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Microsoft announces VR motion controllers. $399 VR headset + controllers this holiday


There don't have the controllers though, makes them kinda worthless. Weird.

Yea, it doesn't make it clear if they come with the controllers or if there will be a separate bundle that includes the controller available to pre-order later. Or perhaps you purchase them separately?


The headset itself has cameras and sensors that either map the room you're in or use what it sees as reference points so it doesn't need any external cameras looking back at it.

It would need lighthouses or something. It cant just "do that" and be accurate


They actually claim roomscale without any other sensor or setup. The system scans your room as you wear it (impressions on this are quite good on both hololens and the acer devkit Ms sent on gdc)

So it's a headset with a Kinect strapped to the front of it... nice!

If there is a 2nd Kinect at the TV scanning you and your controllers, this should work very nicely.

Edit: OH MY, if those two cameras on the headset can create a steroscopic image of the room in front of you (feed one camera into each or your actual eyes), it can recreate your room in 3D with computer generated elements laid over it :O :O :O (VR + Hololense combined into one!)

I see Microsoft still isn't done copying the Dreamcast.

Edit: Really though, they must be paying Oculus to license their Constellation tracking. The LED layout is too similar to that of Oculus Touch.


So it's a headset with a Kinect strapped to the front of it... nice!

If there is a 2nd Kinect at the TV scanning you and your controllers, this should work very nicely.

Edit: OH MY, if those two cameras on the headset can create a steroscopic image of what you are seeing (feed one camera into each or your actual eyes), it can recreate your room in 3D with computer generated elements laid over it :O :O :O

Kinect was a time of flight camera. By all accounts these are stereoscopic cameras only. Other than being cameras that can create depth maps, they're entirely different things.
Just a thought Re: Controllers, if you don't mind spending a bit extra and putting up lighthouses, you could probably still use Vive controllers alongside these headsets. Would still come out to less than the cost of a Vive, and the resolution would be a lot better.


Just a thought Re: Controllers, if you don't mind spending a bit extra and putting up lighthouses, you could probably still use Vive controllers alongside these headsets. Would still come out to less than the cost of a Vive, and the resolution would be a lot better.

IIRC the Vive wands have to be connected to the Vive HMD.
Just a thought Re: Controllers, if you don't mind spending a bit extra and putting up lighthouses, you could probably still use Vive controllers alongside these headsets. Would still come out to less than the cost of a Vive, and the resolution would be a lot better.

Nope. Vive controllers only work with the Vive headset. The Vive controllers communicate directly with the Vive headset, which then sends the controller data down the headsets' USB.


Edit: OH MY, if those two cameras on the headset can create a steroscopic image of the room in front of you (feed one camera into each or your actual eyes), it can recreate your room in 3D with computer generated elements laid over it :O :O :O (VR + Hololense combined into one!)

Part of their pitch for Mixed Reality was that instead of thinking about AR vs VR we should be thinking about it as AR and VR and that future hardware will be able to seamlessly do both. With current hardware we probably aren't quite at that point yet, but they stated that is what they are working towards.

In the hands-on article I linked earlier the author mentioned how nice it was to be able to multi-task with different apps pinned to the walls. It was one feature they wished was available on Vive/Rift.
IIRC the Vive wands have to be connected to the Vive HMD.

Oh, actually I think you're right; it's connected to a Bluetooth chip in the Linkbox. Still might be possible if you buy a Linkbox, but it certainly complicates matters.

I'm also pretty sure the Linkbox is still just using standard Bluetooth, but then you're relying on someone to create software that allows a direct connection, which may or may not be complicated.


VR + AR in the same unit sounds really attractive and I can see this catching on really well if properly supported. The price is decent and now the question is weather it will work with Scorpio.
I think it will.


they could make the most impressive mock up the can, like the 2015's Minecraft for HoloLens demo, but it is still headed to a small audience and VR is no longer impressive. They are late to the party.
The Minecraft Hololens demo wasn't impressive - it was completely lacking in substance. From a user experience perspective it was a muddy unresponsive jittery tunnel-vision-ridden casual gimmick. The only thing it had going for it was the mixed reality hook, which suckers ate up.

VR is and will continue to be impressive for a long time. Most of that growth will come from software uses.

MS can impress on-stage if they have a legit piece of software. They won't impress if they just have another empty mockup application.
Then please don't respond to my post, I was responding to c0de.

Sorry, but anyone can respond to anyone. There is no rule that you can only respond when being spoken to, so try to refrain from telling me what to do.

This only happened in your imagination. Consider re-reading my posts in this thread.

Imagination, yet you were quoted by several people? It's...right there, a few pages back. I see you edited your comment to include topic relevancy but that is irrelevant after the fact.


Oh, actually I think you're right; it's connected to a Bluetooth chip in the Linkbox. Still might be possible if you buy a Linkbox, but it certainly complicates matters.

I'm also pretty sure the Linkbox is still just using standard Bluetooth, but then you're relying on someone to create software that allows a direct connection, which may or may not be complicated.

Bluetooth is for the lighthouses. Going by the teardowns, the controllers link to the headset itself via a proprietary wireless link provided by a pair of Nordic Semiconductor nRF24LU1P.


The more the merrier... It probably increases the chances of the base PSVR unit coming down to $299, which would again make me seriously consider it.


I'm skeptical of the controllers, but I'm all for more players in the VR space. And $400 for everything is a great price. Hope it turns out well.


Fafracer forever
GuitarAtomik said:
People have had decent impressions from early versions of these headsets at demos but of course those are demo environments.
Depends which headset I suppose. Hololens worked well - not perfectly stable object teethering, but reliable and very much correct.
Another headset I tried (full VR) walking 2-3m forward, turn around, walk back I crashed into a real-wall because VR measurements were already out of sync with real world (and I apparently walked too fast for the attendee to catch me).
It's a fishing controller. Not gonna lie I had one and it worked pretty well.


Used to Get Bass! on the DC. Game was amazingly funny to play.


Edit: Beaten.

I actually remember playing a fishing game (Cabelas?) on dreamcast and didn't even know that existed. Then again, the console was ahead of it's time in many ways :p So many good games, Carrier, Jet Set Radio Future, Power Stone 😭


Imagination, yet you were quoted by several people? It's...right there, a few pages back. I see you edited your comment to include topic relevancy but that is irrelevant after the fact.

Please quote the posts where I "tried to bring console warzzzz in here, got called out by a few people and never answered".

It didn't happen. I don't even know why you're quoting me, and I should probably stop responding.


Neo Member
Most all of these motions can be taken care of using the sensors in the actual motion controllers. But, you're right, it remains to be seen.

Pretty sure almost none of those motions can be tracked with only gyros in a 3d space. Yes it remains to be seen how capable they are but it really doesn't look good if the headset cameras are the only thing tracking them
Pretty sure almost none of those motions can be tracked with only gyros in a 3d space. Yes it remains to be seen how capable they are but it really doesn't look good if the headset cameras are the only thing tracking them

It's not just the camera:

According to Microsoft the controllers have an inertial measurement unit (IMU) and use inverse kinematics to allow for some tracking when they’re not in the camera’s view.

From: https://uploadvr.com/microsoft-motion-controllers-vr-headsets-6dof/


Well, at least now we know what will be used with the Scorpio. Ugly headset, but that doesn't matter, price is good and the controllers look like they'll be good at tracking.

Very curious about how this goes though, wonder if it'll allow for room scale...

It's only going to track the controllers well if you can see your hands ie where the cameras on the headset can capture the controllers - which isn't exactly ideal for a lot of movements and actions. Regardless, for those who can get over the oddities as far as gaming is concerned and assuming they work for a lot of vr titles, the price and compromise are likely reasonable. I'm much keener on high accuracy tracking in all directions after messing with roomscale games thus far, but very much want to keep waiting for better wireless solutions, foveated rendering and better controllers as far as finger and hand gestures go - which none of the complete systems are good enough for yet imo - but thankfully I'm in a postion where I can regularly mess with Rift and Vive, Vive being my favourite with roomscale stuff as I tend to fully embrace that, roll around and dive everywhere pushing the tracking pretty far.

IK never solves these issues as they are never good enough. Plus next to none in the consumer space bother to take your measurements and body structure first.
I just wish they had released a top notch VR so fanboys would argue "see, it's better than PSVR", after months of saying "meh, VR doesn't matter". A middle of the road one isn't enough.
I just wish they had released a top notch VR so fanboys would argue "see, it's better than PSVR", after months of saying "meh, VR doesn't matter". A middle of the road one isn't enough.

Well I'd surmise that they're probably working on a fully-occluded VR headset. It's pretty clear MS is approaching MR as a spectrum, with stuff like the just-announced Windows MR HMDs being the current mainstream, and stuff like non-occluded AR headsets like Hololens being the enterprise solutions. I could see them releasing a prosumer VR headset akin to the Rift/Vive themselves, or they could leave it to the market.

Also, from the specs these do look much better than PSVR already.


all good things
Interesting. I'm assuming it will work on scropio? I wonder if an original Xbox One will be able to use it.


Up there with the ugliest looking vr headsets ever.

Price is on point though.

What are you expecting when "price is on point" ie "cheaper" for tech that is still not at a point that can be super affordable and high fidelity.

There are still many years to go before you get even reasonable quality VR at a decent price. And no, PSVR is not it either, same as everything out right now. It's moving fast but it will take a long time to scale to a "for the masses" device that actually has the quality to provide excellent fidelity that most would expect. On top of that is the many years ahead for developers actually learning how to properly make good VR games and truly understand how to utilise and develop for the medium.

So, yeah, it will look "ugly" and not be spectacular at a "low" price right now, but this is how these things need to start like any tech that is new


We know Fallout 4 VR is coming to Scorpio, and we know Microsoft is not directly pushing VR.

I really, really hope Scorpio allows for several different types of headsets. I'd like to use my Oculus (and Touch) for the first time in a year, please.


Need some impressions, the price is excelllent, but is the tracking method as good as lighthouse? Refresh rate and FOV? If it's not as good then I'll just hope this brings prices down, if it's good I'm in
I just wish they had released a top notch VR so fanboys would argue "see, it's better than PSVR", after months of saying "meh, VR doesn't matter". A middle of the road one isn't enough.

Microsoft has mainly been pushing these for non-gaming uses. That said, I think it's likely this (and the other Windows headsets) will be Scorpio's VR solution. Maybe one of the other HMDs is better suited for gaming.


Need some impressions, the price is excelllent, but is the tracking method as good as lighthouse? Refresh rate and FOV? If it's not as good then I'll just hope this brings prices down, if it's good I'm in

I can tell you right now that the tracking won't be as good as lighthouse. It's a question of how much worse it will be in practice.
Need some impressions, the price is excelllent, but is the tracking method as good as lighthouse? Refresh rate and FOV? If it's not as good then I'll just hope this brings prices down, if it's good I'm in

just klick the links in the OP

95 degree horizontal field of view
Display refresh rate up to 90 Hz (native)
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