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Mass Effect: Andromeda - Cinematic trailer

J 0 E

Sara Ryder's face looks a lot better in the Pathfinder Team Briefing trailer


compared to this


guess I'll play as female for the first time.


ill wait for reviews...the characters are alreay turning me off..their design and faces just look dumb. but i wont say NO, ill wait for reviews.

Yeah, i don't like that "amateur teenagers playing heroes" vibe that they are giving. It's a mission for survival in another galaxy and the best you can do is Shepards hormonal little brother.


Looks better than Supergirl but still somewhat odd

That factor would probably work for you if you wanted to go evil
Looking good. Space, planets, and ships look great, character models seem good for BioWare standards (Cora's hair even moves!) but default male Ryder doesn't hold a candle to Shepard, Vanderloo looked just better and more unique even with the buzzcut.

As I thought the main story (aside from the premise) seems generic, whether it's weak or not we'll see but the worst part of the new Star Trek movies coming to mind is not encouraging. They said they were taking cues from Saren to develop Archon but judging by the trailer s/he seems like the most generic baddie ever, Corypheus style.

Crew seems very ME1-esque which is not bad, I never expected lots of variety at what's probably the beginning of a new trilogy.

Cat-lizard people look cool though.


Still have my doubts, but I really am hyped just for the fact to be in the ME universe again.
The music in the latest two trailers is really outstanding.


Looking good. Space, planets, and ships look great, characters models seem good for BioWare standards (Cora's hair even moves!) but default male Ryder doesn't hold a candle to Shepard, Vanderloo looked just better and more unique even with the buzzcut.

They should have gotten more 2 models for ryder, Vanderloo was great


Well, my body was so ready I've had a raging boner since this was announced. But that trailer made me so limp I fear I'm now impotent. Everything I've seen is so incredibly underwhelming, and that shit makes me so sad seeing how close we are to release. Will wait for impressions before taking the plunge


We should get a video transmission that's all, "hey this makes no sense for us to be doing this but we wanted to remind you everyone Shepard ever knew and loved is DEEEEEEEAD except for Liara probably ok enjoy Andromeda"

And then your crew is all wut


We should get a video transmission that's all, "hey this makes no sense for us to be doing this but we wanted to remind you everyone Shepard ever knew and loved is DEEEEEEEAD except for Liara probably ok enjoy Andromeda"

And then your crew is all wut

Sequel Hook

Your crew is all settled in Andromeda, then they hear an emergency transmission and then they have to go baaaaaaaack


We should get a video transmission that's all, "hey this makes no sense for us to be doing this but we wanted to remind you everyone Shepard ever knew and loved is DEEEEEEEAD except for Liara probably ok enjoy Andromeda"

And then your crew is all wut

I bet there will be discussion at some point between characters about how special Shepard was because he became first human Spectre, but because how much time has passed he has been dead for centuries so we never will meet this great hero.


No bald cap? Lies!
We should get a video transmission that's all, "hey this makes no sense for us to be doing this but we wanted to remind you everyone Shepard ever knew and loved is DEEEEEEEAD except for Liara probably ok enjoy Andromeda"

And then your crew is all wut

Grunt would still be alive. Krogan live possibly longer than the Asari, just they normally end of getting killed in battle a lot more.

Everyone else kind of gets the shaft. Humans top out at 150, Salarians top out at 40, Vorcha live to like 20 and Turians live to maybe 200 or so.

I liked Sera...

Same. I look forward to Peebee.
Narrow shoulders and skin tight bodysuit makes her head look huuuge.

Firstly, she's standing slightly slanted towards us, so maybe that's what's giving the impression? Secondly, that's the game model. Unless you're accusing every single and solitary artist over at Bioware of being so incompetent that they can't even get basic 101 human proportions right, then I don't understand why you (well, not you. The person I was originally responding to) would even bring something like that up?

Like, I get that you're not into the art or even the game in general, but it's getting to be kind of ridiculous when everyone can just take a dump on every single imagined and non-imagined flaw without getting called out on it. It's like it's a free-for-all over here. Is this really fun for you guys?


We should get a video transmission that's all, "hey this makes no sense for us to be doing this but we wanted to remind you everyone Shepard ever knew and loved is DEEEEEEEAD except for Liara probably ok enjoy Andromeda"

And then your crew is all wut

Why is Liara Bioware's favorite?

Or am I misreading things?
I bet there will be discussion at some point between characters about how special Shepard was because he became first human Spectre, but because how much time has passed he has been dead for centuries so we never will meet this great hero.

Catalyst Shepard, he's immortal
. They should make control ending canon
and have Shepard's Reaper army come to the rescue against all odds at the end of this new trilogy
. I'd love that.


No bald cap? Lies!
Why is Liara Bioware's favorite?

Or am I misreading things?

Andromeda takes place 600 years after ME1-3 because it takes that long to get to the Andromeda galaxy, Asari live past 1000 years. Thus all the other companions would be dead.


Firstly, she's standing slightly slanted towards us, so maybe that's what's giving the impression? Secondly, that's the game model. Unless you're accusing every single and solitary artist over at Bioware of being so incompetent that they can't even get basic 101 human proportions right, then I don't understand why you (well, not you. The person I was originally responding to) would even bring something like that up?

Like, I get that you're not into the art or even the game in general, but it's getting to be kind of ridiculous when everyone can just take a dump on every single imagined and non-imagined flaw without getting called out on it. It's like it's a free-for-all over here. Is this really fun for you guys?

Just looks tad goofy because how large her head looks like in that shot :b My biggest issue in MaleRyder vs. FemRyder is that in general it looks like he got quite a few more artist passes. I can't put my finger on it, but something about her just feels off and unfinished in comparison.

Maybe that bad scene from gameplay trailer skulking around in back of my mind.

Catalyst Shepard, he's immortal
. They should make control ending canon
and have Shepard's Reaper army come to the rescue against all odds at the end of this new trilogy
. I'd love that.

Even if that was canon MEA crew can't know that. Arks left Milky Way between ME1 and 2.


The game is fast approaching and I still haven't decided if I should play this on the PC as I did ME1-3 or get it for the PS4...

I could never really get a grip on the controls on the Xbox for ME1, but that was way back so... these damned decisions!


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Literally Mass Effect: Inquisition.


Andromeda takes place 600 years after ME1-3 because it takes that long to get to the Andromeda galaxy, Asari live past 1000 years. Thus all the other companions would be dead.
Unless they wanted to establish a canon ending to 3, I don't think (or I hope) Liara won't show up again.
I can't fucking stand Liara. Worst character of ME1, by far.
Literally Mass Effect: Inquisition.

Is this a good thing? As someone who's never played Inquisition.


Unless they wanted to establish a canon ending to 3, I don't think (or I hope) Liara won't show up again.


Is this a good thing? As someone who's never played Inquisition.

Nope, its a terrible thing. Inquisition was a generic pile of hot garbage
Love the series but I'm just not feeling this at all, every trailer they show has a rushed feel to it, like you are waiting for it to get going then it ends.
I'm not understanding the negativity about the squad mates at all. We barely know them, they've had small clips and just the odd line here and there, hardly a sound basis for judgement.

I'll reserve my judgement for when I've played it thanks.

Trailer looked cool, graphics are impressive but it's probably not gonna be as pretty in game, animation was better than the last trailer and while I still have concerns, I'm in day one and am hopeful it's gonna blow me away
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