Whether or not you find them 'useful', they are huge additions that add fundamental options to the titles core gameplay and by definition must be considered as not insignificant additions to this new TR series. Some of them add whole new realms of possibilities if the developers are clever enough to utilize them, although there's no way to judge that until we get the full game.


Actively hates charity
Good luck - TR is taking its inspiration from the Uncharted series and was set up to go head to head against it for the Holidays until UC4 got delayed. Those comparisons are natural.

Have they mentioned any big new feature for this outing? Everything looks like its been expanded, but whats the focus on this time around? Anything in particular?

I think it's gonna be more focused on tombs and explorations.
I wrote this to another poster earlier who said nothing new was added (not because I think this game looks good or anything, mind. you know how i feel about the new TR series) -->


We know, based on developer interviews and gameplay, that the following are some of the changes within the game...

● Developers have said they will be focusing on implementing much more actual, full-sized tombs as designing more elaborate, multi-part puzzles more similar to previous games in the series, albeit these puzzles will attempt to stay more tethered to reality

● The crafting system has been greatly expanded, and you can make all sorts of useful tools and weapons that were absent from the previous game, such as the grapple lines. This also includes things like the poison arrow. I do not know exactly how the poison arrows function, but I can foresee for example an enemy getting poisoned and beginning to wander off and starting to choke, causing other enemies to investigate. Then you blow them all up together with a trap. How "easy" something is does not actually eliminate a usefulness of something else. For example, sometimes difficulty is not the primary way someone gets enjoyment, but in the variety and flexibility of the types of approaches you can take people out with. Mixing up those options makes it fun and useful as well as makes your character look cool.

● "Weather and the environment will affect gameplay in several ways. For example, some gear upgrades require components that can only be obtained at certain times of day or during certain weather conditions."¹ And because there are multiple huge hub locations this time, including the Syrian desert, there are different types of weather conditions and environmental issues you will have to deal with that were not even present in the last game.

● Lara can now climb trees. She can also swim underwater like the games previous to TR2013, which adds whole layers of gameplay possibilities. She can also use this to modify her combat opportunities, such as diving underwater to hide or swimming close to an enemy by the shore and surprising them out of the water.

These are just a small sample of the improvements made, alongside all the type "sequel" stuff like new enemy types, new story and the obvious visual enhancements. Whether or not you find them 'useful', they are huge additions that add fundamental options to the titles core gameplay and by definition must be considered as not insignificant additions to this new TR series. Some of them add whole new realms of possibilities if the developers are clever enough to utilize them, although there's no way to judge that until we get the full game.

Somehow, even with all this it still seems like TR 2013: Snow Edition to me. It's probably the UI.
I wrote this to another poster earlier who said nothing new was added (not because I think this game looks good or anything, mind. you know how i feel about the new TR series) -->
That all could be interesting if implemented well. Will definitely keep an eye out for footage that goes into this new stuff and that speaks to their promise of expanded tombs. I certainly don't expect an old school TR any more, but think they have plenty of room to develop something that can attract old and new audiences, if they get the right mix.


Looks okay but I had thought they'd be bringing it back into the older style a bit more and actually raiding large tombs. Maybe I've just not seen any of that yet.

Have they said if it runs at 60 on Xbox One? The re-release on PS4 did

It's 30 FPS.
PS4 didn't run the original at 60 FPS. It was up to 60.


Looked good for cross-gen compared to the E3 clip, though the environments are a bit simple. Love the hair, the new facial capture, and I still like the voice actress. I'll be waiting a while for this one like a lot of others unfortunately, but I look forward to it down the line.


Gold Member
I hope the underwater swimming is just for quick pathways.

I dislike when games focus on it too much. The controls are always less to be desired, and it is just devoid of anything interesting.
I hope they concentrate more on the actual tomb raiding and encounters with animals then they do with shooting people. That's what was great about the first tomb raider. Crazy traps within the caves and tombs and fights against T-Rex and Raptors and lions and shit


I think it looks fantastic:


Weird thing with the hair is it looks like the snow is one obvious texture overlay on it


UC and TR are completely different beasts these days. TR shares more with TLoU because of its more developed stealth and crafting.


I hope they concentrate more on the actual tomb raiding and encounters with animals then they do with shooting people. That's what was great about the first tomb raider. Crazy traps within the caves and tombs and fights against T-Rex and Raptors and lions and shit

As I said in my review eviscerating TR2013, one of the things that most disappointed me was that the actual jump physics/mechanics were really not bad at all. That is to say, she had a decent amount of maneuverability within them and they had a level of predictability to them that made it feel pretty good.

The issue was that at no point in the game were the areas actually designed to make any meaningful use of it, and there was usually such a huge window of error that nothing was ever challenging or contained any tension. It was the epitome of a wasted effort, especially considering it came from a series famous for spine-curdling leaps of faith.
Because it's terrible gameplay...Uncharted makes up for it because it's encounters are dynamic and set pieces are amazing, it also has great Multiplayer.....Also UC4 seems to be moving further away from it. Scripted events are lazy and take control from the player it is literally all style no substance if they are over done, in TR it seems almost every they have show is full of them.

In my opinion there's nothing inherently "bad" about scripted events. I think they're great when used correctly and are a huge positive as it pertains to the immersiveness and fun of a game. I feel they're used to amazing effect in both the Tomb Raider and Uncharted series.

I don't get the point of knocking them simply for existing like many often do. If they had shown too much shooting in Tomb Raider the complaints would've been that they've gone more heavy action heavy in the sequel, and that it's a sign of Microsoft shifting the series in a bad direction.
It's a game. I wonder how many gunshots most heroes take in videogames and they just brush it off? How many times are you shot as Nathan Drake during a standard playthrough?

I do wish TR was more realistic but at the same time I don't want to die from a grizzly bear wound that got infected because I didn't clean it properly, or bleed out and die from blood loss.

Nathan Drake lives in a universe that's not our own, and Naughty Dog has already addressed that and the games show.

In fact, if you look in Uncharted 4, Nathen never actually gets shot, the bullets all miss him like in an action movie.

But you're right, there are always game elements that must be overlooks from a narritive perspective. Some games simply do it better than others due to the games either having non serious narritives or addressing common game tropes like being shot, and simply adjusts it to fit the game (again a Naughty Dog example. In The Last of Us Joel was never shot in the body iirc, it's always grazing shots in the arms or non-vital organs. The only time you get shot in the body/head are when you run out of health)

Jesus every TR thread, and you have people nitpicking and talking shit about it or comparing to n different types of games. Can we please stop UC mentions?

No, because Tomb Raider is obviously inspired by Uncharted in it's set pieces, just like Uncharted was obviously inspired by OG Tomb Raider and Indiana Jones.

Besides, the criticism holds its own, I'm simply comparing it to a game that does it right.


Liked Tr 2013 a lot. So hyped for it. Just have to wait longer to play it.

Also people complaining that it is too much like uncharted I would say is not a bad thing. We currently have only these two franchises there should be more like them
As I said in my review eviscerating TR2013, one of the things that most disappointed me was that the actual jump physics/mechanics were really not bad at all. That is to say, she had a decent amount of maneuverability within them and they had a level of predictability to them that made it feel pretty good.

The issue was that at no point in the game were the areas actually designed to make any meaningful use of it, and there was usually such a huge window of error that nothing was ever challenging or contained any tension. It was the epitome of a wasted effort, especially considering it came from a series famous for spine-curdling leaps of faith.

Yeah you can tell the team that put together the first few Tomb Raiders is long gone. Hell in Tomb Raider 2 you started inside Lara's mansion and used it as a training ground to master the controls and the various moves you could do and the swimming and shooting and everything. Was brilliant. And the game was centered around platforming and puzzles and narrowly avoiding traps and all that stuff. Was fantastic. The moment it began centering around fighting other humans it started dropping like a rock in overall quality.

When they showed that first photo with the bear it made me think oh shit they are actually returning to the series roots! Hopefully they do


I think it looks fantastic:

This is one of my most anticipated games of the year (I got an XB1 in anticipation of this game), but honestly it has been visually underwhelming so far. The character models look great, the lighting looks great, and the weather effects such as wind and snow looks great, but that is about it. I think the biggest reasons for my disappointment in the visuals is that from what I have seen the textures all look very low res compared to everything else coming out these days, the IQ looks pretty poor, and everything has that UE3 plastic look to it. I hope it's just poor video quality that is to blame, but I'm not so sure. I will play and enjoy the game regardless, but I really do hope they are able to at least improve the IQ for launch.
Personally I'm tired of tacked on RPG mechanics in games that have zero need for them.

They are just artificial ways to either enhance length or somehow make the player feel like they accomplished something great, when in reality it's just a part of the game that could have been done much faster and in a more interesting way.

There is really no need for this game to have a crafting system, it's not open world and you don't really get to choose who you fight.


Looks much like the last game but set in snow. Kind of sick of a Tomb Raider game involving so many enemy NPC's round every corner and a severe lack of tombs. The whole magic of the original games long long ago was that sense of real isolation. Some of that was due to the sheer sparse audio and very basic graphics, but much of it was intentional and really there's been nothing like it since.

Everything went into shooty shooty bang bang overload and we never got our Tomb Raider back. The last game was ok, but at times just depressing from the sheer gameplay overload. Collect this, that and the next thing to upgrade some axe or bow or something, and manage to go about 5 minutes until the next part with a group of humans to kill, with a 2 minute (literally) long puzzle in a "tomb" to solve along the way.

Tomb Raider was about pyramids in vast underground caverns, marvelling at ancient artefacts and writing (on the wall) and soaking up that atmosphere. Modern Tomb Raider... it's a good game, just not the game I want to play. If it's wanting to be something like Uncharted then the flat uninspiring cast of characters ensures it falls flat on it's face in that fight.

All of this of course is posted off one short video and the main game, I know, has promised a bit more actual Tomb Raiding... so I might be completely wrong.


At this point nobody should ever take your opinion seriously. Let me describe to you the shooting mechanics across different games:

Gears: Left trigger to aim, right stick to target, right trigger to shoot

Dead Space: Left trigger to aim, right stick to target, right trigger to shoot

Resident Evil 5/6: Left trigger to aim, right stick to target, right trigger to shoot

Tomb Raider Reboot: Left trigger to aim, right stick to target, right trigger to shoot

Uncharted 1-3: Left trigger to aim, right stick to target, right trigger to shoot

The idea that you isolate Uncharted for utilizing the same shooting "mechanics" as shit is a transparent to your character as a whole.

This just reeks of desperation to look for a problem when there is not because your are incapable of backing a coherent explanation for the sake of engaging a response. There are many things and flaws you can pull but the one you had to chose is the one practically none existent.

Same mechanics, shitey controls.
Uncharted is right up there with GTA's controls.
Why did you not mention GTA's controls?
The visceral feel you have when controlling other superior games just isn't there.

The idea that you isolate Uncharted for utilizing the same shooting "mechanics" as shit is a transparent to your character as a whole.


my poor character.


Looks pretty damn good, and I don't get UC4 hype it looks like UC 3.5 to me not that impressive.

Oh dear lord. From a gameplay perspective Uncharted is epic. From a technical stand point Uncharted is the gaming equivalent of Pixar and should win every award for technical achievement for that demo alone. Trying to downplay and pretend TR is on par with it is really stretching the limits of believability! :p


Oh dear lord. From a gameplay perspective Uncharted is epic. From a technical stand point Uncharted is the gaming equivalent of Pixar and should win every award for technical achievement for that demo alone. Trying to downplay and pretend TR is on par with it is really stretching the limits of believability! :p



In my opinion there's nothing inherently "bad" about scripted events. I think they're great when used correctly and are a huge positive as it pertains to the immersiveness and fun of a game. I feel they're used to amazing effect in both the Tomb Raider and Uncharted series.

I don't get the point of knocking them simply for existing like many often do. If they had shown too much shooting in Tomb Raider the complaints would've been that they've gone more heavy action heavy in the sequel, and that it's a sign of Microsoft shifting the series in a bad direction.

It's bad when it's all smoke and mirrors imo. Lots of exciting and dangerous stuff happening on your screen visually, but as a player your controls are limited and real danger is almost nonexistent.
Same mechanics, shitey controls.
Uncharted is right up there with GTA's controls.
Why did you not mention GTA's controls?
The visceral feel you have when controlling other superior games just isn't there.

Now you're diverting the argument. GTA has horrendous input lag to the point I was actually fucking furious with the damn thing. That is not a terrible control scheme - it has terrible performance - big fucking difference. Playing it on PC at 60fps eliminates the lag which brings it to par in "shooting mechanics" across 3rd person shooters.

The idea that you bring Uncharted up to GTA's shitty latency issue is far reaching the bottom of the garbage can for an argument. The only time I know of that Uncharted has terribly performed in a shooting mechanic is the pre-patched release of Uncharted 3, which, has already been resolved thanks to NeoGAF. GTA? Same thing, today, tomorrow, and the century after.


Personally I'm tired of tacked on RPG mechanics in games that have zero need for them.

They are just artificial ways to either enhance length or somehow make the player feel like they accomplished something great, when in reality it's just a part of the game that could have been done much faster and in a more interesting way.

There is really no need for this game to have a crafting system, it's not open world and you don't really get to choose who you fight.

As long as they're not an actual roadblock I don't see much issue. The first game never had its crafting or scavenging ever get in your way of progression so I doubt you'd find any hindrance here aside from tools being locked away until later for that 'metroid-vania' type of re-exploration.

I noticed there were some resources titled 'exotic' in the video, but I bet that's more about broadening what you can make rather than limiting how effective you can be.
Cutting down quotes to avoid gigantic posts:

First, we do not know how good or bad the A.I. will be in Rise of the Tomb Raider.
Well, I for one think that the fact that it behaved just like TR2013 is pretty telling. Of course this is "speculation" because it's subject to change, but going by this logic, no one would ever be able to judge anything from previews at all.
full-sized tombs, multi-part puzzles
It's a good thing, but it's more related to level design than being an actual mechanic.
Crafting system has been greatly expanded
Considering how tacked-on this was on the last game, this isn't necessarily an improvement.
and you can make all sorts of useful tools and weapons that were absent from the previous game
Remember: I used "useful" in quotes specifically because it doesn't considerably change gameplay other than increasing the number of flashy ways you can kill enemies
I do not know exactly how the poison arrows function, but I can foresee for example an enemy getting poisoned and beginning to wander off and starting to choke, causing other enemies to investigate
Unfortunately it's just a stealth AoE shot. We saw this in this very video.
For example, sometimes difficulty is not the primary way someone gets enjoyment, but in the variety and flexibility of the types of approaches you can take people out with. Mixing up those options makes it fun and useful as well as makes your character look cool.
I don't entirely agree. Take stealth as an optional mechanic: it can be used just because of how different it is mechanically from going guns blazing, but it's also often a better (and sometimes worse) way to deal with a situation overall. Choosing stealth or guns makes a significant change in the way you approach a situation; throwing the gas can at those enemies in the video instead of shooting them does not, since they are all standard mooks that die easily and you gain nothing extra for this effort.
Weather and upgrades
I like the idea of weather, but am skeptical of how they only mentioned how it affects crafting (ugh).
Lara can now climb trees, swim.
Those are neat, though the usefulness of climbing trees has been overstated in this thread.
if the developers are clever enough to utilize them
That's a big if, considering how TR 2013 suffered from having ok mechanics poorly mashed together.

I would have commented on some Uncharted stuff, but I'd rather this thread got back on rails.
Same mechanics, shitey controls.
Uncharted is right up there with GTA's controls.
Why did you not mention GTA's controls?
The visceral feel you have when controlling other superior games just isn't there.


GTA is in another dimension of putrid when it comes to TPS games and the quality of their controls. Likening the two is really not serving your authority on the matter.

Demo looked bad. So hand-holdy and cinematic-tropey. That bear fight was incredibly dull. The way they had her stumble so severely after being hit 3 times in a row looked insufferably frustrating; really egregious removal of control from the player.


Now you're diverting the argument. GTA has horrendous input lag to the point I was actually fucking furious with the damn thing. That is not a terrible control scheme - it has terrible performance - big fucking difference. Playing it on PC at 60fps eliminates the lag which brings it to par in "shooting mechanics" across 3rd person shooters.

The idea that you bring Uncharted up to GTA's shitty latency issue is far reaching the bottom of the garbage can for an argument. The only time I know of that Uncharted has terribly performed in a shooting mechanic is the pre-patched release of Uncharted 3, which, has already been resolved thanks to NeoGAF. GTA? Same thing, today, tomorrow, and the century after.

We are talking about Uncharted, we are already at the bottom of the garbage can!
Maybe it is latency, I don't know.
As a third person shooter it performs awfully.
Left, right, up, down, it just ain't as visceral as other better 3rd person shooters.
It's a bit shit tbh.



GTA is in another dimension of putrid when it comes to TPS games and the quality of their controls. Likening the two is really not serving your authority on the matter.

Demo looked bad. So hand-holdy and cinematic-tropey. That bear fight was incredibly dull. The way they had her stumble so severely after being hit 3 times in a row looked insufferably frustrating; really egregious removal of control from the player.

Lol, my authority on the matter.

You guys!


Haven't heard anything about MP yet. Kind of hope they ditch it and maybe do co-op tomb raiding instead. Buddy moves, opening up routes for the other person, etc... You could even make that competitive - have them start on opposite cliffs and have a race to the treasure or something.

Or we could keep talking about Uncharted and other fucking games in a Tomb Raider thread. That's cool too.
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