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Adult Assaults Kids for Wearing a MAGA Hat


Whats pathetic is that you went out of your way to be potentially disruptive and intentionally chose someone you thought you would get a reaction from. And now are attempting look down on HER for reacting exactly the way you hoped she would.

Thats just childish.
Went out of my way to be specifically friendly and kind to someone who looked like they'd have opposing values to mine. I was nothing but friendly. I always have my MAGA hat and open carry daily, that wasn't out of the ordinary.

You judged her for her hair and piercings but you're upset she judged you for your hat. Do you not see the hypocrisy here?
Yes, I did judge her, as someone I should try to be friendly to.

If this is the kind of person you are (wanting to troll and filled with hate), then you shouldn't be allowed to own a gun, tbqh.
So much hate I smiled and asked her how she was and tried to be kind.

You just described yourself being armed going out looking for conflict and that is the problem with the right.
No I didn't, you inferred that, but it wasn't there.

Good, now you know what racism feels like.
Yeah it's weird how being Hispanic in a majority black area I never faced an ounce of racism... No wait


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
There's simply no winning.

Anytime I post data, the answer I always hear is that "data is racist".
Police kill people at a record .0003%, and wow, it's Hitlerism. What do you want? The police to disappear? There are already countries without functioning civil order, why aren't people moving there instead of flocking to the "racist" USA?
Shouldn't a racist and murderous police force cause less people to move to America if I'm suppose to believe the whole system is wrong?

I only post statistics and work with them. If you don't like science, then once again, unplug the computer you are typing on. Science is responsible for the internet you have the privilege to use today.

Its not just your data. Its the dismissive attitude that you present it with as well. You give off the feeling that minorities have zero reason to fear the police and that they are treated the same as everyone else by the police which is patently false. Minorities are treated far worse by the police than the rest of the population and its been that way for decades. There are very real prejudices that minorities have to deal with when it comes to the police and you are pretending like all of that is a fairy tale.

Its frankly ridiculous.
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Its not just your data. Its the dismissive attitude that you present it with as well. You give off the feeling that minorities have zero reason to fear the police and that they are treated the same as everyone else by the police which is patently false. Minorities are treated far worse by the police than the rest of the population and its been that way for decades. There are very real prejudices that minorities have to deal with when it comes to the police and you are pretending like all of that is a fairy tale.

Its frankly ridiculous.

I'm dismissive because the alternative to the current law & order system we have would be a nightmarish apocalyptic society. Treating this as a race issue indeed looks paranoid, when people don't understand, the police are only doing their job, and ones who go out and kill people (whether justified or unjustified) is extremely low.

And I even said that, because we live in a democratic society, police can be held accountable for any serious breeches of human rights.

Hating or fearing the police is just really really not well thought out. Making it into a race issue is even worse.

And if the police are really as "Nazi/Gestapo" that I'm suppose to believe, then why are people not leaving the USA? Does every other country also have Nazi cops?
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I'm dismissive because the alternative to the current law & order system we have would be a nightmarish apocalyptic society. Treating this as a race issue indeed looks paranoid, when people don't understand, the police are only doing their job, and ones who go out and kill people (whether justified or unjustified) is extremely low.

And I even said that, because we live in a democratic society, police can be held accountable for any serious breeches of human rights.

Hating or fearing the police is just really really not well thought out. Making it into a race issue is even worse.

And if the police are really as "Nazi/Gestapo" that I'm suppose to believe, then why are people not leaving the USA? Does every other country also have Nazi cops?

This is a completely baseless comment, and I keep having to tell you the same exact thing.

There are more factors why black people are not okay with the police and the justice system besides police killing unarmed black people, and stop and frisk. In fact, you cannot base your incomplete "opinion" on the single factor of police killings alone.

Do you want to know what else there is?
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Texas Pride

A fine and returning the hat would have sufficed.

We don't take bullying and assaulting a minor lightly here in Texas. Guy got what he deserved and this isn't his first run in with the law. The guys in holding will be punking his ass and there's no defenseless kids to pick on down in the Bexar County jail.
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If your more likely to get shot your more likely to fear
oh and also

Not a condemnation of the video you posted; maybe it's good. But holy shit, Shaun & Jen from my experience is the worst. At least the mainstream media is relatively quick and concise with their lies. S&J takes an hour to twist the truth.
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We don't take bullying and assaulting a minor lightly here in Texas. Guy got what he deserved and this isn't his first run in with the law. The guys in holding will be punking his ass and there's no defenseless kids to pick on down in Bexar County.
And are you a steer or a queer?


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Hating or fearing the police is just really really not well thought out. Making it into a race issue is even worse.

Let me just ask you point blank.

Do you believe that minorities in the US are more likely to be treated unfairly by the police?


In which video did he twist the truth?
It's been something like half a year since I've seen one of his videos, but out of the maybe five or six of his I've seen over the past year or two, they all did. I may have just been (un)lucky with the ones I happened to see, but it wasn't a positive experience.

Do you find that his analysis is generally honest?


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I already responded to unfair treatment.
Take it up in court.

I'm not referring to anything legal. I am talking in general.

Do you believe that minorities face more unfair treatment by the police than non-minorities. Its a simple question. Yes or no. I mean you can choose not to answer, but that tells me exactly what I need to know anyway.
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Neo Member
Trump supporters will somehow find a justification for these videos, but bless the poor white soul that got a little soda pop on his shirt and got his $5 hat taken.

The irony is that in the first video, the top comment is:

"hmmmm...I wonder if she may have said something racist herself to spark this plight of hers. she has a smirk on her face."

Funny how Trump supporters only "wonder" these things when the person is a minority. White people inciting reactions requires hard evidence that would stand up in a court of law.


Neo Member
Yeah it's weird how being Hispanic in a majority black area I never faced an ounce of racism... No wait

Yes, I also grew up in a predominantly black neighborhood and I've also gotten my head bashed in while being called a cracker. Not sure what that has to do with me letting you know that the negative treatment you received by someone who doesn't represent ALL of the people on the "other side", solely because of something you were wearing lumping you in with all of the "bad apples" who also wear that hat, is literally what racism feels like.

The difference is, if you ever want to not get treated that way, you can just take your hat off before leaving the house. You can't take black/brown skin off.


Trump supporters will somehow find a justification for these videos, but bless the poor white soul that got a little soda pop on his shirt and got his $5 hat taken.

The irony is that in the first video, the top comment is:

"hmmmm...I wonder if she may have said something racist herself to spark this plight of hers. she has a smirk on her face."

Funny how Trump supporters only "wonder" these things when the person is a minority. White people inciting reactions requires hard evidence that would stand up in a court of law.

I'd like to back you up, but you say "Trump supporters" like it's a monolith. Wasn't almost half the voting population of the US a Trump supporter? Do you believe that all those people are homogeneously disingenuous and tribal enough to lump them in together the way you are?
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Can I get a source on this?
Agreed. Sounds like complete bs.
You're right. 50 was the number of agencies reporting to an independent foundation.

The only actual numbers i could find are from a 2015 Washington Post article: "The FBI has for years collected information about people killed by police officers, but reporting is voluntary and only 3 percent of the nation’s 18,000 police departments comply. As a result, the data is virtually useless, Klinger and others say. " So around 540 in 2015. And another article from 2016 reports a number lower: "In recent years, of the more than 18,000 law enforcement agencies across the country only 224 agencies have reported to the federal government how many people they’ve killed in any given year."


Neo Member
I'd like to back you up, but you say "Trump supporters" like it's a monolith. Wasn't almost half the population of the US a Trump supporter? Do you believe that all those people are homogeneously disingenuous and tribal enough to lump them in together the way you are?

Of course not, but it's assumed that in these type of discussions, whenever you hear "Trump supporters" or "The left", you don't have to preface it every time with "Not all of them, but..."


Of course not, but it's assumed that in these type of discussions, whenever you hear "Trump supporters" or "The left", you don't have to preface it every time with "Not all of them, but..."
But the trait that you're insinuating as being a defining quality of what we'll call for the sake of conversation the Trump supporter is just as alive and well in the Trump defamer. Haven't you noticed similar behaviour all over mainstream and social media since his election? Just as you rightly pointed out of the targets in your post, any story will be manipulated and framed to maximum effect by a large portion of anti-Trump outlets and Twitter users to serve their agenda. So if it's a trait that's common to both the Trump supporter and the Trump defamer, your insinuation is a distinction without a difference, at least insofar as both ignore truth in favour of their cause.


Neo Member
But the trait that you're insinuating as being a defining quality of what we'll call for the sake of conversation the Trump supporter is just as alive and well in the Trump defamer. Haven't you noticed similar behaviour all over mainstream and social media since his election? Just as you rightly pointed out of the targets in your post, any story will be manipulated and framed to maximum effect by a large portion of anti-Trump outlets and Twitter users to serve their agenda. So if it's a trait that's common to both the Trump supporter and the Trump defamer, your insinuation is a distinction without a difference, at least insofar as both ignore truth in favour of their cause.

Not disputing any of that, but my posts are only pointing out the hypocrisy of Trump supporters because of the incident that this thread is about. We can discuss the hypocrisy on the left whenever something appropriate shows up.

In the meantime, we'll all wait for the videos I posted to fall off to the next page so the vocal Trump supporters can go back to pretending soda is battery acid and that those videos never existed.


Not disputing any of that, but my posts are only pointing out the hypocrisy of Trump supporters because of the incident that this thread is about. We can discuss the hypocrisy on the left whenever something appropriate shows up.

In the meantime, we'll all wait for the videos I posted to fall off to the next page so the vocal Trump supporters can go back to pretending soda is battery acid and that those videos never existed.
When the so-called "right" does it you could call it "the hypocrisy of the right", and when the so-called "left" does it "the hypocrisy of the left", but it's kind of like saying the breathing of the Caucasian, or the sleeping of the Asian. It's really just the breathing and sleeping of the human and it's the hypocrisy of the tribal ideologue.
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The dumb shit I’m reading in this thread....

This is wrong peroid no matter what side it came from...if this was a Bernie Sanders supporter I’d be equally disgusted and I can’t stand Bernie Sanders.

It’s so sad the shit I’m reading from what I’m assuming are college level educated people...civility and respect are how I raise my children.
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The fact that we are arguing about whether or not it’s ok for an adult to assault a juvenile, and have people on both sides claiming both of them to be heroes, shows how far we have turned down the wrong path in this world.

I'm going to be realistic, there is rarely any situation in America other than terrorist attacks from Muslims is when America comes together on this, it's too divided by politics.


I understand the outrage. All the anger that Trump causes, people deal with it in different ways.
"when we are violent idiots its your fault lololo and not just that but when you try and defend yourself, thats the actual violence lolo"
Imagine being mentally so far gone that you can twist your thoughts to this extend... oh wait you dont have to imagine.


Trump supporters will somehow find a justification for these videos, but bless the poor white soul that got a little soda pop on his shirt and got his $5 hat taken.

The irony is that in the first video, the top comment is:

"hmmmm...I wonder if she may have said something racist herself to spark this plight of hers. she has a smirk on her face."

Funny how Trump supporters only "wonder" these things when the person is a minority. White people inciting reactions requires hard evidence that would stand up in a court of law.

You can post these videos from now til Ragnarok, it doesn't change the fact that your crying for an asshole that committed a crime.

Move the fuck on you sensitive little snowflake

Not disputing any of that, but my posts are only pointing out the hypocrisy of Trump supporters because of the incident that this thread is about. We can discuss the hypocrisy on the left whenever something appropriate shows up.


*Mod edit: Can we avoid the extraneous insults and personal attacks. Leaving as an example of what not to do. Thanks folks! (BOR)
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I just went to the store for a few things. Had my Glock 17 on my hip and my MAGA hat on. Made sure to pick the register with the cashier with the stupid dyed hair and shitty facial piercings.

Customer in line before me she's cheerful and chatty and friendly

She spent the whole transaction silent, didn't greet me, didn't respond to me asking how her day is going, just glared slightly past me when she handed me my receipt. It was kind of pathetic on her part.

Huh imagine that.
Went out of my way to be specifically friendly and kind to someone who looked like they'd have opposing values to mine. I was nothing but friendly. I always have my MAGA hat and open carry daily, that wasn't out of the ordinary.

Yes, I did judge her, as someone I should try to be friendly to.

So much hate I smiled and asked her how she was and tried to be kind.

No I didn't, you inferred that, but it wasn't there.

Yeah it's weird how being Hispanic in a majority black area I never faced an ounce of racism... No wait

This post has quite some suspected backpedaling.

Your initial post reads as if you profiled a person based on their appearance, then you were flabbergasted that carrying a gun and wearing a MAGA hat illicit a negative reaction. You make no mention of trying to be friendly until people called you out on it, which in turn you offered up what sounds like baseline pleasantries in a 30 second retail interaction.

The problem isn't her. You sought to make some sort of bizarre connection with a person in 30 seconds while wearing two extremely loud and contentious statements. Sounds like they disagree with them. They were also at their place of work, just trying to get through their shift, and choosing not to engage you in some political debate while you were in there buying a jar of pickles. It's no wonder you didn't make any headway with this person.
So the truth is revealed.


On his way out of jail early Friday morning, he tried at first to avoid a KSAT 12 News camera.
Once the camera was turned off, he spoke briefly, saying what happened was a lapse in judgment that was out of character for him.
Jimenez said seeing the hat had the same effect on him that a Ku Klux Klan hood would have had.

No mention of racist instigation. He was simply triggered by a Trump hat. This thug needs to do some time.

The left is brainwashing idiots into thinking MAGA hats are equivalent to klan hoods. :mad:


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
So the truth is revealed.


No mention of racist instigation. He was simply triggered by a Trump hat. This thug needs to do some time.

The left is brainwashing idiots into thinking MAGA hats are equivalent to klan hoods. :mad:
Well considering how often the hat is worn by white supremacists I don't blame the guy at all for having that reaction to it.

Doesn't excuse taking the hat though. He won't do any time either. At worst this is a fine and maybe some probation if the judge wants to be a hardass.
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Well considering how often the hat is worn by white supremacists I don't blame the guy at all for having that reaction to it.

Doesn't excuse taking the hat though. He won't do any time either. At worst this is a fine and maybe some probation if the judge wants to be a hardass.
Assaulting a minor with priors? Yeah, I don't expect just a fine.

And, absolutely not "I don't blame the guy".

That is an absolutely appalling take.


Violence on either side is always wrong. Yet both sides seem blind to their own faults and flaws and somehow think that their own brand of violence is acceptable. I can see why people think that the US is slowly heading towards some kind of civil war.

In a political system where there are only two viable options then I suppose it's only natural that people split into two teams that take on this 'us or them' mentality.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Assaulting a minor with priors? Yeah, I don't expect just a fine.

And, absolutely not "I don't blame the guy".

That is an absolutely appalling take.
I said I don't blame the guy for having that kind of reaction to the hat. Meaning I don't blame a person of color for seeing it as a symbol of white supremacy. Not that I don't blame him for splashing soda on the guy and taking it. If he had actually struck the kid or something along those lines then yeah he would actually be in alot of trouble, but once the judge sees that its just throwing soda on the guy and a hat taken then its gonna be a slap on the wrist. Its not like he tackled the kid or punched him. He tossed some soda on the kid grabbed his hat and walked away. Thats not jailtime.

He will plead guilty, get a fine, and like I said maybe get some probation or community service. No judge on earth is gonna send someone to jail for splashing some soda on someone and taking a $10 hat.
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Gold Member
On his way out of jail early Friday morning, he tried at first to avoid a KSAT 12 News camera.
Once the camera was turned off, he spoke briefly, saying what happened was a lapse in judgment that was out of character for him.
Jimenez said seeing the hat had the same effect on him that a Ku Klux Klan hood would have had.

Good for him. I honestly hope he hasn't screwed up his life over this. I blame both the media and Trump himself for making people this hostile towards anyone who supports this president. And I almost feel even sadder that this was actually just about a hat.

We need to have more stories like this one, and fewer like the one this thread is about.



Yes, I also grew up in a predominantly black neighborhood and I've also gotten my head bashed in while being called a cracker. Not sure what that has to do with me letting you know that the negative treatment you received by someone who doesn't represent ALL of the people on the "other side", solely because of something you were wearing lumping you in with all of the "bad apples" who also wear that hat, is literally what racism feels like.

The difference is, if you ever want to not get treated that way, you can just take your hat off before leaving the house. You can't take black/brown skin off.
Do you not know what a Hispanic person is or something?
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Neo Member
You can post these videos from now til Ragnarok, it doesn't change the fact that your crying for an asshole that committed a crime.

Move the fuck on you sensitive little snowflake


There it is, the “la la la can’t hear you you’re a snowflake teehee” response that most Trump supporters default too when they have no positive contribution to a discussion.

I’d ask you if you were a Republican before Trump, or if you simply became a supporter because he won and you felt depressed, alone, and had no friends so by siding with the winning side it made you feel like you were a part of something and it now gives you an excuse to act childish and you could always go back to your newfound group for support, but I already know the answer.

Do you not know what a Hispanic person is or something?

Do you not know Hispanic people can look just as white as Caucasians?


A MAGA hat is not a symbol of white supremacy you fucking morons. Some people have seriously gone full retard.
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