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Giant Bomb: PS4.5 / PS4K is codenamed NEO, more info


I still feel like this is a terrible idea, especially longterm. It's going to change perception of game consoles into a 'I'll get the next one' mentality.
I honestly expect sony studios to target 60fps on PS4K, there games already looking mind blowing on ps4. Open world games will have much better iq and locked 30fps along with better effects.
People that are crying about "Sony is making a huge mistake. I'm selling my PS4! When I buy a new console, I expect it to last."


You can still play PS4 games. These people have some serious mental and emotional issues. Possibly even attachment issues to plastic, metal, and these companies. They don't owe you anything. All your crying says to me is that you're like a child. You want feel special and can no longer do with a PS4.5. It's childish and disgusting to have this mentality. Stop playing games and seek help. Sony doesn't owe you anything.
1) You didn't get promised anything.

2) If this info is true, the entire point is that it won't split the userbase.

I don't know, I guess being on GAF long enough you realize that some video game enthusiasts tend to hate everything that is remotely different from what they are used to.
"Let him dream" -Shu


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
And that is why it is a slap in the face to current PS4 owners.

They never promised you would have the best experience of anything they had to offer for all time.

Just that you would have an experience, that based on these rumors, won't change.

You can still have the console you invested in and use that for as long as the generation continues. Its not a slap in the face unless you feel compelled to buy something that's more powerful by default that isn't necessarily compromising your current experience.





Interesting leak! There's definitely a Matrix fan running the internal names at Sony. Ironic how PS4 is now the One.

Given the new rumored specs, I can't see the PS4N being $499 or higher. There's no mention of a new hard drive in the system -- that's a little surprising. Perhaps there is a larger drive as a standard and the leaker/leak controller didn't bother mentioning it. I wonder if the new PS4 will have entirely new color options?

Eager to see how this all plays out. I don't think the PS4N is as negative as it may have seemed before; it just seems like a console with a little bit more juice.
Welp, this pretty much confirms it doesn't it? I do wonder if Sony will drop the PS4 price down to $199 at E3 (same with MS and Xbone). That would make it a really affordable and mass market console. I feel sorry for Nintendo though, seems like their NX platform will take a massive beating this year :(

That's way too low. PS4 is $350 right now, if there's a price drop, it's gonna be a 50 bucks drop.

Let's not be crazy. NX is just coincidence.
What? You're asking me not to be craycray?


Welp, this pretty much confirms it doesn't it? I do wonder if Sony will drop the PS4 price down to $199 at E3 (same with MS and Xbone). That would make it a really affordable and mass market console. I feel sorry for Nintendo though, seems like their NX platform will take a massive beating this year :(
Honestly, I think it plays in their favour considering the slight outrage. If people feel like they're soon pushed into upgrading their console anyway and Nintendo happen to have some other interesting feature besides power they might get a NX instead if all PS4 games keeps on running relatively well on their old PS4 until next upgrade arrives.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Sucks that trading in your system mid gen is to become a thing but this at least sounds like a fair way to do it

This was always a thing. In the past it was for either:

built in wifi
quieter system
console generating less heat
slimmer console
extra USB ports
bigger harddrive
consume less power

I would say something like a PS4K or XBO.5 would be worth it vs what was done in the past.
And how are you burned? You can still play all ps4 games on your PS4.

Because I could have waited and put that money towards a better console? Anyways Its not like I don't share part of the blame. I assumed that console makers would follow past traditions. I was clearly wrong. Although Sony not saying anything about a new revision in the works is kinda crap at this point in time. I wonder how many people currently will buy a ps4 and be upset when they find out the ps4k is around the corner?
I still feel like this is a terrible idea, especially longterm. It's going to change perception of game consoles into a 'I'll get the next one' mentality.

This doesn't seem to affect any other kind of consumer electronic in this way. If this was targeting people to upgrade, I'd say the same thing, but it's not really doing that. A small segment of the userbase who care about these sort of things will upgrade, but this is probably such a marginal upgrade that the rest will probably be just fine with their existing PS4s. This is a strategy to extend the life of the console by a year or two, just like last gen it was releasing the Xbox360 Elite model, or throwing in a bigger Hard Drive. This is an extension of that, and I fully expect consumers to not give a shit. Now if Sony was full on dubbing this thing "PS4-2" and releasing specific titles for it, I'd agree, but it's becoming increasingly clear, from the rumors at least, that Sony wants to be as far away from that as possible.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I don't trust the specs. They don't correlate to me with the supposed "massive" upgrade that was supposed to take place..

BUT they would make sense if they are keeping the same price model..

This console would potentially have 3x the GPU power of the XB1. That's a huge difference man. We can see the differences with just a 50% GPU difference, let alone 300%


Junior Member
Funny how these specs at $399 are totally possible for Sony, but completely absurd in the NX threads for Nintendo to come out with anything anywhere near 2x the power of ps4 at a reasonable price point by a ton of posters in there. Lol.


36 CUs is 2304 shaders, sounds very much like a salvaged Polaris 10, assuming the 2560 shader rumour for that is true.

2.1 Ghz cpu seems a little anemic in terms of an upgrade, the leakage improvements in puma enable that sort of bump without increasing power consumption and then you have the 14nm shrink too.

Seems like overall power consumption will go down vs the current PS4 meaning a smaller form factor might also be on the cards to go with the power bump.

It also seems like devs could quite easily target 30fps on PS4 and 60fps on PS4K, probably single player modes only though to keep the multiplayer fair across all users.

I am interested depending on price, seems like they could come in at $349 based on the rumoured spec.
You could always take the "not spend $400+ on a system I already own to play marginally better versions of things I can already get" route.

I love my PS4, I love console gaming. I love knowing I bought my PS4 at launch knowing I could play all those early good, but not great system seller games while also knowing I would get to play all those gorgeous games they previewed down the line on the same hardware, running their best. I loved knowing I wouldn't have to buy a new system for at least 5 years.

I don't hate Sony, I don't want them to fail at all. I do however worry this is a bad move for Sony. If im wrong I lose too because it changes something I loved drastically.
This was always a thing. In the past it was for either:

built in wifi
quieter system
console generating less heat
slimmer console
extra USB ports
bigger harddrive

I would say something like a PS4K or XBO.5 would be worth it vs what was done in the past.

No lies detected.


Gold Member
Because I could have waited and put that money towards a better console? Anyways Its not like I don't share part of the blame. I assumed that console makers would follow past traditions. I was clearly wrong. Although Sony not saying anything about a new revision in the works is kinda crap at this point in time. I wonder how many people currently will buy a ps4 and be upset when they find out the ps4k is around the corner?

You have a gaming PC right? How do you go about upgrading that when there is always something new on the horizon?


To the Sony spy in charge of reading the posts on this thread:

Please, the CPU needs to be better than that, make it happen. If not, the other improvements will have a lesser impact because of it.
Get a better CPU. Thank you.


This was always a thing. In the past it was for either:

built in wifi
quieter system
console generating less heat
slimmer console
extra USB ports
bigger harddrive

I would say something like a PS4K or XBO.5 would be worth it vs what was done in the past.
That 100 dollar Xbox 360 wifi adapter
People that are crying about "Sony is making a huge mistake. I'm selling my PS4! When I buy a new console, I expect it to last."


You can still play PS4 games. These people have some serious mental and emotional issues. Possibly even attachment issues to plastic, metal, and these companies. They don't owe you anything. All your crying says to me is that you're like a child. You want feel special and can no longer do with a PS4.5. It's childish and disgusting to have this mentality. Stop playing games and seek help. Sony doesn't owe you anything.

Yea i agree, it's really sad.
I thought the issue was that PS4K would have exclusive games and old model would feel short-lived.

This info is saying that won’t happen, there will be no Neo exclusives. And, the specs are much more in line with a bump and not a completely new iteration on hardware.

Weird, I thought more people would be happy with this. It’s not really fragmenting anything at all is it?

This will no doubt be my second PS4...


Sony doesn't owe you anything.

And they don't own Sony anything.

It going to be amusing if the 20 million PSPoor early adopters feel burned, especially if Microsoft is doing something similar, and the NX is also out.

Sony is doing this gamble because of PSVR, but it could easily backfire like most other mid-cycle fuckery in console history past.

I know quite a few people that got one over Christmas and were NOT HAPPY at this news. And they're light gamers.
I think the main reason we aren't seeing a new CPU is due to compatibility issues with the standard PS4. To offer a substantial improvement there they would have to utilize a different architecture and leave behind those Jaguars whereas the GPU sounds like the same architecture overall just with added CUs and a clock boost.
And they don't own Sony anything.

It going to be amusing if the 20 million PSPoor early adopters feel burned, especially if Microsoft is doing something similar, and the NX is also out.

Sony is doing this gamble because of PSVR, but it could easily backfire like most other mid-cycle fuckery in console history past.

Why would there be backlash? They are basically replacing the $399 model in their lineup. I wouldn't expect a majority of consumers to even notice.
And how are you burned? You can still play all ps4 games on your PS4.

You have a gaming PC right? How do you go about upgrading that when there is always something new on the horizon?

Apples and oranges. Pc upgrades a normal part of pc gaming. Its something you accept when you get into the hobby. If console upgrades were the standard I wouldn't be saying anything. If theres a ps4.75 it won't be an issue to me because obviously a standard was set before hand. Thats why I said I'll be waiting now to see what happens. Just like I wait and hold off for a pc component that fits my needs.


They never promised you would have the best experience of anything they had to offer for all time.

Just that you would have an experience, that based on these rumors, won't change.

You can still have the console you invested in and use that for as long as the generation continues. Its not a slap in the face unless you feel compelled to buy something that's more powerful by default that isn't necessarily compromising your current experience.

This is literally the dumbest defense for this situation. The experience will be of inferiority. Within the same generation, this is a slap in the face to early adopters. It's that simple.

But this is a lesson for people like me. Don't buy the next Sony console within the first couple years. Wait it out and a superior version will come along.

The belittling of those who think this is a slap in the face in this tread is actually absurd. I don't know if it's fanboyism or what but the defending going on here is pretty sad.

That's when you know how bad it is lol.
Funny how these specs at $399 are totally possible for Sony, but completely absurd in the NX threads for Nintendo to come out with anything anywhere near 2x the power of ps4 at a reasonable price point by a ton of posters in there. Lol.

Let's be real, the only upgrade here is GPU wise. It's 2 times the power only on the GPU side and it might be CPU limited in many scenarios.

As for Nintendo, I guess they'll want a decent profit on each hardware and most of all, 400 dollars isnt a decent price point for them. Anything higher than 299 is too much.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Funny how these specs at $399 are totally possible for Sony, but completely absurd in the NX threads for Nintendo to come out with anything anywhere near 2x the power of ps4 at a reasonable price point by a ton of posters in there. Lol.

Nintendo is Nintendo.

Also, Sony is saving on costs, planning and development time by using the same architecture they already have from PS4 to upgrade their unit...its actually pretty cost effective, the main change is 16nm, upclocks and some more GPU CU's.

Nintendo making a current gen GPU architecture from scratch with that kind of power would be a significant investment for them if they started it in 2013.


Because I could have waited and put that money towards a better console? Anyways Its not like I don't share part of the blame. I assumed that console makers would follow past traditions. I was clearly wrong. Although Sony not saying anything about a new revision in the works is kinda crap at this point in time. I wonder how many people currently will buy a ps4 and be upset when they find out the ps4k is around the corner?

Probably about 100 people. 99 will complain and buy it anyway. Some will be perfectly happy with the cheaper ps4, probably most actually. Ps4 at 299 will fly off shelves and vastly outsell PS4K most likely


King of Gaslighting
I should hope that they have a trade-in program.

You have to be joking. In what world does SONY do this and for what reason? Your games will still work as will upcoming games.

Boggles my mind how people hold this mentality about their purchases. Maybe if the current PS4 was defective. . .


Junior Member
I think OG PS4 is 265.

Anyways, 280X is too weak for 2016 1080p standards, even if great value for the rumored price.

The NEO is NOT using the same GCN cores as the OG PS4 so a direct linear comparison is inaccurate. It is basically the new Polaris 10 GPU which will be called the r9 480 on the PC. The perf/watt is roughly 2.5x the older GCN cores which means that the Polaris 36CU parts would in theory be >2x the perf for the same size 36CU part in the existing GCN lineup (i.e the r9 390). Basically, this new Polaris part is designed to hit 1440p/60 in modern DX12 games. At 1080p the perf would hover between the r9 390X and the Fury GPU (non X version). That is a HUGE increase in theoretical performance from the current 7850 based part in the PS4 today. For example, Battlefield 4 @1080p ultra runs at 30fps on the 7850 GPU but runs at 80fps on an r9 390X. All will be revealed soon but if these specs are true, then it is FAR from an incremental upgrade (at least to the GPU) and 4K gaming will be more than feasible @30fps for all but the most taxing games.

Now whether that Polaris 10 GPU will be able to reach its potential with that relatively underpowered Jaguar CPU is a WHOLE other story....
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