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Gravity Rush 2 - You're going to buy it, right?

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Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
I liked Gravity Rush a lot on Vita and it looks even better on PS4.

Such a good art style and original game mechanics.


Another mention of sidequests from Dualshockers for those who are interested:


I could spruce up the OT more with some quotes from the reviews, but meh... that is just too much work. At this point, if someone's still not interested in Gravity Rush, then I don't know what else to do lmao

The sidequests could be the dullest, most repetitive garbage ever but if they gave me gems I'd probably do it for days.


Sadly everybody I've talked with about this game just sees it as another "kawaii game for otakus", never giving it a chance.

Tis' a shame, especially when some of the reviews have noted that it continues its trend of being generally harmless in that regard, just focused on making its whimsical world.

The sidequests could be the dullest, most repetitive garbage ever but if they gave me gems I'd probably do it for days.

Lol, fair enough. Though I'm hearing that it's a lot harder to max out everything that you can upgrade, so once again, one has to be smart about what abilities they improve just like in the last game.


Gold Member
What makes Kat a "waifu"

people just lump any cute anime female into this catchall phrase. it's pretty awful.

the fact that people will dismiss this game due to their closed minded ideas of anime culture stereotypes is atrocious. If it's because you don't like the anime style, fine. but don't start writing it off on baseless assumptions. so many good games die because of that.

such an ugly way to perceive life in general
I had no hype for this game because I never got into the Vita version (which I guess I should give another chance now), but after seeing the reviews... it's on my radar. I will wait to pick it up on sale. I probably would have preordered it if it came with the remastered version of PS4, as I have no plans on double dipping.
That doesn't make any sense. How can you say people who are clearing the game in the most effective way, are shit at it? This ad hominem is childish, and only reflects weakness in your ability to present an argument.

1. You haven't established that it's the most effective way (i.e. you're presuming your premise is true).

2. Constantly missing attacks and then relying on special moves which takes no skill whatsoever to perform does not mean that you have any skill whatsoever.

You're still shit at the game and you're even worse at arguing your point.

If special attacks require no skill or thought, aren't they an issue with the games mechanical design? Why are you suggesting that the game is mechanically sound, and then telling me that the way others play it is broken and they're shit at it because they're playing it what you consider to be the wrong way? If special attacks are the most effective and obvious way to clear a boss, people are going to do that, if spamming kicks are the most effective way to clear a boss, people are going to do that.

I'm not telling you that special attacks are "broken". I'm telling you that they're a crutch because they're incredibly powerful and automatically target enemies. And that those who use them are using them because they're bad at the game.

There are other signs that they're bad at the game too.

You've delivered plenty of those signs (i.e. your inability to learn the full use of the traversal mechanics).

That aside I can't imagine most people were playing Gravity Rush with a competitive mindset, so whether or not they measured up to the your seemingly high standards probably wasn't a factor. At the end of the day you're telling me that this game is mechanically sound, but only if you play it your way, what utter nonsense.

You're the one who brought in the competitive aspect when you started talking about beating the game or enemies the fastest.

I'm talking about understanding the mechanics and the enemy patterns which I equate to playing the game well.

We can even run with your line of argument if you like, let's say I, and all of the detractors are shit at the game. Why does that make their opinion less valuable? Is the ability to run past all of the enemies in Dark Souls, not a valid criticism of Dark Souls? I think it is, and I don't think people using it in speed runs and whatnot, are shit at that game either. This entire line of argument just comes across as completely unintelligible and impolite.

There are factually incorrect statements in your prior posts.

You are making value judgments based on a faulty understanding of the game's mechanics.

Again, you don't understand the game's mechanics and yet you're calling them poorly thought out. That's why your opinions should be discounted.

There's nothing unintelligible about that line of argument.

You know what's unintelligible? That Dark Souls bit because 1. I was using speed runs in Dark Souls as an example of why speedrunners aren't necessary highly skilled and 2. holy hell, if people couldn't run past the enemies, the game would be so much more frustrating.

Also, no you don't retain your momentum if you shift into a slide, you go at the default speed of the slide, which often feels as though you've lost speed when compared to travelling through the air. The same is true even of simple shifts in direction in the air, there's a brief moment where Kat loses momentum and redirects, it's brief but it effects the sense of fluidity none the less. It's a valid criticism if people don't like that, I'm not sure how that's hard to understand. Again I only said that it does not retain your momentum, you go far faster in the air and do not retain that momentum when you hit the ground into a slide, and then after leaving the slide, you once again lose momentum to go back into gravity mode. That's just an example of something I dislike about the game, I'm not sure how you managed to missinterpret it as false. Even in the speedruns, they lose momentum when switching between slides and gravity manipulation.

Oh I don't disagree with you and although I have tempered expectations of GR2 I will be picking it up with an open mind. I like Kat, the universe, and even enjoy the gameplay in spite of its flaws, so I'm sure I'll have fun with it.


That's what it looks like. The transition doesn't even take a second.


people just lump any cute anime female into this catchall phrase. it's pretty awful.

the fact that people will dismiss this game due to their closed minded ideas of anime culture stereotypes is atrocious. If it's because you don't like the anime style, fine. but don't start writing it off on baseless assumptions. so many good games die because of that.

such an ugly way to perceive life in general

I'm the one who called Kat a waifu. I just assumed every cute anime character people drool over was a "waifu". I didn't mean to criticize the game.

And what first draw my attention was the distinctive look of the game.


I'm the one who called Kat a waifu. I just assumed every cute anime character people drool over was a "waifu". I didn't mean to criticize the game.

And what first draw my attention was the distinctive look of the game.

There's definitely people out there that probably love her to that extent, but for those who've played the first game, we quickly find out that she's a pretty great and likable character who goes through little to no fanservice, so yea, it can get tiring at times to see the game being dismissed on the fact that it looks too "anime", or hear other sorts of stereotypes or even backhanded compliments.

Like you said, the game has a distinct, unique look to it that you just won't find anywhere else, so if you're interested, give it a try.
Ahh, here it is. This probably would have been more appropriate in this thread:

Haha, we can only do our best. It's going to be a busy busy quarter. I have Gravity Rush, Nioh, Horizon and Nier locked down, but I already had to cut some other things for later ie. Kingdom Hearts (both collections), Dragon Quest VIII, Halo Wars 2 (well I was a bit hrrrm on that anyway but def skipping for now) so that I can do these and then have a Switch extravaganza. As much as it would be great if everyone could check out GR2, I can't blame anyone for making tough decisions right now and the support will be seen down the line if you get it later.


For everyone who was thinking (even though I'd advise against it) of getting the second game without having played the first one, I have loaded a whole lot of screenshots of the story of the first game, which should get anyone up to speed (even though it's missing the first 2 or 3 chapters). There's also a folder for the Travellers.

Thanks man.

Haha, we can only do our best. It's going to be a busy busy quarter. I have Gravity Rush, Nioh, Horizon and Nier locked down, but I already had to cut some other things for later ie. Kingdom Hearts (both collections), Dragon Quest VIII, Halo Wars 2 (well I was a bit hrrrm on that anyway but def skipping for now) so that I can do these and then have a Switch extravaganza. As much as it would be great if everyone could check out GR2, I can't blame anyone for making tough decisions right now and the support will be seen down the line if you get it later.

I still don't know if I'm buying a Switch early on or not. Hmm...



Btw, Digital Foundry thread is up if you didn't see it already. Both the OG and Pro versions of the game look good, with them being step-ups from the E3 demo we've been playing. Thread and video goes into more details, but beware, the video does show off parts of the game we have yet to see, so if you're the type that wants to go in completely blind, don't watch the video.

I'll also put the link to this in the OT just in case.


Neo Member
Only ten more days until GR2! I played the original a few months ago and it blew me away with its presentation and insanely fun gameplay. I can't wait to see how they continue with Kat's story and I'm especially hyped to do more challenges. Something about using Kat's powers in an elegant fashion in order to be rewarded with gems always satisfies me!
I still don't know if I'm buying a Switch early on or not. Hmm...

Haha no choice on my end, Nintendo is the only format that unifies my partner, the boy and I. If I buy one, everyone will play it individually and everyone will play it together and I really value the good family game time we've all had out of Nintendo's systems so I just couldn't leave it. Gravity Rush by contrast, it's just me and Kat!


Haha no choice on my end, Nintendo is the only format that unifies my partner, the boy and I. If I buy one, everyone will play it individually and everyone will play it together and I really value the good family game time we've all had out of Nintendo's systems so I just couldn't leave it. Gravity Rush by contrast, it's just me and Kat!

If Zelda's a launch title, I'll probably do it lol


Junior Member
The sidequests could be the dullest, most repetitive garbage ever but if they gave me gems I'd probably do it for days.
Rewards plus trophies plus mini stories between you and the characters you involve with in the side quests and playong random cool qwarky quests is worth


Rewards plus trophies plus mini stories between you and the characters you involve with in the side quests and playong random cool qwarky quests is worth

I just want to do the ones where she gets to sing, that sounded so awesome if the trailer was any indication.
I just played the demo. Never played the first one. I found the camera control, and in general moving around, to be really frustrating. Maybe they do a better job in the first game of getting you accustomed to navigating the world, but the basic "how to travel" tutorial in the demo was not enough for me to get a handle on things. I was constantly overshooting everything, losing track of targets with the camera, struggling to aim precisely, etc. Didn't really enjoy traveling around, let alone combat because of that.

I'm not necessarily blaming the game, but it feels like you're already expected to know how to play and the demo tutorial is a formality. So based on my experience there, I won't be picking it up. Honestly I wouldn't do that anyway before playing the first one due to the ongoing narrative. Hopefully at some point they'll make GR1 a free Plus game like they did in Japan, and I'll give it another shot.

Since I don't want to be totally negative in what is effectively a hype thread for fans, I will say that I found the world interesting and pleasant aesthetically. Feels a bit like a grown-up version of Wind Waker. Cool character designs. The UI designer also did a fantastic job with the look and animations.


Man I feel kinda bad. I still haven't gotten my review up, and the game is out in a week. I'm still in the beginning chapters because I can't bring myself to stop dicking around and just enjoying the world. It's what made the first gravity rush such a long experience for me.

If yall have any questions about gameplay or whatever else, fire away. It's a work day so I'll be checking the thread when I can.


Man I feel kinda bad. I still haven't gotten my review up, and the game is out in a week. I'm still in the beginning chapters because I can't bring myself to stop dicking around and just enjoying the world. It's what made the first gravity rush such a long experience for me.

If yall have any questions about gameplay or whatever else, fire away. It's a work day so I'll be checking the thread when I can.

Hmm, what are the differences concerning the difficulty modes?


I'm the one who called Kat a waifu. I just assumed every cute anime character people drool over was a "waifu". I didn't mean to criticize the game.

And what first draw my attention was the distinctive look of the game.

I remember that in the first game, there are a couple of quests where she has a crush on some teen around. She speaks a bit to him, there is some action and when night fades you have to protect him or his surroundings from various enemies iirc.

Then she just finds out that he already has a girlfriend and shrugs it off and keeps her own business.

Which... isn't usual waifu behaviour. I may be wrong, but my impression is that "waifu" characters don't have (or show) sexual interest to any character but the blank slate protagonist from the game or anime in question.

You don't want your otaku fanbase to get jealous, after all. .

The mood in those few chapters were quite tonally different from the usual otaku pandering stuff you may seem.


Hmm, what are the differences concerning the difficulty modes?

Haven't dived that deep. Didn't even know there were difficulty settings. I started the game straight away and have scarcely been to the menus at all except to save, upgrade, and mess with talismans.

Talismans, by the way, will really switch up the way you approach combat. In the first game the gravity kick was by far the most effective attack, but I would still use stasis and standard attacks and dodges to spice things up. This time around you're really rewarded for being creative with your offense. In some situations using stasis or basic attacks is even the *definite* way to go.

Not what you asked, but there's that.
Actually I just cancelled my preorder for GR2, because I haven't gotten around to playing Gravity Rush Remastered yet. I played a bit of the game on Vita but didn't beat it. Still fully intend to buy GR2 eventually but I can't justify full price with the first game still in the backlog!
Actually I just cancelled my preorder for GR2, because I haven't gotten around to playing Gravity Rush Remastered yet. I played a bit of the game on Vita but didn't beat it. Still fully intend to buy GR2 eventually but I can't justify full price with the first game still in the backlog!
Go play it then ;D
Jokes aside, if you're interested you could easily get through the story before the the second game comes out.
I don't know if I'll buy yet. The huge world seems to be a big playground for gravity shift stuff, but otherwise, appears to be filled with no interesting discoveries. I might feel compelled to look all over, and get bored finding nothing of interest. Main game seems okay, but I only felt compelled to finish the first GR once and forgot about it soon after.

And this game is releasing close to other major releases, which is the main reason I might hold off, since I'd like to keep that money for potential major spending in late Feb/early-mid March.


I remember that in the first game, there are a couple of quests where she has a crush on some teen around. She speaks a bit to him, there is some action and when night fades you have to protect him or his surroundings from various enemies iirc.

Then she just finds out that he already has a girlfriend and shrugs it off and keeps her own business.

Which... isn't usual waifu behaviour. I may be wrong, but my impression is that "waifu" characters don't have (or show) sexual interest to any character but the blank slate protagonist from the game or anime in question.

You don't want your otaku fanbase to get jealous, after all. .

The mood in those few chapters were quite tonally different from the usual otaku pandering stuff you may seem.

Yea, I was surprised by that. Like despite the perceptions that people are likely to have, she's pretty much acts like a normal girl... who happens to have gravity powers.

I mean, I get why someone would refer to her as one. Cute character and design, people tend to eat that shit up after all. But as you said, the game itself does very little to directly pander to that audience, at least in my opinion. And if I recall correctly, even some of the controversial outfits don't have cutscenes or dialogue attached to them that just make you go "Ugh. Of course they'd do that." Overall, the character is handled quite well.

Although, I don't think there is really such a thing that I would distinctly classify as "waifu behavior". From what I've seen over the years, it typically comes down to the fictional character being:

- cute
- attractive
- generally
- or all of the above

Kat could be argued to exemplify such traits, but in general, people just know she's a great character generally speaking. But then you also have the people who run with that even further, hence where the waifu label begins imo

But I agree in that it obviously helps for people to label characters they like as such or w/e if they're clearly single.

Haven't dived that deep. Didn't even know there were difficulty settings. I started the game straight away and have scarcely been to the menus at all except to save, upgrade, and mess with talismans.

Talismans, by the way, will really switch up the way you approach combat. In the first game the gravity kick was by far the most effective attack, but I would still use stasis and standard attacks and dodges to spice things up. This time around you're really rewarded for being creative with your offense. In some situations using stasis or basic attacks is even the *definite* way to go.

Not what you asked, but there's that.

Yea, should be Easy, Normal, and Hard. Curious specifically as to what Hard mode entails.

And good to know about the Talismans. I've read from reviews that they felt superfluous, and while they probably are, it's nice to know that they can have a lot of influence if you get the right ones.


Yea, should be Easy, Normal, and Hard. Curious specifically as to what Hard mode entails.

And good to know about the Talismans. I've read from reviews that they felt superfluous, and while they probably are, it's nice to know that they can have a lot of influence if you get the right ones.

There are a lot of talismans, and many have negligible effects. The better / more rare talismans can have dramatic effects.

One talisman, for example constantly keeps a few nearby objects pulled into a stasis field, ready to launch. I never have that equipped while exploring because I don't constantly want nearby tables, benches, and crates hovering around me. But while in combat, or when attempting certain time attack combat challenges, that talisman makes a world of difference.

Edit: making lots of edits since I'm typing on my phone, sorry.


Honestly Gravity Rush is more than just typical "anime" stuff. From its sense of style to its characterization, it's unique enough to be closer to something like a Ghibli film. Ghibli-lite, if you will.


To be honest, I probably won't. When I owned a Vita I played it for about half an hour and lost interest in continuing (not sure why, I should have given it a new chance), and the videos of Gravity Rush 2 gameplay doesn't really call my attention as much as many other games to be released this year on PS4.

That said, even as a game that I do still holds some interest, I will hardly be able to afford it when there are so many other great titles being released in 2017.
I really love the slice of life vibe inbetween all the crazy happenings in GR, that's what ends up defining it in my mind, and a lot of the characters encountered come back to some very human down to earth vices or hang ups. Wanting to see Kat make her way through life and find a comfortable home and settled lifestyle is a huge part of the fun. I think it's easy to look at Kat as the main girl or even Raven in terms of aesthetic and make assumptions but there is almost zero otaku pandering.

I kind of think of Charlie Brown in fact when she's taking to eat the skewer and something keeps getting in the way haha. Kat is extraordinary, but in many ways she's just one of us. That's the heart of the character and series, for me.


There are a lot of talismans, and many have negligible effects. The better / more rare talismans can have dramatic effects.

One talisman, for example constantly keeps a few nearby objects pulled into a stasis field, ready to launch. I never have that equipped while exploring because I don't constantly want nearby tables, benches, and crates hovering around me. But while in combat, or when attempting certain time attack combat challenges, that talisman makes a world of difference.

Edit: making lots of edits since I'm typing on my phone, sorry.

Oh nice, I didn't even know there'd be stuff like that. What's the "worst" one you've seen so far?

Honestly Gravity Rush is more than just typical "anime" stuff. From its sense of style to its characterization, it's unique enough to be closer to something like a Ghibli film. Ghibli-lite, if you will.

Hell, even describing it as Ghibli anything is somewhat crude imo, because it has such a signature and unique look, in part due to its influences from French comic books.

Not that it being described as being remisciecent of Ghibli films isn't flattering of course, but it sucks that that's the most common way to describe it, especially when attempting to get other people to get over their apprehensions/biases of it looking too "anime" or "Japanese".

To be honest, I probably won't. When I owned a Vita I played it for about half an hour and lost interest in continuing (not sure why, I should have given it a new chance), and the videos of Gravity Rush 2 gameplay doesn't really call my attention as much as many other games to be released this year on PS4.

That said, even as a game that I do still holds some interest, I will hardly be able to afford it when there are so many other great titles being released in 2017.

Thankfully all the games I want happen to be spaced out for each month, otherwise I might feel similarly. Fortunately, this is the only game I'm remotely interested in for January.


I remember that in the first game, there are a couple of quests where she has a crush on some teen around. She speaks a bit to him, there is some action and when night fades you have to protect him or his surroundings from various enemies iirc.

Then she just finds out that he already has a girlfriend and shrugs it off and keeps her own business.

Which... isn't usual waifu behaviour. I may be wrong, but my impression is that "waifu" characters don't have (or show) sexual interest to any character but the blank slate protagonist from the game or anime in question.

You don't want your otaku fanbase to get jealous, after all. .

The mood in those few chapters were quite tonally different from the usual otaku pandering stuff you may seem.

And here I always thought that the only prerequisite for being a waifu was being female (same for males being husbandos). People have different tastes, after all.
Guess I still have a lot to learn. Not that I want to.
in part due to its influences from French comic books.

Really hope the Moebius influence comes across stronger this time actually. They obviously did the best they could in terms of scale on the vita but imo the promise in the official artwork is so much closer to that influence than the actual result. Feeling good based on the demo, felt like the colours were really there too


And here I always thought that the only prerequisite for being a waifu was being female (same for males being husbandos). People have different tastes, after all.
Guess I still have a lot to learn. Not that I want to.

You can call whoever you want a waifu of husbando. But if you are aiming to create "waifu material", there are certain traits that would make your character resonate much more with your intended otaku audience.

That's what I meant. Kat is cute, yeah. She is female, yeah. But I don't think she is a character that was designed or written to appeal to an otaku fanbase.


I remember that in the first game, there are a couple of quests where she has a crush on some teen around. She speaks a bit to him, there is some action and when night fades you have to protect him or his surroundings from various enemies iirc.

Then she just finds out that he already has a girlfriend and shrugs it off and keeps her own business.

Which... isn't usual waifu behaviour. I may be wrong, but my impression is that "waifu" characters don't have (or show) sexual interest to any character but the blank slate protagonist from the game or anime in question.

You don't want your otaku fanbase to get jealous, after all. .

The mood in those few chapters were quite tonally different from the usual otaku pandering stuff you may seem.

Man that was great, I was so glad that she forgot about it and keep with her stuff instead of having 1 hour of drama because "why he doesn't love me and why I'm so alone".

Even at the start when she's alone living in a literal shithole she's just so happy to just have her own home. That's the spirit!

You can call whoever you want a waifu of husbando. But if you are aiming to create "waifu material", there are certain traits that would make your character resonate much more with your intended otaku audience.

That's what I meant. Kat is cute, yeah. She is female, yeah. But I don't think she is a character that was designed or written to appeal to an otaku fanbase.

Yeah female and cute doesn't need to mean waifu. There's nothing sexual in her design or attitude. She's more like a fun buddy than waifu.


Oh nice, I didn't even know there'd be stuff like that. What's the "worst" one you've seen so far?

The worst Talisman I've come across makes it so your controller sends out a pinging noise whenever you're close to power crystals, which are freaking everywhere. I guess late game if you're searching for the few you haven't collected in a certain area it could be useful, but for right now there's really no reason for that and it gets annoying.

Most of the "useless" talismans still do little things for you when you equip them, though. Some give health boosts, others make you consume less gauge while in gravity mode, others will increase the effectiveness of attacks, some make your gravity slide better... There are a wide range of effects, and most talismans have more than one effect.

You have three talisman slots total, and tons of possible combinations of effects depending on what you put in each slot, so you can really tweak things for your style of play. Also, a lot of side quests and challenges reward you with neat and powerful talismans, so that gives you an extra incentive to do those (in case the charming little stories weren't enough).

There's also the possibility to discover talismans or run into mini bosses while "mining," which is basically the GRush 2 version of grinding for currency. The mining locations are generally very beautiful as well, so it makes it less of a grind and more a pleasurable way to kill time and still be productive. Here's a snapshot I took from one of the very first mining locations, sitting on top of a giant statue:


I sat there for a long time just looking at the sky and my surroundings. It's shit like this that makes the game so hard to "rush" through for a review.



I sat there for a long time just looking at the sky and my surroundings. It's shit like this that makes the game so hard to "rush" through for a review.

Man I'm angry that the white costume is PSN exclusive here. It looks better than black :(
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