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Microsoft announces Xbox Live cross-network (PSN and other networks) play

Some comments are really backwards. The ball is not Sony's court.
PSN has always been open to other networks ( a legacy from PS3 era, think FFXI )
Now MS xbox live finally catches up ( since xb1 userbase is small )
Now 2 companies have to work out the details how to implement cross network play. There is a hint from Microsoft that they want to dictate the rules of engagements.

Sony will certainly refuse that,

I think in the near future we will have a PR war.

Microsoft will spin this as Sony being anti consumer.
And sony will say they already have an existing open network between PC + PSN, any new network joining should not break existing mechanism.

FF14, SFV will never come to XB1 if MS insist Enix Square to rewrite the network code and Sony changes their networking.

In short nothing much changes in practice. Only more people arguing in online forums

Quoted because you perfectly summed up the different facets of the game...
What about a unified friends list? I want to play with folks on Xbox Live.

Something like that would only happen on a game-by-game basis and would have to be handled by the developers. You're never going to see something like that implemented by MS and/or Sony directly.

Ah, so this is the next thing that MS will try to Embrace, Extend, and Extinguish.

How does that even work in this context? :|
About f-ing time. I remember this being a rumored possibility before the 360 launched. Only ~12 yrs late.

Technically, it's always been possible. Final Fantasy XI on 360 allowed play with PS2 and PC on the same server, it was down to the devloper to impliment

Microsoft locked cross-platform away after courting Square Enix and establishing their walled ecosystem.


I don't get comments like this. Exactly how useful is one "PR" move in the middle of March worth? Not a d@mn dollar.

Journalists are already asking Sony for comment. Even if Sony says 'No' - what has Microsoft really gained? How many consoles/games would they have just sold 'winning' a night on the internet? None.
...You assign far too much influence to nightly NeoGAF threads.
You are underestimating what pr can do, ms pretty much shit the bed pr wise pre launch of the Xbox one which pretty much nailed the lid on it, being a tad bit more price wise just added to it. If they had nailed pre launch they wouldn't be seeing the sort of numbers they are seeing world wide.


Sony has nothing to gain from opening up cross-platform play with XBL especially when they're leading the console market with a far bigger community than Microsoft, it's a huge advantage for them...

If I were Sony, I'll say no, especially since the PSN has really improve since the PS3 and probably cost a lot of money for them so that won't happen anyway.

I highly doubt Sony will agree to this, same for Nintendo. This is more MS funneling to Win10 and making Xbox more a part of Win10 ecosystem than some sort of olive branch to Sony and Nintendo.

Sony has the bigger online player base by virtue of more ps4 consoles sold.
If Sony were to open its larger online player base to xbox live, sony would probably need something in return from MS.

From a business standpoint, what's in it for Sony? A person can just skip the ps4, buy a cheap xbox one and reap the benefits of PSN's larger online base.

You guys are looking at this from the wrong angle. It's not about "what's in it for Sony". It's about "what does Sony stand to gain from saying no".

You think that the industry press won't tear Sony to absolute SHREDS if they say no? Of course they will. And at a moment when their brand power is riding high, they really don't need anyone tearing them down or making them look like the odd man out.

Speaking of which, once Sony rubbed Microsoft's nose in their attempt at draconian business practices, I knew that the moment Sony even thinks of trying to do something that sets back the industry (which is how this will be framed, make no mistake), the blowback from it will be EPIC. Their competitors will never let them live down that "throwing stones in glass houses" moment.

And this is without even mentioning the sheer mind-blowingly unthinkable prospect of Nintendo getting a PR leg up on Sony by coming to E3 and stating they'll play ball with online cross-play for NX, which would make Sony look even worse from a PR standpoint. And the moment Nintendo gets one over on Sony is quite possibly the day the world ends.

But saying no to online cross-play opens up this entire world of hurt that Sony could (and likely will) easily avoid.


Sounds great and is about time. Would be interested to see just how many games start taking up the option, one would think that Titanfall 2 would be one if they still plan on using Azure.

Sony won't say no, they are #4theplayers.


Thanks for your insights, very interesting post.

Also nice post, and I agree with most of it. I don't think old games will be enabled to support this, except maybe a few. And you won't see SFV on XBOX, but for other reasons.

But I don't think it's Sony who decides what happens, it's the developers' choice. If they feel that this is just another move to force them to develop UWAs instead of Win32 games, then some of them won't support it anyhow. That's what I meant with "limitations" earlier on.

Why are we still speculating that there is some UWP conspiracy enabling this news? We already know for a fact that there is no Win10 requirement, and that developers can use their existing networking client.


Source Rocket League Dev on Reddit
You guys are looking at this from the wrong angle. It's not about "what's in it for Sony". It's about "what does Sony stand to gain from saying no".

You think that the industry press won't tear Sony to absolute SHREDS if they say no? Of course they will. And at a moment when their brand power is riding high, they really don't need anyone tearing them down or making them look like the odd man out.

Speaking of which, once Sony rubbed Microsoft's nose in their attempt at draconian business practices, I knew that the moment Sony even thinks of trying to do something that sets back the industry (which is how this will be framed, make no mistake), the blowback from it will be EPIC. Their competitors will never let them live down that "throwing stones in glass houses" moment.

And this is without even mentioning the sheer mind-blowingly unthinkable prospect of Nintendo getting a PR leg up on Sony by coming to E3 and stating they'll play ball with online cross-play for NX, which would make Sony look even worse from a PR standpoint. And the moment Nintendo gets one over on Sony is quite possibly the day the world ends.

But saying no to online cross-play opens up this entire world of hurt that Sony could (and likely will) easily avoid.

the american gaming press likes to paint MS as the good guys, even when they had the initial x1 and the draconian anti consumer policies in place
You guys are looking at this from the wrong angle. It's not about "what's in it for Sony". It's about "what does Sony stand to gain from saying no".

You think that the industry press won't tear Sony to absolute SHREDS if they say no? Of course they will. And at a moment when their brand power is riding high, they really don't need anyone tearing them down or making them look like the odd man out.

Speaking of which, once Sony rubbed Microsoft's nose in their attempt at draconian business practices, I knew that the moment Sony even thinks of trying to do something that sets back the industry (which is how this will be framed, make no mistake), the blowback from it will be EPIC. Their competitors will never let them live down that "throwing stones in glass houses" moment.

And this is without even mentioning the sheer mind-blowingly unthinkable prospect of Nintendo getting a PR leg up on Sony by coming to E3 and stating they'll play ball with online cross-play for NX, which would make Sony look even worse from a PR standpoint. And the moment Nintendo gets one over on Sony is quite possibly the day the world ends.

But saying no to online cross-play opens up this entire world of hurt that Sony could (and likely will) easily avoid.

Except for the fact Sony have never had a restriction in place for cross-platform online play before.

I can't understand why people are getting on Sony's back when they've never had an issue with it in the past.


the american gaming press likes to paint MS as the good guys, even when they had the initial x1 and the draconian anti consumer policies in place

Anyone who defended it was quickly and thoroughly shouted down, even amongst their colleagues in the press. And if it's as you say it is, that will make the reaction to a Sony "no" that much more severe.

Except for the fact Sony have never had a restriction in place for cross-platform online play before.

I can't understand why people are getting on Sony's back when they've never had an issue with it in the past.

Playing nice with PC and playing nice with Xbox Live are different beasts entirely.

But, as I said at the end of my post, they're very likely to be on board with this, if only to dodge the bad publicity, but does not exclude other reasons from being in the mix, including them wanting this to happen in the first place, which we have no way to prove.
What about a unified friends list? I want to play with folks on Xbox Live.

Lol you crazy?

Why would Sony and MS allow you to see another networks friends list on their system?
Ya'll getting way ahead of yourselves.
It would only work game by game at most, with own dedicated list.

You are underestimating what pr can do, ms pretty much shit the bed pr wise pre launch of the Xbox one which pretty much nailed the lid on it, being a tad bit more price wise just added to it. If they had nailed pre launch they wouldn't be seeing the sort of numbers they are seeing world wide.

To be fair I agree with the poster you replied to.
This whole PR situation will be restricted to the tapped in hardcore mostly.

People all over the world wouldn't stop buying PS4's in a hypothetical scenario where Sony refused PS4/XB1 cross play.
The idea of equating MS failings at XB1 launch as devastating as Sony not enabling cross play are also laughable at best.


HOLY SHIT. This is the one thing that was really holding back the console. Next step, restoring third party confidence I guess.
Finally more games that put Xbox players VS Playstation players.

We've only had one, Final Fantasy XI (360, PS2 & PC all in one game on same servers)


Neo Member
That's what I thought. Thanks. But what exactly would the rules of engagement be? What if a company wanted to host a game on its own servers (independent of psn and xbl)?

If Microsoft plays nice, the ROE may be just be a set of networking API with some encryption. ( i guess that is what sony and nintendo have at the moment for FFXI SFV)

If Microsoft wants to be aggressive and demands the full azure server stack integration, then it is easy to see the PR war becomes inevitable.

Also i like to argue that Sony actually benefits more than MS from cross network play if and only if Sony deemed the rules of engagement is fair to all parties.

Check out the xb1 vs ps4 usage thread on gaf, you will see a lot of gamers citing 3 main reasons for choosing xb1 over ps4: exclusive, controller and friends circle.

Cross network play remove the friends circle argument and suddenly there is one less reason to purchase a xb1.

Although one could argue ps4 also suffers from the same effect, I have a feeling that XB1 suffers much worse.

This is because the games become a much more important factor in choosing which console to buy.
1) Multi platform games still seems to always run better on ps4.
2) Sony 1st and 2nd party output is going strong while MS seems to grow weaker. ( halo 5, titanfall, tomb raider)
3) Japanese companies support on ps4 is a night and day comparison to Xb1
4) PS4 has a better reputation for catering less popular genre and have a larger indie scene.

Yes this is all my personal opinion but i think the public and gaming press is something similar to this. So average joe is more likely than ever to pick PS4 than XB1 if he doesnt have to care about his friends console choice.

Long term, if we looked back to PS3 and XB360, one of the reasons why PS3 cannot compete with 360 is because of the gamers circle lockin effect.

Sony always have been the popular gaming console brand and it relies on it to survivr the ps3 era.

Removing the lockin effect now means in the future it is easier for sony to recover from ps3 quesa disaster.

My 2 cents anyway. Peace
Why are we still speculating that there is some UWP conspiracy enabling this news? We already know for a fact that there is no Win10 requirement, and that developers can use their existing networking client.

Think long term. We all know that MS wants to push Win 10 and I have no doubt that certain "features" will be limited to Win 10 / UWP games at some point. For "security reasons" or whatever MS' PR spins out.


I'm personally not going to get too excited. I mean, if it had been that big of a deal then we would have seen far more games support PS4-PC cross play by now, where it's been available all generation.


This is really big, now I'm really curious to see what Sony will say about this.
I hope they will say something like "We always supported this feature" and that for them this changes nothing in their current policies. I see this as a win-win situation, it benefit Sony as much as MS by allowing the growth of the whole gaming ecosystem.


One of the major downsides to the XB1 losing marketshare to the PS4 is that they have a smaller pool of online players to pull from. That means longer times to find matches, and poorer connections in terms of ping and skill matching. That doesn't means that they would be poor, especially for popular games, but it does mean that multiplayer games would be more viable for a larger selection of games and for a longer amount of time on the PS4. That would be yet one more pressure to suppress XB1 sales even more going forward.

Another reason Microsoft would want to do this is that they are trying to unite the PC and Xbox into one unified Windows 10 gaming platform. That allows the Xbox to benefit for the near monopoly Windows OS and gives Windows one more platform to offer up and promote Software As A Service. If Xbox didn't allow connections to the PSN network then games that had PS4-to-PC connections would be obstacles for the Xbox to join in.

Oh and don't forget that Microsoft is making a business of selling Azure cloud services. It is in their best interest to have a robust online multiplayer gaming community that made use of their services regardless of which console they were using.

I can see Sony not outright banning connections to the Xbox network but not lifting a finger to support it either. They'd rather spend the resources to add more features to their network to make it more competitive than to spend those resources connecting to Xbox and giving up some autonomy in the process. If such connections were allowed they would probably be treated as second class citizens with limited communication and social capabilities.

I got that they were clearly doing it to gain something out of it on their end; but I don't really see why they would expect Sony to give a fuck about them and actually make it easy for this to work, or why Microsoft would even announce such a thing before Sony made any real decisions one way or another. It almost comes off as a PR stunt. Right now Microsoft are apparently "the good guys" and if Sony shies away from this, they will be considered "bad".
I'm personally not going to get too excited. I mean, if it had been that big of a deal then we would have seen far more games support PS4-PC cross play by now, where it's been available all generation.

Well, who missed it anyhow, until now? Generally speaking PC players have superior hardware and input devices, so it's obvious that quite a lot of console players want to keep them separated. Depends on game types, of course. Cross-play with WiiU players was already possible, but that wasn't implemented on a grand scale because of obvious reasons.

But now we have two consoles with very similar hardware, input devices and online community, so there should be a huge potential / interest in playing against each other.
If rocket league have any sense they will release exclusive Xbox and PS branded cars and let console warriors go nuts trying to beat each other.
I commend this move but surely it's down to developers to choose this and then to choose whose servers hosts MP. Interesting times ahead. I would say the ball is in the developers court more than Sony's.

Butt imagine a glorious future where xbox zero, playstation 5 and nintendo NX2 players are playing Black Ops 6 together with team chat:

xbox playa: "to defuse the bomb you have to go up to it and hold X"
sony playa: "I have to jump?"
nintendo playa: "that just changes my weapon"
PC playa: "don't you mean space bar you casual console peasant?"


Think long term. We all know that MS wants to push Win 10 and I have no doubt that certain "features" will be limited to Win 10 / UWP games at some point. For "security reasons" or whatever MS' PR spins out.

You can think long term, all you want. But your speculations aren't even considering the facts at hand.

If at some point in the future MS throws UWP stipulations in, we can address it then.

Currently, they appear to have an open policy, that works regardless of the API being used, or even the platform being used. I mean, you're expressing concern over hypothetical limitations to cross-network play with PC, when the news is about MS being open to cross-network play, even with devices that arent Xbox OR PC.

Why would a developer who has a game now and who wants to enable cross-play with Xbox live be concerned about some hypothetical future UWP restriction that has no bearing on their current work?


I commend this move but surely it's down to developers to choose this and then to choose whose servers hosts MP. Interesting times ahead. I would say the ball is in the developers court more than Sony's.

Butt imagine a glorious future where xbox zero, playstation 5 and nintendo NX2 players are playing Black Ops 6 together with team chat:

xbox playa: "to defuse the bomb you have to go up to it and hold X"
sony playa: "I have to jump?"
nintendo playa: "that just changes my weapon"
PC playa: "don't you mean space bar you casual console peasant?"

Okay you got me with that one lmao
I commend this move but surely it's down to developers to choose this and then to choose whose servers hosts MP. Interesting times ahead. I would say the ball is in the developers court more than Sony's.

Butt imagine a glorious future where xbox zero, playstation 5 and nintendo NX2 players are playing Black Ops 6 together with team chat:

xbox playa: "to defuse the bomb you have to go up to it and hold X"
sony playa: "I have to jump?"
nintendo playa: "that just changes my weapon"
PC playa: "don't you mean space bar you casual console peasant?"

Heh, thanks. I just spilled my coffee


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Very awesome for Microsoft to do this! For all the heat they've gotten over the Xbox One, they deserve praises here!

Probably too soon for Nintendo NX speculation but people are talking about Sony not opening up their servers for this. Are we forgetting Nintendo
and what appears to be their intent to go mobile/embrace online aspects more? Could Nintendo open up with MS for crossplay? A cooperative
Microsoft and Nintendo relationship(Minecraft is doing huge numbers on the Wii U) would be amazing. I'm not saying buy outs or that kind of thing.
Just friendly cooperation.

Either way, good job MS! :)

It could be good news indeed, but I am not going to praise them opening up to cross platform play when they are losing users to the competition (and this move may help them to slow this down a bit) and their competition is outpacing them at this kind of rate.

If they had done it at the peak of Xbox 360 popularity then yes, mad props would be in order... Good guy MS and all that. Now, let's see where this lead and remain cautiously optimistic.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Some comments are really backwards. The ball is not Sony's court.
PSN has always been open to other networks ( a legacy from PS3 era, think FFXI )
Now MS xbox live finally catches up ( since xb1 userbase is small )
Now 2 companies have to work out the details how to implement cross network play. There is a hint from Microsoft that they want to dictate the rules of engagements.

Sony will certainly refuse that,

I think in the near future we will have a PR war.

Microsoft will spin this as Sony being anti consumer.
And sony will say they already have an existing open network between PC + PSN, any new network joining should not break existing mechanism.

FF14, SFV will never come to XB1 if MS insist Enix Square to rewrite the network code and Sony changes their networking.

In short nothing much changes in practice. Only more people arguing in online forums

MS and Song fighting a proxy war using online trolls ;).


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Even if it is just a PR stunt

We can no longer blame Microsoft for lack of cross play.

All good for them

If it were only a PR stunt then yes we can still blame them as it would be something that knowingly can never work in practice and/or has some really nasty side effects that do not make it worth the cost. Why wouldn't we blame them in such hypothetical scenario?


I commend this move but surely it's down to developers to choose this and then to choose whose servers hosts MP. Interesting times ahead. I would say the ball is in the developers court more than Sony's.

Butt imagine a glorious future where xbox zero, playstation 5 and nintendo NX2 players are playing Black Ops 6 together with team chat:

xbox playa: "to defuse the bomb you have to go up to it and hold X"
sony playa: "I have to jump?"
nintendo playa: "that just changes my weapon"
PC playa: "don't you mean space bar you casual console peasant?"

Aahah, nice one. 😂
You are underestimating what pr can do, ms pretty much shit the bed pr wise pre launch of the Xbox one which pretty much nailed the lid on it, being a tad bit more price wise just added to it. If they had nailed pre launch they wouldn't be seeing the sort of numbers they are seeing world wide.

Broski this isn't about PR, there's no money in "Nice Guy Microsoft" when it comes to the Xbox One at this point, look at this in context with the recent talk about Xbox being a W10 platform, all the W10 discussion at GDC, "maybe no future Xbox", Xbox revisions, closing studios, exclusives coming to PC etc.

It's all part of Xbox becoming some kind of monetisation model for PC gaming. In that world, Microsoft aren't competing with Sony, the PS4 is just another platform to provide it's services on, hence moves like this.

Microsoft. Is. Leaving. Traditional. Console. Gaming.

I'm really starting to wonder when the penny is gonna drop for some people here but I suppose emotional attachment to the idea of Microsoft being part of the "console war" is too strong for them.


I'm really starting to wonder when the penny is gonna drop for some people here but I suppose emotional attachment to the idea of Microsoft being part of the "console war" is too strong for them.

Why wouldn't they continue to manufacture PCs specifically designed for the living room, or at least encourage other hardware manufacturers to do so (new X-Boxes would be similar to the Steam Machines, running Windows 10)?
Why wouldn't they continue to manufacture PCs specifically designed for the living room, or at least encourage other hardware manufacturers to do so (new X-Boxes would be similar to the Steam Machines, running Windows 10)?

Sure they would, but those aren't consoles, anymore than a Steam machine is, and there's no reason to think they will be a bigger market than those.
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