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Shots fired at Police during Dallas Police anti-violence protest (5 officers killed)

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This is such a tragic event. The racial tension is only going to get worse.

On one hand I do feel for the police. From my personal experience, I used to deliver food for a restaurant during college years. Between my colleagues and I, there were nearly 10 robberies during the 4 years of college and all of them were committed by blacks and most of them with guns. If I am a police officer I would be extra careful when the suspect is black too. I just don't see a perfect solution for all of these problems.


The same thing happened at Ferguson. Although most were peacefully advocating, there was still some outside/unrelated events that occurred that were more covered by the media than the peaceful protest.

The problem isn't BLM. The problem is the media concentrating on negative coverage that paints the dark side instead of focusing on the central message trying to be conveyed.

Let's face it. No matter how controlled or peaceful a majority can be, the public will only see the negative. They will only focus on that. Because unfortunately, black Americans (and other minorities) have to take responsibility for the whole instead of individuals. We can't be seen as individuals. That's why even if many are peacefully protesting, the bad apples are the stars of the show and they stand for all of us. Not the other way around.

You can literally make the same argument about police portrayal in media. You very, very rarely hear about all the good that is done.
BLM as a movement is not without its problems, I must say that with the amount of hateful rhetoric against the police I've seen shared on social media this year, I think it's understandable that some people blame the BLM movement for having its share in influencing the murderer.

This is no better than that chancellor post. I'd argue worse.


There have been some interesting posts today from sources that you wouldn't expect.

This blog post on RedState that's incredibly thoughtful.

This reflective statement from Newt Gingrich




Old Member
This is such a tragic event. The racial tension is only going to get worse.

On one hand I do feel for the police. From my personal experience, I used to deliver food for a restaurant during college years. Between my colleagues and I, there were nearly 10 robberies during the 4 years of college and all of them were committed by blacks and most of them with guns. If I am a police officer I would be extra careful when the suspect is black too. I just don't see a perfect solution for all of these problems.

That's an extraordinarily slippery slope.


Stay safe out there..

Thank you my friend I will. I just hope other officers can maintain perspective and not let this incident make them become even more skittish than they already are.

But sadly I'm afraid this will indirectly get more people killed that otherwise shouldn't. I've seen some pretty fucked up things said on social media. It's sad that just because someone is black and they question why things are they way they are causes the venom that many people, not only officers, spew out without applying critical thinking and actually listening to what the root of the problem is.

I mean, Beyonce asks for police to stop killing black folks and police officers across the country act like she's some kind of villain that stole their first born. There were officers and a police union that were calling for officers to boycott working a concert in Florida to send her a message.

Heads in the sand unfortunately.


There was a live video posted to Facebook of someone at the protest saying that the cops shot first into the crowd. I don't believe it, but why one earth would anyone say that?


Reporter on CNN breaking down while reporting on the character of Philando Castile.

Voice cracking...sounded like she was about to cry.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
There was a live video posted to Facebook of someone at the protest saying that the cops shot first into the crowd. I don't believe it, but why one earth would anyone say that?
There were many people posting tweets into this thread when the news first broke saying the same.

People would say that because people are stupid.


Old Member
Not saying all of the police shooting were justified, but if you have been robbed at gun point, you might think a bit differently.

What makes you think I haven't?

Just because the person that carjacked me and my dad in Oakland in 1994 was black doesn't mean I'm afraid of every black person I see. I think that's a very dangerous thing for a cop to have in their heads.


But they don't, and there's good reason for that. And that is because a huge, overwhelming segment of America does not really give a damn what cops do in the course of maintaining order because they assume (probably correctly) that abuse at the hands of police will never happen to them. As long as the cops keep people away from my door, they have my blessing handling "the thugs" in whatever way they see fit.

This is such a tragic event. The racial tension is only going to get worse.

On one hand I do feel for the police. From my personal experience, I used to deliver food for a restaurant during college years. Between my colleagues and I, there were nearly 10 robberies during the 4 years of college and all of them were committed by blacks and most of them with guns. If I am a police officer I would be extra careful when the suspect is black too. I just don't see a perfect solution for all of these problems.

Not saying all of the police shooting were justified, but if you have been robbed at gun point, you might think a bit differently.

This is what "unity" looks like.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Before anyone starts thinking Newt Gingrich has learned anything, this is what he said on Fox & Friends this morning:

We’re in the eighth year of a president who could have brought us together, a president who could have worked in the African-American community to make people feel better about themselves, a president who could have offered visionary changes in the policies that have failed for the last 50 years. And he didn’t do any of that.
My argument is the policies that have driven us apart, the policies that have trapped African-Americans in all too large numbers in poverty and in hopelessness [are] the ideological policies that say, ‘Black lives matter.’ Well, baloney! All American lives matter, of all backgrounds. And we ought to challenge the Hillary Clintons and the Bernie Sanderses to say that American lives matter. All American lives.


What makes you think I haven't?

Just because the person that carjacked me and my dad in Oakland in 1994 was black doesn't mean I'm afraid of every black person I see. I think that's a very dangerous thing for a cop to have in their heads.

You are right. But I am not afraid of every black people I see. I am only saying based on my personal experience, the robberies were committed overwhelmingly more by blacks than other race. Thus, I would be a little bit more careful if I see a suspicious black man.
Repeal the second amendment to the constitution. Tensions will always flair between members of society but there's no reason it should be easy to take up arms when that happens.

Someday we'll be praising the twenty-eighth.
You are right. But I am not afraid of every black people I see. I am only saying based on my personal experience, the robberies were committed overwhelmingly more by blacks than other race. Thus, I would be a little bit more careful if I see a suspicious black man.

Oh, so you're a racist. Thanks for the clarification.


aka Mannny
You are right. But I am not afraid of every black people I see. I am only saying based on my personal experience, the robberies were committed overwhelmingly more by blacks than other race. Thus, I would be a little bit more careful if I see a suspicious black man.
Waiting for the "I'm not racist"

TMZ is reporting his Facebook likes, which include several BLM pages

Some people will believe it was at least partially influenced by them
Doesn't make it reasonable or understandable that someone would draw those conclusions. Makes them scared, stupid, and dare I say it...a closet racist.
There have been some interesting posts today from sources that you wouldn't expect.

This blog post on RedState that's incredibly thoughtful.

This reflective statement from Newt Gingrich

That RedState post is wild, it doesn't read like anything written on that site normally. And that most of the comments are positive... well, that's a good sign.

Of course you get guys in the comments that say things like Eric Garner "died of his own obesity/poor-heart-health" and you realize you can't reach everybody. But hey, if society can make some progress, it will at least be a hopeful outcome after a series of horrifying events.


So it turns out that the shooter used an SKS, not an 'assault rifle' or even an AR.

An SKS is considered a Curio & Relic and can legally be shipped direct to your door without going through an FFL. It is also a type of rifle that is legal to own in probably about 90% of jurisdictions on the planet.
You are right. But I am not afraid of every black people I see. I am only saying based on my personal experience, the robberies were committed overwhelmingly more by blacks than other race. Thus, I would be a little bit more careful if I see a suspicious black man.
Do you know what racial profiling is


Old Member
Fuck Dan Patrick for that dumb line of thinking. Speaking of dumb line of thinking, I'm surprised Trump hasn't said anything ignorant about this situation. Did his campaign adviser put a muzzle on him? lol

He actually put out a decent response this morning, which means he had someone else write and post it.

Lan Dong Mik

And why would I want them?
It's always a bummer to see friends on my FB feed that I love and respect post ignorant bullshit. I need to delete FB, but can't do it.


Because it's not understandable or reasonable that people believe BLM is to share part of the blame for this. Your post is bonkers

Seeing that tweets like this exist, I don't understand how you can say that. The Brexit movement is being blamed by many for influencing the racist attacks in the UK right now, is this so much different?


is a goddamn bear
You can literally make the same argument about police portrayal in media. You very, very rarely hear about all the good that is done.

I don't want to say you're wrong but I can't fathom how you think these have equal footing. There's an overwhelming negative portrayal of minority Americans covered by the media. That's why there's so many negative stereotypes and ideology whenever there's any coverage for us.

Negative coverage about cops only happens when there's actually wrongdoing by cops however, when a minority is a freaking victim you're more likely to see complete deflamation of character until everyone agrees "he was no angel" as if that means move on! There will be tireless reports of all negative activity engaged in.

But the cop? Nothing but reports of how much good he's done for the community. Therefore placing his value above the victim. Especially if the officer is the one killed.

It's a clear indication that the media focuses on the negative regarding minorities. If we're victims we deserved it. If we're the murderers, no matter our possible history of mental illness, we're just feeding the negative status quo and that's all that matters.

Why? Because acknowledging us as individuals with our own dreams, families, friends and talents means viewing us as people. If the media digs up any dirt, best believe that's what will be reported.
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