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Colin Was Right: The Gaming Industry vs Donald Trump


i think the craziest thing to come out of trump-america is the house voting to scrap gun regulations affecting people with mental health issues, effectively letting them buy guns. i don't see the logic or reasoning at all. it's just asking for yet more school shootings surely?

i feel like since trump has come to power, we're watching the US commit really slow seppuku


i think the craziest thing to come out of trump-america is the house voting to scrap gun regulations affecting people with mental health issues, effectively letting them buy guns. i don't see the logic or reasoning at all. it's just asking for yet more school shootings surely?

i feel like since trump has come to power, we're watching the US commit really slow seppuku
Which in turn creates more FUD in the general public, pushing more and more of them to believe that they need guns to defend themselves from mass shootings.
i think the craziest thing to come out of trump-america is the house voting to scrap gun regulations affecting people with mental health issues, effectively letting them buy guns. i don't see the logic or reasoning at all. it's just asking for yet more school shootings surely?

i feel like since trump has come to power, we're watching the US commit really slow seppuku

That's just lobbiests making sure that gun manufacturers will be able to sell more weapons. There is no logic, just greed and corruption. (Lobbiests doesn't seem to be a word, what would you call 'a person that partakes in lobbying'?


Neo Member
It doesn't appear to be a popular opinion around here, but I really like Colin. I have similar tastes in games as Colin; old-school platformers, Square classics, and good first-person shooters. I like his curmudgeonly attitude, because I'm a grumpy introvert as well. I might not agree with his political views, or the stances he takes on a lot of issues, but I don't think you need to completely discount someone altogether because of that. I don't care about your job, your background, or your belief system, I care what you think about games. And I agree with Colin on most of what he says there. And I think anyone in the industry willing to put in investigatory work, deserves some respect; we need more of that. Just my two cents.
It doesn't appear to be a popular opinion around here, but I really like Colin. I have similar tastes in games as Colin; old-school platformers, Square classics, and good first-person shooters. I like his curmudgeonly attitude, because I'm a grumpy introvert as well. I might not agree with his political views, or the stances he takes on a lot of issues, but I don't think you need to completely discount someone altogether because of that. I don't care about your job, your background, or your belief system, I care what you think about games. And I agree with Colin on most of what he says there. And I think anyone in the industry willing to put in investigatory work, deserves some respect; we need more of that. Just my two cents.

If Colin doesn't want to be judged on his politics he should keep them private. People are judging him on the content he chooses to release, which often has political slants. People aren't bringing this stuff up out of thin air. And yes, to some people empathy and human plight is more important than if someone likes platformers.


i don't see the logic or reasoning at all. it's just asking for yet more school shootings surely?

Gun sales go up after mass shootings.
Because people think "Okay, well SURELY some sort of legislative action is going to happen NOW, I better buy while I can"


That's just lobbiests making sure that gun manufacturers will be able to sell more weapons. There is no logic, just greed and corruption. (Lobbiests doesn't seem to be a word, what would you call 'a person that partakes in lobbying'?

I believe it's spelled lobbyist, which looks stupid but there you are.


It doesn't appear to be a popular opinion around here, but I really like Colin. I have similar tastes in games as Colin; old-school platformers, Square classics, and good first-person shooters. I like his curmudgeonly attitude, because I'm a grumpy introvert as well. I might not agree with his political views, or the stances he takes on a lot of issues, but I don't think you need to completely discount someone altogether because of that. I don't care about your job, your background, or your belief system, I care what you think about games. And I agree with Colin on most of what he says there. And I think anyone in the industry willing to put in investigatory work, deserves some respect; we need more of that. Just my two cents.

His grumpy attitude and constant swearing is a turn off. I recently started listening to video game podcasts as my new job allows me to get on with work with headphones on. As the difference between the podcasts this guy is on and something like Easy Allies podcast is night and day. Easy Allies guys have more of a happy attitude, while this Colin guy just sounds like he woke up in the wrong side of the bed.


Neo Member
If Colin doesn't want to be judged on his politics he should keep them private. People are judging him on the content he chooses to release, which often has political slants. People aren't bringing this stuff up out of thin air. And yes, to some people empathy and human plight is more important than if someone likes platformers.

I won't disagree that if he doesn't want people to judge him on his politics, he should keep them to himself. I also know that many people, especially those here, will judge his entirety based off of those views and tweets. Personally, however, I am more interested in what he has to say about games and the industry, than politics. And maybe that's wrong of me; maybe I should be more concerned about things other than games. But if you asked me if I'd rather discuss politics or games, I'd say games 100% of the time. And I like to hear what Colin has to say in that regard. That's all I'm trying to say. Hope that makes sense.


I won't disagree that if he doesn't want people to judge him on his politics, he should keep them to himself. I also know that many people, especially those here, will judge his entirety based off of those views and tweets. Personally, however, I am more interested in what he has to say about games and the industry, than politics. And maybe that's wrong of me; maybe I should be more concerned about things other than games. But if you asked me if I'd rather discuss politics or games, I'd say games 100% of the time. And I like to hear what Colin has to say in that regard. That's all I'm trying to say. Hope that makes sense.

that's great, and that's what the podcast thread and community thread are for


Neo Member
His grumpy attitude and constant swearing is a turn off. I recently started listening to video game podcasts as my new job allows me to get on with work with headphones on. As the difference between the podcasts this guy is on and something like Easy Allies podcast is night and day. Easy Allies guys have more of a happy attitude, while this Colin guy just sounds like he woke up in the wrong side of the bed.

I can understand that, as the swearing can definitely be a bit much (as can Greg's loudness). I like the grumpiness personally though. But I will agree that the Easy Allies team is fantastic. Those guys exude genuine enthusiasm.


I won't disagree that if he doesn't want people to judge him on his politics, he should keep them to himself. I also know that many people, especially those here, will judge his entirety based off of those views and tweets. Personally, however, I am more interested in what he has to say about games and the industry, than politics. And maybe that's wrong of me; maybe I should be more concerned about things other than games. But if you asked me if I'd rather discuss politics or games, I'd say games 100% of the time. And I like to hear what Colin has to say in that regard. That's all I'm trying to say. Hope that makes sense.

"Hey guys, maybe you minorities should just sit down, shut up and listen to the people bad mouth you and generally tell you how unimportant you are and how you're ruining their lives by simply existing....and then we can all go play some rocket league!...but my team is better than yours because of reasons."
It doesn't appear to be a popular opinion around here, but I really like Colin. I have similar tastes in games as Colin; old-school platformers, Square classics, and good first-person shooters. I like his curmudgeonly attitude, because I'm a grumpy introvert as well. I might not agree with his political views, or the stances he takes on a lot of issues, but I don't think you need to completely discount someone altogether because of that. I don't care about your job, your background, or your belief system, I care what you think about games. And I agree with Colin on most of what he says there. And I think anyone in the industry willing to put in investigatory work, deserves some respect; we need more of that. Just my two cents.
I don't know why he deserves any respect at all. Because he's on YouTube? He deserves respect because we like the same video games? Maybe he should show that same respect to others. He's a human trash heap. Not to tread on the guy but still, he's an embarrassment to the medium.

If anything I'm more upset that we enjoy the same games. Anime is already getting ruined because the worst sort of people are trying to tie it to their identity.
I won't disagree that if he doesn't want people to judge him on his politics, he should keep them to himself. I also know that many people, especially those here, will judge his entirety based off of those views and tweets. Personally, however, I am more interested in what he has to say about games and the industry, than politics. And maybe that's wrong of me; maybe I should be more concerned about things other than games. But if you asked me if I'd rather discuss politics or games, I'd say games 100% of the time. And I like to hear what Colin has to say in that regard. That's all I'm trying to say. Hope that makes sense.
While I agree that the main focus of following games media is generally to listen to them talk about games, it's also true that those same people do bring up off topic discussions in both intentional and unintentional ways.

Now while you maybe able to think to yourself "im only here for games, nothing else matters", many other people can't. While the argument could be made that the reason you watch/listen is for the information provided it's actually more likely that you follow for the persons opinions, and not simply facts.

In that case, separating the persons beliefs from the games industry opinions they have is impossible since they are all the same thing.

I was a big fan of colins and while I disagreed with him on certain conclusions he mad regarding games it wasn't until his political opinions became more and more apparent (going independent with more freedom) that I realised I simply don't agree with him on much at all.

I can listen to Colin and think 'thats a fair point' but then I just remember the countless examples of things I really disagree with him on, especially important matters like a governments role and people like hims willingness to go along with people who historically want to treat some people worse just because they will get taxed less or his crusade against the extreme left while seemingly downplaying the right (not even extreme) sides actions and I just can't separate the two sides.

It's such a shame because I was there getting choked up watching him and gregg leaving beyond to go independent, thinking what great inspirations they were and yet now all I think is 'colin has terrible opinions and thinks himself infallible and gregg probably half the time disagrees with Colin but will never challenge him on politics so just goes along with it.'

I think I will just stop watching psilyxoxo and cwr (only shows I still watch of kf) since I'm at the stage where any interesting points are just drowned out by the negatives.


I don't know why he deserves any respect at all. Because he's on YouTube? He deserves respect because we like the same video games? Maybe he should show that same respect to others. He's a human trash heap. Not to tread on the guy but still, he's an embarrassment to the medium.

I don't know how anyone can respect him, considering his answers in the PS I love you thread yesterday. He's so full of himself and so unaware of how he sounds, it's shocking. In reply to a poster he bragged about how his good deeds were starting discussions on his podcasts for millions of viewers "which is more, I assume, than you've ever done" when the poster he was talking to was in fact a lawyer for people in need. Good deeds are not a competition Colin. You are not better than everyone else.


If Colin is so much against violence in principle, where was he to defend Black Lives Matter? Where was he when Trayvon Martin or Tamir Rice were gunned down? Where was he after the Quebec terrorist attack? Where was he after the US invaded Yemen and killed 12 civilians, including women and children?

Funny that he's only there to be against violence when it's used to suppress nazis from recruiting and harming students.

I'm afraid I can't be more specific to the situations you mentioned, but how about Michael Brown and Ferguson?

Ferguson - The GameOverGreggy Show Ep. 38

Featured quote from Colin (19:50 in the video)

"The fact of the matter is, the black community in the United States is opressed. The black community in the United States doesn't get justice. The black community in the United States watches their kids get killed by cops with impunity. They watch their kids get thrown in jail for minor drug charges. They watch their kids fucking washout (?) not able to go to college, or finish school and everybody looks at this community and is like, "Why can't they get out of it, and why is unemployment higher in that community, and why is the education not as good?" Well why don't we fucking look at ourselves?"

Or how about this clip (from a whole episode where Colin talks about Dylann Roof and the Charleston shooting, and goes off on why the Confederate flag is racist and shouldn't be hung) where he talks about the situation in Ferguson and Baltimore - https://youtu.be/D4uH1qm1FfY?t=36m40s

Featured quote

"I really feel bad for the black community in the United States. I see things like Baltimore and I Tweet about it, and I'm like this it fucking completely outrageous, what they're doing to their own communites, but then you sit back and you think about it, and it's the same thing in Ferguson, it's like... I don't like lawlessness and I don't like rioting and looting and all that kind of stuff, but it's like what the fuck else are you supposed to do? Like at some point, noone is listening. It happens over and over and over again, and we have this fucking idiot in South Carolina doing this to a bunch of innocent people at a fucking Bible reading..."
I don't know how anyone can respect him, considering his answers in the PS I love you thread yesterday. He's so full of himself and so unaware of how he sounds, it's shocking. In reply to a poster he bragged about how his good deeds were starting discussions on his podcasts for millions of viewers "which is more, I assume, than you've ever done" when the poster he was talking to was in fact a lawyer for people in need. Good deeds are not a competition Colin. You are not better than everyone else.
It's one of my biggest pet peeves when people say "but they deserve some respect" about people who clearly don't for some arbitrary reason. Like "well he is the boss" or "well he likes video games (???)" or "well he is a famous brain surgeon" or "well he is the president". That's not how respect works.


Neo Member
"Hey guys, maybe you minorities should just sit down, shut up and listen to the people bad mouth you and generally tell you how unimportant you are and how you're ruining their lives by simply existing....and then we can all go play some rocket league!...but my team is better than yours because of reasons."

I never said that, nor would I ever. I am pro-immigrant, pro-equality, pro-environment, and pro-women's rights. I said it was probably wrong of me to not care as much about discussing politics as gaming, and I definitely know that there are problems in the world that need serious attention. I have been appalled by decisions that have happened in my country in the last few weeks, as I'm sure I will be in the future. That said, I can still listen to podcasts and enjoy them. Maybe that's a sign that I'm not involved enough, but to put words of that caliber in my mouth...


How can any one watch this knowing that Collin is a Trump supporter. Not all Trump supporters are racist, but all of them decided that racism isn't a deal breaker. So why give him the "clicks"


Neo Member
It's one of my biggest pet peeves when people say "but they deserve some respect" about people who clearly don't for some arbitrary reason. Like "well he is the boss" or "well he likes video games (???)" or "well he is a famous brain surgeon" or "well he is the president". That's not how respect works.

I said that "anyone in the industry willing to put in investigatory work, deserves some respect", because we don't have enough investigative journalism going on within the industry. I was not stating that he should get respect simply for being, but for putting in time and energy where few else do, the same way I respect the time put into Kotaku's investigations.


I won't disagree that if he doesn't want people to judge him on his politics, he should keep them to himself. I also know that many people, especially those here, will judge his entirety based off of those views and tweets. Personally, however, I am more interested in what he has to say about games and the industry, than politics. And maybe that's wrong of me; maybe I should be more concerned about things other than games. But if you asked me if I'd rather discuss politics or games, I'd say games 100% of the time. And I like to hear what Colin has to say in that regard. That's all I'm trying to say. Hope that makes sense.
You can't really seperate the two though.

He's still going to be the same guy that would go to bat for Milo being able to brainwash and harrass students and mocking safe spaces and triggers whenever I see him.

That isn't someone I would want to play video games with or listen to them talk about them for that matter. And no, I don't really respect him. I think his beliefs and mindset are misguided.

Investigative video game journalism doesn't really do enough to cancel that side of him out for me. Taken as a whole, I don't hate him, I wouldn't spit in his face or anything like that but I'm more wary of him than anything else.
I said that "anyone in the industry willing to put in investigatory work, deserves some respect", because we don't have enough investigative journalism going on within the industry. I was not stating that he should get respect simply for being, but for putting in time and energy where few else do, the same way I respect the time put into Kotaku's investigations.
That wasn't fair on my part. I don't think I'd consider this investigatory work though, at least not that of any merit.
How can any one watch this knowing that Collin is a Trump supporter. Not all Trump supporters are racist, but all of them decided that racism isn't a deal breaker. So why give him the "clicks"
I don't really care for Colin and his politics, but he is categorically not a Trump supporter. He didn't vote for Trump and has been vocally critical of him and the GOP sycophants who are going along with all these bullshit executive orders.


I don't really care for Colin and his politics, but he is categorically not a Trump supporter.

Though he did reiterate yesterday that he stands by the statement he would vote for Trump over Hillary. Which makes no sense. How can you claim to be a "socially liberal fiscally conservative moderate" and then pick facism over a moderate liberal with a moderate VP. Don't make me laugh.


Neo Member
You can't really seperate the two though.

He's still going to be the same guy that went to bat for Milo being able to brainwash and harrass students and mocking safe spaces and triggers whenever I see him.

That isn't someone I would want to play video games with or listen to them talk about them for that matter. And no, I don't really respect him. I think his beliefs and mindset do more harm than good.

Investigative video game journalism doesn't really do enough to cancel that side of him out for me.

That's fair as well. As a liberal who grew up in a fairly conservative religion, I have had to deal with separating people from their beliefs for a long time now. I have made friends with people of all shapes and sizes, but this last election cycle brought out some really nasty sides of people that I thought I knew. It is definitely tough to maintain some friendships when I know what those people really think.


Though he did reiterate yesterday that he stands by the statement he would vote for Trump over Hillary. Which makes no sense. How can you claim to be a "socially liberal fiscally conservative moderate" and then pick facism over a moderate liberal with a moderate VP. Don't make me laugh.

Cause he cares about the government touching his money. If he has to throw minorities under the bus, so be it.
Though he did reiterate yesterday that he stands by the statement he would vote for Trump over Hillary. Which makes no sense. How can you claim to be a "socially liberal fiscally conservative moderate" and then pick facism over a moderate liberal with a moderate VP. Don't make me laugh.
I make no apologies for actual Trump voters. They are scum and I want no association with them. But I can't really judge him for something he might have done in a fictional reality.
Though he did reiterate yesterday that he stands by the statement he would vote for Trump over Hillary. Which makes no sense. How can you claim to be a "socially liberal fiscally conservative moderate" and then pick facism over a moderate liberal with a moderate VP. Don't make me laugh.
Because "carpetbagging".


I make no apologies for actual Trump voters. They are scum and I want no association with them. But I can't really judge him for something he might have done in a fictional reality.

I agree it doesn't matter, and a conservative vote from him would never count anyway if he continues to live in San Francisco. But just to me him saying that is more nonsense from his mouth that reminds me of why I don't want him in my headphones anymore. Even before I knew about him politically I thought his negative attitude over games wasn't fun to listen to anymore.
Cause he cares about the government touching his money. If he has to throw minorities under the bus, so be it.

I mean, ultimately, that's what it comes down to. Colin is so obsessed with the almighty dollar, that any sort of empathy or compassion is out the window. He's a businessman, but with the lacking morals of someone who thinks Atlas Shrugged is guide to approach life as an adult.
That's fair too. I really enjoyed his work on Naughty Dog back when he worked at IGN. But this is... not that.
I didn't pay attention to him back then, but that would explain why a lot of people are saying they feel like he's spiraling down into a dark place.

There's nothing honorable about this. We're on an episode of Jackass, and we're jumping into a pool of pissed off sharks, because lulz.
At least the Jackass guys were open about how stupid they were acting.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
I know right!? Sending his dumb twitter army after Bob Mackey too.

I guess I misread the raised right tweet however, although i dont understand why he has such an intense hate for this bob mackey guy, but he got pretty heated over it.

Mackey takes potshots at people and then runs away and won't reply to them. I was accused once of sending a Twitter army after him, but really he just posted something needlessly rude, and that pissed a lot of people off all of his own. Just like this time. Mackey's only down for the "dishing it out" portion of these sorts of exchanges, if you ask me.


Though he did reiterate yesterday that he stands by the statement he would vote for Trump over Hillary. Which makes no sense. How can you claim to be a "socially liberal fiscally conservative moderate" and then pick facism over a moderate liberal with a moderate VP. Don't make me laugh.



This thread has gotten really scary.

Oh please. I mean, really.

I wouldn't really say that. Even if I disagree with a lot of his politics, he's definitely well versed in the field and he's said time on time again it's been his passion from a very young age.

You don't have to say it, Colin just said it himself a week ago, in a video that also had a GAF thread. He said Rand was a major impact on his political beliefs and "intellectual development".
I'm afraid I can't be more specific to the situations you mentioned, but how about Michael Brown and Ferguson?

Ferguson - The GameOverGreggy Show Ep. 38

Featured quote from Colin (19:50 in the video)

"The fact of the matter is, the black community in the United States is opressed. The black community in the United States doesn't get justice. The black community in the United States watches their kids get killed by cops with impunity. They watch their kids get thrown in jail for minor drug charges. They watch their kids fucking washout (?) not able to go to college, or finish school and everybody looks at this community and is like, "Why can't they get out of it, and why is unemployment higher in that community, and why is the education not as good?" Well why don't we fucking look at ourselves?"

Or how about this clip (from a whole episode where Colin talks about Dylann Roof and the Charleston shooting, and goes off on why the Confederate flag is racist and shouldn't be hung) where he talks about the situation in Ferguson and Baltimore - https://youtu.be/D4uH1qm1FfY?t=36m40s

Featured quote

"I really feel bad for the black community in the United States. I see things like Baltimore and I Tweet about it, and I'm like this it fucking completely outrageous, what they're doing to their own communites, but then you sit back and you think about it, and it's the same thing in Ferguson, it's like... I don't like lawlessness and I don't like rioting and looting and all that kind of stuff, but it's like what the fuck else are you supposed to do? Like at some point, noone is listening. It happens over and over and over again, and we have this fucking idiot in South Carolina doing this to a bunch of innocent people at a fucking Bible reading..."

Thanks, this is what I forgot to quote when replying to Lime.

Oh please. I mean, really.

You don't have to say it, Colin just said it himself a week ago, in a video that also had a GAF thread. He said Rand was a major impact on his political beliefs and "intellectual development".

To be fair he's also said other things as well that have influenced his political opinions.

Though to be fair, regarding Rand, as someone from the U.K. and not well versed in the historical or philosophical field, I don't actually understand the significance of that. I tried to read up on the criticisms in the past week, and actually continued (coincidentally) playing Bioshock lol and found people find her work a mixed bag. I don't know if I can say much because I haven't really read her work, but I think some of the conclusions she's reached (again takings people's word for it here), are just selfish and greedy. I don't know how true this is, but if so, not really a fan, especially when it's at the expense of someone else.


Mackey takes potshots at people and then runs away and won't reply to them. I was accused once of sending a Twitter army after him, but really he just posted something needlessly rude, and that pissed a lot of people off all of his own. Just like this time. Mackey's only down for the "dishing it out" portion of these sorts of exchanges, if you ask me.

Yeah, this is actually more common on twitter than people like to admit. Someone thinks they are "small" so they can harass bigger accounts for a length of time and innocently cry when the bigger account finally gives them attention.


Thanks, this is what I forgot to quote when replying to Lime.

To be fair he's also said other things as well that have influenced his political opinions.

Though to be fair, regarding Rand, as someone from the U.K. and not well versed in the historical or philosophical field, I don't actually understand the significance of that. I tried to read up on the criticisms in the past week, and actually continued (coincidentally) playing Bioshock lol and found people find her work a mixed bag. I don't know if I can say much because I haven't really read her work, but I think some of the conclusions she's reached (again takings people's word for it here), are just selfish and greedy. I don't know how true this is, but if so, not really a fan, especially when it's at the expense of someone else.

There's no merit to Rand. She's a laughing stock, her work is embarassing, and that Colin gives it any credit at all says more about him than he seems to realize.
Yeah, this is actually more common on twitter than people like to admit. Someone thinks they are "small" so they can harass bigger accounts for a length of time and innocently cry when the bigger account finally gives them attention.

Yep regardless of what people think of Colin, there isn't really two sides here. You can't harass and rip into someone for years and constantly take the piss out of them and not eventually expect them to not hit back or stand up for themselves. It was completely unprovoked and it's been happening since 2013 and Colin never said anything to him personally and has only replied until now.

There's no merit to Rand. She's a laughing stock, her work is embarassing, and that Colin gives it any credit at all says more about him than he seems to realize.

Im genuinely interested (and don't mean this in an antagonizing way), how come? Like what specifically about her work do people not like? As I said I'm pretty much ignorant about her works, so I'd just like to be more informed.

Cause the last thread had people ripping into him about ituntil it got locked cause it got wildly off topic and personal.

I don't know anything about Colin but I'm not watching something called "Colin Was Right".

I think that's probably a problem. Colin should rename it.

FWIW, he never came up with the name, and it's actually an inside joke within the KF community and is used facetiously.


I don't know anything about Colin but I'm not watching something called "Colin Was Right".

I think that's probably a problem. Colin should rename it.


Maybe the grossest paragraph I have ever read.

colin was right said:
The Simpsons has never been a good show - ever - and comparing it to something that actually makes people laugh, like Family Guy, seems a little odd to me. Family Guy is one of the finest cartoons to ever air. The Simpsons isn't.

I don't really hold it against someone if they don't like a thing that I like.. But this is hard to take haha


I don't know how anyone can respect him, considering his answers in the PS I love you thread yesterday. He's so full of himself and so unaware of how he sounds, it's shocking.

Even things like thinking a video games journalist has $2000 to wager against him in a debate in which the winner will be based on a popular vote, when he clearly has the larger platform, shows me this guy has no awareness of how he actually comes across.
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