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|OT| Hillary Clinton testifies before the House Select Committee on Benghazi

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Well sure, yes those people exist but Fox and Drudge feed them and make them even more hungry and also spread it to a wider audience.

I don't know man. The venom has been there for as long as you go back in documented history. The church bombings, the lynchings, civil war, etc.


Was listening to conservative radio on my way to McDonald's and the host sounded so angry like Hilary had personally killed one of his family members. People were calling in almost in tears because this criminal is getting away with it.

Yeah it's pretty sad.

I used to listen to conservative radio as a joke sometimes because it used to be funny, now its just sad and scary how extreme its gotten.


I don't know man. The venom has been there for as long as you go back in documented history. The church bombings, the lynchings, civil war, etc.

Hmm well you're not wrong. I think though that society has been making great progress, especially in 1st world countries and you can see that as socialistic ideology is spreading. America though is being held back. I don't believe as a nation our people are just that much more naturally hateful than any other country. I think there is a cause and I would contribute a lot of that to the extreme right media.


I think you got the cause and effect wrong. Fox and drudge exist because these people WANT to hear the things they say, not because they showed up one day and convinced people to believe these things. It goes way deeper than that.

Not like dailykos and msnbc invented liberalism.

I think it cuts both ways. Foxnews has radicalized a lot of people and it has also been a bastion for the already radical. Some came seeking and others were indoctrinated to seek. It is hard not to credit FoxNews a lot for becoming a huge influence on conservative thought, driving agenda, polarizing the news and the way our political discussions are had.

They were probably the largest driving force at formalizing and structuring the establishment conservative agenda which has helped a lot of these secondary conservative outlets like Blaze, Drudge etc.

However it seems like it is getting to a point where they are losing a bit of grip on the monster they have.
Was listening to conservative radio on my way to McDonald's and the host sounded so angry like Hilary had personally killed one of his family members. People were calling in almost in tears because this criminal is getting away with it.

Yeah it's pretty sad.



I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
To be fair, Trey Gowdy didn't ask to be given life through the Demon's Souls character designer. Those are just the cards he was dealt.

“He looks like somebody put Anderson Cooper's face in a book overnight“ - Daily Show


IDK about "fox to a lesser extent" man. They have an article about how this committee destroyed Clinton and had her shaking in her boots.

Well I mean fox represents the establishment GOP while those other groups pretty much just support the tea partiers.

The establishment is usually at least a little more moderate both in words and actions.


Unconfirmed Member

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
The Fox News facebook posts and comments on this are amazing. It's almost sad to watch the mental gymnastics in play as they attempt to salvage anything.
Tried watching a highlight reel of this 11 hour madness, but it felt like the committee just kept repeating the same lines of questions nonstop and I just couldn't stand it after skimming about 5 hours.

Hillary is goddamn champ for going 11 hours with this desperate witch hunt. I highly doubt this 'committee' cares about the truth and those who died that day, just to continue a smear campaign.

Gowdy though...
my god was that man greasy. I though GAF was exaggerating about his oily ways, but wow, that man could slip n slide to the ends of the Earth and have enough grease to slide back home.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Tried watching a highlight reel of this 11 hour madness, but it felt like the committee just kept repeating the same lines of questions nonstop and I just couldn't stand it after skimming about 5 hours.

Hillary is goddamn champ for going 11 hours with this desperate witch hunt. I highly doubt this 'committee' cares about the truth and those who died that day, just to continue a smear campaign.

Gowdy though...
my god was that man greasy. I though GAF was exaggerating about his oily ways, but wow, that man could slip n slide to the ends of the Earth and have enough grease to slide back home.

If they cared about what actually happened they would be questioning the people on security detail and responsible for security logistics of our embassies, as well as the DoD and CIA. Not the Secretary of State.
I read a bit of the transcript. I dont know whether Gowdy was being polite but im surprised Cummings was able to say what the Republicans did at the start and have no one come back at him. The feverish devotion to being anti democrat/open mins by some commentators is mind boggling.
If they cared about what actually happened they would be questioning the people on security detail and responsible for security logistics of our embassies, as well as the DoD and CIA. Not the Secretary of State.

They should just question the entire House of Reps as to why the security funding was quite terrible for embassies.


His Supreme Court appointments, especially of Earl Warren and William Brennan, are Dwight Eisenhower's greatest, most lasting legacy imo.

Ah, the olden days, when a Republican president could, even indirectly, cause a far-reaching expansion of civil rights and liberties of the people rather than of corporations.
But corporations are people???? I'm sorry to break it to you but you might be a racist.


I hope that this pointless political exercise will serve as a "come to Jesus" moment for the wishy-washy 'undecideds' who have been operating under the assumption that both parties are equally bad. It'll be interesting to see how Hillary is polling against the individual GOP candidates next week.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~

can't even get four lines of relevant conversation
what a disaster for repubs
I hope that this pointless political exercise will serve as a "come to Jesus" moment for the wishy-washy 'undecideds' who have been operating under the assumption that both parties are equally bad. It'll be interesting to see how Hillary is polling against the individual GOP candidates next week.

I doubt it. There's still a long way to go. Americans forget shit.
The best that happened yesterday is maybe some Bernie supporters switched over, and I say maybe.


I thought it would be interesting to check out some right wing facebook reactions on this.


it certainly was interesting.
lmao this outrage culture though, am i right?

my favorites are the ones who are too scared to watch but still know in their heart of hearts that she's a [bunch of slurs]

they seem to know on a subconscious level that the cognitive disonance if they were to actually watch and use some critical thinking would tear them apart

This is the problem. Fox News and the extreme right wing have convinced people that Obama and Hillary are the enemy. And if they are the enemy they want to do you and everyone else harm. That's why some of these people can't be swayed by facts because at the end of the day, Hilary is the enemy.

This is also exacerbated by people who paint both sides with the same brush. "both parties are the same/ both parties do this!" Might have been the case in the 80's and 90's but the ideological high jacking that happened with republicans under bush has continued to become more and more extreme over the last decade, rendering the comparison false. This is not to say there aren't bad democrats, but the double speak and mental gymnastics needed to justify these kinds of which hunts is comical. Takes a look at these hearings and almost everything republicans have done over the last 7 years and say "both parties are the same". Look at the record of these same things happening under bush. 9/11 happened under bush and people want to give him a pass. 4 people die in an embassy attack and Hilary and Obama are treated like they went and shot the people personally.


lmao this outrage culture though, am i right?

my favorites are the ones who are too scared to watch but still know in their heart of hearts that she's a [bunch of slurs]

they seem to know on a subconscious level that the cognitive disonance if they were to actually watch and use some critical thinking would tear them apart

What is even funnier, is the fact they usually are also anti-PC crowd who call people pushing for social equality for women/minority/LBGT SJWs, and claim they are the ones participating in "outrage culture"
Well sure, yes those people exist but Fox and Drudge feed them and make them even more hungry and also spread it to a wider audience. Their whole stick is hate. Some people love to hate. Makes them feel better about their own lives if they can hate other people.

Fox News and these radio shows really need to be illegal. It's insane how much vitriol is created through their lies.


They just solidified Hillary Clinton's upcoming Presidential election victory. What an 11 hours long witch hunt! Hillary maintains her cool throughout while the committee lead is seating buckets. I gotta admit I got the "chills" when Hillary said, "I'm here because I said I would be here." whoa! Where was this Clinton in the previous presidential election?

She's a much better candidate now. It seems she learned from her previous mistakes, and being the Secretary of State sure helped her credentials.


I doubt it. There's still a long way to go. Americans forget shit.
The best that happened yesterday is maybe some Bernie supporters switched over, and I say maybe.

Bernie supporters lack of trust in Hillary doesn't revolve around conspiracy wingnut theories, it's who's financing her campaign (the polar opposite of Bernie) and her warhawk voting history.

Any sane voting Democrat would still vote for Hillary in lieu of Bernie. Her performance during this farcical interrogation should not sway any Bernie votes because it's irrelevant.
I doubt it. There's still a long way to go. Americans forget shit.
The best that happened yesterday is maybe some Bernie supporters switched over, and I say maybe.

It's sooo long before the election now that this specific hearing is mostly irrelevant with regard to her perception and polling. Maybe she gets yet another primary boost but it's not like she really needs one. Plenty of things could happen in the next year that affects peoples' decisions for the general.

However, this *does* probably put a fork in the only "scandal" that's been plaguing her thus far, which means that the whole story is likely to be irrelevant by the heart of general election season, too.


Deep into his 30th decade
I just hope we see less of that "I'd rather vote GOP than Hillary" shit I've been seeing. Dumber than dumb.

I think after that no one can claim she is a secret republican.

however people that said that obviously weren't living in reality, so who knows.


This is the problem. Fox News and the extreme right wing have convinced people that Obama and Hillary are the enemy. And if they are the enemy they want to do you and everyone else harm. That's why some of these people can't be swayed by facts because at the end of the day, Hilary is the enemy.

This is also exacerbated by people who paint both sides with the same brush. "both parties are the same/ both parties do this!" Might have been the case in the 80's and 90's but the ideological high jacking that happened with republicans under bush has continued to become more and more extreme over the last decade, rendering the comparison false. This is not to say there aren't bad democrats, but the double speak and mental gymnastics needed to justify these kinds of which hunts is comical. Takes a look at these hearings and almost everything republicans have done over the last 7 years and say "both parties are the same". Look at the record of these same things happening under bush. 9/11 happened under bush and people want to give him a pass. 4 people die in an embassy attack and Hilary and Obama are treated like they went and shot the people personally.

Here's a thought experiment for you. If you were conservative rather than progressive, and someone told you that both parties are essentially the same (ie they're organizations whose only real purpose is to get people to vote for them) what do you think your response would look like? Would it look more or less like the inverse to what you just posted?


Bernie supporters lack of trust in Hillary doesn't revolve around conspiracy wingnut theories, it's who's financing her campaign (the polar opposite of Bernie) and her warhawk voting history.

Any sane voting Democrat would still vote for Hillary in lieu of Bernie. Her performance during this farcical interrogation should not sway any Bernie votes because it's irrelevant.

This just indicates that they care about the man more than they care about the causes that they cite.

Because if this truly were about the causes that they claim to be so concerned about, they wouldn't turn around and vote to doom those causes for a generation.

It's that simple. And in all of these threads, I have yet to see any of them override that reality. The most feeble attempt to counter this was a claim that Hillary wouldn't appoint liberals to the courts - a ridiculous claim that speaks volumes all by itself.


I doubt it. There's still a long way to go. Americans forget shit.
The best that happened yesterday is maybe some Bernie supporters switched over, and I say maybe.

Personally, I support Sanders because I like his ideas and I agree with him that the Democratic Party needs to reinvigorate its grassroots support to ensure its continued health and electoral viability at all levels of government. I hold no special animus towards Hillary Clinton, and I am glad she performed well at the hearing. I imagine most Sander's supporters feel the same way.

Is there lingering distrust over her Iraq war vote, financial ties, and connection to forces that pulled the Democrats to the right in the 90's? I would say yes, but no more than is directed towards any other Democratic politician with those connections, and there are many. Despite the visibility of some vocal supporters online, I imagine the vast majority of Sanders supporters would vote for Hillary in the general. If they were not already planning to do so, Hillary would be far behind in the national polling.

I just hope this is the end of the hearings because the GOP realizes they look bad for them. What I don't want to see is a prospective Clinton canidacy and presidency that turns into a faux scandalfest like what happened in the 90's. That possibility would be bad for the country and the Democratic Party because, like the 90's, it would suck all the oxygen out of the room for addressing other issues. Somehow, President Obama has managed to avoid this, despite all of the other invective and obstruction Republicabs have hurled at him.
Honestly there's not much to highlight. Cummings/Gowdy dogfight, maybe a Hillary cackle... that's it. A colossal, brutally exhausting waste of time for everyone involved.

Waste of time? What are you talking about? 4 American lives were lost. Is that a waste of time? No amount of time will be too long and no amount of money will be too much to finally get to the truth.

We need justice and not let Hil-lie-ary get away with it.
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