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Whoa this thread is all doom and gloom these days! :p

I've been continuing my playthrough of Shenmue 1 and I've finally made it to the end fights which is freaking hard! I only make it like half way through before getting owned by one of the mini bosses. I'll give it some more time tonight hopefully.

The scene with Nozomi and the bike is awesome as ever though <3 Plus I called her just before the big fight is about to kick off and Ryo tries to express his feelings yet is very hesitant! Ryo BAKAAAA.


Barely reaching 5 millions only demonstrates why publishers won't finance this game.
kickstarter backers doesn't even remotely equal potential sales. not every shenmue fan aware of the campaign have donated either. you'd know this if you read the thread only as little as three pages back.

anyway, the new update was pretty interesting.

did they just stealthily confirm the series will be heading into tibet eventually? they need to do an update about the cut content from shenmue II as well, that'd be a very interesting one. ideally the media may pick up on that as a story and bring a little more positive media attention back to the campaign.


Are you assuming that the tier is double the digital release? It'll boost the funding but I expect the proportion that will be going to development will not be double since the cost of production will take a decent chunk.

I'm just talking about total funding not net (less fees and other expenses). It's just a rough estimate - maybe 30-50% of the digital upgrade and then thousands of new people join because they are waiting for physical.


Neat update. I am curious in the interview he alludes to the following pictures;



Saying this content was cut from final version of Shenmue (I'm assuming he meant Shenmue 2) as it didn't work with games flow. The community long speculated this was footage from early version of Shenmue III on Dreamast. I guess it may not be the case.

These screenshots look so cool. Honestly, if S3 looks exactly like this (basically the old games) with dual analog and 16:9 HD I would be satisfied.


Barely reaching 5 millions only demonstrates why publishers won't finance this game.

Yeah, still having a decent chance of being the highest earning gaming kickstarter of all time is really proving those publishers right.

There will be enough interest and coverage around launch that if Yu Suzuki can make a great game then it will sell.


It's going to end up well over 5 million. It's pulled in A LOT of money. You need to get some perspective and realise that this is doing extremely well for a kick-starter.
you'd think some people would realise that the kickstarter doesn't end for another 18 days. even if it's a crawl until the last big final surge, we'll still cross $5 million. it's $6 million we have to really work for.


Barely reaching 5 millions only demonstrates why publishers won't finance this game.

what the hell? your words would be truth if we were talking about not reaching 2 millions, but not even games that would sell millions can pull off 5 millions in KS and shenmue 3 is a very special case.
Don't know if this was posted, but a petition to fire Awesome Japan is building steam and the comments are looking ugly with lots of people saying they are removing their pledge because of the mismanagement.
This is childish and very embarrassing. /facepalm

I refuse to believe these are actual Shenmue fans. I understand the kickstarter isn't as consistently funded daily as number crunchers would like but this is Shenmue, not Megaman or Castlevania. The game never had the mainstream draw those other successful kickstarter games had for them. Shenmue is awesome but I think the initial 2 million spike was due to hardcore Shenmue fans like myself.

This is not how to fix things. You'll end up giving news sites fodder for their clickbait stories with this kind of nonsense.


It's going to end up well over 5 million. It's pulled in A LOT of money. You need to get some perspective and realise that this is doing extremely well for a kick-starter.

kickstarter backers doesn't even remotely equal potential sales. not every shenmue fan aware of the campaign have donated either. you'd know this if you read the thread only as little as three pages back.

anyway, the new update was pretty interesting.

did they just stealthily confirm the series will be heading into tibet eventually? they need to do an update about the cut content from shenmue II as well, that'd be a very interesting one. ideally the media may pick up on that as a story and bring a little more positive media attention back to the campaign.

Yeah, still having a decent chance of being the highest earning gaming kickstarter of all time is really proving those publishers right.

There will be enough interest and coverage around launch that if Yu Suzuki can make a great game then it will sell.

what the hell? your words would be truth if we were talking about not reaching 2 millions, but not even games that would sell millions can pull off 5 millions in KS and shenmue 3 is a very special case.

For 5-6 million the ultra mega hype that was behind the game is nothing for a publisher, especially after breaking the 2mill barrier between hours. That what I meant. he thought he could easily get 10 millions.

The Kickstarter was horribly made. There is not a re-cap or some sort of thing to get new people to back this project.

I didn't mean to say anything bad or wrong.


Barely reaching 5 millions only demonstrates why publishers won't finance this game.
This is really ignorant.

Crowdfunding is different from sales. Most people want a product, not a promise, so the amount this Kickstarter raises is in no way indicative of final sales. There are probably a lot more people out there waiting for the game to come out before they pay.

In fact, considering how much this game has raised so far, despite the blundering PR campaign and press smears, that it's looking like it will brush up close to Bloodstained's numbers (from what was a super-slick Kickstarter campaign with none of the bullshit) is promising.

Forget the $11m stretch goals; they were never going to be hit. The blame for that rests with Yu Suzuki for even considering that that was attainable. However, that doesn't mean that the $11m is unfeasible from a publisher perspective. Money raised in crowdfunding for a game that's still 2.5 years out is far from a representative amount of how much the game could actually bring in post-release.


Ladies, for 5-6 million the ultra mega hype that was behind the game is nothing for a publisher, especially after breaking the 2mill barrier between hours. That what I meant. he thought he could easily get 10 millions.

The Kickstarter was horribly made. There is not a re-cap or some sort of thing to get new people to back this project.

I didn't mean to say anything bad or wrong.
the fact you're actually looking to insult us with something as banal and sexist as calling us ladies for disagreeing with you through logic, reason, and proven evidence of KS backer vs final sales just goes to show you really have no intention of adding anything meaningful to this conversation.


This is really ignorant.
I'm not being ignorant. I know how Kickstarter works.

What I really mean is, that behind the publishers eye, is not enough. This game has been asked for years and years and we its finally announced, doesn't meet the full expectation.

I'm not trying to say anything bad about the game/future game. I'm pretty sure it will be a good game and hopefully have good sales.

but again, I might be well wrong and hopefully reaches 6+ millions.

the fact you're actually looking to insult us with something as banal and sexist as calling us ladies for disagreeing with you through logic, reason, and proven evidence of KS backer vs final sales just goes to show you really have no intention of adding anything meaningful to this conversation.

wow wow, hold on. I didn't mean to offend anyone here. My apologies if you felt offended, but you also need to relax. I removed the ladies thing.
Once again my apologies.

Also, you clearly only read the ladies thing and ignore the whole post because that's not what I meant.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I'm so happy! I got TWO Shenmooo updates today and one basically said a PS4 version is coming. Announce it YUUUU and I will double my pledge.


I'm not being ignorant. I know how Kickstarter works.

What I really mean is, that behind the publishers eye, is not enough. This game has been asked for years and years and we its finally announced, doesn't mean the full expectation.

I'm not trying to say anything bad about the game/future game. I'm pretty sure it will be a good game and hopefully have good sales
Look at it this way. If a publisher announced a game that was 2.5 years away and it raked in $3m worth of pre-orders in two days, they'd probably be pretty happy about that. I can't imagine most people pre-order until much closer to release, if at all.

Of course crowdfunding isn't completely analogous to pre-orders, but that the game can raise that sort of cash long before it releases is impressive.


For 5-6 million the ultra mega hype that was behind the game is nothing for a publisher, especially after breaking the 2mill barrier between hours. That what I meant. he thought he could easily get 10 millions.

The Kickstarter was horribly made. There is not a re-cap or some sort of thing to get new people to back this project.

I didn't mean to say anything bad or wrong.

And how did you come into this conclusion? that's mere speculation, please, don't let the eager to see it reaching 10 millions blind you.
They don't get new people into this project because of the nature of Shenmue itself (This is a sequel of a very old game that hasn't been rereleased not a brand new experience), not because of the KS, and the FUD isn't helping.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
What I really mean is, that behind the publishers eye, is not enough. This game has been asked for years and years and we its finally announced, doesn't mean the full expectation.

Despite all the criticism, the campaign is still breaking kickstarter records. What expectations are not being met?

Sure, the campaign started with an unprecedented amount of attention thanks to the exposure at Sony's E3 conference, but still...

J2 Cool

I find it really strange you can go back on pledges with kickstarter. Its a strange one to see back under 47k hours later. Its really now in the middle of a campaign presentation of your KS matters. At least we got the character design video. They really need an artist to go in and pretty the page up though. New template new main video would do really nice.


I'm playing through Shenmue 2 again via nulldc and am reminded just how crazy detailed the world is.

Just give me something more interesting than 3 extra capsule toys and i'll up my pledge to $500.


I'm not being ignorant. I know how Kickstarter works.

What I really mean is, that behind the publishers eye, is not enough. This game has been asked for years and years and we its finally announced, doesn't mean the full expectation.

I'm not trying to say anything bad about the game/future game. I'm pretty sure it will be a good game and hopefully have good sales.

wow wow, hold on. I didn't mean to offend anyone here. My apologies if you felt offended.
how about replying to the full content of omikaru's post instead of just snipping everything besides the first line?

if 500,000k on KS is enough for a publisher to be confident enough to put up 90% of bloodstained's funding, why would shenmue hitting $2 million in under two days (it took bloodstained twice as long) be some kind of worrying information for any publisher?

not that it actually matters. shenmue 3 is going to be self-published by ys.net.


And how did you come into this conclusion? that's mere speculation, please, don't let the eager to see it reaching 10 millions blind you.
They don't get new people into this project because of the nature of Shenmue itself, not because of the KS, and the FUD isn't helping.

Despite all the criticism, the campaign is still breaking kickstarter records. What expectations are not being met?

Sure, the campaign started with an unprecedented amount of attention thanks to the exposure at Sony's E3 conference, but still...

I'm the type of person that I don't support a project if the minimum asked its just to secure a goal.

Maybe I'm taking the 10mill thing too literal. Which I shouldn't have.


I'm playing through Shenmue 2 again via nulldc and am reminded just how crazy detailed the world is.

Just give me something more interesting than 3 extra capsule toys and i'll up my pledge to $500.
How do the classics play via nulldc these days? Last time I tried it there was some weird glitching with Ryo's hair that made it transparent in parts.

Pretty much put me off playing the game via emulation. Which is a shame as it otherwise seemed to play fine.


How do the classics play via nulldc these days? Last time I tried it there was some weird glitching with Ryo's hair that made it transparent in parts.

Pretty much put me off playing the game via emulation. Which is a shame as it otherwise seemed to play fine.

Nulldc still does the same thing. Demul runs without those glitches, but the downside it is much more system intensive. Not sure if Demul has improved on that front.


How do the classics play via nulldc these days? Last time I tried it there was some weird glitching with Ryo's hair that made it transparent in parts.

Pretty much put me off playing the game via emulation. Which is a shame as it otherwise seemed to play fine.
give demul a go. very resource intensive and heavily tied to your vram though. anything over 3x resolution is borked in dx11 mode too.


Nulldc still does the same thing. Demul runs without those glitches, but the downside it is much more system intensive. Not sure if Demul has improved on that front.

give demul a go. very resource intensive and heavily tied to your vram though. anything over 3x resolution is borked in dx11 mode too.

I did try demul, but speed was an issue (that was back when I had a Core2Quad Q6600). As it happens, the developer posted some screenshots ~11 days ago, so they are still working on it despite its last update being in 2013 (can't say the same for nullDC).

Not to mention my PC is considerably better now than it was back then, so I may give it another whirl with demul this time.

A shame nulldc is all but dead, however. I was hoping we'd have a Dreamcast emulator that is as amazing as Dolphin or PCSX2 by this point. At least the demul guys are keeping the torch lit!


I did try demul, but speed was an issue (that was back when I had a Core2Quad Q6600). As it happens, the developer posted some screenshots ~11 days ago, so they are still working on it despite its last update being in 2013 (can't say the same for nullDC).

Not to mention my PC is considerably better now than it was back then, so I may give it another whirl with demul this time.

A shame nulldc is all but dead, however. I was hoping we'd have a Dreamcast emulator that is as amazing as Dolphin or PCSX2 by this point. At least the demul guys are keeping the torch lit!

The nullDC devs are wokring on reicast: http://reicast.com/ It's mainly for android atm but it will eventually have a PC build.

Demul doesnt't run fullspeed for me at anything higher than native resolution but i'll try it again once I get my new gtx980ti.


The nullDC devs are wokring on reicast: http://reicast.com/ It's mainly for android atm but it will eventually have a PC build.

Demul doesnt't run fullspeed for me at anything higher than native resolution but i'll try it again once I get my new gtx980ti.

Ah, I didn't know much about reicast. I guess I could buy an Ouya. :3

As for my PC, it's an i5 2500k and GTX 960 now. I'm hoping that has enough muscle to get some decent speeds on Demul.
The state of that Twitch interview with Yu Suzuki, my god.

I'm not even sure I blame Awesome Japan for it. That interview was so bad, I can't believe Awesome Japan would have displayed a shred of competence at any time that made Suzuki go, yes, this is the team that should handle Shenmue 3's Kickstarter.

Almost speechless at how bad it is.

On one hand, I'm thrilled Shenmue 3 is finally happening. On the other, with the PR and Kickstarter blunders, I can't help but wonder how much funding this could have reached. Real, real shame :(


Ah, I didn't know much about reicast. I guess I could buy an Ouya. :3

As for my PC, it's an i5 2500k and GTX 960 now. I'm hoping that has enough muscle to get some decent speeds on Demul.

Get a Shield tablet. I'm using it as a tablet emulator and it works great!!! Recast works wonderfully on it w/ Shenmue albeit with a few graphical glitches.


I don't even care about how the kickstarter has been handled that much. It's.not that horrible and red shirt guy wasn't horrible, just weird, stoned and quirky.

I'm just over the moon Shenmue is finally funking happening. Can't believe it.


For 5-6 million the ultra mega hype that was behind the game is nothing for a publisher, especially after breaking the 2mill barrier between hours. That what I meant. he thought he could easily get 10 millions.

The Kickstarter was horribly made. There is not a re-cap or some sort of thing to get new people to back this project.

I didn't mean to say anything bad or wrong.

There's nothing wrong with the Kickstarter, other than the huge 10% cut Kickstarter are to take and some awful comments and complaints. Funding is breaking records, there are other backers for the project and the game is definitely happening. Yu went nuts with stretch goals because he can't help himself, but I think they'll extend public funding beyond this and get everything they need.

As long as Yu Suzuki sticks to his vision for the game I'll be happy. It seems that way and there are a lot of people back from I&II.
Neat update. I am curious in the interview he alludes to the following pictures;



Saying this content was cut from final version of Shenmue (I'm assuming he meant Shenmue 2) as it didn't work with games flow. The community long speculated this was footage from early version of Shenmue III on Dreamast. I guess it may not be the case.

These screenshots still make me so sad.
Even in-light of the Kickstarter, this is still the game I want.

There's no way a village was cut from Shenmue 1, can anybody who understands Japanese confirm if he says the same...?
I don't trust Awesome Japan's voiceover at all! Haha
Get a Shield tablet. I'm using it as a tablet emulator and it works great!!! Recast works wonderfully on it w/ Shenmue albeit with a few graphical glitches.

Cool to know! I have an Ouya (that never gets used), so hopefully it has enough horsepower to run Shenmue. I just played through it on Dreamcast with a VGA cable, but it never hurts to play through the game again :)


These screenshots still make me so sad.
Even in-light of the Kickstarter, this is still the game I want.

There's no way a village was cut from Shenmue 1, can anybody who understands Japanese confirm if he says the same...?
I don't trust Awesome Japan's voiceover at all! Haha

The voiceover is kind of on point.

He says the village was cut from Shenmue II, with the reason being that it didn't really fit in with the flow of the story at that point, which just got a huge overhaul at the time.
(Considering the effort that was put into creating the village and characters with Chinese ethnical clothing) staff was of course very surprised it got cut.
How do the classics play via nulldc these days? Last time I tried it there was some weird glitching with Ryo's hair that made it transparent in parts.

Pretty much put me off playing the game via emulation. Which is a shame as it otherwise seemed to play fine.
As others have said, Demul is the way to go, if you have the system to run it. It runs great for me.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Cool to know! I have an Ouya (that never gets used), so hopefully it has enough horsepower to run Shenmue. I just played through it on Dreamcast with a VGA cable, but it never hurts to play through the game again :)
I have an ouya. It barely had enough horse power to turn on. I really doubt it can run shenmooooooooooo


Get a Shield tablet. I'm using it as a tablet emulator and it works great!!! Recast works wonderfully on it w/ Shenmue albeit with a few graphical glitches.

Eh, I already have an iPad Air 2, so I'm not interested in another tablet in my life (and between a gaming PC, Mac Mini, iPhone 5c, iPad Air 2, New 3DS, PS Vita, PS3, PS4, PSTV and Wii U, I have far too many gadgets, so I won't be adding another).

I was of course joking about the Ouya, and I'm not really in the Android ecosystem save for a few games I bought via Humble Bundles. I'll probably check out demul and hope that if reicast is eventually ported to Windows/OS X, it performs well.

Or maybe we will get Shenmue I & II HD before that happens. :3


The state of that Twitch interview with Yu Suzuki, my god.

I'm not even sure I blame Awesome Japan for it. That interview was so bad, I can't believe Awesome Japan would have displayed a shred of competence at any time that made Suzuki go, yes, this is the team that should handle Shenmue 3's Kickstarter.

Almost speechless at how bad it is.

On one hand, I'm thrilled Shenmue 3 is finally happening. On the other, with the PR and Kickstarter blunders, I can't help but wonder how much funding this could have reached. Real, real shame :(

I mean it's not just the crazy dude, but the camcorder-quality stream, the weird pacing, the decision to take Twitch questions instead of collecting them from Twitter and so on.

No idea how they convinced Yu
If there's one thing I really like about this Kickstarter campaign, it's the interview videos. We've gotten so much cool information about the original development of the series through these, with more to come.


These screenshots still make me so sad.
Even in-light of the Kickstarter, this is still the game I want.

There's no way a village was cut from Shenmue 1, can anybody who understands Japanese confirm if he says the same...?
I don't trust Awesome Japan's voiceover at all! Haha

Well, scenes of Ryo in Hong Kong and involving Ren and characters that haven't yet been introduced can be seen in early Saturn footage of the game. There was probably loads more content in mind and production left out of what developed into Shenmue 1 for the Dreamcast.
The voiceover is kind of on point.

He says the village was cut from Shenmue II, with the reason being that it didn't really fit in with the flow of the story at that point, which just got a huge overhaul at the time.
(Considering the effort that was put into creating the village and characters with Chinese ethnical clothing) staff was of course very surprised it got cut.

Thank you! :)
Cutting it from 2 makes sense, it was him just saying "Shenmue" that threw me!
I guess Ryo originally took a detour before meeting Shenhua.

I'd love for any beta or cut footage to be released.


i would love to see some additional shenmue saturn footage. we know the ROM is still locked up in the sega vault, but if yu has access to shenmue assets, surely shenmue saturn would fall into that wheelhouse.

i'd love to have seen some more of that.
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