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Resident Evil TGS Special Stage Event Stream on Sep 17th (RE7, Vendetta, & More)

I mean this is a new entry in a beloved fragile that's about to change significantly for the third time in its life. Its understandable to be wanting to see more if your undecided if this direction of RE is for you. Yet with this slow trickle of info, yes I want more, but I also dont. I also truly would like to be surprised again in RE for a change. Maybe its the whole fiasco of NMS recently that is making people weary or doubting Capcom as if they have some huge turd of a game called RE7. I mean is it possible? Sure... but so is anything really. This mentality of a company, not showing me gameplay, means they are hiding a bad game seems silly. They are dripping the info slowly as I'm sure they have planned.
This keep it a secret thing is ridiculous. RE1 was SHOWN, we saw the dogs jumping through the windows in every single magazine preview. We saw Yawn, we saw zombies, we saw basically the entire first act of the mansion and it did not hurt the experience at all. In fact its probably the reason RE is such a gigantic franchise because those previews showed a game unlike anything we had seen before and people went out and bought it.

RE4 had tons of trailers and previews, demo discs and more. We saw tons of the game. Again got most people excited cause it was something we had never seen before. Did it hurt the experience, nope, its still one of the greatest games ever made.

This has nothing to do with keeping surprises, showing a small piece of your game doesn't ruin anything. What not showing your game does is spread rumors, spreads doubt, creates expectations that don't match the product and generally creates a sense of uncertainty rather than excitement.

I want to be as excited for RE7 as I was most all games in this franchise and I cant, cause I haven't seen shit, well the only thing they have shown is exactly what I DONT want the game to be. I love the hype machine before a big release, it makes waiting for a game fun. The anticipation for any new RE is always a blast, analyzing trailers and gameplay videos. This has been anything but fun.

Any RE should be one of my most anticipated games but its not cause they show nothing.We got a mindblowing Zelda coming, with hours of incredible gameplay on display could be my favorite game ever if its as huge as I think it is. Horizon is incredible, the most beautiful open world, awesome combat. I cant wait for FFXV and its epic scale. And then there is RE7... oh yeah that game is coming in January, hope its good.
This keep it a secret thing is ridiculous. RE1 was SHOWN, we saw the dogs jumping through the windows in every single magazine preview. We saw Yawn, we saw zombies, we saw basically the entire first act of the mansion and it did not hurt the experience at all. In fact its probably the reason RE is such a gigantic franchise because those previews showed a game unlike anything we had seen before and people went out and bought it.

RE4 had tons of trailers and previews, demo discs and more. We saw tons of the game. Again got most people excited cause it was something we had never seen before. Did it hurt the experience, nope, its still one of the greatest games ever made.

This has nothing to do with keeping surprises, showing a small piece of your game doesn't ruin anything. What not showing your game does is spread rumors, spreads doubt, creates expectations that don't match the product and generally creates a sense of uncertainty rather than excitement.

I want to be as excited for RE7 as I was most all games in this franchise and I cant, cause I haven't seen shit, well the only thing they have shown is exactly what I DONT want the game to be. I love the hype machine before a big release, it makes waiting for a game fun. The anticipation for any new RE is always a blast, analyzing trailers and gameplay videos. This has been anything but fun.

Any RE should be one of my most anticipated games but its not cause they show nothing.We got a mindblowing Zelda coming, with hours of incredible gameplay on display could be my favorite game ever if its as huge as I think it is. Horizon is incredible, the most beautiful open world, awesome combat. I cant wait for FFXV and its epic scale. And then there is RE7... oh yeah that game is coming in January, hope its good.

It's all a trap to get our preorder monies. When you open it, you get a picture signed by Sean Murray.


Fantastic, fears have been massively squelched. Look, Revelations 1 had a much stronger 'idea' of what it was that made RE4 special than 5 or 6 ever did, hence why its my 2nd favorite title in the RE4 gameplay era (4, 5, 6, Rev 1, Rev 2).

I do think that fans who think the game must be in a terrible state are really just calling the devs out in their weird way - the devs really want to keep things under wraps in order to maintain a surprise for the audience. Personally, I love the marketing for the game thus far, and I want them to maintain secrecy.

I mean, a general rule of thumb in horror is you don't show too much of your hand to the audience. The devs are prioritizing horror in a way that hasn't been important to RE since 4, and I commend them for that since it was a seriously ignored pillar of the franchise since the series' inception. I hope they deliver, I really do.

I have a hard time agreeing that REV 1 knew what made RE4 good. It's pretty much bad design the game. The underwater sections are a chore. Every chapter outside the ship is basically survive against a wave of enemies. On 3DS the game is unplayable on higher difficulty level unless you mess with the stick sensitivity. Moreover they made the final boss based around the clunky dodge mechanic that the game forces you to use a grand total of 1 time before in the whole game.That game also had a pretty bad and misleading demo. I still enjoyed the game a lot because I absolutely loathed 6 but REV 2 is a much better game than REV 1.

I'm confident I will enjoy 7 a lot. I'm ready for a change in the series. From what I can gather, they are probably not revealing too much because there seem to be very few actual battles in the game and most fight seem to be unique and based on using your surroundings to win. I sure hope it doesn't become another boring hide in the shadows game though,
I think the marketing is working regardless of how people feel about it (I've enjoyed most of how they've handled it so far, though it's my fault for expecting something new at TGS). There's a decent chunk of interest in RE7, the threads are usually lengthy, there is a good amount of excited people, etc. Since they revealed RE7 at E3, I'd imagine that most Japanese people haven't had a chance to see it in person so this is probably why they went the route they did.

I'm still on board with the game and think it'll be good, but Dusk does make a good point at how they slowly reveal new elements and probably have a set structure (I think he mentioned this sometime after the E3 conference as well). It's probably best to expect nothing major from now on until PSX/January.

It's interesting that Capcom and SE are in similar situations but are marketing their flagship games totally different.

I think it'll be around a monthly thing, with possibly a story/launch trailer at TGA and TV spots in January leading up to release. Between now and then however, I wouldn't expect nothing big.

I just hope it [the marketing] mainly keeps to the Plantation. That brief insight shown that hints at more in the last trailer, even if not entirely unknown to those paying attention, could have done without showing so soon if secrecy is the name of the game.
I think it'll be around a monthly thing, with possibly a story/launch trailer at TGA and TV spots in January leading up to release. Between now and then however, I wouldn't expect nothing big.

I just hope it [the marketing] mainly keeps to the Plantation. That brief insight shown that hints at more in the last trailer, even if not entirely unknown to those paying attention, could have done without showing so soon if secrecy is the name of the game.

You and me both. I didn't look at the RE7 spoilers which appear to be true and want to discover things (new locations, characters, etc.) on my own. From how they've been showing it off, I doubt they're going to show new locations.


Junior Member
So weird for me to see people have so much trust in Capcom of all companies. How is it not concerning to have not seen the proper game yet when it launches in January? All they need to release is a 5 minute gameplay clip and everyone will shut up.
This keep it a secret thing is ridiculous. RE1 was SHOWN, we saw the dogs jumping through the windows in every single magazine preview. We saw Yawn, we saw zombies, we saw basically the entire first act of the mansion and it did not hurt the experience at all. In fact its probably the reason RE is such a gigantic franchise because those previews showed a game unlike anything we had seen before and people went out and bought it.

RE4 had tons of trailers and previews, demo discs and more. We saw tons of the game. Again got most people excited cause it was something we had never seen before. Did it hurt the experience, nope, its still one of the greatest games ever made.

This has nothing to do with keeping surprises, showing a small piece of your game doesn't ruin anything. What not showing your game does is spread rumors, spreads doubt, creates expectations that don't match the product and generally creates a sense of uncertainty rather than excitement.

I want to be as excited for RE7 as I was most all games in this franchise and I cant, cause I haven't seen shit, well the only thing they have shown is exactly what I DONT want the game to be. I love the hype machine before a big release, it makes waiting for a game fun. The anticipation for any new RE is always a blast, analyzing trailers and gameplay videos. This has been anything but fun.

Any RE should be one of my most anticipated games but its not cause they show nothing.We got a mindblowing Zelda coming, with hours of incredible gameplay on display could be my favorite game ever if its as huge as I think it is. Horizon is incredible, the most beautiful open world, awesome combat. I cant wait for FFXV and its epic scale. And then there is RE7... oh yeah that game is coming in January, hope its good.

For one, several of the RE's were kept HEAVILY under wraps until just about when it came out, and this game is no exception. Sure, RE was shown off heavily prior to release, but it was also a new franchise at that point - they needed all the marketing they could get. However, after RE1 several titles in the series would go underground during its development and only really show their hand either right when the game was about to launch (RE2, 4, 5, Rev 2, CV) or after a delay and a reworking of sorts (RE2, 4, & 5 to a large degree).

I think i'm so sympathetic to the devs in this case because there really isn't any winning with what they are doing until they put out the finished product in people's hands. Its a brand new perspective, an atmospheric grounding of the series, and a complete narrative 'wipe' on the series as well, both in terms of characters & plot threads from earlier entries.

As for not having any sort of game material to chew on - speak for yourself. I think they have provided a ton of material to chew on, that I used to actively speculate in the original E3 demo thread, as well as in the RE subreddit. In fact, this is probably the first entry since RE5 where I was actively engaged by the pre-launch material. The E3 demo really made me question just how did its content inform the setting/scenario/campaign of RE7 proper, and what/who that creature was that kills Pete, although it was shown that Clancy (the player character/cameraman) also dies in the original Kitchen demo.

Personally, the idea that you're playing as a main character trapped in a house with a deranged family that is potentially infected with some variation of the Tyrant Virus is SUPER fascinating to me. That one segment in the latest trailer, where Jake bursts through a wall and proceeds to beat the shit out of the player character with a broom reminded me of by stalked by one of the Tyrant bioweapons in RE2 or Nemesis in RE3. The dinner scene also really gets across how dysfunctional the seemingly immortal family potentially is. Add all this in with hints of Umbrella's involvement, as well as segmented storytelling in the form of the VHS tapes and the greater implications that may have for the full RE7 experience, and I think there is more than enough to go off of.

The truth is, what they are showcasing right now are the things that are completely unique about RE7 in relation to any of its past entries. They are focusing on horror again. You're no longer some super-soldier fighting off hordes of mutant/undead horrors - you're now an ordinary person stuck in a very isolated situation, something that we haven't gotten from an RE campaign since RE3, CV, or the Rev titles. On top of that, they are also showcasing the series' return to puzzle solving (this, atmosphere & horror are the key things the demo was intended to focus on, an admission the game director made back at E3).

Is there a chance that the final game will have us battling through swarms of mutants/zombies using all manners of firearms & melee weapons while evading family members? Sure, its possible. But it doesn't sound thats what their intention for the gameplay is. Heck, they got an American writer to write RE7, so having a more solid story is also something they are very keen on. This means that the game will be far less of an anime-inspired power-fantasy that RE4-6 wound up becoming. And the results of this already show - the writing is far more realized and better delivered in English in just these few trailers and demos than we have probably EVER seen from this franchise.

The devs have made a commitment to maintaining secrecy when it comes to this title. Heck, just getting Capcom community managers to admit that there wasn't anything else to unlock in Beginning Hour took over a week and involved pulling massive teeth. One of the CMs even came on here and basically broke the 4th wall and admitted they really didn't know much about RE7 proper outside of what the devs had told them, and the only thing they had heard was regarding the demo. Tons are still left in the dark about RE7, even within Capcom. There were Capcom reps at E3 telling people that there was more to the demo than what was found, but it turned out that was a lie - the devs just never gave them an answer whether there was or wasn't one way or the other. You realize this is probably the first entry in a Resident Evil game where we know more about the central badguys in the story that we will immediately face off with as opposed to the main character in the game itself? RE 0, 2, 3, CV, 4, 5, & 6 all were announced with details regarding their playable cast. Here, we don't even have a description, nevermind a name, and that is something they refuse to answer even though they have told us the character has no relation to a pre-existing RE cast member nor are they special - the most they gave us is this person (won't even confirm their gender) is an ordinary person thrust into an extraordinary situation, and that they went this route to remove any false sense of power the player might derive from one of the pre-existing cast members or any faction they are a part of (BSAA, CIA/Secret Service, Umbrella/Neo Umbrella, Tricell, etc.).
I want to be as excited for RE7 as I was most all games in this franchise and I cant, cause I haven't seen shit, well the only thing they have shown is exactly what I DONT want the game to be. I love the hype machine before a big release, it makes waiting for a game fun. The anticipation for any new RE is always a blast, analyzing trailers and gameplay videos. This has been anything but fun.

I'm in total agreement with you!

Regarding pre-release hype, you forgot to mention playing through the previous games in the series starting a few weeks prior to the game's release, just to build up even more personal excitement - that's always fun too :)

I'm really hoping that we're going to be blown away by just how much content there is after the Baker family segment; which is probably not that much of the game really and thus why CAPCOM is keeping so much of the game a secret.

That's my hope anyway.
So weird for me to see people have so much trust in Capcom of all companies. How is it not concerning to have not seen the proper game yet when it launches in January? All they need to release is a 5 minute gameplay clip and everyone will shut up.

This post would make sense if we were currently in the month of January. Capcom still has over four months to show more of the game.
So weird for me to see people have so much trust in Capcom of all companies. How is it not concerning to have not seen the proper game yet when it launches in January? All they need to release is a 5 minute gameplay clip and everyone will shut up.

Cause we have seen glimpses of the proper game? Producers confirmed the TGS trailer + Lantern demo/VHS tape is our first look at confirmed RE7 content. The E3 trailer was almost entirely Beginning Hour content, a demo which will not be featured in the final game.

In this demo we saw 2 glimpses of combat (Jack Baker taking a broom to the player character, a playable character in the garage taking a gun and shooting a younger looking Jack Baker). The lantern demo is also a segment of gameplay from one of the many VHS tapes in RE7, although it doesn't feature any combat.

Just because they haven't shown us a vertical slice of the game that contains all aspects of gameplay in one fully detailed form doesn't mean it doesn't exist. January is a long time out, there are at least 1, potentially 2 trade shows between now and the late January launch, and the demo still needs to be updated at some point in the future.

From a marketing perspective, there is a more than good enough reason to wait until after the holiday rush to better showcase your game - there is a far less chance you are going to be completely forgotten with the media all the fall games are about to start generating, and it makes sense to keep the audience in a further state of mystery to keep them engaged past the holiday rush by giving them a better look closer to launch, which we will certainly get versus just blowing their load now and showcasing every little thing the game has to offer in terms of scenario and gameplay.

Heck, they aren't even asking us to wait a long time - the game is launching 7 months from its initial announcement. Not 1 year, not a decade like not one but 2 of this Holiday's releases are (TLG & XV), but 7 months. And they are giving us a drip feed of updates, teases and mystery leading up to the launch, and have told us ahead of time that this is their intention.
So weird for me to see people have so much trust in Capcom of all companies. How is it not concerning to have not seen the proper game yet when it launches in January? All they need to release is a 5 minute gameplay clip and everyone will shut up.

This is the same company that let thousands of people go insane over a dummy finger, let some random employees tease said thousands and showed a bunch of things people have already seen at TGS. I don't think they'll budge or deviate from what they're doing now. It's ok to have concerns and doubts, Capcom is just approaching this differently. If they have nothing to show in January, then I think most people will start share your sentiments.
Heck, they aren't even asking us to wait a long time - the game is launching 7 months from its initial announcement. Not 1 year, not a decade like not one but 2 of this Holiday's releases are (TLG & XV), but 7 months.

This is something I feel we neglect when giving the Resident Evil VII/Biohazard 7 team the full credit they deserve.

They have been working on this game for years - in secret - even releasing the "Kitchen" demo which everyone was oblivious to it being a tech representation of what Resident Evil 7 would end up being. 7 months to wait after you first hear about a game is like a Christmas present compared to the wait for most AAA titles.

Kudos Capcom, good job!

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
any recap of this special stage event stream?

So some of the finer details may be missed since none of the Japanese said has been translated from the main special stage event, but it was kind of a recap of everything they've shown so far from the E3 reveal to now for the RE7 half, though they did talk some specifics about the Twilight Demo, confirmed and showed an image of item boxes and item management, and talked a bit about gunplay, and that handguns and shotguns are in the game.

The thing they showed today was a playthrough of the Lantern demo and a small interview with the director and the producer mainly about horror.

At the general stage event they showed off a demake spin-off game, a pretty nice "History of RE" trailer I hope to find on Youtube soon, talked about the two upcoming films, and development stories of all the mainline RE games, and a few announcements here and there for Japan specifically (different versions of RE7, a RE PS4 collection thing coming soon, the two different rating versions of RE7).
I have a hard time agreeing that REV 1 knew what made RE4 good. It's pretty much bad design the game. The underwater sections are a chore. Every chapter outside the ship is basically survive against a wave of enemies. On 3DS the game is unplayable on higher difficulty level unless you mess with the stick sensitivity. Moreover they made the final boss based around the clunky dodge mechanic that the game forces you to use a grand total of 1 time before in the whole game.That game also had a pretty bad and misleading demo. I still enjoyed the game a lot because I absolutely loathed 6 but REV 2 is a much better game than REV 1.

I'm confident I will enjoy 7 a lot. I'm ready for a change in the series. From what I can gather, they are probably not revealing too much because there seem to be very few actual battles in the game and most fight seem to be unique and based on using your surroundings to win. I sure hope it doesn't become another boring hide in the shadows game though,

As has been confirmed in both the Famitsu article this week AND in the ESRB rating a few months ago, the game has other mutants & bosses you will fight and kill with weapons. It sounds like the only scripted encounters will feature the non-killable Baker family members. They just have not shown those monsters at all. The ESRB rating even goes into detail as to the types of weapons we will be using to dispatch these mutated monstrosities.

Right now, they are trying to build up helplessness & horror. Showing the player destroying a few mutants with a grenade launcher is going to subvert that BIG time.
For one, several of the RE's were kept HEAVILY under wraps until just about when it came out, and this game is no exception. Sure, RE was shown off heavily prior to release, but it was also a new franchise at that point - they needed all the marketing they could get. However, after RE1 several titles in the series would go underground during its development and only really show their hand either right when the game was about to launch (RE2, 4, 5, Rev 2, CV) or after a delay and a reworking of sorts (RE2, 4, & 5 to a large degree).

I think i'm so sympathetic to the devs in this case because there really isn't any winning with what they are doing until they put out the finished product in people's hands. Its a brand new perspective, an atmospheric grounding of the series, and a complete narrative 'wipe' on the series as well, both in terms of characters & plot threads from earlier entries.

As for not having any sort of game material to chew on - speak for yourself. I think they have provided a ton of material to chew on, that I used to actively speculate in the original E3 demo thread, as well as in the RE subreddit. In fact, this is probably the first entry since RE5 where I was actively engaged by the pre-launch material. The E3 demo really made me question just how did its content inform the setting/scenario/campaign of RE7 proper, and what/who that creature was that kills Pete, although it was shown that Clancy (the player character/cameraman) also dies in the original Kitchen demo.

Personally, the idea that you're playing as a main character trapped in a house with a deranged family that is potentially infected with some variation of the Tyrant Virus is SUPER fascinating to me. That one segment in the latest trailer, where Jake bursts through a wall and proceeds to beat the shit out of the player character with a broom reminded me of by stalked by one of the Tyrant bioweapons in RE2 or Nemesis in RE3. The dinner scene also really gets across how dysfunctional the seemingly immortal family potentially is. Add all this in with hints of Umbrella's involvement, as well as segmented storytelling in the form of the VHS tapes and the greater implications that may have for the full RE7 experience, and I think there is more than enough to go off of.

The truth is, what they are showcasing right now are the things that are completely unique about RE7 in relation to any of its past entries. They are focusing on horror again. You're no longer some super-soldier fighting off hordes of mutant/undead horrors - you're now an ordinary person stuck in a very isolated situation, something that we haven't gotten from an RE campaign since RE3, CV, or the Rev titles. On top of that, they are also showcasing the series' return to puzzle solving (this, atmosphere & horror are the key things the demo was intended to focus on, an admission the game director made back at E3).

Is there a chance that the final game will have us battling through swarms of mutants/zombies using all manners of firearms & melee weapons while evading family members? Sure, its possible. But it doesn't sound thats what their intention for the gameplay is. Heck, they got an American writer to write RE7, so having a more solid story is also something they are very keen on. This means that the game will be far less of an anime-inspired power-fantasy that RE4-6 wound up becoming. And the results of this already show - the writing is far more realized and better delivered in English in just these few trailers and demos than we have probably EVER seen from this franchise.

The devs have made a commitment to maintaining secrecy when it comes to this title. Heck, just getting Capcom community managers to admit that there wasn't anything else to unlock in Beginning Hour took over a week and involved pulling massive teeth. One of the CMs even came on here and basically broke the 4th wall and admitted they really didn't know much about RE7 proper outside of what the devs had told them, and the only thing they had heard was regarding the demo. Tons are still left in the dark about RE7, even within Capcom. There were Capcom reps at E3 telling people that there was more to the demo than what was found, but it turned out that was a lie - the devs just never gave them an answer whether there was or wasn't one way or the other. You realize this is probably the first entry in a Resident Evil game where we know more about the central badguys in the story that we will immediately face off with as opposed to the main character in the game itself? RE 0, 2, 3, CV, 4, 5, & 6 all were announced with details regarding their playable cast. Here, we don't even have a description, nevermind a name, and that is something they refuse to answer even though they have told us the character has no relation to a pre-existing RE cast member nor are they special - the most they gave us is this person (won't even confirm their gender) is an ordinary person thrust into an extraordinary situation, and that they went this route to remove any false sense of power the player might derive from one of the pre-existing cast members or any faction they are a part of (BSAA, CIA/Secret Service, Umbrella/Neo Umbrella, Tricell, etc.).

You are incorrect about the Past RE ganes, they were shown plenty well in advance. RE4 was revealed in GI of March 2004, it described the entire village sequence and how the game plays. RE5 had trailers YEARS before it came out. CV was being shown well before the DC even launched. What is going on here is kind of unprecedented.

Well we know the main character is named Ethan and he is after his missing wife. We know this does follow the RE storyline and takes place after RE6. And we know the Bakers. This is no different than past RE games marketing, they show the heroes and villains. I don't care about that, I care about what I am playing.

I just want proof that this isn't mostly a hide and seek horror game. The gameplay loop better not be like amnesia or outlast or any of those stealth horror games. I want to see limited ammo, limited inventory space, having to reach item boxes to store stuff. Finding items and keys to make your way through a maze like mansion while monsters try to kill you. And you can defend yourself, hiding like a stupid idiot for minutes on end should be discouraged. That's the game I want to see. Till I see it I remain scared.
So weird for me to see people have so much trust in Capcom of all companies. How is it not concerning to have not seen the proper game yet when it launches in January? All they need to release is a 5 minute gameplay clip and everyone will shut up.
You said it. I mean this is the company that just earlier this year completely fucked up the release of one of their biggest franchises. I really don't understand how can people just trust Capcom so easily.

The only thing that I can think of is that most RE7 believers/fans are probably okay with the game being what they've shown so far and wouldn't really mind if it was more horror and less survival. At least that's the only logical explanation that I can think of atm. They most likely would be okay if we had like 5 minutes of combat for every hour or so of hiding/exploration.
You are incorrect about the Past RE ganes, they were shown plenty well in advance. RE4 was revealed in GI of March 2004, it described the entire village sequence and how the game plays. RE5 had trailers YEARS before it came out. CV was being shown well before the DC even launched. What is going on here is kind of unprecedented.

Well we know the main character is named Ethan and he is after his missing wife. We know this does follow the RE storyline and takes place after RE6. And we know the Bakers. This is no different than past RE games marketing, they show the heroes and villains. I don't care about that, I care about what I am playing.

I just want proof that this isn't mostly a hide and seek horror game. The gameplay loop better not be like amnesia or outlast or any of those stealth horror games. I want to see limited ammo, limited inventory space, having to reach item boxes to store stuff. Finding items and keys to make your way through a maze like mansion while monsters try to kill you. And you can defend yourself, hiding like a stupid idiot for minutes on end should be discouraged. That's the game I want to see. Till I see it I remain scared.

The update to the demo already has a limited amount of ammo you can carry. They also showcase item management and how it is infact, very limited, so some form of item swapping/storing/storage is most likely going to be featured. The demo also has some puzzles that need to be solved in order to further your progress, so yeah you're safe on the puzzle side.

Obviously hiding will be featured as a gameplay component (lantern demo). However, consider the fact that the lantern demo is in and of itself a VHS tape, and it seems the VHS tapes are intended to give the player altogether different gameplay experiences than what Ethan or the playable character is going through. It seems you're playing as Ethan when Jake comes bursting through the wall. He hits the player, and we see the screen flash red like a hit indicator - seems to me like if Jake is hitting you, and the game is registering it as a hit, then you're likely able to either defend or dodge that, and that its not a scripted moment.

As for the comparison to earlier RE games - RE5 featured a single trailer announcing Chris Redfield & the setting of Africa, and that was all we had to go on for years until Capcom began the marketing campaign in earnest almost 2 years later in 2008, when they finally revealed to us that it was a full co-op game and showed us the full scenario the campaign would be in. That unveiling occurred prior to E3 2008, almost 10 months before the game would ship in '09. We also had an initial, rudimentary trailer on CV prior to the Dreamcast being announced, but it underwent several changes before it became the CV that launched in 2000, and we wouldn't get the full scope of what CV was until closer to its release.

And the village sequence was showcased for the first time in GI of March 2004, after over 3 years of RE4 having been announced, with reboots and restarts behind the scenes with no information given to consumers about its development status, and the ONLY thing we had to go on from that GI in March of '04 until its launch in '05 was that one GI article and NOTHING else. They kept the larger scenario almost entirely under wraps for 10 months.
The update to the demo already has a limited amount of ammo you can carry. They also showcase item management and how it is infact, very limited, so some form of item swapping/storing/storage is most likely going to be featured. The demo also has some puzzles that need to be solved in order to further your progress, so yeah you're safe on the puzzle side.

Obviously hiding will be featured as a gameplay component (lantern demo). However, consider the fact that the lantern demo is in and of itself a VHS tape, and it seems the VHS tapes are intended to give the player altogether different gameplay experiences than what Ethan or the playable character is going through. It seems you're playing as Ethan when Jake comes bursting through the wall. He hits the player, and we see the screen flash red like a hit indicator - seems to me like if Jake is hitting you, and the game is registering it as a hit, then you're likely able to either defend or dodge that, and that its not a scripted moment.

As for the comparison to earlier RE games - RE5 featured a single trailer announcing Chris Redfield & the setting of Africa, and that was all we had to go on for years until Capcom began the marketing campaign in earnest almost 2 years later in 2008, when they finally revealed to us that it was a full co-op game and showed us the full scenario the campaign would be in. That unveiling occurred prior to E3 2008, almost 10 months before the game would ship in '09. We also had an initial, rudimentary trailer on CV prior to the Dreamcast being announced, but it underwent several changes before it became the CV that launched in 2000, and we wouldn't get the full scope of what CV was until closer to its release.

And the village sequence was showcased for the first time in GI of March 2004, after over 3 years of RE4 having been announced, with reboots and restarts behind the scenes with no information given to consumers about its development status, and the ONLY thing we had to go on from that GI in March of '04 until its launch in '05 was that one GI article and NOTHING else. They kept the larger scenario almost entirely under wraps for 10 months.

Yes but we knew how those game played. All they need to do is show us an extended 5- 10 minute gameplay sequence from the main game, it could be from the pieces they showed from the trailer. Or if the rest of the damn demo is representative of the game how about we get to play it!

I just don't understand what they are doing. Purposefully confusing people. We here at gaf are the super knowledgable, the majority of people have no clue what RE7 is, most think it's just an amnesia clone. And that won't go away until they show the game.

Or they could have showed how the game played at E3 and everyone would understand it's still RE, its just in a new perspective and with a focus on going back to its roots.

I think RE7 is going to be the lowest selling numbered RE game since before RE4, I think a lot of people already decided this game is not what they want and now Capcom is going to have to work extra hard to get the message out that it's not just what they showed before.
Yes but we knew how those game played. All they need to do is show us an extended 5- 10 minute gameplay sequence from the main game, it could be from the pieces they showed from the trailer. Or if the rest of the damn demo is representative of the game how about we get to play it!

I just don't understand what they are doing. Purposefully confusing people. We here at gaf are the super knowledgable, the majority of people have no clue what RE7 is, most think it's just an amnesia clone. And that won't go away until they show the game.

Or they could have showed how the game played at E3 and everyone would understand it's still RE, its just in a new perspective and with a focus on going back to its roots.

I think RE7 is going to be the lowest selling numbered RE game since before RE4, I think a lot of people already decided this game is not what they want and now Capcom is going to have to work extra hard to get the message out that it's not just what they showed before.

You know, if they had a release trailer that actually showed different parts of the game the way the original Resident Evil and Resident Evil 2 trailers did - like showing the aqua ring and the giant alligator, etc. - even if it's just quick shots - that would assuage most people's fears.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I need to make a topic about hiding horror games eventually, or even just first-person horror games eventually. I think most people think of Amnesia or Outlast when they think of them, but there's a surprising amount of variety in the scene. While I prefer third-person in general for my personal preferences, there's a lot of really good, well-paced, and varied first-person horror experiences out there which don't fall to the 'lol where's the fun of hiding in a corner for x time" that so many people seem to think these games are composed of.

That's a separate topic entirely though. In RE7's case I think one issue is people just are seeing or not see what they want to/don't want to see and not really sitting down a moment to think about what RE7 actually is. And no, it's not a hide'n'seek horror game like some seem to think, nor is it going to be the action-packed taking down hordes of enemies action game.

I wanted to post that separately, but I'll make a post following up shortly of how I suspect the 'gameplay loop' of RE7 works from everything so far.
Capcom could show a bunch of gameplay clips (they probably will, since they have over four months left until the game launches). Or they could not. And almost every single person in this thread will buy the game. So honestly, Capcom should continue to market the game the way they see fit are and on launch day at the very latest, we'll know exactly how RE7 plays.

The TGS trailer was enough for me. There's exploration, combat, and puzzles. And assuming the leak is true, there's a bunch of other "REesque" stuff as well.
I need to make a topic about hiding horror games eventually, or even just first-person horror games eventually. I think most people think of Amnesia or Outlast when they think of them, but there's a surprising amount of variety in the scene. While I prefer third-person in general for my personal preferences, there's a lot of really good, well-paced, and varied first-person horror experiences out there which don't fall to the 'lol where's the fun of hiding in a corner for x time" that so many people seem to think these games are composed of.

That's a separate topic entirely though. In RE7's case I think one issue is people just are seeing or not see what they want to/don't want to see and not really sitting down a moment to think about what RE7 actually is. And no, it's not a hide'n'seek horror game like some seem to think, nor is it going to be the action-packed taking down hordes of enemies action game.

I wanted to post that separately, but I'll make a post following up shortly of how I suspect the 'gameplay loop' of RE7 works from everything so far.

Was the trailer I posted the one you were looking for?


If you're not happy with what you've seen, just wait 72 hours after launch and you'll have a whole host of asshole shouty outraged streamers with faux shocked thumbnails picking the game apart showing you whatever you want to see.

Personally I'm sick of being trailered to death this generation. RE7 getting revealed six months pre-launch and having currently little to go on is refreshing.

Time will tell if it's a good game. It may be. It may not. But pissing on the game with 'concern' and the developers just because they've chosen to take this tack promoting it is pointless. 'Its Capcom, they messed up SFV so it's proof they are off their game' is one of the more amusing jumps of logic I've heard today.
Yes but we knew how those game played. All they need to do is show us an extended 5- 10 minute gameplay sequence from the main game, it could be from the pieces they showed from the trailer. Or if the rest of the damn demo is representative of the game how about we get to play it!

I just don't understand what they are doing. Purposefully confusing people. We here at gaf are the super knowledgable, the majority of people have no clue what RE7 is, most think it's just an amnesia clone. And that won't go away until they show the game.

Or they could have showed how the game played at E3 and everyone would understand it's still RE, its just in a new perspective and with a focus on going back to its roots.

I think RE7 is going to be the lowest selling numbered RE game since before RE4, I think a lot of people already decided this game is not what they want and now Capcom is going to have to work extra hard to get the message out that it's not just what they showed before.

Most think its an amnesia clone? Then they aren't super knowledgeable about the game, because Capcom has said it has combat, and leaks on the game indicate you are fighting enemies that aren't scripted encounters. No, its not going to have combat from the series past but in a different perspective. It most likely will not feature the sort of combat pacing & visceral-ness that RE 4 -6 showcased. It will most likely be a more methodical affair, more akin to condemned or RE1-3, with ammo limitations playing an even bigger role based on the fact that the game will allegedly (both from an anon leak and from some of the comments from the devs) feature a larger emphasis on melee weapons, meaning you can design the game to be beatable with melee weapon by default, but still have guns for the ammo hoarders out there.

They didn't showcase a more traditional RE game from first person because this is not a traditional RE game, and the perspective shift is not the only major difference that they have made. It's not like the 1-3 era, and it isn't like the 4-6 era. If all you want is to see is a player killing enemies with a few different weapons, don't worry - its in there, and you'll be seeing it soon enough. Just don't expect it to be like RE 4-6 or RE 1-3 - all their talk of disempowering the player to emphasis horror means I doubt the combat is going to make the player feel super powerful.
Personally I'm sick of being trailered to death this generation. RE7 getting revealed six months pre-launch and having currently little to go on is refreshing.

Same here.

Just look at Resident Evil 6 - after playing the game, I literally felt like I saw all of the good parts in the countless trailers, previews and sneak peeks that were revealed before the game's launch. I feel like aside from the initial Baker chapter, we know nothing about Resident Evil 7...

...and I love it.


This keep it a secret thing is ridiculous. RE1 was SHOWN, we saw the dogs jumping through the windows in every single magazine preview. We saw Yawn, we saw zombies, we saw basically the entire first act of the mansion and it did not hurt the experience at all. In fact its probably the reason RE is such a gigantic franchise because those previews showed a game unlike anything we had seen before and people went out and bought it.

RE4 had tons of trailers and previews, demo discs and more. We saw tons of the game. Again got most people excited cause it was something we had never seen before. Did it hurt the experience, nope, its still one of the greatest games ever made.

This has nothing to do with keeping surprises, showing a small piece of your game doesn't ruin anything. What not showing your game does is spread rumors, spreads doubt, creates expectations that don't match the product and generally creates a sense of uncertainty rather than excitement.

I want to be as excited for RE7 as I was most all games in this franchise and I cant, cause I haven't seen shit, well the only thing they have shown is exactly what I DONT want the game to be. I love the hype machine before a big release, it makes waiting for a game fun. The anticipation for any new RE is always a blast, analyzing trailers and gameplay videos. This has been anything but fun.

Any RE should be one of my most anticipated games but its not cause they show nothing.We got a mindblowing Zelda coming, with hours of incredible gameplay on display could be my favorite game ever if its as huge as I think it is. Horizon is incredible, the most beautiful open world, awesome combat. I cant wait for FFXV and its epic scale. And then there is RE7... oh yeah that game is coming in January, hope its good.
This is all of my thoughts on RE7's marketing condensed into a single post. RE7 has perhaps the worst, most misguided marketing I've ever seen for a game. I want to be excited for this game, but I can't because I don't even know what it is. It's incredibly frustrating.
You know, I guess I can see where some of you are coming from. If pre-release hype and excitement is one of the main reasons you enjoy the video game hobby, I can see how this marketing could be frustrating.

For me though, I became completely jaded and desensitized to almost all forms of media hype during the last generation of consoles. So these days, I personally like it when a developer only shows a small amount of a game before release.


RE7 has perhaps the worst, most misguided marketing I've ever seen for a game

So far I've played one excellent free demo, consider the E3 trailer to be one of the best of the year, been very intrigued by the Lantern trailer and thought the Baker trailer absolutely stellar.

Most. Misguided. Marketing. Ever. Read in comic book guys voice it sounds much better.
So far I've played one excellent free demo, consider the E3 trailer to be one of the best of the year, been very intrigued by the Lantern trailer and thought the Baker trailer absolutely stellar.

Most. Misguided. Marketing. Ever. Read in comic book guys voice it sounds much better.

Probably the best video game trailer I've seen this generation outside of Breath of the Wild.
This thread is insane. So much info to sift through. Skimming it, though, I get that people are disappointed with the lack of RE7 info?

Also, was there any mention of REmake 2?


So far I've played one excellent free demo, consider the E3 trailer to be one of the best of the year, been very intrigued by the Lantern trailer and thought the Baker trailer absolutely stellar.

Most. Misguided. Marketing. Ever. Read in comic book guys voice it sounds much better.

You thought walking around 5 rooms with various items that have no use whatsoever was an excellent demo? Good to know how low your standards are for demos, then. I'd personally have liked something that was, y'know, actually representative of the final game.
This thread is insane. So much info to sift through. Skimming it, though, I get that people are disappointed with the lack of RE7 info?

Also, was there any mention of REmake 2?

There wasn't a lot of RE7 info that we didn't already know. The item box was a cool reveal though.

No remake 2 info. I'm guessing they'll show more once 7 is released a la FF7 remake.

There's no point in arguing whether you're excited or concerned because nothing will come out of it. Just wish that people weren't so dismissive of differing opinions and would agree to disagree.


This thread is insane. So much info to sift through. Skimming it, though, I get that people are disappointed with the lack of RE7 info?

Also, was there any mention of REmake 2?

I'm definitely disappointed, for one. All I want is to be given a rough idea of what the final game will be like. How does combat work? Is it primarily melee or gun focused? Is there even a large focus on it at all? How does item management work? Are there item boxes, do we just drop things on the ground, or is it not something we even need to think about? How does exploration work? Is it level based and linear like recent games, or zone based and open-ended like the earlier games? I don't want to know every detail or surprise from the game, just what it's basic structure is.

As far as REmake 2 goes, they didn't show anything of it as far as I'm aware. I think it's just that they want to focus on RE7 right now. They'll likely talk about or show something of it once 7 has been released.


There wasn't a lot of RE7 info that we didn't already know. The item box was a cool reveal though.

No remake 2 info. I'm guessing they'll show more once 7 is released a la FF7 remake.

There's no point in arguing whether you're excited or concerned because nothing will come out of it. Just wish that people weren't so dismissive of differing opinions and would agree to disagree.

What's this about item boxes?
I mean this is a new entry in a beloved fragile that's about to change significantly for the third time in its life. Its understandable to be wanting to see more if your undecided if this direction of RE is for you. Yet with this slow trickle of info, yes I want more, but I also dont. I also truly would like to be surprised again in RE for a change. Maybe its the whole fiasco of NMS recently that is making people weary or doubting Capcom as if they have some huge turd of a game called RE7. I mean is it possible? Sure... but so is anything really. This mentality of a company, not showing me gameplay, means they are hiding a bad game seems silly. They are dripping the info slowly as I'm sure they have planned.

Wait? What were the other two? I can only think of one major change to the franchise formula, and that's the change from 1/2/3 to 4/5/6. Do you count the spin-offs?


Wait? What were the other two? I can only think of one major change to the franchise formula, and that's the change from 1/2/3 to 4/5/6. Do you count the spin-offs?

I'm pretty sure he's referring to RE1 and RE4. RE1 established the formula for the earlier games, and was dubbed a "Survival Horror" game due to being a Horror game with an emphasis on survival elements such as exploring and scavenging for supplies, and conserving resources as much as possible. RE4 marked a Paradigm shift in the series design philosophy, and while many people seem to think it was the perspective or combat style that drew the series away from it's roots, it was actually something much more subtle: enemies drop loot. Thanks to this change, players were encouraged to kill everything they came across to acquire money, ammo, etc. This lead to it being dubbed an "Action Horror" game, due to it being a Horror game with a strong focus on action elements, and encouraging players to kill enemies rather than avoid them. RE7 marks another Paradigm shift for the series. As for what that entails, nobody knows except Capcom.
Same here.

Just look at Resident Evil 6 - after playing the game, I literally felt like I saw all of the good parts in the countless trailers, previews and sneak peeks that were revealed before the game's launch. I feel like aside from the initial Baker chapter, we know nothing about Resident Evil 7...

...and I love it.

More like they've shown enough to make me not hesitate buying this. Not the initial trailer, but what the demo teased should make it really blatant for fans where they are going with this (which is not Outlast). The latest trailer cemented that. While for RE6, I also only needed the first trailer to understand that it's going to be trash.
So weird for me to see people have so much trust in Capcom of all companies. How is it not concerning to have not seen the proper game yet when it launches in January? All they need to release is a 5 minute gameplay clip and everyone will shut up.

Especially after the expectations vs reality debacle of the Street Fighter V launch. Kind of a glaring example of when marketing isn't on the same page as the majority of fans. Yes there are diehards who will pick apart every frame of a trailer and read every interview, or even pre-order blind with the hope of being surprised, but most people are just going to watch the released footage and think the game is something that Capcom insists it's not.


You thought walking around 5 rooms with various items that have no use whatsoever was an excellent demo? Good to know how low your standards are for demos, then. I'd personally have liked something that was, y'know, actually representative of the final game.

If you weren't impressed at all by the atmosphere and world building the demo was aiming for, Im pretty sure you may be right and the game may not be for you.

Continually bitching that it isn't like previous Resident Evils is going to get old real fast.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Okay, so the following is just a theory and all of that, we won't know 100% until we ourselves can play the game and all of that. However, this is not a baseless theory. I'm pulling from a lot of information officially revealed in gameplay, interviews, and the like, as well as leaks which have been confirmed to be true at this point, and mutterings, and intuition.

What I'm going to try to define is what is theorized to be the 'gameplay loop elements' of RE7, I'll keep it mostly to the point so I can mostly stick to official information but I will connect some bits and pieces here from everything revealed so far.

So, what do I think Resident Evil 7 will be like in practice?

-The 'groundwork' gameplay of Resident Evil 7 is exploration. The thing that connects the other gameplay segments of RE7 is exploring these environments in first-person, finding items and supplies, observing the environment, opening up new areas and progressing. You will spend probably a good portion of time exploring the levels of the game, and many of the levels in RE7 will feature more open-ended spaces to explore and new areas to open up as opposed to a linear path.

-While exploring, you will pick up items. Resident Evil 7 has item management. You have a limited inventory space that utilizes a RE4-esque 'grid' system where you use items you've collected. Items include weapons, ammo, healing items, puzzle items, and more. More so, some items have a double purpose (a knife you pick up early has practical puzzle uses, but also has the second purpose to be a melee weapon). Managing your inventory is part of RE7, and you may drop off items from your inventory at Item Boxes.

-In-between main gameplay scenario, there are Safe Rooms. These rooms give an opportunity to be a breather and a good resting/stopping place in gameplay. Item Boxes will probably often be in these safe rooms, though the exact system of saving in RE7 has not been revealed yet (it might be limited saves, maybe you can only save at safe rooms, or possibly the safe rooms only there for a breather and saving works through a more modern system). Regardless, Safe Rooms do exist in Resident Evil 7. (since we don't know if they're also Save Rooms yet, it's why I'm calling them Safe Rooms for now.)

-As you explore Resident Evil 7, you will be attacked or get into situations with enemies. The enemies confirmed right now are Jack and Marguerite Baker, though there's a big chance that the other Baker family members may be enemies too. We also know that the Bakers are not the only enemies in the game, and there will be mutated monstrosities that aren't humanoid at all beyond that. Enemies will never come in a horde (though there is the possibility you might face more than one at once eventually), and each enemy is a bigger threat with some unique attributes to them. When encountering an enemy, you are either given the choice to fight or flee. I will explore both below.

-FIGHT WITH WEAPONS: You have a number of weapons at your disposal, at the time of writing we have handguns, shotguns, knives, axes, explosives, flamethrowers, and chainsaws confirmed for weapons we may utilize. Weapons take up space in our inventory, so picking what to carry with us for different situations is important, as well as guns have finite limited ammo where choosing when to use them is important. Melee combat is an option, and is confirmed to have a light attack and heavy attack that may swing vertically or horizontally, and block. Enemies can be defeated, and fighting back is an important aspect to RE7. Enemies take damage of where they're attacked and respond to damage outputted to different limbs and parts. This next part I will spoiler tag, it's not 100% confirmed but a few things have lead me to believe this is true:
The enemies in RE7 can lose the use of their limbs, but can rejuvenate them with time. The recent trailer further cemented this, but I've been theorizing this for a while from tidbits of information that don't make any sense UNLESS enemies can rejuvenate their limbs. which the recent trailer kind of confirmed. An example is the Chainsaw description from ERSB mentions you use the chainsaw to cut off limbs, which as the enemies also play an important story role, wouldn't make sense unless they could rejuvenate their limbs. And I think this plays a role in gameplay. It's also why I believe they haven't shown the combat in-depth yet, since it'd spoil this pretty big aspect of the game they don't want people to know about yet.
Some of the 'weapons' also seem to be traps to lay for the enemies.

-FIGHT WITH WIT: Enemies can be defeated through wit and use of your surroundings, items in the environment, and indirectly. Some enemies have even been confirmed not to be killable with normal weapons, but can be defeated through using your surroundings through other methods.

-FLEE: Enemies can be ran from and escaped from, evaded. Sometimes running from an encounter is a wiser decision than facing the enemy head-on.

-HIDE & SNEAK: The game has also shown it has some hide & sneak mechanics in place to bypass enemies, a necessity in some VHS segments, but also an option for practical use with other options in the main game to avoid conflict if one can remain sneaky.

-Puzzles. The game has them, while I don't expect anything super challenging for the brain, there are some puzzles in RE7.

-VHS/Memory Sequences: You get opportunities through the game to go through memory sequences where you play as other characters in the past. These segments are confirmed fully optional, technically. You don't need to beat any of them to beat the game, but they may contain information that might be hard to figure out alone, some things you do in the memories can change certain things about the present (more on this next section), These also provide different gameplay experiences to go through that differ from the main gameplay.

-Branching paths & endings: This game was discovered through a confirmed leak to have branching paths and endings (however, this had been hinted at previously also in interviews, where the developers mentioned when asked about replayability they want people to play through the game, talk about their experiences, and realized they experienced different things, and when asked about the mysteries of the game, mentioned you may not learn everything about the story in a single playthrough). Apparently part of the goal is two people can go through the same segment of the game and talk to each other about certain parts of RE7, and realize they experienced very different things. Choices in gameplay matters, but also confirmed there are some dialogue choices. The source of the leak even claims the game has one of the most extensive changing paths systems in any big game released so far, name calling it beats out Mass Effect in this department in how much of the game actually changes and how it effects your pathway and ending. There is a big chance some things you can change in VHS sequences also plays into that.

-Boss Battles: Yes, this game is confirmed to have boss battles. Nothing is known on them right now, but the game does have them.

-Secrets: It is confirmed there are secret areas to uncover, optional puzzles, and some other tidbits you can take in for some extra rewards and gameplay experiences.

-Diversity: All I've described so far is what we know from the basic gameplay, but the thing about describing the 'basic gameplay' is that the game is all dependent on the scenarios, but there's evidence to point this game may actually have a lot of diversity. For example, we already know the game has a
water segment with a huge underwater behemoth
and we know the game has a
driving segment
. There have been some mentions that the game is actually super focused on making sure the player doesn't get too familiar with any one element of the game and to add new elements and to mix things up as the game goes on, as well as breathers and segments focused on different things. The director has said in interviews that the game is focused on making players not certain what to expect next, and there are murmurs the game may have much more diversity to its gameplay than may be expected right now.


There's more, but it gets to some things that have looser information I want to have come together before I mention, there's a few things more theories from observations I have, and some things I have noticed or know I don't want to share since my goal isn't to spoil people on the game but to form some more awareness of the pieces of RE7 and how they come together, but that'd be the basic way to describe the gameplay from how I understand it. I think it'll be more like a first-person RE game than some think right now that'll become more evident as things come together.
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