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NYC Neo-Nazi Gang Assault Twin Brothers Outside Bar

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AFA are responsible for many threats against publicly elected officials and violent crimes in my country and should be treated as the violent extremists they are. Putting stickers like that on your phone should only be something you do if you stand by the AFA core tenant of violence against anyone
they deem

Yep. ANTIFA's are poison.

They don't stand for anything I want, and they certainly are not my friends. They can keep their anarchist manifesto garbage. I don't need or want their people to help in any fight I have.

They only thing they do is break shit, injure people (including innocent people), fight against free speech, and elevate extremists.
Apparently this happened on the Lower East Side. I'm not calling these Nazis cowards - OK, I am - but I'd like to see them try and pull this shit up in the Bronx.

I dunno. There are a lot of crust punks in the LES that wouldn't think twice about fucking up a Nazi.
Yep. ANTIFA's are poison.

They don't stand for anything I want, and they certainly are not my friends. They can keep their anarchist manifesto garbage. I don't need or want their people to help in any fight I have.

They only thing they do is break shit, injure people (including innocent people), fight against free speech, and elevate extremists.

If that's what the US group is like they yeah no thanks.
So is Antifa a for real political movement in the modern day, or an actual gang?

Its more a gang that's politically motivated. They basically just want to prevent Nazis from feeling safe and deny them "safe spaces"

they don't tend to promote a political project beyond that though though many of the members are socialist and anarchist



and then sometimes the internet just makes me want to end it all


That said:

Jesus lol thats badass. I hope you tell her about the possible dangers involved.

Oh yeah of course. It's pretty tame compared to their other stickers, said "fuck Nazis" styled like Run DMC, but I still let her know the risks. She responded by saying "fuck Nazis" lol.


whether you think punching fascists is ethical or not there's a pretty obvious difference between "i'm going to hit this black guy because i don't like black guys" and "i'm going to hit this nazi because he's advocating for ethnic cleansing right in front of me"

I had a paragraph written out exploring the justification of pre-emptive violence against a mere perceived threat in the light of a lack of knowledge about the credibility and immediacy of said threat and the multitude of terrible applications of said logic, but then I remembered that the people I was targeting have stances boiling down to "but nazis", so they're not gonna care anyway.


Guys stop it ! These are the people we need to coddle and speak to in a nice way in order for them to understand that being a neo-nazi is bad.
Dems haven't fixed the broken judicial system, helped exacerbate the War on Drugs and minimum sentencing, and have had significant roadblocks and complacency issues in addressing economic inequality, all of which have ravaged black people. Weird that we largely weren't on board for a fascist spouting xenophobic nonsense because 'herpaderp your jobs are coming back; believe me."

Stop making excuses for white people.

brb, making a big ass mug of tea.


Come on guys, maybe those twin brothers were maybe suggestively inviting this type of attack? People should be aware of their surroundings, and its not really the nazis fault if they were prompted to react this way.


Yep. ANTIFA's are poison.

They don't stand for anything I want, and they certainly are not my friends. They can keep their anarchist manifesto garbage. I don't need or want their people to help in any fight I have.

They only thing they do is break shit, injure people (including innocent people), fight against free speech, and elevate extremists.

If that's what the US group is like they yeah no thanks.

Its not if it were that way there would be wall to wall coverage.


As it turns out being a supporter of a violent group of anarchists who think it's a right to violently accost people who they deem worthy of violence doesn't make you very popular

I dislike neonazis and antifa and wish they'd just off each other already


You have to remember that America used to be super isolationist until after WWII, when it assumed the mantle of being the Capitalist World Police. Even after WWI the legislative branch sabotaged Wilson's attempt to get into the League of National because it was too much of a foreign entanglement that was perceived as a threat to American sovereignty. People were terrified of getting into a war in Europe, especially after WWI, the most destructive war in human history to that point. A lot of people just didn't want to send their children off to die against someone who hadn't attacked us.

Alternately, they could be fascist sympathizers since there were a ton of those as well (like the German American Bund). The failure of capitalism that caused the Great Depression led to extremist groups on both sides gaining ground.

To be fair, calling the US "isolationist" is a bit of a Euro-centric view. The US had and was deeply involved in the Americas for good and for ill (intervening for corporate interests, for example.) But America has always been wary of getting involved in continental politics, right back to the French Revolution.


As it turns out being a supporter of a violent group of anarchists who think it's a right to violently accost people who they deem worthy of violence doesn't make you very popular

I dislike neonazis and antifa and wish they'd just off each other already

... really.



I think if you're gonna wear AFA/ARA insignia you gotta be aware that Nazis may jump you, the same way it's open-season one someone walking down the street wearing a Swastika. Like, those aren't "just logos." People will jump you for that shit.
As it turns out being a supporter of a violent group of anarchists who think it's a right to violently accost people who they deem worthy of violence doesn't make you very popular

I dislike neonazis and antifa and wish they'd just off each other already

I would love to here this commenter's view on whether the French Resistance was on morally stable ground assassinating Nazis, after he's done patting himself on the back for his logically consistent 'bothsiderism'
I actually want to know more about these women.

They were likely pacifists, though I don't know from what stripe. There was a small, vocal minority prior to World War II who were anti-interventionists pacifists in the United States, who wanted to keep the US out of the war.

There were interesting relationships between pacifist groups in the United States, with American communists/socialists, pro-German 'American Bund' groups, and former temperance and suffrage activists sharing a common bond in opposition to American involvement in the war.

American communists broke off from opposition to the war once Hitler broke the Molotov-Von Ribbentrob pact of non-aggression between Germany and the Soviet Union.

The Popular Front, international Communist parties in Western democracies, were all being puppeteered by Stalin and the USSR, and so when the USSR used the Molotov/VonRibbentrob pact as a cover to anex Poland and Eastern Europe, Communist activist groups became pacifist groups in the US. Prior to the pact, many Communist fronts in the US were actively lobbying the US government to get involved in Europe, as the Spanish Civil War had turned against Spanish communists for Francisco Franco.


a mass of phermones, hormones and adrenaline just waiting to explode
Looks like I need a few stickers for my phone. I have a concealed carry permit...


I would love to here this commenter's view on whether the French Resistance was on morally stable ground assassinating Nazis, after he's done patting himself on the back for his logically consistent 'bothsiderism'

Nazis in France were foreign invaders occupying their land. So yes, they were justified.

Current day antifa and neonazis aren't really comparable and it's actually pretty offensive you're comparing the french resistance to antifa.


I've got to agree with this. It seems like Antifa didn't have much presence in the US, except on the west coast, until a year or two ago, so maybe folks didn't understand the implications. And now there are well-to-do NYU and Columbia students playing at it.

North East is more likely to be Anti-Racist Action, I've never even heard of Antifa, I know that ARA was quite active in my city in the 90s.


I think if you're gonna wear AFA/ARA insignia you gotta be aware that Nazis may jump you, the same way it's open-season one someone walking down the street wearing a Swastika. Like, those aren't "just logos." People will jump you for that shit.

I think a lot of people's first introduction to antifa stuff has been this post-election cycle, to be fair.

People know what swastikas are. I wouldn't recognize an antifa insignia by sight alone.

This guy sounds like he got a sticker at some rally and put it on his phone without actually knowing the significance.

If things get worse, I'm sure the anti-fascist iconography will become much more recognizable in this country.
Puppets to a foreign power who literally invaded their land.


Gotcha, so in your framework, assassination of "puppets" of a foreign government are ok, even if they're citizens of the nation being occupied.

Why is it morally repugnant to kill Nazis again?
July 1941, New York. It was both men and women. After the Nuremberg race laws and concentration camps had been established. After the ghettos had been established. After Germany invaded Poland, Denmark, Norway, Yugoslavia and Greece. After the Battle of Britain and the invasion of the Soviet Union and during the attack on France.

This particular protest wasn't just about US involvement. It was about not providing arms to allies and just staying as far away as possible from the conflict. The United States hadn't even entered into the theatre of war until around 5 months later in December of 1941 due to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

In essence, these were Americans who believed in isolationism.

If they want to die they could do that. Just by existing and letting people know they're out there with a mission to protect the defenseless would do a lot of good I think. I guess a historical parallel would be the Black Panthers.

And I freaking hate that stuff like this is happening. But with who Trump is, who is in power with him, and his stated goals a group like that may be necessary. God help us...

They were likely pacifists, though I don't know from what stripe. There was a small, vocal minority prior to World War II who were anti-interventionists pacifists in the United States, who wanted to keep the US out of the war.

There were interesting relationships between pacifist groups in the United States, with American communists/socialists, pro-German 'American Bund' groups, and former temperance and suffrage activists sharing a common bond in opposition to American involvement in the war.

American communists broke off from opposition to the war once Hitler broke the Molotov-Von Ribbentrob pact of non-aggression between Germany and the Soviet Union.

The Popular Front, international Communist parties in Western democracies, were all being puppeteered by Stalin and the USSR, and so when the USSR used the Molotov/VonRibbentrob pact as a cover to anex Poland and Eastern Europe, Communist activist groups became pacifist groups in the US. Prior to the pact, many Communist fronts in the US were actively lobbying the US government to get involved in Europe, as the Spanish Civil War had turned against Spanish communists for Francisco Franco.

I know the US didn't want to get involved with WWII until Pearl Harbor but I didn't know people were actively protesting to stay away from the war. Interesting.


Just out of curiosity, is there even a consistent insignia for antifa? The closest I've been able to find from Googling is the double flags, but that doesn't actually seem all that consistent (there are also arrows, a "Good Night White Pride", and others). It seems the somewhat anarchic nature of antifa doesn't appear to have terribly consistent messaging with visuals.
Stay vigilant yall. Black people don't need no stickers to get attacked outta nowhere.
Lol :-(

It's never crossed my mind to own a gun until this election happened. Even then I know I shouldn't and would never. I've got a few road trips lined up this year though and might have a bat in the trunk in case i need it.


Just out of curiosity, is there even a consistent insignia for antifa? The closest I've been able to find from Googling is the double flags, but that doesn't actually seem all that consistent (there are also arrows, a "Good Night White Pride", and others). It seems the somewhat anarchic nature of antifa doesn't appear to have terribly consistent messaging with visuals.

Two flags some use hammer and sickle.


Lol :-(

It's never crossed my mind to own a gun until this election happened. Even then I know I shouldn't and would never. I've got a few road trips lined up this year though and might have a bat in the trunk in case i need it.

I would get the gun. Keep it in the trunk too along with the bat.
Lol :-(

It's never crossed my mind to own a gun until this election happened. Even then I know I shouldn't and would never. I've got a few road trips lined up this year though and might have a bat in the trunk in case i need it.

This is me, except I'm wavering at the moment. For the first time in my life I'm seriously considering taking classes and buying a gun for protection. I'm not down with preemptively attacking people (even neo-nazis) but I do believe in shooting a skin-head piece of shit looking to do me or my family harm.

The answer is to purchase a firearm.

It's looking increasingly so.


So this Antifa stuff is popping up a lot of places. Is there a good resource for me to learn about that you guys recommend?


This is me, except I'm wavering at the moment. For the first time in my life I'm seriously considering taking classes and buying a gun for protection. I'm not down with preemptively attacking people (even neo-nazis) but I do believe in shooting a skin-head piece of shit looking to do me or my family harm.

The answer is to purchase a firearm.


Two flags some use hammer and sickle.

Hammer and sickle are communists. It's not uncommon to see them in Antifa protests though as it's mostly made up of socialists.

Just out of curiosity, is there even a consistent insignia for antifa? The closest I've been able to find from Googling is the double flags, but that doesn't actually seem all that consistent (there are also arrows, a "Good Night White Pride", and others). It seems the somewhat anarchic nature of antifa doesn't appear to have terribly consistent messaging with visuals.


Antifa use red and black flags.

As far as Anarchism is concerned, these are the flags.


I felt like redacting the Anarcho-Capitalism one though.
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