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Colin Was Right: The Gaming Industry vs Donald Trump


Someone who still respects Colin needs to answer this question.

He's too busy shoving his followers up his own ass to care.

This guy responds only to praise, and will rarely every answer back without a snide condescending remark...which also somehow still manages to be all about him.
He's right though. Mega Man 2 is great, but Mega Man 3 is better, thanks to Rush and the ability to slide.
I don't even disagree with him, but the fact he can't accept that someone may prefer Mega Man 2 to Mega Man 3 without resorting to dismissal should set the tone for how he approaches every debate. "Colin Was Right".


I don't even disagree with him, but the fact he can't accept that someone may prefer Mega Man 2 to Mega Man 3 without resorting to dismissal should set the tone for how he approaches every debate. "Colin Was Right".

I finally clued into his nasty attitude towards games when he was talking about The Last Gaurdian saying, after playing it for a single hour, it should never have been made. Just because you don't care for it doesn't mean it should be taken away from everyone, dude.
I finally clued into his nasty attitude towards games when he was talking about The Last Gaurdian saying, after playing it for a single hour, it should never have been made. Just because you don't care for it doesn't mean it should be taken away from everyone, dude.

At least you realized how toxic he is.
Unsubbed from both KF and KF Games cuz of this asshole. He's so unlikeable it makes me cringe. It's a shame since I think Tim and Nick are really great.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
They are too busy int he PSILY thread fawning over him posting again and asking him what his favorite flavor of ice cream is. Some might call it his "safe space".

And it that thread, this thread is labelled as toxic. If both sets of posters were in the same thread, I imagined it would be locked in a trillionth of a nanosecond.


Some of the shit you guys are saying about Colin is straight ignorant and wrong. Dudes not stupid, far from it actually.


Some of the shit you guys are saying about Colin is straight ignorant and wrong. Dudes not stupid, far from it actually.
Well you have to at least wonder about the intelligence of people voting for the GOP, advocating for Mitt Romney, admiring Stephen Bannon...


Some of the shit you guys are saying about Colin is straight ignorant and wrong. Dudes not stupid, far from it actually.

To use a DnD analogue he has higher than average intelligence but low wisdom.

I think a lot of people in this thread such as myself have liked his previous work but it's a case of his politics (which have always rubbed me the wrong way) have come more to the forefront and vitriolic.


I'm afraid I can't be more specific to the situations you mentioned, but how about Michael Brown and Ferguson?

Ferguson - The GameOverGreggy Show Ep. 38

Featured quote from Colin (19:50 in the video)

"The fact of the matter is, the black community in the United States is opressed. The black community in the United States doesn't get justice. The black community in the United States watches their kids get killed by cops with impunity. They watch their kids get thrown in jail for minor drug charges. They watch their kids fucking washout (?) not able to go to college, or finish school and everybody looks at this community and is like, "Why can't they get out of it, and why is unemployment higher in that community, and why is the education not as good?" Well why don't we fucking look at ourselves?"

Or how about this clip (from a whole episode where Colin talks about Dylann Roof and the Charleston shooting, and goes off on why the Confederate flag is racist and shouldn't be hung) where he talks about the situation in Ferguson and Baltimore - https://youtu.be/D4uH1qm1FfY?t=36m40s

Featured quote

"I really feel bad for the black community in the United States. I see things like Baltimore and I Tweet about it, and I'm like this it fucking completely outrageous, what they're doing to their own communites, but then you sit back and you think about it, and it's the same thing in Ferguson, it's like... I don't like lawlessness and I don't like rioting and looting and all that kind of stuff, but it's like what the fuck else are you supposed to do? Like at some point, noone is listening. It happens over and over and over again, and we have this fucking idiot in South Carolina doing this to a bunch of innocent people at a fucking Bible reading..."

I appreciate you taking the time to find these quotes, but they completely clash with his willingness to vote Republican, criticize minorities for protesting, think Bannon is smart, and that Sessions is qualified as AG.

Next time a black US citizen gets gunned down, maybe Colin needs to take the extra step and look in the mirror.


I think it's kind of sad that so many people can't separate his political views (which I also mostly disagree with) from his views about the gaming industry. As I said earlier in this thread I don't know everything he said in his videos because I just found the guy but at least his last 4 videos are pretty spot on. So I'm interested in what he has to say in the future. This whole thread devolved from discussing the video and it's content to discussing if he's a racist or not.


I think it's kind of sad that so many people can't separate his political views (which I also mostly disagree with) from his views about the gaming industry. As I said earlier in this thread I don't know everything he said in his videos because I just found the guy but at least his last 4 videos are pretty spot on. So I'm interested in what he has to say in the future. This whole thread devolved from discussing the video and it's content to discussing if he's a racist or not.

While I do agree to an extent with your final point, I don't think you can separate his politics and his views of the industry when he puts out heavily political videos like this one.


I think it's kind of sad that so many people can't separate his political views (which I also mostly disagree with) from his views about the gaming industry. As I said earlier in this thread I don't know everything he said in his videos because I just found the guy but at least his last 4 videos are pretty spot on. So I'm interested in what he has to say in the future. This whole thread devolved from discussing the video and it's content to discussing if he's a racist or not.
He also hates The Simpsons, loves Family Guy, and thinks The Last Guardian should have been cancelled. Three strikes and you're out.

IGN literally hypes up and distributes "tickets" to their fucking studio tours lol. That alone tells you what you need to know about IGN.

I wouldnt be surprised if the studio tour included autograph opportunities.

As someone who has been on one of these tours, I have to disagree whole heartily. The tour is split into 2 parts a hour tour of the office which has some amazing statues/themed meeting rooms etc, with brief stops to talk to on staff including the back office staff nobody know, then a 1 hour QA with about 15 members of staff, inc Peer, ”personalities" and back office staff. This was extremely interesting when I went a lot of time was dedicated to talking about what you should be doing to get into the industry. This is a massive amount of work to organises, disrupts the office and costs them money, but they do it for the fans. I could not recommend going highly enough if you are in the SF area around the 1st Friday of the month. There were no autograph opportunities but lots of people stoped to take photos when asked.


I think it's kind of sad that so many people can't separate his political views (which I also mostly disagree with) from his views about the gaming industry. As I said earlier in this thread I don't know everything he said in his videos because I just found the guy but at least his last 4 videos are pretty spot on. So I'm interested in what he has to say in the future. This whole thread devolved from discussing the video and it's content to discussing if he's a racist or not.

His political views seep into everything he does.
He also hates The Simpsons, loves Family Guy, and thinks The Last Guardian should have been cancelled. Three strikes and you're out.


To be fair, some of us actually share the same preferences, but at least we're clear about it being preference rather than insinuating objectivity.


While I do agree to an extent with your final point, I don't think you can separate his politics and his views of the industry when he puts out heavily political videos like this one.

His political views seep into everything he does.

So what you're saying is if for example you really love someone's games but after a few of them you find out one of the creators holds some political views you disagree with
you never buy a game from them ever again? Didn't a lot of people praise Neil Druckmann (who btw loved this video) for letting his political views seep into his games?

He also hates The Simpsons, loves Family Guy, and thinks The Last Guardian should have been cancelled. Three strikes and you're out.


Well now I hate the guy too!
jk ;)


I think it's kind of sad that so many people can't separate his political views (which I also mostly disagree with) from his views about the gaming industry. As I said earlier in this thread I don't know everything he said in his videos because I just found the guy but at least his last 4 videos are pretty spot on. So I'm interested in what he has to say in the future. This whole thread devolved from discussing the video and it's content to discussing if he's a racist or not.

Why do we need to separate Cplin's opinions on games and politics when he continually mixes the two? Who is making him say this stuff in his video series and on KF live streams? If he's going to bring it up, he better ready to have it pulled apart.


They are too busy int he PSILY thread fawning over him posting again and asking him what his favorite flavor of ice cream is. Some might call it his "safe space".

That may be the case now, but when he first entered the thread people were still being highly critical of him and putting their issues to him about politics. He responded to quite a few, so I guess they have moved on.


So what you're saying is if for example you really love someone's games but after a few of them you find out one of the creators holds some political views you disagree with
you never buy a game from them ever again? Didn't a lot of people praise Neil Druckmann (who btw loved this video) for letting his political views seep into his games?

I enjoy art from plenty of artists I disagree with on some level
i like kanye
. But there is a diffence between art having political subtext and having a video with explicit text that I strongly disagree with that I believe vilifies anti-facism.


I enjoy art from plenty of artists I disagree with on some level
i like kanye
. But there is a diffence between art having political subtext and having a video with explicit text that I strongly disagree with that I believe vilifies anti-facism.

I see where you're coming from. Can you send me a link to the video where he does that? Is it about the Berkeley riots?


I think it's kind of sad that so many people can't separate his political views (which I also mostly disagree with) from his views about the gaming industry. As I said earlier in this thread I don't know everything he said in his videos because I just found the guy but at least his last 4 videos are pretty spot on. So I'm interested in what he has to say in the future. This whole thread devolved from discussing the video and it's content to discussing if he's a racist or not.

But it's not just his politics. His superiority complex is apparent in everything he talks about, he's an unlikeable guy who's constantly trying to show how he's better than everyone else with everything he says. It's just not something I can stomach: I feel bad for Greg because as far as I know he's a likeable person, his partner is dragging him down.
So what you're saying is if for example you really love someone's games but after a few of them you find out one of the creators holds some political views you disagree with
you never buy a game from them ever again? Didn't a lot of people praise Neil Druckmann (who btw loved this video) for letting his political views seep into his games?

Well now I hate the guy too!
jk ;)
I don't think I would buy a video game that made it a central part of its story that Nazis should be given a platform and that rape victims should toughen up and get over it, no.

Luckily any video game that pitched that stupid ass rattlesnake as part of the logo or box art would be laughed out of the pitch meeting so at least that parts a non issue.
That may be the case now, but when he first entered the thread people were still being highly critical of him and putting their issues to him about politics. He responded to quite a few, so I guess they have moved on.

Turns out it's more productive to not be an asshole and down the line raise criticisms when things have settled down. But yes we are all "fawning" despite weeks of calling him out on crap.

If you want fawning go to Twitter.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
I finally clued into his nasty attitude towards games when he was talking about The Last Gaurdian saying, after playing it for a single hour, it should never have been made. Just because you don't care for it doesn't mean it should be taken away from everyone, dude.

In order to enjoy The Last Guardian, you have to possess an inkling of empathy.


But it's not just his politics. His superiority complex is apparent in everything he talks about, he's an unlikeable guy who's constantly trying to show how he's better than everyone else with everything he says. It's just not something I can stomach: I feel bad for Greg because as far as I know he's a likeable person, his partner is dragging him down.
That is the worst part about all of this, Greg is extremely likable and I really enjoy watching stuff with him on it but since Colin is on most of the stuff with him, I've stopped watching because of Colin.


But it's not just his politics. His superiority complex is apparent in everything he talks about, he's an unlikeable guy who's constantly trying to show how he's better than everyone else with everything he says. It's just not something I can stomach: I feel bad for Greg because as far as I know he's a likeable person, his partner is dragging him down.

Sounds to me like he is kind of an asshole (which isn't surprising since he's an Ayn Rand-Devotee) but that doesn't automatically make his opinions invalid. You don't like the guy, his co-hosts apparently like him or are at least able to separate private and work life, otherwise they wouldn't work with him.



I don't get this. He says yes on sessions because he is "qualified"? Wasn't Hillary more qualified than Trump? Yet he would still vote for Trump over her?

Someone who still respects Colin needs to answer this question.

If I'm not mistaken, Colin didn't vote for Trump. He goes into his thoughts on everyone in yesterday's gameovergreggy show, saying fuck both parties.

I don't get this. He says yes on sessions because he is "qualified"? Wasn't Hillary more qualified than Trump? Yet he would still vote for Trump over her?

The idea that Democrats stalling on Sessions (who is in no way qualified to be AG given his past) are to blame for Devos getting through is so intellectually dishonest. It's placing the blame on Dems instead of for the people who voted for her, and ignoring the fact that there's not a chance in hell one of the 2 Republicans who did defect would have if they didn't already have the votes secured to get her through.


If I'm not mistaken, Colin didn't vote for Trump. He goes into his thoughts on everyone in yesterday's gameovergreggy show, saying fuck both parties.
You're correct. He's said many times that he didn't vote for either. But, when push comes to shove and he had to pick one, he would have voted for Trump and that he wouldn't vote for Clinton in a million years.


Sounds to me like he is kind of an asshole (which isn't surprising since he's an Ayn Rand-Devotee) but that doesn't automatically make his opinions invalid. You don't like the guy, his co-hosts apparently like him or are at least able to separate private and work life, otherwise they wouldn't work with him.

Read that simpsons article he wrote and tell me his opinions are still listenable. I mean I kid, but barely. He's self satire at this point.

And hey if Greg wants to work with him, if you want to keep listening, it's fine. I just don't need to.


Turns out it's more productive to not be an asshole and down the line raise criticisms when things have settled down. But yes we are all "fawning" despite weeks of calling him out on crap.

If you want fawning go to Twitter.

Yeah, I really don't think people shied away from calling him out, he replied and diffused some of the animosity. Which was a positive move imo.


I'll admit this was a good video, but Colin has really shitty political opinions and is an insufferable asshole on Twitter, so I'm reluctant to give him any praise.


So what you're saying is if for example you really love someone's games but after a few of them you find out one of the creators holds some political views you disagree with
you never buy a game from them ever again? Didn't a lot of people praise Neil Druckmann (who btw loved this video) for letting his political views seep into his games?


Colin is in a special place where he actively spews his political vitriol to his audience on pretty much all of the media he makes.

So...no...you cant separate the politics he has from the games media persona since they are the same person.


Read that simpsons article he wrote and tell me his opinions are still listenable. I mean I kid, but barely. He's self satire at this point.

And hey if Greg wants to work with him, if you want to keep listening, it's fine. I just don't need to.

Just read it. Well, he clearly doesn't understand what made the Simpsons so good and he is a asshole about it. I don't know what the big deal is. Just because he may be wrong on many things doesn't mean he can't also be right on some things. I would never dismiss the guy entirely just because he said some things I don't like or agree with but if you want to that's fine too.
Steve Bannon is really smart and Jeff Sessions is totally qualified, but just because I go out of my way to praise them without pointing out any of their glaring character flaws doesn't make it an endorsement!


If I'm not mistaken, Colin didn't vote for Trump. He goes into his thoughts on everyone in yesterday's gameovergreggy show, saying fuck both parties.

He allegedly voted for an idiot and has defended racists.

He doesn't get to play the "both sides" card.


I'm afraid I can't be more specific to the situations you mentioned, but how about Michael Brown and Ferguson?

Ferguson - The GameOverGreggy Show Ep. 38

Featured quote from Colin (19:50 in the video)

"The fact of the matter is, the black community in the United States is opressed. The black community in the United States doesn't get justice. The black community in the United States watches their kids get killed by cops with impunity. They watch their kids get thrown in jail for minor drug charges. They watch their kids fucking washout (?) not able to go to college, or finish school and everybody looks at this community and is like, "Why can't they get out of it, and why is unemployment higher in that community, and why is the education not as good?" Well why don't we fucking look at ourselves?"

Or how about this clip (from a whole episode where Colin talks about Dylann Roof and the Charleston shooting, and goes off on why the Confederate flag is racist and shouldn't be hung) where he talks about the situation in Ferguson and Baltimore - https://youtu.be/D4uH1qm1FfY?t=36m40s

Featured quote

"I really feel bad for the black community in the United States. I see things like Baltimore and I Tweet about it, and I'm like this it fucking completely outrageous, what they're doing to their own communites, but then you sit back and you think about it, and it's the same thing in Ferguson, it's like... I don't like lawlessness and I don't like rioting and looting and all that kind of stuff, but it's like what the fuck else are you supposed to do? Like at some point, noone is listening. It happens over and over and over again, and we have this fucking idiot in South Carolina doing this to a bunch of innocent people at a fucking Bible reading..."

His Money >>>>>>>>> Rights of Minorities

His voting history and support of Republicans proves this.


Just read it. Well, he clearly doesn't understand what made the Simpsons so good and he is a asshole about it. I don't know what the big deal is. Just because he may be wrong on many things doesn't mean he can't also be right on some things. I would never dismiss the guy entirely just because he said some things I don't like or agree with but if you want to that's fine too.
It's not even a matter of agree or disagree to his thoughts and opinions. Obviously he's entitled to them. It's the way he dismisses other people. Any sort of challenge and dude just puffs out his chest and is immediately on the offensive. He has a massive ego and, like someone earlier mentioned, responds mainly to his fans that blindly praise him no matter what. Hell, he's even constantly rude and irrationale towards old colleagues and friends. Just recently he was extremely rude to an old co worker Justin Davis.

Like most, I was a fan of Podcast Beyond and early on in their PSILY. But overtime Colin's shitty attitude was just too much to bear and I stopped listening/watching all of their content.
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