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Pewdiepie just can't help himself with the N word...the 4th time

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The 4th link (post-apology video) shows exactly how reflexively he's been used to saying things like this in the past. It's instinctual to him in these circumstances! At least he tried to stifle it this time. He can train himself to say something else, but we can all see where his mind goes at present.
I don't like pewdiepie and he is clearly a racist (I can't understand why anybody still gives him attention TBH) but "cracka" is also a racist and and derogatory term used against white people. You can't call a person racist by using a racist term yourself this is the height of hypocrisy
Though I agree with your general sentiment it's worth distinguishing between the two as they are far from equal in terms of weight. One is a word that was used to oppress and subjugate an entire race and the other is a word that was used primarily as an insult toward slave drivers.



I believe that still won't be enough for his gigantic fanbase to diminish significantly. However, he is losing support more and more. Eventually, if he perseveres with his blatant racism (if you acknowledge doing something wrong, sincerely regret it and want to become a better person, you don't repeat the same behavior in such a short time, period)... Yeah, I'm not even sure how I want to end that sentence, I'm too cynic for that. He will probably stay on YouTube and make money.


The ๖ۜBronx;249082990 said:
Though I agree with your general sentiment it's worth distinguishing between the two as they are far from equal in terms of weight. One is a word that was used to oppress and subjugate an entire race and the other is a word that was used primarily as an insult toward slave drivers.
You can't pick and choose what's a racist term, a racist term is a racist term. If a black person calls a white person a racist term what do think a the white person is going to do?
There is no room for racism in all its forms no matter what history there is behind it.


how many times can you ''accidently'' say a word that shouldn't be said by anyone?

If you think back to the 360 when everyone was in open voice chat, the thing that really surprised me was how much people just throw the word around like it's nothing, I think unfortunately it's just become an everyday word for a lot of people
You can't pick and choose what's a racist term, a racist term is a racist term. If a black person calls a white person a racist term what do think a the white person is going to do?
There is no room for racism in all its forms no matter what history there is behind it.

Not sure where I said otherwise, so please don't act like I'm suggesting racism is alright. I just don't think the two should be held with equal weight and that the distinction is important to understand the history of the terms. Two things can be in the same group and still hold wildly different connotations.


Twitch definitely won't do anything. Just like in real life, the popular and famous streamers get special privileges and don't have the same rules normal people have

The most he's going to get again it's a slap on the wrist and his fans will continue to follow him. He'll never actually learn anything or be sorry for what he's done.


Twitch definitely won't do anything. Just like in real life, the popular and famous streamers get special privileges and don't have the same rules normal people have

The most he's going to get again it's a slap on the wrist and his fans will continue to follow him. He'll never actually learn anything or be sorry for what he's done.
He streams on YouTube, but yea. I'd doubt twitch would do anything as well
Twitch definitely won't do anything. Just like in real life, the popular and famous streamers get special privileges and don't have the same rules normal people have.

Name a famous actor, actress or presenter - especially whose role deals predominantly with the entertainment of children – that could say the n-word repeatedly as an insult in public discourse and not have their career burned to the ground. It really is on another level with the online celebrities.


But it's not too late for our kids, and I genuinely am concerned about terms like the n word because I can't find anyway to explain it away other than racism, and that's exactly what I want to avoid. I don't want them thinking someone else can do something they can't, or that they need to tread carefully. I want them growing up thinking that the color is completely irrelevant.

pewdiepie says otherwise, in addition to his racial slurs. it's hilarious how the crux of your argument is that you're too scared to explain racism to your kids because you think it'll somehow poison their minds and make them racist or that they're too stupid to understand the issue. eliminating racism doesn't start by not "seeing color", that's the fucking end result, eliminating racism starts by confronting the issue and acknowledging that it exists today and will continue to in the future. so congratulations, because of your fecklessness you're aiding in its perpetuation.


I feel like in two of those instances he caught himself. Obviously this confirms that the time that got him trouble was not an isolated incident or just an "in the heat of the moment" slip up. Clearly he's been comfortable using that word pretty flippantly in the past. That said, I give him credit for catching himself. That is "the filter" in action. Eventually it'll be second nature to not drop the n-bomb when something happens in a game instead of the opposite. How much of his fan base and/or sponsors (does he even have sponsors?) will stick out the interval is questionable.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I didn't mean to ignore your reply before if that's what you're referring to. There no longer is a discussion to be had on this topic imo after all the closed threads in OT. It's tired at this point imo. Circular disscussions all over the place.

Maybe if people actually acknowledged their bigotry we wouldn't keep having these topics. You know what is even more tiring and insulting on top of that is people coming into these topics to give us your same vapid response to people being justifiable disgusted and pissed about racism in some form or another.
Can we have a discussion in a separate thread about the Blue Hole side of things too, without focussing on how pdp is a racist asshole? He is, and this should be discussed too, but I feel how pubg deals (or non deals) with this, and bans lesser known streamers and players by clearly measuring their actions differently is worthy a separate discussion.

They know exactly what happened, repeatedly. If a streamer as big as this would have reported someone of using racist slurs repeatedly, with video proof, they'd ban his ass. But they clearly don't give a shit in this case, and that's disgusting. No statement, no warning, no "last chance", no "it's ok we're fine with it" even while it seems they really are, as long as he's bringing in the money.

It sucks, but it also kinda derails this discussion on pdp himself, so maybe someone with a better grasp on the English language than me feels the same way and can put up a good thread about it. If that's okay with the mods, that is.
Has anyone made this thread yet? Definitely worth discussing.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
You can't pick and choose what's a racist term, a racist term is a racist term. If a black person calls a white person a racist term what do think a the white person is going to do?
There is no room for racism in all its forms no matter what history there is behind it.

The White people used the N word while enslaving black people, while lynching them, while attacking them as they fought for their rights and whenever they wanted to reduce the to something beneath them. It is a word white people created and gave incredible power to through the history of this country.

Cracker is a term slaves and their ancestors used to insult their owners and oppressors because unlike the white people, they never had the power over others. It was a tiny outlet for an abused people to vent at the people who did this.

If you can't see the absolutely massive gap in the power, history, and societal context, let alone get insulted by it then you have some serious soul searching to do.


pewdiepie says otherwise, in addition to his racial slurs. it's hilarious how the crux of your argument is that you're too scared to explain racism to your kids because you think it'll somehow poison their minds and make them racist or that they're too stupid to understand the issue. eliminating racism doesn't start by not "seeing color", that's the fucking end result, eliminating racism starts by confronting the issue and acknowledging that it exists today and will continue to in the future. so congratulations, because of your fecklessness you're aiding in its perpetuation.
It's astounding how so many people simply can't grasp this basic notion. The fact that this needs to be repeated over and over is so tiring.


It's come to the point where he seems like a douche. Even if this is an attention seeking situation (which it likely is - he knows the uproar it causes by now) it is in general a pretty shit thing to do.

There's a point in his career where I don't think he cares for what his followers think.

Will add he doesn't look well in that photo in the OP. Mentally.

Fuck him.
I blame the people that watch this crap and make the people famous in the first place.
Yeah, when kids started watching a guy play Fight Nights at Freddy's years ago they definitely were also aware that he was going to call someone the N word while playing a game in the future.
This is a very sad thing, not because of him, i mean, the world its full of assholes, one more is no surprise, but because he is the rolemodel of many young people and its normalicing this kind of behaviour.

It also shows one of the biggest problems of this era and the new "internet idols", , wich is the lack of any and all control mechanisms. With other cases, like singers, sports stars, etc, we had our share of moroms doing/saying stupid things, and just like with tihis guy, their fans would allow and even praise anything. However, there was always some sort of mechanism to limit that behaviour. Be it their company, the organization they depend upon, whatever. But here what we see is a complete lack of control by youtube and most related mediums.

This is terrible in many ways, because it puts a huge power in the hands of someone who, just like this guy,, could turn out to be ra really bad influence for its millions of fans. A platform like youtube cant be silent with this kind of thing and expecting youtubers to "police thenselves" its just silly.
This amazes me about the whole situation also. There is no one around him that says: dude, fucking stop the streams for a bit, this is not a good idea at the moment. There is no PR guy or manager with him who runs stuff by him, or who can put out fires if needed. If you screw up that much and are in the news for this stuff multiple times now this year, hire someone to work with you on that at least.

The new favorite teen singer or whatever might also be a racist, but at least his management will keep that shit private if they can help it. You can bet that of a racial slur "slipped out" during a concert, that will have major consequences. In Youtube world, there is zero control or accountability.


1st - "you stupid fucking nig- oh jesus christ!" (a month ago)
2nd - what a fucking nigger" (september 10th, 2017)
3rd - "nigger" (september 10th, 2017)
4th - "my nev-oh hello!...I don't even want to say the censored version" (september 14th, 2017)

This 4th times comes right after his response/"if apology" which was on september 12th, 2017.

Quoting myself here but...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0Y4PwAtpV8#t=1m55s - "18!! 18!! 18 nigge-"

So that's 5, do I hear 6?

There's probably way more instances of this that went under the radar.
I am a African American man... and ill be honest, i dont know if he is racist, i think he just is a different type of stupid... and just says whatever comes to his mind to get reactions from people.
Sadly its probably too late to ignore him into oblivion because his base is to large, and even with these crazy controversies...he still has a huge following.


Can they just fucking ban him already? Imagine the millions of dollars that he's single handedly lost Youtube in ad revenue, and the lost millions of dollars in revenue for other content creators.

He's single handedly gotten so much money sucked from the fucking youtube ecosystem it's absurd.
What I said about him in another topic

He's a fucking racist that's getting too much attention. I mean if you are still a fan of him after everything that's he's done then no amount of outing him will convince you to hate him. I mean there is a topic on this board every time he says something racist, why?


Gold Member
Yeah, thats one swede I am ashamed for.

It's a piece of crap that he managed to be at the right time in the right place to get so famous.


Never watched his content anyway but this just compounds it really. Frustrating that younger people I know hand-waive it because they like his general personality tho.

Not gonna give him another second of my mental energy.


Who is more racist, pew or jon tron

In US terms:

Pew's more like call the cops on a "suspicious" neighbor and pulling his white friends to the side when dating interracially on some, "I can see why you like them...but something about them rubs me the wrong way..."

After Charlottesville JonTron probably renewed his license and is doing research on trucks with wide wheelbases for maximum minority carnage


Has his viewership gone up or down since this controversy?

Just want to make sure he's not benefitting from being a typical online douchebag.

Joe T.

Why is this arsehole famous again?

I'd love to question his regular viewers just that, what initially drew you to him over all the other people putting out Let's Play videos. I've only watched a couple of his videos thanks to the attention he's received here.


H3H3 out here being mealy mouthed and asking the important questions:

- Are white people the only ones getting offended by the N word?

- Are fire watch Devs being petty by DMCA? Is this an illegal vendetta?

- Is pewdiepie REALLY racist?

Ugh, they're just running interference for him again and saying it's disappointing. Ugh
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