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Itagaki: I WILL RELEASE Devil's Third in North and South America


Unconfirmed Member
I guess Nintendo figures if Bayonetta 2 couldn't sell, what chance does Devil's Third have?

eshop and digital only. Hell just throw it up there, I really don't see any reason not to do. It's not like they have to pay for a lot of bandwidth......
eshop and digital only. Hell just throw it up there, I really don't see any reason not to do. It's not like they have to pay for a lot of bandwidth......
I am curious if NoA told him they could only go digital and he refused.
Fatal Frame decided digital only was ok.
Removing Itagaki's name from it for a moment, what exactly are people excited about this game?
-Its an action/shooter hybrid on a system deprived of both
-melee segments still show some of the Ninja Gaiden DNA
-seemingly over the top single player mode
-interesting setting involving Kessler Syndrome and its effect on military operations
-it has one of the more robust multiplayer options I've seen in a game
-Vanquish style slides
-looks fun


Removing Itagaki's name from it for a moment, what exactly are people excited about this game?

To me, it looks fun as hell. There's some sort of base building mechanic(?) And I loved that shit in Starhawk, the character creation looks silly and fun and the idea of having a melee combat system in a shooter is great

The campaign looks really dumb in all the right ways and appeals to my personal tastes


-Its an action/shooter hybrid on a system deprived of both
-melee segments still show some of the Ninja Gaiden DNA
-seemingly over the top single player mode
-interesting setting involving Kessler Syndrome and its effect on military operations
-it has one of the more robust multiplayer options I've seen in a game
-Vanquish style slides
-looks fun


plus: player mobility via lots of climbing around combined with the blend of shooting/sword combat seems super interesting.


Well, now he knows that he has a loyal buyer here in Brazil.



I want to buy this game now just to spite Nintendo

Well played marketing department. Well played.

Same, Itagaki has been shit on from great heights for years, and this is just too much. Hes making the push himself, and even if the game doesnt end up being GOTY material, his tenacity and "F&#@ You" attitude about this whole situation deserves my money.

Fox Mulder

One more reason for me to avoid Nintendo consoles in the future... :/


NoA has really turned me off the wiiu and even the fun of amiibos. This is after the Wii where fans had to beg for games that were already localized.

NoA is just brutally cheap and apparently little independent power in the largest market for the company.
Thank you, Itagaki. Appreciated.

Same, Itagaki has been shit on from great heights for years, and this is just too much. Hes making the push himself, and even if the game doesnt end up being GOTY material, his tenacity and "F&#@ You" attitude about this whole situation deserves my money.

You know, I never played one of his games before, and my first impression of him was honestly a big enough eye roll that I found I had a brain. But then I watched him in that Nintendo Direct type video (because I'm already down for the Devil's Third) and found out that he posed for Ivan on the game cover. Dude! Dig the balls on this man!
Itagaki! Who you warring with?!


NoA has really turned me off the wiiu and even the fun of amiibos. This is after the Wii where fans had to beg for games that were already localized.

NoA is just brutally cheap and apparently little independent power in the largest market for the company.

Yeah it's always kind of sad to see NoA being cheap.
One more reason for me to avoid Nintendo consoles in the future... :/

Not sure where you got that. Nintendo saved a project and the game is coming here in some way. Not sure what's wrong with that.
We also don't know the details either way. Whether Nintendo is still publishing here or another publisher is.
I am curious if NoA told him they could only go digital and he refused.
Fatal Frame decided digital only was ok.

I have a feeling this might be the case. I can see Itagaki be really pissed when Nintendo tell him his game isn't going to get physical release.

What's next then? Finding another publisher? Like XSEED?


Not sure where you got that. Nintendo saved a project and the game is coming here in some way. Not sure what's wrong with that.
We also don't know the details either way. Whether Nintendo is still publishing here or another publisher is.

Still I don't think we should even be having this many questions when every other region is locked in.


Because they're Nintendo of America and Nintendo of America's only job is to make all these ridiculously stupid decisions without any kind of reasonable explanation.

In this case, not releasing Devil's Third in America was probably the smart choice. If this gets released now, it'll be like watching that one kid at the track meet trying to jump the hurdles. You want to cheer for him, but cringe every time he jumps over a hurdle and falls flat on his face.

L Thammy

Is he going to burn the discs himself? Hand them out in jewel cases? I'm sure he's devoted to getting his game out. Any developer probably would be. But we still don't know who's publishing it, if anyone.

-Its an action/shooter hybrid on a system deprived of both
-melee segments still show some of the Ninja Gaiden DNA
-seemingly over the top single player mode
-interesting setting involving Kessler Syndrome and its effect on military operations
-it has one of the more robust multiplayer options I've seen in a game
-Vanquish style slides
-looks fun

- has a lot of Buddhist inspiration

Cool for mythology nerds like me. They've mentioned karma, which seems to be a theme. The Tale of the Heike, which is a historical fiction epic about karma. Images of Fudo Myoo and other Buddhist gods. Might go somewhere neat.

Fox Mulder

Not sure where you got that. Nintendo saved a project and the game is coming here in some way. Not sure what's wrong with that.
We also don't know the details either way. Whether Nintendo is still publishing here or another publisher is.

It's annoying that there's routinely doubt with NoA releasing certain games here that other regions get. They're fucking cheap.


Any reason some people are claiming that the account is fake?

Dude has selfies with other people posted?

I'm not sure. I think he was the one that broke the news on his Facebook page about Fatal Frame 5 being localized long before it was confirmed, so I don't know why they're doubting the veracity now.
I thought this was a character action game. Itagaki with that Ninja Gaiden pedigree and all. I checked out the video and ehhhh...

Doesn't look like much of a loss if it doesn't make it stateside.
"Today, a man wearing a pizza mask holding a katana breaks into Nintendo of America's Headquarters and slices CEO Reggie Fils-Aime head off.

His famous last words being"My body wasn't ready."

A search has been conducted my the police to find the man. They speculate he is hiding in a Japanese spa with thousands of beautiful Japanese women."

Have to say, NOA must think this game sucks if they aren't bothering to release it here. Then again, they did the same for Xenoblade which was a hit. So, I dunno.


People are losing their shit over it disappearing from the upcoming games list in the eShop. That is all that happened here.
The thing is that as noted in the other thread, Nintendo didn't removed the game from any list. They have a Future Releases section with recent trailers of upcoming stuff. They just put the current favorite videos in that category. Since the newish ones were all E3 videos, those took the place.

El Sabroso

So wait,

I haven't been following this, have Nintendo stated they are not bringing it to USA?

NoA is just not doing the work NoE is doing like giving release date, or any news at all

a lot of ppl is worried the game ends not being published in Americas because of that, even Nintendo.com still has the release date as TBA


NoA is just not doing the work NoE is doing like giving release date, or any news at all

a lot of ppl is worried the game ends not being published in Americas because of that, even Nintendo.com still has the release date as TBA

Ahh cool, I was aware of that there had been further developments
-Its an action/shooter hybrid on a system deprived of both
-melee segments still show some of the Ninja Gaiden DNA
-seemingly over the top single player mode
-interesting setting involving Kessler Syndrome and its effect on military operations
-it has one of the more robust multiplayer options I've seen in a game
-Vanquish style slides
-looks fun


plus: player mobility via lots of climbing around combined with the blend of shooting/sword combat seems super interesting.

all this plus:

--map editing for online modes

I thought this was a character action game. Itagaki with that Ninja Gaiden pedigree and all. I checked out the video and ehhhh...

Doesn't look like much of a loss if it doesn't make it stateside.

cause character action games are judged really well just from trailers, am i rite

the salt surrounding this game is really strange. The guy just made a game that he really wants to release. I guess underdogs have to make homey indie games to get any kind of love here.

So they didn't remove the listing from the eShop? Just from the 'Coming Soon' section? Games will get cycled off of there from time to time that still haven't launched?

Other than to needlessly manufacture worry, why was the other thread even created?


I just saw a video of this game and I'm definitely interested. So when was it originally supposed to come out?

I'll be getting it though.


Thanks Reggie.

NoE > NoA

NOA has been pretty active in messing with the dedicated consumer base recently:

1) Normal size New 3DS not released.

2)Yoshi for October.

3)The Fatal Frame localization. Too tight lipped in regards to the progress and they chose to put Yoshi for October when this made more sense.

4) Devil's Third situation. When the game is already announced for Japan and Europe.

The Wii U is not in a position for NOA to consider the prospect of any releases. It should launch whatever it gets. If investment is a concern at list do it diggitally or throught the online store.

No problem pissing on NOA but its not Reggie. Iwata is the boss of NOA and all of Nintendo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satoru_Iwata. Reggie just does what he is told. Seems to me Reggie is in our corner trying to get these things but he has others who tell him what is going to happen. For some reason a lot of this seems to be supply risk. Since NA is a huge market it takes a big investment in physical stuff to come here. I think THQ debacle with their pad for Wii has scared Iwata.

Reggie often takes a hit because he trys to explain how decisions are made, I am guessing whether he likes them or not. So just vent it at Iwata, he is the guy who can make things happen in NOA.
I like to think that Nintendo and Itagaki have some distinctive plans for the release of The Devil's Third in North America.

No need to even wait patiently, just do something else until it happens.


No problem pissing on NOA but its not Reggie. Iwata is the boss of NOA and all of Nintendo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satoru_Iwata. Reggie just does what he is told. Seems to me Reggie is in our corner trying to get these things but he has others who tell him what is going to happen. For some reason a lot of this seems to be supply risk. Since NA is a huge market it takes a big investment in physical stuff to come here. I think THQ debacle with their pad for Wii has scared Iwata.

Reggie often takes a hit because he trys to explain how decisions are made, I am guessing whether he likes them or not. So just vent it at Iwata, he is the guy who can make things happen in NOA.

Yes and No. NoA provides all of the marketing data and research and informs the decisions being made. Let's be real here, NCL sets the budgets, and if NoA thinks their share of the marketing budget would be better served elsewhere they will tell NCL.
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