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I am meeting a Trump supporter this week. Help.

The irony of this thread. OP wants to challenge an ill informed person who believes whatever someone else tells him by having a bunch of strangers tell him information he can't be bothered to confirm the veracity of.


To keep a long story short, a Trumper has come to my country and my friend (who is clueless of politics) wants me to meet them.
I would like specific evidence to use to counter argue this man. I've always accepted his way is wrong on a moral level. But I need evidence of facts as to why Trump is bad. Also specifically as to why muslims are not destroying america.

I know the sane move is to not interact with him. I know nothing will come of it. But nevertheless I need to try. For more information this guy is very anti-muslim, pro-trump, anti-clinton. He deserves to be shamed and made unwelcome here.

You should try something that you may not have thought about. You should approach him as a person, and not your mortal enemy. Even enemies can find some form of common ground.

Ask him his views. Let him talk, and most importantly, *rationalize* himself completely. Don't interrupt him with twitch counterarguments. Don't scoff or roll your eyes when he says something you don't agree with. If something sounds unbelievable to you, genuinely ask the reasoning behind what he's saying.

Build a rapport with him, show that you are at least trying to see it from his point of view. And then, once you have all the information you need (don't be an asshole and presume), make an attempt to calmly (and *rationally*) explain yours.

I promise, this is not as difficult as it sounds. In political conversations, people argue off built up ideals....all you're doing is disarming the front lines, so that you two can converse as humans, and not liberal/conservative rhetoric machines.

This thread is so weird.

If you can't talk to anyone who voted for Trump, the problem is with you. But you're under no obligation to interact with an actual neo-nazi, if that's what this person is.

Trump supporter doesn't equal neo nazi though. It's important to realize that.

Yeah, this.

If what OP is saying is to be taken at face value, this guy may be too fargone to even bother with.

If it's as bad as you say, RIP to your friend. Otherwise, yeah it's probably not as bad as you think, if the guy has any kind of normal thinking processes.


Old Member
Keep your nose out of your friend's life, regardless of how abhorrent you find her partner's views on Facebook. If she's happy and has no issue with his opinions, it's her choice to remain with him.

At the end of the day, it's their life, not yours. You seem to be chomping at the bit to start a fight with him and cut them both out of your life if they don't conform to your views, so the problem doesn't seem to lie with them.

Be a good friend and don't start shit with the person she loves. Mind your own business, be pleasant and polite and distance yourself if you have to. There's nothing good that will come from you going into Moral Crusader mode.
Of all of those crazy things I said conservatives believe in. Most do. Over 40% still believe Obama is a kenyan muslim.

I could go point by point through all of these and find signifigant supposrt for all of my points in that post. All close to 50%.

My real problem is that I'm old enough to have seen 2 sides to America and the Republican party. I'm old enough to see no doubt that America is way fucking dumber than they were 20 to 30 years ago. Most of the embarrassing things I mentioned about conservatives werent true 30 years ago. Thats a big fucking problem that is only getting worse. How could this country be more successful than it was 30 years ago and yet be dumber at the same time.
"Most do. 40%. Close to 50%." That is not most. And it is proving my point. Yes, there are a lot of people repeating these talking points or really believing in it. But it is not all. And painting all people in a certain box is exactly one of the issues we face these days, since it creates a us against them narrative without people able to come together anymore.

I'm going to bet that 20 or 30 years ago people were just as dumb, if not dumber. The difference is, things were much more filtered because there were limited media channels. And politicians didn't all give in to the extremists, like we see now with the Republican party.

As far as I'm concerned, and this is the part my friend doesnt know about. 2 outcomes will happen. First she will see just how hateful and nasty he is. Secondly i will confirm that i had misjudged my friend, and may have to end seeing her. Either way the outcome is why i will meet him.
Or outcome 3: it doesn't matter and your friend will date him anyway.


Honestly, if you really but REALLY need to interact with him, don't mention politics at all. Or religion. Or anything that might incite him. And if he tries to do that, try to change the subject or outright ignore him.




OP yo are weird af


I have. It is why I agreed to the meeting. To see if she is either naive... or she agrees with him.
If that is the case, I know I cant stay friends with her.

Also I used trump supporter namely because the sheer fact that anyone would still support that man is an excellent judge of character for me. Was hoping it was the same for everyone else.

Sounds to me like you should be sitting down and talking with her, not him.

You have to remember that not everyone who supports Trump (the guy you're meeting obviously being an exception) does so because they are hateful people. Many of them have been mislead by the right wing media bubble.


Keep your nose out of your friend's life, regardless of how abhorrent you find her partner's views on Facebook. If she's happy and has no issue with his opinions, it's her choice to remain with him.

At the end of the day, it's their life, not yours. You seem to be chomping at the bit to start a fight with him and cut them both out of your life if they don't conform to your views, so the problem doesn't seem to lie with them.

Be a good friend and don't start shit with the person she loves. Mind your own business, be pleasant and polite and distance yourself if you have to. There's nothing good that will come from you going into Moral Crusader mode.

If what they say is 100% legitimate and not hyperbole anyone would be chomping at the bit to try and convince a friend not to hitch up with the "literal genocidal Nazi who believes women belong in the kitchen". I mean, yeah, women can choose who they want to be with, but someone as sincerely terrible as the poster is trying to have us believe is not someone you'd want any friend getting mixed up with. I honestly don't know if we're arguing complete hypotheticals here given the way we're being fed info, but it's the internet and often all you can do is take people on message boards at face value with whatever stories they tell you. From the title (inferring general Trump supporter) to the OP, still content light and inferring general Trump supporter, to the update of it being a genocidal Nazi women in the kitchen lover , if we take it on face value then yeah, why would anyone want their friend dating such a person?


To keep a long story short, a Trumper has come to my country and my friend (who is clueless of politics) wants me to meet them.
I would like specific evidence to use to counter argue this man. I've always accepted his way is wrong on a moral level. But I need evidence of facts as to why Trump is bad. Also specifically as to why muslims are not destroying america.

I know the sane move is to not interact with him. I know nothing will come of it. But nevertheless I need to try. For more information this guy is very anti-muslim, pro-trump, anti-clinton. He deserves to be shamed and made unwelcome here.

This is completely asinine.
"He deserves to be shamed and made unwelcome here"
So you are going to solidify his opinions on behalf of the rest of the world?
Some big fucking underoos you seem to think that you are wearing?
What ever happened to being civil?
It is not your job to counter anything or prove anyone wrong, because obviously if you are asking on a message board you are not educated enough to tie your own shoes much left try and debate anything.
I am not a fan of Trump supporters , but I do not go out of my way to ambush them.


Might need to stop sniffing glue
In my experience, it's probably better to know going in that you're not likely to change their mind. I would stick to topics which everyone enjoys and avoid the politics. It will likely be less confrontational and less uncomfortable for everyone even if inside, you're disturbed by who they politically support as a representation of their beliefs. No matter what you say, it is more likely that even in the face of undeniable proof, they will disregard what you say as fake media spin and that you're just blissfully unaware of the real facts.


OP, do you have romantic interest toward your friend?

It could be that this person is as bad as you say, but some jealousy could be pushing you to assume the absolute worst about them before even speaking to them for the first time.


The point of an argument is to either:

1. change somebody's mind
2. gain/win something

Since they're probably not going to change anybody's minds and there is absolutely nothing to gain/win, it sounds like OP only wants to pick a verbal fight to be seen as being "right" against somebody they've never met. I don't see the point.

Plus, git gud on your argument points - if you are so vehemently opposed to something that you are willing to blindside a visitor from another country with debate, you should precisely and specifically know why you are opposed to their point of view and have your own counterarguments ready to go with the facts that supported your disagreement and molded your perspective in the first place.
You sound like the least friendly person ever OP. Even if we shared the same views I wouldn't want to be your friend or have anything to do with you ever.

And if I'm this person coming over and you, someone I've never met all of a sudden tried to force your viewpoints onto me without me trying to instigate you in the first place would tell you to go kick rocks.

I'm here to see my friend. Not debate some random person I could care less about.
*edit* I wrote what's below before OP later revealed that the guy is a white nationalist Nazi.

I guess if you live in another country I could see how a Trump supporter would be this tremendous bogeyman, but in reality it's not really the case. I think the internet has engendered this idea that when two people of opposing view points get together, they have to argue with one another, because everybody argues on the internet about everything, but it's not really the case. It's like if you hear how horrible Americans are on the internet -- loud, obnoxious, flag-waving Christians -- and then you're at a bar and meet someone whose an American ex-pat and they're nice, normal people. Or, on the flipside, some sheltered American assumes that all Muslims are turban-wearing Mohammedeans who are trying to enforce sharia law, and then you end up finding out that the guy on your softball team is a Turkish American and a normal person like everyone else who might be technically Muslim but cares more about playing Playstation and drinking beer than he does about the Pillars of Islam.

I live in a very liberal area, but I have people in my family who were Trump supporters during the election, my sister-in-law, my father-in-law might have voted for him but I dunno if he did or not but he definitely leaned towards Trump over Clinton. My parents voted for Trump as well and have particularly gone down the Fox News rabbit hole of ignorance over the last 8 years (they've been independent but voted pretty equally for Democrats & Republicans) though they're both pretty intelligent people otherwise... We mostly just don't talk politics anymore. I'm politically moderate but disgusted by Trump and the Trumpists in the independent/Republican political scene, and so I sparred with my parents a handful of times after the election, so now we mostly avoid it. I won't bring him up and they might bring up some tangential point about something and it might occasionally come back to Trump and I'll scoff and shake my head. My in-laws and my parents are the people who are showing up in these recent polls where Trump's support has dropped, the ones where 'Likely Republican Voters' fell from 80% support to 53% support, or what have you, they're likely part of that ~27% drop or whatever the polls are.

I'll go to the bar on a Friday or Saturday night when my wife is busy and inevitably end up talking to someone who may be a Trump supporter... and... it's fine. You don't have to talk about politics and even if the news is on, people usually aren't adversarial to each other by default. Even people who bring up absurd things, like the bar tender at the bar I go to the most once, late at night, started asking me about illuminati conspiracy theories and what I thought about the new world order and those things... Now, on the internet, I would have ridiculed him to no end, but when you're in front of someone talking with them over a couple beers, I'd just kinda smile, shake my head, and say something like "eh, George, I dunno about that one..." or "Man, I wish there was an illuminati because they could fix the pot holes in town..." I live in the most Democratic state in the country (Massachusetts) and likely the most liberal (or right up there), and yet 33.5% of the state went for Trump, 4.2% went for Gary Johnson, and so, y'know, going around most of the state even though this is a progressive state, about a 1/3 of the people you might see on a given day could be a Trump supporter (not exactly of course because many areas are ideologically segregated), and you don't have to get into an argument with 33% of the people you cross paths with every day.


Oh, if the guys literally a white nationalist Nazi then christ... Fuck him. I wouldn't even give him the time of day and I think it's odd that your other friend would want you guys to meet...


People in here acting like "Trump supporter", at this point in the game, is just a normal, reasonable point of view that should be accepted and respected.

Fucking trash.

Man...when I read threads like this, i can't help but come to the conclusion

at the core of it all, you people really aren't that different from one another.
You'd be better off focusing on your shared interests or values, rather than waiting for your chance to strike and blurting out a bunch of talking points that were fed to you.

And if he wants to be the guy who engages in politics with a stranger, just calmly state your logic for disagreement and move on.
I have. It is why I agreed to the meeting. To see if she is either naive... or she agrees with him.
If that is the case, I know I cant stay friends with her.

Also I used trump supporter namely because the sheer fact that anyone would still support that man is an excellent judge of character for me. Was hoping it was the same for everyone else.

Why waste your time if she's dating someone pushing for Muslim genocide? If she sees him post shit like that and wants to be with him I'd know she's no friend anymore.
If what they say is 100% legitimate and not hyperbole anyone would be chomping at the bit to try and convince a friend not to hitch up with the "literal genocidal Nazi who believes women belong in the kitchen". I mean, yeah, women can choose who they want to be with, but someone as sincerely terrible as the poster is trying to have us believe is not someone you'd want any friend getting mixed up with. I honestly don't know if we're arguing complete hypotheticals here given the way we're being fed info, but it's the internet and often all you can do is take people on message boards at face value with whatever stories they tell you.

Sounds like you don't give a shit about your friends and wouldn't prevent them from making a clearly obvious mistake.

Your friend: "Hey, audioboxer. I want to shove my wang into this meat grinder because i dont know any different. What do you think?"
Audioboxer: "Dude you're fucking selfish. Its your life! I should stay out of it and you should make your own decisions."


OP yo are weird af

Thank you for your carefully constructed counter argument. It was both well thought out and informative

OP, do you have romantic interest toward your friend?

It could be that this person is as bad as you say, but some jealousy could be pushing you to assume the absolute worst about them before even speaking to them for the first time.
No i am happily married!

Why waste your time if she's dating someone pushing for Muslim genocide? If she sees him post shit like that and wants to be with him I'd know she's no friend anymore.
I... don't know. Hope that our friendship could continue and that shes unbelievably naive?
I know how hypocritacal that statement is given the context.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Man...when I read threads like this, i can't help but come to the conclusion

at the core of it all, you people really aren't that different from one another.

If you read this thread and come away thinking that people aren't being kind enough about hypothetical meetings with loud, proud white nationalist mysoginists, then ok... That's weird.

Is this one of those situations where people are just latching onto a GAF "fuck you op, you're dumb" circlejerk?


OP, sorry you are wrong. You do not need to try, as Trump supporters are delusional and evil in some way, either directly or indirectly, as supporting Trump and supporting the GOP as it is today is in itself an evil thing to do.

Your time would be better spent trying to teach a brick how to tap dance.

Personally if a friend of mine pushed me into associating with someone who supports a misogynist, sexual assaulting, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, con man, even if that person posits that they do not hold such believes themselves I would stop associating with the friend that suggested I meet the person. If you support someone who supports evil you yourself are evil by proxy imo.

So nah, fuck that.

Edit: Just to be clear I am not saying start a debate or argue with the Trump supporter. Just refuse to meet them. If you friend is upset that you dont want to associate with a bigot why would you want to continue being their friend anyway?


Sounds like you don't give a shit about your friends and wouldn't prevent them from making a clearly obvious mistake.

Your friend: "Hey, audioboxer. I want to shove my wang into this meat grinder because i dont know any different. What do you think?"
Audioboxer: "Dude you're fucking selfish. Its your life! I should stay out of it and you should make your own decisions."

Thank you for your carefully constructed counter argument. It was both well thought out and informative

Uh... okay. Don't miss the post above where I said the opposite of what you're now saying. It's not the fault of the people on the message board your title and OP were content light and asked for advice, and then out of nowhere you drop the bombshell its a literal Nazi we're talking about. Next time it might be best to get permission to share more information from topic creation and you won't have some posts from people thinking you're simply talking about someone you hardly know other than "they voted Trump".

I still stand by what I said above to cr0w, but honestly, it sounds like your friends head might not be thinking very clearly if your information on the person is correct and she's wanting to date someone who believes in genocide and that she belongs in a kitchen. Is this some long distance internet relationship or something?


I think the internet has engendered this idea that when two people of opposing view points get together, they have to argue with one another, because everybody argues on the internet about everything, but it's not really the case.

This so much.
Very well said.
Uh... okay. Don't miss the post above where I said the opposite of what you're now saying. It's not the fault of the people on the message board your title and OP were content light and asked for advice, and then out of nowhere you drop the bombshell its a literal Nazi we're talking about. Next time it might be best to get permission to share more information from topic creation and you won't have some posts from people thinking you're simply talking about someone you hardly know other than "they voted Trump".

I still stand by what I said above to cr0w, but honestly, it sounds like your friends head might not be thinking very clearly if your information on the person is correct and she's wanting to date someone who believes in genocide and that she belongs in a kitchen. Is this some long distance internet relationship or something?

I apologise. I did not see the next post.

When i made the thread my friend said i was not allowed to share specifics, so i used the most general term i can think of to describe an absolute piece of shit.
My friend has consented to pass on more information.

Let it be known i havent told the whole story purely because I have not been given permission to do so.
Few issues:
The three issue Trump voters usually care about the most, and each issue can be tackled with an ideological concept they tend to agree with.

1. Healthcare
The US is paying almost twice as much for the very same procedures and drugs compared to other developed nations.
Why is that?
Because the US healthcare system isn't a free market system.
In a free market an informed consumer makes an educated buying decision, with regard to price and quality of the product, choosing between a variety of options.
In the US healthcare market a key ingredient is missing for that system to work: the informed consumer, in this case the consumer is the patient.
You can't expect patients to have the necessary knowledge to make these decisions, so the solution many other nations found are non-profit insurance companies.
A non-profit insurance company mirrors the patients interests: They want to keep the patient as healthy as possible(because a healthy patient is a cheap patient) for a little money as possible.
This relationship works so well, that insurance companies in many european countries gladly pay for all kinds of preventive care, because its been proven that it pays off for them by lowering healthcare costs long term.

No matter what kind of healthcare system the US wants to have, be it single payer, multi payer, universal healthcare, Trumpcare or Obamacare, taking measures to introduce the mechanisms of the free market economy is a smart step in any case.
And a proven concept to achieve that is non-profit insurance companies, so the US might just copy that.

You use a concept of capitalism and the free market economy, something conservatives hold high, and apply it to the healthcare system.

2. Jobs
9 out of every 10 jobs lost since the year 2000 have been lost due to automation.
The biggest job killer isn't immigrants, globalism or trade deals, but technology.
At the same time, the US has a record high in job openings because employers can't find adequately educated employees.

The underlying issue here is that the US educational system is designed for the economic realities of the 1950s, an economy focussed on simple manufacturing jobs. But things changed and the jobs from back then have slowly disappeared and the economy now demands more high level, more skilled workers. As the record high job openings proof, they is a major skill gap.

So issue of the middle class regions formerly occupied by manufacturing jobs is basically that the educational level of these people hasn't kept up with the economies demands.
Now you have a mismatch between demand and supply. So jobs are there, but people can't do them. Which hurts both, the economy and the people.

The solution isn't a crackdown on immigration and the refusal to engage in international trade deals, and bringing back coal or generic manufacturing jobs is also a pipe dream, it just won't happen, the economy has moved on.
The solution is rather a complete overhaul of the educational system so that it can prepare people for the current economic circumstances.
And furthermore: Extensive retraining of people who went through the old, insufficient educational system.

Fun fact: The only candidate who correctly identified this problem and proposed these solutions, was Hillary Clinton. But she did a hilariously bad job at explaining the whole situation to people. Its really not that hard to understand and there are plenty of hard facts that back it up. I'm at work right now, if you want I can add sources to all the key data points and arguments later.

Again, you use capitalism and the demands of the economy, something conservatives tend to listen to, to sell an educational reform.

3. Terrorism
Just use the statistics people posted here and make an argument about putting the threat into proper perspective.
Does it make sense to harm the economy through travel bans and spend billions upon billions of dollars on military operations which achieve nothing but making things worse, all that to tackle a threat that kills way less people a year than lawnmower accidents?

Here you appeal to non-interventionist believes, something quite a lot of Trump voters tend to hold.

A few tips:
-Don't bother talking about social issues or religious issues. Positions here are mostly faith based, its basically impossible to change them with arguments.
-Don't call any of Trumps moves racist or accuse anyone of racism. It may be the truth, but people won't be open to arguments anymore and it'll only encourage them in their position.
Only do that when you don't want to keep arguing anymore.
-When you talk about climate change, argue from an economic position. Why is it good for the economy to get away from fossil fuels and embrace green energy?
Its useless to argue on the basis of science, because Trump supporters just disregard science if it doesn't fit their believes. You need to convince them that transitioning to green energy would be the right move, even under the premiss that climate change isn't real.

Edit: I just read that the person we are talking about is a literal nazi who calls for a muslim genocide.
In this case I would not argue with him at all. Just show him and your friend that you are absolutely not okay with these positions. If your friend wants you to know him that means they care about your opinion, so be blunt: Call him a nazi, call him a racist, call him a terrible, delusional human being.
There is no point in arguing with someone like that.

If you don't want an escalation like that avoid all topics involving Muslims etc. and only talk about jobs and healthcare.


Ok after discussing it with my friend (who gave her consent to make the thread to begin with) I can reveal a little more.

This man publically calls for the mass genocide of muslims and to put women back in the kitchen like the good ol' days.
However he is a focused individual, always working hard.

It is for this reason my 20yo friend has fallen in love with him. As he is the exact opposite of a bad boyfriend she broke up with last year.
I am all for her finding love, and I care very deeply for her. But this union is a mistake, but she's too far gone. She is a good honest decent person. Unable to hate or be spiteful.

This man is the bane of society. A literal walking nazi. I cannot be friends with him. I will not. There is no nice person who thinks slavery was good and shame on anyone who thinks there is.

She wants me to meet him to prove he is a good person. I will out of respect for her. But hearing about him from her I know he will go on about things I object morally. She is too in love to disagree with him.

You already have your answer, without even meeting him. If what you say is true and he literally is a Nazi who wants a mass genocide, your friends already knows this and for whatever reason is fine with it. She does not care about his views and that is her choice to ignore/be fine with. You will not change her or his mind.

If the two of them being together is enough for you to not be her friend then end the friendship and tell her you will not be friends with someone who is fine being with someone wants to harm people.


He deserves to be shamed and made unwelcome here.

I mean, I hate Trump and I feel that Trump supporters are very ignorant, but this kind of attitude is what will make them double down on their extreme, right-wing attitudes.

If politics comes up, sure, but I wouldn't go forcing a heated debate where you just want to shit on his opinion (however bad it is).

EDIT: ahh, I just read the quoted post above. This guy coming to visit has some pretty extreme views. However, my post still stands; but if you decide to take on this guy in a debate, good luck. I don't think you will get anywhere though. I suppose its worth trying to point out to your friend his extreme views, but love and attachment is a hell of a drug, and can make people blind to many things.

Anyway, good luck. Just try to remain calm.


I apologise. I did not see the next post.

When i made the thread my friend said i was not allowed to share specifics, so i used the most general term i can think of to describe an absolute piece of shit.
My friend has consented to pass on more information.

Let it be known i havent told the whole story purely because I have not been given permission to do so.

If your friend is consenting to pass information into a topic on NeoGAF I think the next best step is to ask her to read it.

It'll still be hard for people on here to manage to believe how she can want to hitch up with the person you described in that post. As I asked is it a long distance relationship or something? Internet only? Or has she met them before? If it's internet only then surely she's seen all of what you've seen? (I'm guessing from social media posts?) Pretty crazy if so and especially if your friend doesn't share any of the extreme thoughts you described.


To keep a long story short, a Trumper has come to my country and my friend (who is clueless of politics) wants me to meet them.
I would like specific evidence to use to counter argue this man. I've always accepted his way is wrong on a moral level. But I need evidence of facts as to why Trump is bad. Also specifically as to why muslims are not destroying america.

I know the sane move is to not interact with him. I know nothing will come of it. But nevertheless I need to try. For more information this guy is very anti-muslim, pro-trump, anti-clinton. He deserves to be shamed and made unwelcome here.
people are allowed to have different opinions.

If you absolutely have to broach the subject of politics, let him talk.
Reality is that he is probably a completely ordinary person and this is kind of a "grow up" post. Learn to befriend people that aren't like you or the world is going to be a real shit place.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
OP really needs to put that "extra info" in the OP lol


You should see this person as a person first, OP.

If the conversation leads to the orange con man, then it's time to challenge the views and ideas of this person.

You don't shame, you point. Point to the bullshit and lies.

If this person can't take it, then they're just a lost cause on the matter. That's all.
I... don't know. Hope that our friendship could continue and that shes unbelievably naive?
I know how hypocritacal that statement is given the context.

To be honest was it just a matter of him supporting Trump I'd get why you're willing to see what she's in it for. But the Muslim genocide stuff is just too much to me. My thinking is she either supports his horrible thoughts or just doesn't care about Muslims at all. Neither are good outcomes.


If you read this thread and come away thinking that people aren't being kind enough about hypothetical meetings with loud, proud white nationalist mysoginists, then ok... That's weird.

Is this one of those situations where people are just latching onto a GAF "fuck you op, you're dumb" circlejerk?

I wasn't really talking about OP, i was talking about you. If you think that all "trump supporters" are, at their core, loud, proud white nationalists and mysoginists, then that's a dangerous assumption to make.

If you can't even imagine speaking with another human being simply because they're a "trump supporter", then I don't know what to tell you. The majority of this thread seems to understand that having deep anxiety and fear over simply meeting another person because their ideas are different from yours isn't a healthy thing.

OP isn't going into combat, he's just going to have a fucking conversation. If he doesn't agree with him, so fucking what, get over it and talk about something else, you aren't going to convince everyone you talk to that your political views are correct.

Most normal people can do this. Unless both OP and the guy he's talking about are both nutcases, in which case yeah, maybe the conversation will turn violent and it'll end in a deathmatch or some shit

I honestly have a hard time believing that someone would genuinely just flat-out say "I believe in mass genocide of Muslims because reasons" and not either be genuinely mentally unstable, or have some very deep and wide disconnect with the things hes saying vs. the things he actually knows.


You are an adult I assume, you have the right to post whatever you want. You do not need her permission to post on a forum about something. It's not like anyone here knows you, her or this guy.

If someone says to you don't share the personal things we're talking about, anonymous or not, you have to be a bit inconsiderate to go and broadcast it on a forum with 190k+ users. Pointing out someone is a genocidal maniac in the OP probably does fall under something you should let people know in advance before a discussion erupts about someone simply voting in a conservative way. Or as I said to the OP, it might have been best to seek permission before creating the topic in the first place. As it ended up being framed as just meeting a random Trump supporter getting off a plane in another country, then under 2 hours later was revised to this. Lord Thrappleper if you stand by that info you should probably add it to your first post.
Treating this guy like a normal person seems like a courtesy he doesn't deserve.

So your post made me think I missed something past OP's initial post. And sure enough...I found the follow up.

So let me revise my statement: Why would you even bother meeting someone like that? Don't waste your time.

OP needs to edit that follow up into their original post because that add a FUCK TON of context lol.

L Thammy

OP, if this person actually said that they support genocide or something like that, you should edit that information into your first post. Right at the top, before anything else. The way you initially presented the situation makes it sound like a much smaller situation and you're just going to get more posters who are reacting to that.
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