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Shots fired at Police during Dallas Police anti-violence protest (5 officers killed)

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Don't come in here screaming racist racist when you don't do shit to change black people with these viewpoints who see this as the only avenue for change. And as a wake up call to people in this thread, There are a lot of people who see this as a necessary action.
So no one is allowed to call him racist because the mass murder was necessary. Supposedly. Lol
Yeah, I'm gonna go back to re-listening to Jesse Williams' speech, get ready for the next protest and org meeting, and move forward.

This thread is semantic hell from those not ready to fight for liberation. Non-violently or not. Just "peace" at best, nothing most likely.
Has this been posted?


holy shit that is quite the photo
There's a reason to murder?

He's a racist, hateful piece of shit who wanted to kill white people.

Get the fuck outta here you're nuts.
There are many reasons why someone would mirder someone else. There were reasons why this happened, why that officer executed a man for following an order, and so forth.

It's not reasonable here, but everything happens for a reason.
The stupid fucking irony of this is that these types of shootings are only going to make cops even MORE tense and on edge than they already were (a hard task, considering every video I've ever seen makes it look like cops are basically wired like cats on meth), which means more trigger-happy-ness, which means more innocent people getting shot.

Personally, I also see this as being a product of the increasingly divisive, more hostile nature of modern social justice movements. Meaning that it used to be about actually coming together and trying to work together, welcoming new and different ideas, etc. whereas nowadays it's somewhat common to see things like "Hey everyone, we're having a protest/meeting about how to stop racism. PS: No white people allowed", and that sort of thing. The tone seems like it's becoming less "Let's all get on the same level" and more "Oh yeah? Well let's see how YOU like it!!" which is only going to make things worse.
This semantic war has almost no bearings to the actual issue at hand, and doesn't make the events that just proceed any better. Quantifying what has happened just doesn't lead to any real results...

This event will be politicized, and revert progress back to square one.

And let us make conjectures on the shooting with evidence we all apparently gathered ourselves!
So no one is allowed to call him racist because the mass murder was necessary. Supposedly. Lol

You claimed they were guilty of institutional racism while arguing the assailants weren't racist at all.

No I said don't call him a racist to just ignore the reasons he did what he did.

I wonder if the posters arguing that he wasn't racist realize that they're in the same boat as the people who refused to acknowledge that the Orlando shooting was a homophobic attack deliberately against homosexuals.

Do you have an actual reply?
I do you just don't want to read it lol. You even quoted it.


No I said don't call him a racist to just ignore the reasons he did what he did.

I do you just don't want to read it lol. You even quoted it.

"No, I don't." would have taken you less letters to type out.

It seems like you want to justify and rationalize the shooters actions without committing to actually doing so.
"No, I don't." would have taken less letters to type out.

It seems like you want to defend and justify the shooters actions without actually doing so.
So you're admitting you don't want to read the thread I posted? It is really a good read that I recommend.
Personally, I also see this as being a product of the increasingly divisive, more hostile nature of modern social justice movements. Meaning that it used to be about actually coming together and trying to work together, welcoming new and different ideas, etc. whereas nowadays it's somewhat common to see things like "Hey everyone, we're having a protest/meeting about how to stop racism. PS: No white people allowed", and that sort of thing. The tone seems like it's becoming less "Let's all get on the same level" and more "Oh yeah? Well let's see how YOU like it!!" which is only going to make things worse.

Yes, lets blame those willing to stand up to this trash. Just like people did in the past. And I don't mean the Civil Rights Movement, I mean every movement in the US, including the abolitionists.

Your pipe dreams don't mean much without the footwork.
Obama's thoughts on this are interesting:

"When you start suggesting that, somehow, there is this enormous polarization and we are back to the situation in the 60s, it's just not true," he said.

"You are not seeing riots and you are not seeing police going after people who are protesting peacefully.

"We have seen almost uniformly peaceful protests and we have seen, uniformly, police handling those protests with professionalism.

"And so, as tough, as hard, as depressing as the loss of life this week, we have got a foundation to build on. We just have to have confidence that we can build on those better angels of our nature."

He's not wrong.


A lot of the problems stem from cops getting away with executing people.

That's the problem, just cause you get pulled over, you shouldn't have to fear for your life.

Hell I know when I get pulled over, and I have no weed in the car, and I probably got pulled over for some traffic bullshit, km still nervous, cops can be dicks sometimes, if I was black and I got pulled over I would probably voice command dial a lawyer or something. It's scary, but how are these cops getting off? I want them to go to jail so they can stop giving good police offers a bad rep and make them targets to racist assholes like this shooter.
The stupid fucking irony of this is that these types of shootings are only going to make cops even MORE tense and on edge than they already were (a hard task, considering every video I've ever seen makes it look like cops are basically wired like cats on meth), which means more trigger-happy-ness, which means more innocent people getting shot.

Personally, I also see this as being a product of the increasingly divisive, more hostile nature of modern social justice movements. Meaning that it used to be about actually coming together and trying to work together, welcoming new and different ideas, etc. whereas nowadays it's somewhat common to see things like "Hey everyone, we're having a protest/meeting about how to stop racism. PS: No white people allowed", and that sort of thing. The tone seems like it's becoming less "Let's all get on the same level" and more "Oh yeah? Well let's see how YOU like it!!" which is only going to make things worse.

Banning white people from protests is somewhat common? RECEIPTS, and don't give me one or two examples here, I'm gonna need a litany.
Has this been posted?


holy shit that is quite the photo

That is a great photo

Fuck the racist piece of shit killer all the way to hell.

Yes, it's an amazing photo, and honestly I'd expect it to win some awards for photojournalism. So far he's been sharing it for free, but he could get a good price for it, for publication. But I'm glad he's giving it away for public use currently so that everyone has access to it.


Fuck the overzealous cops from prior days too, right? Because that is how we got here.
...these cops have not been proven to have committed any atrocities toward black people. Let alone this shooter. In fact they helped organize this protest. This is a really weird response to that venting of frustration. This reads like a borderline justification/sympathizing remark.
...these cops have not been proven to have committed any atrocities toward black people. Let alone this shooter. In fact they helped organize this protest. This is a really weird response to that venting of frustration. This reads like a borderline justification/sympathizing remark.

The police in the other shootings, man. Smh.


...these cops have not been proven to have committed any atrocities toward black people. Let alone this shooter. In fact they helped organize this protest. This is a really weird response to that venting of frustration. This reads like a borderline justification/sympathizing remark.

They are still part of the system. Shallow gestures of support are meaningless.


The realities of institutional racism don't make the reason for the shooter's actions any more justifiable.

They don't justify his actions no, and thats not what people arguing about this are getting at. When ths argument about the term "racist" popped up last night I admittedly also though it was just semantics and silly. When you take a step back and look at the arguments being made and don't reply out of emotion you start to see the points being made.

Earlier you called the man a bigot, the same way you would label a trump supporter who may subscribe to horrible view points about mexicans. That unfortunately ignores the nuances of the situation. Ask yourself this, if you would label a white supremacist KKK member a bigot as well as this shooter what is the difference between the two? What made the two people prejudice against certain skin colors? With Trump supporters, KKK and such the racism is coming from a larger unoppressed group that are in a society that makes them feel superior automatically through things like white privilege, media and institutional racism. Their hatred and bigotry of other races does not come from a place of wrongdoing done upon them but from feelings of having their superiority threatened or disdain from what they perceive as lesser beings. When you have a minority accused of racism their feelings are coming from a much different place. They have felt the effects of institution racism their whole lives, they have had certain groups (generally white people) look down upon them their whole lives and have had to live in a society that generally puts them on a pedestal of superiority or perfection if you will. They continually see their lives portrayed as worthless compared to those of white people in the news and police shooting after police shooting. All of these things not by their choice but forced on them. So I mean hopefully if people can look at the situation through that lens and with a level of empathy you can see why others are arguing for not wanting the situation waived off with a general label of the shooter was "racist". That is exactly what racist/diet racist conservatives, trump supporters, fox news and others are hoping will happen so they don't have to take a deeper look at the causes for this tragedy. They are hoping to be able to say 'dude was a racist, end of story" This is just my observation of watching this argument unfold so i'm not saying i'm right, its just what i'm picking up when thinking about the points being made.


They are still part of the system. Shallow gestures of support are meaningless.
How were the gestures shallow? It sounds like they were actually interested in communicating. Gunning them down as some sort of collective punishment is insane and helps no one


The police in the other shootings, man. Smh.
And? This guy targeted and killed white officers without any knowledge of their wrong doing. Just an assumption that if you are white and an officer you are as deserving of death as those that have committed atrocities against innocent blacks. How does "fuck other officers" fit into this at all? What is the logic with that response to that poster?
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