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God of War Launches Early 2018 (PS4)


How can kratos kill Thor? We all know that fight is probably coming. The whole story will probably loki using kratos to kill the Gods. Loki betray kratos after Thor and Odin is killed. Then kratos goes on revenge against loki for part 5. Typical GoW story.

IMO it woild be a mistake to mess to much with Viking mythology.

In Greece mythology there are no "endtime" myths, only how gods originated... which gave SSM chance to experiment and create their own story.

But Viking myths fully depict how their gods died during Ragnarock. Odin called the help of brave men who were accepted into Vallhala so that could help good gods not to win, but to ensure that endwar would have no victors. Fenrir wolf killed Odin, Thor died while slaying Jormungland (World Serpent from the trailer), fire giant Surtur burned the world, and entire world fell into the sea. After all that madness was done, survivors of humankind emerged in a world without gods.

That's pretty detailed, withnot much space left for Kratos and his tendency to slay gods.

Since he's on the path of redemption, I would like to see him brokering the deal with Odin about calling the help of human warriors.
Since he's on the path of redemption, I would like to see him brokering the deal with Odin about calling the help of human warriors.
And he brings back the Spartan army he once failed as those warriors, bringing the game full circle to God of War 2 (which Barlog also directed)
Also didn't the death of all Gods brought tremendous effect on the world. When poseidon died the whole world was flooded, after Hades died all souls got lose, plagues all over, and death of hela killed all trees. The world was destoryed. This game doesn't make any sense.
Also didn't the death of all Gods brought tremendous effect on the world. When poseidon died the whole world was flooded, after Hades died all souls got lose, plagues all over, and death of hela killed all trees. The world was destoryed. This game doesn't make any sense.
Other pantheons exist, and they protected their people from the apocalypse that destroyed the Greeks

Or only Greece was affected
IMO it woild be a mistake to mess to much with Viking mythology.

In Greece mythology there are no "endtime" myths, only how gods originated... which gave SSM chance to experiment and create their own story.

But Viking myths fully depict how their gods died during Ragnarock. Odin called the help of brave men who were accepted into Vallhala so that could help good gods not to win, but to ensure that endwar would have no victors. Fenrir wolf killed Odin, Thor died while slaying Jormungland (World Serpent from the trailer), fire giant Surtur burned the world, and entire world fell into the sea. After all that madness was done, survivors of humankind emerged in a world without gods.

That's pretty detailed, withnot much space left for Kratos and his tendency to slay gods.

Since he's on the path of redemption, I would like to see him brokering the deal with Odin about calling the help of human warriors.
Knowing how bad the writing is for these games I still expect Loki using kratos to kill Thor and Odin and then betraying him by probably killing his new family. I mean Hercules was helping Hera in gow3. Something the real Hercules would never do(according to the Greek Mythology).
Considering that it seems like we level up the son and can equip him with gear, and a big theme seems to be raising him to be a warrior, I kind of expect them to build up the relationship and then have you play as the son and fight and/or kill Kratos. And then the son becomes the new protagonist of the franchise

It will not happen imho. Kratos is teaching is son how to be a good warrior/god and to not make the same mistakes he did. The cicle of murder in his family will end.
Also didn't the death of all Gods brought tremendous effect on the world. When poseidon died the whole world was flooded, after Hades died all souls got lose, plagues all over, and death of hela killed all trees. The world was destoryed. This game doesn't make any sense.
Things probably happened. Just a guess.


Knowing how bad the writing is for these games I still expect Loki using kratos to kill Thor and Odin and then betraying him by probably killing his new family. I mean Hercules was helping Hera in gow3. Something the real Hercules would never do(according to the Greek Mythology).
At this point using stories in past games is like using stories in Killzone games to claim that story in Horizon is going to be bad.

Two Words

Considering that it seems like we level up the son and can equip him with gear, and a big theme seems to be raising him to be a warrior, I kind of expect them to build up the relationship and then have you play as the son and fight and/or kill Kratos. And then the son becomes the new protagonist of the franchise

Nah, I don't think that's ever gonna happen. Seems like they've planted the flag that "God of War" is Kratos. They had the moment to pivot now and they didn't take it.


Other pantheons exist, and they protected their people from the apocalypse that destroyed the Greeks

Or only Greece was affected

I wonder how they'll explain GoW2, where he traveled to the edge of the world, and it was all Greek there still. He never encountered other mythologies before while travelling? Maybe I'm thinking a lot.


I wonder how they'll explain GoW2, where he traveled to the edge of the world, and it was all Greek there still. He never encountered other mythologies before while travelling? Maybe I'm thinking a lot.

It could totally be that the douche Greek pantheon literally blocked travel to and from other pantheons' domains, so when Kratos slaughtered all of them it placed the Greek land back into "normal" existence. So he really did travel to the end of the world

Also, the trailer talks about how the gods don't take kindly to outsiders. I'm sure the issue is that Kratos the Greek god is in their domain. Thor could want to kill the world serpent because it's helping Kratos. God of War has always been based on mythology, so I'm sure they'll take some liberties

Kratos showing up and trying to be a decent dude and getting exposed. as a the guy who killed the entire Greek pantheon, I'm sure a good portion of the Viking gods wouldn't be too cool with another godkilling god kicking it in their domain and now killing their shit. It could easily spiral into the ragnarok war that the Vikings discuss


Might need to stop sniffing glue
It will not happen imho. Kratos is teaching is son how to be a good warrior/god and to not make the same mistakes he did. The cicle of murder in his family will end.

I wouldn't be so sure about it. We will have to see how much murder in the family there will be.


Well could be true its heavily featured in the trailer at different points and also on the Game cover.

Question? do we get any new info From E3 about this game?

There was a behind closed doors event with Cory. No gameplay demo but they showed extended footage and Cory spoke a lot more about the game, father and son element, inspirations like Labyrinth and Never Ending Story and the single camera cut etc.

Apparently the Spartan Rage can be activated any time but depending on the battle this might be something you don't always want to activate right away?

Also the game begins pretty similar to last year's E3 demo. There's no grand opening of setting up how Kratos got there or how he met Atrieus's mother and such.
Also didn't the death of all Gods brought tremendous effect on the world. When poseidon died the whole world was flooded, after Hades died all souls got lose, plagues all over, and death of hela killed all trees. The world was destoryed. This game doesn't make any sense.

I guess Cory explained this at E3? Basically that the Gods are like politicians governing their own realms and countries. So when the Greek gods fell it only affected that realm and Greece obviously. The only thing that connects the Greek Pantheon of gods to Norse and the others is Kratos.


I bet the kid kills Kratos by the end of the new saga.



Considering that it seems like we level up the son and can equip him with gear, and a big theme seems to be raising him to be a warrior, I kind of expect them to build up the relationship and then have you play as the son and fight and/or kill Kratos. And then the son becomes the new protagonist of the franchise

It will not happen imho. Kratos is teaching is son how to be a good warrior/god and to not make the same mistakes he did. The cicle of murder in his family will end.

I think the game will end with Kratos dying in order to protect the kid, then Atreus will become the new protagonist of the series, seeking revenge for his father death.
Only it will not be a dark, rage-fuelled revenge like Kratos, but a more justice driven one following the teachings of his father. Maybe Atreus will fight to free humanity from the Gods control, ultimately leading to them leaving the human realm.


Did they confirmed if Athena will be in the game? I guess there is a 50-50 chance because i don't know how they will explain it if she appears there and how can she be tied into the story but it will be strange if they don't mention her at all after GOW3 ending.
I think the whole game's story is going to be causing ragnarok and Loki will use kratos to make it happen. The Midgard serpent you see in the trailer wants to "help" kratos probably to lure and kill his arch nemesis Thor. Which is in the prophecy of Ragnarok according to the mythology. Thor dies after killing the snake no? The snake is also one of Loki's Children.


I thought about it a little more and came to a conclusion that if they really go all out, Kratos can become one of the GOAT characters in video games. The change is so natural and if handled well, can be phenomenal (especially since we got so many games that established him until now)...it's just so believable, IDK how to really explain it but it has huge potential. It can be similar to Big Boss in the MGS franchise, only done in the forefront and not behind the scenes.
I thought about it a little more and came to a conclusion that if they really go all out, Kratos can become one of the GOAT characters in video games. The change is so natural and if handled well, can be phenomenal (especially since we got so many games that established him until now)...it's just so believable, IDK how to really explain it but it has huge potential. It can be similar to Big Boss in the MGS franchise, only done in the forefront and not behind the scenes.
Yep. This is the first time I'm actually interested in the titular character in a series 7 games deep. That alone is a big accomplishment to me.
Watch the sand story in the panel. You listen to more music that will be surely part tof the game OST.
I think the new OST is going to be better than previous games.
Same here. Much more cinematic. Bear McCreary is always good.
Count me in as someone fine with the combat change. I enjoyed all the previous games as much as everyone else but the combat was never GOAT level.

Definitely a day 1 buy for me in March.
When the snake was speaking, expelling his strong breath, their clothes were flapping due to its force.
I wasn't wrong when I said this game is CGI level.


Cory said there was a lot of push back from the team when discussing the idea of the single camera with no cuts. It wasn't until he screened them John Woo's Hard Boiled and the single cut gunfight near the end that sold everyone on the idea.
Cory said there was a lot of push back from the team when discussing the idea of the single camera with no cuts. It wasn't until he screened them John Woo's Hard Boiled and the single cut gunfight near the end that sold everyone on the idea.
If that doesn't sell you on the idea, nothing will
Won't we have a cut anyway, whenever we go to menu and upgrade our skill. talking about upgrades, we haven't seen red orbs yet, I wonder if it'll be different this time.
Won't we have a cut anyway, whenever we go to menu and upgrade our skill. talking about upgrades, we haven't seen red orbs yet, I wonder if it'll be different this time.

You regain health by eating fruits from big plants. I presume the upgrade will be on the axe like adding more gems on the handle and adding more lit ramification on the axe itself like a skill tree.

Edit: That blue dwarf with the one in golden armor that are supposed to sell you weapons and items: watch again, Kratos is presenting him his axe and he is having some kind of mark that he will eventually be engraved to his axe and add an upgrade.


Won't we have a cut anyway, whenever we go to menu and upgrade our skill.

Right but they're not talking about that though. Its more the presentation in that there won't be any camera cuts from gameplay to cinematic and vice versa.

For example use last year's gameplay reveal. The moment the camera focuses on Atreus playing the camera never cuts and switches to a different angle both during the cinematic and in gameplay. The camera follows Atreus into the cabin and then pans to reveal Kratos before circling to be behind him and then staying there for gameplay. With movies and TV everything is obviously filmed from various angles and then edited together but with games and what Cory is doing is having the benefit of a virtual camera that can move and be placed anywhere in a limitless space. Its also why it's been a headache for the performance capture. lol

I'm really looking forward to the story and relationship between Kratos and his son in Norse mythology. I mean Cory put out arguably the best entry in the God of War franchise but also in his travels away from Santa Monica also went to work and learn from the best in story telling including one Dr. George Miller.
Right but they're not talking about that though. Its more the presentation in that there won't be any camera cuts from gameplay to cinematic and vice versa.

For example use last year's gameplay reveal. The moment the camera focuses on Atreus playing the camera never cuts and switches to a different angle both during the cinematic and in gameplay. The camera follows Atreus into the cabin and then pans to reveal Kratos before circling to be behind him and then staying there for gameplay. With movies and TV everything is obviously filmed from various angles and then edited together but with games and what Cory is doing is having the benefit of a virtual camera that can move and be placed anywhere in a limitless space. Its also why it's been a headache for the performance capture. lol

I'm really looking forward to the story and relationship between Kratos and his son in Norse mythology. I mean Cory put out arguably the best entry in the God of War franchise but also in his travels away from Santa Monica also went to work and learn from the best in story telling including one Dr. George Miller.

Exactly. the camera never away from both Kratos and his son to show sth irrelevant or not related to the moment happening at that time like in movies or series that have other focus on other characters or stories than just the main protagonists.


I bet the game ends with Kratos becoming imprisoned/frozen or something similar..and the next game will be the BOI's journey to save the father.
I like at the beginning and when Kratos is dragging the boat, how the water caustics (eventhough they aren't real physics simulation and mostly animated textures) are cast on Kratos and not just the surroundings,hence the caustics filling the E3 theatre when GOW was shown. Most of the games that present it only cast it on walls or on rocks but not on the characters.
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