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Twitter has found the worst webcomic

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Girlz n Games is awful but it's just a corny dorky joke. The OP is on another level and is full of pathetic wish fulfillment and blaming society for their issues.



This is the art of someone who has interacted with a lot of women before.

Only alphas can relate to this


I do enjoy that in this comic it's the same characters in every new strip. I can't really take it as the worst though when it's doing badly on purpose though.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Of all the things clearly wrong, I can't imagine how it's even mildly hard to read. Let alone very hard.

Its actually incredibly hard to read. I called it out earlier in the thread. Their is little to no motion, spatial awareness or what not in any of the panels. Its just stick figure images with dialogue boxes that randomly move without any form of transition from one place to another, not even a box with words saying what happened or where the "characters", and I use the term loosely, have gone.


Let's see

1. It's INCREDIBLY long
2. It supposes workplace discrimination against men
3. It supposes that women actively try to get men fired
4. It depicts women who don't want to sleep with the protagonist as butch
5. It fetishizes Asian women
6. Magic sperm(?)
7. Terrible art
8. It depicts the protagonist as "the nice guy" and the other guy as "the asshole"
9. In general it's like the writer tried to roll every negative stereotype about women into one


Worst webcomic, sure


Now where can I go to get a man fired?


I do enjoy that in this comic it's the same characters in every new strip. I can't really take it as the worst though when it's doing badly on purpose though.

It's not doing it on purpose. The guy is serious and a writer for Return of Kings, a notorious MRA site.


Why is Dirk not bound by the "racial prejudice" of the modern woman in his comic?

If the "I'm an expert" Neogaf post taught me anything it's that in America you can be successful by being an asshole. Our hero is just a poor nice guy who's getting the short end of the stick. Pure injustice.
I don't see the problem with the "Neckbeard" comic. I do think that it's kind of an unfair insult and does take away from all of the handsome shitheads. Art's pretty decent too.
Oh, and I found a flaw in the webcomic

The author put scarequotes around uncomfortable when the manager said it - but it stands to reason that the character herself would not put scarequotes around it. It feels like he was trying to prop her up as an antagonist, but because he's not a good writer, accidentally inserted his own beliefs into her dialogue.


It's not doing it on purpose. The guy is serious and a writer for Return of Kings, a notorious MRA site.
The topic matter he may believe in but the overall quality of the comic is just copy pasted character poses of characters that all look the same. It's on purpose.

This is bad, but the very worst webcomic I've ever seen that wasn't clearly made by someone with mental probems is Linkara's, yes that Linkara's, Lightbringer.


I'm telling you these hold no candles to Moon Over June. I wish I could post examples but they're all so severely NSFW


Oh my god. These are fucking awful. This shit makes CAD look not-embarrassing. Every other comic posted in this thread hasn't even come halfway close to being this bad.
This is bad, but the very worst webcomic I've ever seen that wasn't clearly made by someone with mental probems is Linkara's, yes that Linkara's, Lightbringer.


I thought this was a troll because every time I clicked on Next, it just showed the title card. To which I would have applauded him if it was just that.

The topic matter he may believe in but the overall quality of the comic is just copy pasted character poses of characters that all look the same. It's on purpose.

Have you considered that he does this because he is not talented enough to do better? :p


man, this shit's got

1. nice man falling prey to ~evil~ women
2. cuckolding
3. an implicit threesome
4. stereotype that asian women are submissive
5. fetishiziation of said stereotype
6. the belief that feminists want to destroy men and are also sluts
7. shit art
8. shit writing
9. some pointy-ass titties
10. the other dude is named dirk, which is clearly a play on "dick"
11. the "good" woman offers to cook for the man
12. "women are a protected class now" lmfao

it's truly incredible in its own terrible way

I doubt any other "shit" comic could hit 6 of these points.


Have you considered that he does this because he is not talented enough to do better? :p
There's a limit and this is far past. I can't take this seriously at all. These panels are too bad to be created by a person who is capable of..whatever the hell kind of point he's trying to make. Hell the guy had two right hands in one panel, there's no way.


So where are these assets being recycled from? It was really hoping this was satire until I saw that "Return of Kings" post... Then the other one stating it's a whiny MRA site and not that Egypt movie with all the while people like I thought.
There's a limit and this is far past. I can't take this seriously at all. These panels are too bad to be created by a person who is capable of..whatever the hell kind of point he's trying to make. Hell the guy had two right hands in one panel, there's no way.

You underestimate just how low the quality floor can get :p


this is inspirational.

this should be used as a teaching tool for years to come

on how not to make a comic; holy shit


This is bad, but the very worst webcomic I've ever seen that wasn't clearly made by someone with mental probems is Linkara's, yes that Linkara's, Lightbringer.


Doesn't count, Lightbringer's badness only feels astounding because Linkara has a show where he bitches about comics while showing he can't write (or draw) for shit, if Linkara didn't have his show, Lightbringer would only be average awful.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Seems pretty much written by a Nice Guy just like the one in the OP :shrug

The neckbeard comic is an ideological opposite to the comic in the OP. He's making a lot of points that MRAs would associate with "SJWs". Hell he's even thanking people on Tumblr at the end.

I think the problem here is that you associate the neckbeard stereotype with "Nice Guys" so much that when you have somebody with the physical attributes of a neckbeard being defensive about their appearance that you implicitly tie him back to those stereotypes without actually examining the content of the argument.
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